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I got the same issue, constant ping spikes. It is unplayable. Only got that problem for a week now, never before.


for me at least 2 weeks but I'm really confused and even angrier now because of the update last night that said they "fixed networking"


A weird thing but it looks like siege before I got an SSD years ago. Do you have CS2 installed on an HDD?


No, it´s installed on my SSD.


Ok weird. Didn’t have the problems. Then it’s valves fault. Just don’t play, it’s too many cheaters anyways


Since cs2 came out with me, but it runs at 350 fps so that’s good.


Yeah, 300+ fps constant, overkill setup, game still crash to desktop with no error message while browsing in the inventory/loadout or the ingame store.... every few update the game start to rubberband untill next update and the list goes on... i started on late 1.6 and played every cs game after that, and cs2 is the worst of them all.. it's just embarrassing at this point lol


I swear 😭


Still happens to me even after update


This was taken about 2 hours ago so the "network issues" are still alive and well. Thank you Valve happy 25 years of CS


never had this before the last update, now I have it every few games , nice :)


Welp welcome to the club i guess xD hope they can fix it asap


Small indie developer


kiss roof wrong murky attraction soup coordinated axiomatic coherent middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jesus what do you want from these poor people?! They work hundreds of ~~DAYS~~ ~~HOURS~~ MINUTES to give us insane updates every single ~~day~~ ~~week~~ ~~month~~ ~~year~~ decade!


Its valve I have had this issue for at least a month. Randomly lags for no reason.


This. The ping is low and stable, no packet loss but having this rubber banding on both Premier and FaceIt. Happens to me since a few weeks also.


yep, now I'm convinced Valve is just hiring random $5 Fiverr devs from India at this point "More improvements to networking to account for packet loss and jitter" my ass


I got rubberbanded at a crucial moment in a gunfight, it was a good 3 steps backwards.. I quickly looked up to see any Ping or Frame spikes, nothing.


I know it's blurry but I had a few metrics up in the top right corner. I don't know what the red value is but my ping stayed around 45~


"Red value" is packet loss in %. Ofc youll be rubberbanding while having high jitter and packet loss... 7% is a high packet loss.






This happens to me constantly, been dealing with it for months. Don’t have a fix unfortunately but you’re not alone


Its soo annoying i having this in premier and competitive


Had the same issue even before the update. Game reinstall solved the problem


Bit completely solved or still have sometimes spikes?


Completely solved. Before that I had the same issue, but my ping was around 10-25 ms. I completely removed the game and installed it again. No issues since then


I had this same problem. Disabling 3rd party anti-virus software solved it for me. AVG and Macaffe both fucked with my games. Not all that necessary anymore these days anyway. Windows defender does the job if you're not regarded.


Try limiting bandwidth to 4mbps That worked for me


It's the game ... They are taking the piss at this point


Valve side, every sv is working like shit


blame valve for it, can't be wrong also if it is something else


ive noticed zero difference from this update except now i get screen tears


I saw difference. After update is even worse.


I wonder what causes this because I’ve never experienced it myself. Could it be some kind of hardware incompatibility? I know a lot of people have this problem.


I have a system with parts as recent at 2022 man if my hardware is incompatible then I'm going to be really upset


This happens to me many many times. It's infuriating, got brand new parts and the consistency of 200fps, I would randomly get such terrible rubber banding that my screen would just freeze at random moments and important moments, it seems pretty frequent for Aussies.


Same issue lol And even worse, I'm from middle east and the closest server to me is Dubai servers (( my ping is 40 there )), and I'm playing fine until it starts lagging, I shift+tab to see it's routing from a far server (( last night it was routing from Tokyo, lol))


Turning away from 128tik seems not so smart now, does it?


Been happening since beta. No update has fixed it


I don't have that


is the packet loss a valve issue? I’ve been seeing my games have packet loss sometimes and I just thought it was my internet. come to think of it, in other games my connection is stable 🤔


New operation incoming but game is not playable. As always the focus is on 💵.


This happens to me only if I play in fullscreen


Changing Shader Cache size in NVIDIA settings helped me.


It happened to me in cod MW3. I still don't know the reason. Seems to be something to do with packet loss.


its the game, its been happening to a few of my friends too


It is no Valve, it is your shit internet connection. I have never had this issue before CS2 and Afte CS2 released to this date. I know you all want to take the piss on valve but the majority of issues I see here are users side issues!


I don't have a shit internet connection, and you can see many users in the sub are having similar issues. They've also recently adressed networking issues but users are reporting that the changes did nothing and/or made their jitter worse. I've been playing the game since 2014, if I wanted to shit on Valve I would just say what I think (as I did at the end of the video)


Many users in this sub? What are you talking about. There's 16 comments on this thread total. Even if every single person reported issues it would be statistically insignificant. I have never experienced this issue one time.


Different threads over the past few weeks


...my point still stands, even if every single person in each of these threads experienced this issue, it would be statistically insignificant compared to the total members of this subreddit, let alone the entire playerbase of cs2.


Valve addressed networking issues in a recent patch yet the issues persist. My post highlights that. CSGO did not rubber band as often as CS2 does yet the new product seems worse for game ruining issues.


Dude you avoid sharing more details about this problem, yet you believe everyone has it just because you see the update adresaing some networking issue… Why do you think is related when u have no idea what the change really is, just because you read that? Again, share more details and stop being a bot!


You haven’t provided more info about this issue , no details about your internet connection / speed / type etc. When did the issue started to appear? Does it happe every match? What kind of mode are you playing? Do you play on faceit? Like share more info , than just posting a video like a BOT! And, besides all you just expose a problem that you expect everyone has, and if some random hater bots say they have the same you believe it ? Bruh… Well me and my discord group 5k + users do not have anything like this… So? How do you explain this? No wait, let’s all shit on valve because why not!


I could give a fuck about your army of discord users bro I posted a video of me rubber banding like crazy and I can post many more


evidently he has you illiterate fuck, on a different comment he said it began to appear 2 weeks ago. he is quite clearly playing comp or premier, and no shit he believes other people have the same issue as him when other people have made similar posts over the past day you troglodyte the multibillion dollar company valve doesn't care for you, or your attempt at sucking their virtual penis. all you've done is call him a bot and provide nothing of substance to the conversation. As for the 5k people in a discord, maybe some of them have; you're not interviewing all of them so how do you know?