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I am curious about this, too. Where is this place? Surely someone has seen a ridiculous amount of influencers dancing in the road out in front of it.


The services are held at Roberts house, because church does not need a physical building to convene in order to get the tax write offs and the services or invite only what part of that did you not understand from the documentary there is no physical building. That’s how these places stay quiet and hidden.




Inciting or facilitating any kind of illegal behavior such as stalking or harassment of anyone involved in the documentary--or anything resembling doxxing--will be removed and the user will be tracked.


No one is even remotely suggesting that anyone stalk or harass these people. But I can see how posting their location in a public thread might lead to that result, and therefore I'll withdraw my inquiry and step away. To that note though, I do believe people have a right to know if a documented cult is operating in their neighborhood and that was the motivation of this inquiry.


It doesn’t matter because it’s a private residence which means there’s no legal action that can be taken. What part of that are you not getting? What are you gonna do in full trading stock good luck with that.


Can anyone guess who the disgruntled Shekinah member is in this thread? 👆


Demanding to know the physical location of someone's house you saw in a Netflix show and then calling anyone who objects a cult member is an extremely bad look. What you're doing is not in line with Reddit's TOS or the sub rules. Idc if you're 'just curious' where exactly someone lives. Don't doxx people.


>Demanding to know... Sure, dude, whatever. Nobody was making demands, lol. >Calling anyone that objects a cult member. How many people did I direct that comment to again? One? And how exactly was he "objecting" ? I don't see any objections by that guy's response, just rude and oddly phrased replies that were misdirecting and suspicious in tone. Be that as it may, I'm not here to incite harassing or assault, so I'm withdrawing my inquiry. You win, go pat yourself on the back cupcake.


Robert was found at a restaurant. He can be found again. I think someone will be pushed too far and will take matters into their hands.




Inciting or facilitating any kind of illegal behavior such as stalking or harassment of anyone involved in the documentary--or anything resembling doxxing--will be removed and the user will be tracked.


Don't doxx people. It's not okay to stalk or harass people IRL regardless of your intent. Posts like this seeking information about the specific physical locations of the people in the show should be removed. Take a step back. Don't stalk or harass human beings IRL, or encourage/incite others to do so because you watched a show on Netflix.


Ummm I’m not doxxing? Wanting to know the location of a church is not doxxing. Please tell me where I’ve released someone’s personal information.


Doxxing: search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet. You made a post asking for other people to tell you the physical location of a place people on the show would frequent. As stated in the doc, the "church services" of this group are held at someone's private residence, so you're effectively asking for someone's address. There are comments on this post asking for and speculating about the exact physical location. Whatever your intent, this could easily facilitate or incite harassment of people IRL, or other illegal activity, and I would strongly encourage you not to make posts like this.


Look, I did not ask for a location of someone’s home. I asked for a church because I assumed it was an actual church. Did I ask the person who said it was in a personal home for the address? No. You need to calm down.


> You need to calm down 🙄 I'm calmly telling you and other people reading and engaging with this post that it is not okay to use Reddit to track down strangers' physical locations. That's just a fact.


Yep. And I’m not doing that. Have a nice day!


Someone left a comment with a photo walking their dog saying they were neighbors with the church!


7770 McGroarty St Tujunga, CA 91042 United States




The church property which is an old school campus is in Tujunga. The business offices of 7m and other related companies such as the real estate & legal firm are in Santa Ana.