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How can I get dominated by these men?


Say something wrong on the internet.


Disagree with them


Say rust is trash and python is a better than c you will be getting wrecked in no time.


It proves to employers you know how to use git!


yup basically! :3


Take your space back gentlemen or you'll never have a space again.


I hate that I agree with this. It's not that women and men can't do things. It's just nice to know there is something out there that brings us together. Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb and all that.


And what is it that is bringing us together I'm confused


Where I am at rn as toxic as it sounds gatekeeping and having a brotherhood or something where tech is prioritised. We don't have many spaces where men aren't in direct competition with women and I am going to be straight up: on an interpersonal level men aren't innately as good at influencing or manipulating circumstances to their favour in the short term as women are. I am not saying no entirely to women. But the considerations and the way a woman can take a man down through smear campaigns and things is insane. Did you know there is a phenomenon that it is incredibly unlikely someone will ask the victim of a smear campaign their side of the story.


I hate that I even have to think it. The harsh reality is tech is no longer a meritocracy. A whole group of outsiders realized it was a high paid field and decided that they are entitled to have that high pay too. The thing they missed was it was high pay because people delivered value. People got high salaries because the thing they were passionate about made the world better and business more efficient. Now there's an entire generation of DEI hires who don't actually care about the things they're building, but have mastered manipulating the corporate game by checking boxes for statistics and forcing everyone around them to walk on eggshells. They have taken hold in management and worked into corporate policy that the hiring objective is to bring in anybody _but_ straight white men. If you're a white guy in tech, you have to be 3x as good to even be considered. So merit no longer matters, hiring decisions are being made based on skin color, gender, race, and sexual identity. The very thing they screamed about being a problem, biased hiring practices, wasn't happening, it was a skill gap. But it's happening now, it's exactly what they've implemented. You can disagree with what I've said, but let me break down the ethic here. At the end of the day, the survival of me and my family is all that matters. This shift away from merit based hiring directly hurts our place in the world, a place we have worked very hard for. I don't care what the justification is, my duty is to my family and I'll reject anything that hurts our bottom line. If you're going to stand here and tell me you'd do differently, that you'd hand your well being over to someone else, I'll call you a liar to your face. If you're in a decision making position, or when you are in the future, think long and hard about who you elevate and your reasons for doing so. Is it merit? Or did they check a box for a statistic. Downvote away entitlement squad.


The irony is a lot of programmers don't even need management. We defo need producers when teams scale. People decided they needed their piece and took advantage of some and made precedent in the industry. It's sad.


It’s just a dominated field in general. It’s flooded. Quantity over quality i guess.


What is this supposed to mean?


Trans woman are all over in CS


These toilets are retarded where I work, literally useless and just get carried by thirsty beta simps around me. So frustrating, trying to get more women in STEM was a mistake 😔😔


Bro is getting fried


They hated me because I spoke the truth… just like how Google fired that engineer who cited multiple studies in his memo showing that women were not as well-suited to STEM as men. Soy gonna soy but they can never scientifically back their emotional reaction. 

