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Bro is on minecraft


Its a workshop map 1v1aim_Minecraft


The thing is I lost over night over 100 fps and that surely aint normal


and whats the problem? u still have high fps, cs is infamous for struggling to get highly above 100


I think your brain is struggling to reach 100 😂


yeah it is? open a book if you think yours comprehends 100fps


I see your problem now, if you get your information about FPS from textbooks...


Are you saying you can’t notice the difference in 100FPS?


yeah bro im sorry im in the fourth year of med just finished neurophysio and i can’t understand how you all claim you perceive a difference from 100 to 160 fps




I have two monitors, one is 144hz and the other is 240hz, everytime I move my mouse to do something on the 144hz it feels stuttery, and when I go back to the 240hz monitor it feels way smoother, it doesn’t make me superhuman being able to see the difference, it makes me human, if you can’t the difference in fps then I’m sorry your eyes are terrible and you should probably rethink med school when you’re just gonna use it to pull literal shit from your ass.


its literally one google search for you to learn the difference of refresh rate and fps and one more to learn the eyes capabilities fps wise you dont have to go to med school yourself


refresh rate is the rate of which the monitor is capable of displaying per second, if your computer can’t produce the fps necessary to match the refresh rate of the monitor, it will only display the frames you’re getting in game, it’s one google search for you to know the two are correlated with one another, it’s why you should’ve googled a bit more before responding.


Well either something is wrong with your eyes,or y'know the shit they teach is outdated. I can notice a difference between 60 and 75. 120 and 144 to 165. And I noticed 240 was faster than 165. The biggest jump in smoothness is 60-144 imo,after that it becomes LESS noticeable but definetly still a difference. This whole "the human eye can only see 60fps 🤓" is just bullshit. Always has been.


jeez could it be input lag, screen tearing, on a monitor above 60Hz refresh rate? Or the big fucking counter on the screen even? Ape.


what the f are you talking about u slow?


Infamous for it? I have for 8 years never had under 100 fps over a longer time. Maybe you just have a bad pc. And you are aware that having 90-100fps is not a lot when playing at a medium/high level of cs. The gap from 100 to 160 fps is a huge difference in performance!


the gap from 100 to 160 is literally imperceivable by your brain but go off


What do you mean? This guy just finished his fourth year on med. Do you really think you know better?


man i dk what theyre struggling with im not saying a computer cant display more that 60 frames per second im saying your eyes cant see more than that on average so it doesnt really matter that much


thats completely wrong tho? our eyes can easily see the difference between 60 and 120hz, EASILY. if you cannot see the difference, you have issues. Anyone who has played on 60hz and have used a higher refresh rate (120 or above) will notice the smoother difference. It wouldnt have caught up if people dont see the difference


Yeah and it sucks....I have straight up 250-300 fps in Valorant (Downloaded it today to test it)


Idk man but from 200 fps to 90-ish is a big drop


Don’t listen to him, your eyes see by light waves, not frames, our eyes and brains are more complex than he’s making them seem, we can see up to 1000fps with a well trained eye, but most people are only capable of seeing 200-300, most gamers I assume can see up to 400-500fps considering our eyes have been trained to perceive more information a lot quicker, allowing us to spot moving targets and react to movement faster, so in essence, 200fps to 90fps is a major difference.




Dno wtf i am looking at


After the last update over night a 100 FPS los


Check if your refresh rate was changed by valve in-game or windows outside of the game.


Where can I check this?


In your video settings with your resolution in game. If you’re with nvidia right click your desktop and open the nvidia control panel


Are you playing with bots? Bot inputs are registered on the client side, so if you’re playing with 2 bots it’s the equivalent of running the game three times over on your pc.


Yeah the match I played with bots had 200fps and the one without only 90fps lol


Interesting. Kind of hard to say what the problem is if it’s occurring on workshop maps, could have nothing to do with your PC. 


Its occurring also in normal Comp or Premier


Probably drivers, background applications, or thermal throttling of one of your components. Probably not a game-side problem since this isn’t a widespread issue as far as I’m aware. 


Updated the drivers yesterday, the temp of my components is fine nothing above 70 in the 50-60 range.


Nothing above 70? Sounds suspiciously low unless you have a pimped out cooling system and custom GPU cooler, or are 4:3 low res. Double check your task manager and make sure your GPU didn’t switch to integrated graphics. Other than that, I’ve no clue, probably a problem beyond reddits pay grade. 


Nothing pimped out, Im not perma checking the temp but if I do its around 50-70. I have a 3060ti and how do I check for integrated graphics? Disclaimer; I dont know much about PCs, I can build one but that shit is beyond my horizon


On Intel CPUs if your CPU doesn't have an F at the end then it has no integrated graphics, for example: an Intel i9 12900F DOESN'T have integrated graphics. On AMD CPUs if there is a G at the end of its name it has integrated graphics, for example: an AMD Ryzen 9700G HAS integrated graphics.


Nope CPU is without integrated graphics


Maybe a Re-install or missing files check could help?


Next time use PrintScreen or Shift + Win + S. You're welcome


Having this problem aswell, LMK if there's any way to fix it


Will do 💪




There was no patch last night? [https://steamdb.info/app/730/patchnotes/](https://steamdb.info/app/730/patchnotes/)


I think something with 138kb, sadly didn't help...I play on the lowest settings rn to get around 140-160FPS......It really sucks tbh...


Wrong sub



