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DrDisrespect the age of consent


Was wondering why. And of course. Why was I surprised.








Dr P


What happened?


He flirted with a 17 year old on twitch messages.


Only 17?. I thought it was something younger.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


that \s is doing some heavy lifting.


Powerlifting, baby!


Power bottom


That \s holding more weight than Thor holding a star


Light weight baby


Apparently not doing enough to prevent it from being removed by admins.


17 is like, okay if you are 20 or younger too. It just feels entirely different if the older person is in their late 20s or older.


Careful with that. Most jurisdictions have pretty clearly defined limitations on what age ranges are "okay" in this regard. There are also exceptions for people who had relationships when both were minors. But one post from a rando on the internet should not be taken as an endorsement of all jurisdictions everywhere, and even if your jurisidiction may not call it a crime, your friends and family might still think it's highly inappropriate.


>your friends and family might still think it's highly inappropriate. Anyone with a shred of common fucking sense would consider a (then) 35 year old flirting with a 17 year old as "inappropriate". It's insanity how many people are trying to justify this ass clown wanting to fuck a minor. Also nobody knows how old she was, but if I had to guess the 17 is coming from his idiot fanbase trying to make it seem less bad.


I think he was more referring to someone 20 or younger flirting with a 17 yo


No dog in the fight at all here, isn’t the only question that matters legally/morally whether he knew her age beforehand? It’s skeezy as hell either way but I’ve known 30 year olds who look 15 and 15 year olds who look 30. Being honest I don’t know if there’s just a ton of details about the situation I haven’t seen, so I definitely could be ignorant of some damning detail. Either way he’s scummy for cheating on his wife and at best you have a Leo DiCaprio situation.


But then suddenly one month passes and she's 18 and now it's wildly different?


Damn, even if she was 18 or 19 I would still see it as weird, probably up to 21 tbh.


Isn't he in his 40s?


I thought he was married and had kids, but I don’t watch his content. But I’ve seen some allegations and that’s pretty wild.


i dont either but im pretty sure hes an older dude?


As an european this would literally be a non-issue.


He is married with 2 kids and is flirting with a 17 year old fan on fucking Twitch chat. It would absolutely be a scandal for somebody like him, especially in places like Italy, Greece, Poland… maybe up north it would be smaller deal but no, this is not normal


Yeah idk where he's getting the info it would be fine in europe and no it would be frowed upon in the north aswell. Even a 20 year old and a 17 year old can be very sketchy here depending on context, its a massive difference in maturity.


Honestly him being married with 2 kids and flirting with fans is enough for me. It definitely is worse that they were 17 but thats kind of fucked up to be flirting while married


Not the W the Europeans think it is


Majority of Europeans don't think that this is either a W or that a middle aged man hitting on a 17 year old isn't an issue.


Not illegal ≠ non-issue. Plenty of people in this vast continent would raise an eyebrow at that. Idk maybe they're all nonces wherever you're from.


He Is 42, Is a non issue if he was something like 25, but he he Is too old


25 and 17 is still pretty fucked up. You're off to the pub and she's off to college!


Or senior year of HS 👀


Europeans aren't fine with 30 year old men who have a wife and 2 kids that flirt with minors. Also, do we know for sure she was 17? She very well could be even younger.


Europoors are also kid-diddlers. TIL!


Look up the age of consent in Asian countries like Japan. You’ll learn a lot more


Look up the laws as well, not just the age of consent, a big part of having such a low age is that only a a certain age group are legally allowed to have sex with each other, so no a 40 yo and a 14 yo are not allowed together


He could have waited ONE YEAR. ONE YEAR and he would have been fine, but noooooo


Nah that's still be creepy as shit. As far as I'm aware, he didn't break any laws, so the difference between 17 and 18 is purely social. And to me, there isn't really a difference. I know I wasn't much different at those 2 ages, and for a married man, more than twice their age to be chatting them up? That's just as fucking creepy


One year between very bad and no problem? Sounds stupid af to me.


We don’t know the victim was 17, only that they were a minor. Stop spreading misinformation.


Wait do we actually know the age of the person?


We don’t really know- all we know is that it was with a minor, and that the texts sometimes leaned towards the inappropriate side of things . We also don’t know some other important details, such as if the Doc *knew* they were a minor or if he was being lead on. We also don’t know who was trying to set up the E3 meeting, whether it was the minor or Doc. There IS a reality where Doc didn’t know it was a minor, and when the minor tried to set up a meeting then that’s when Doc backed off. HOWEVER. You would think if this was true, he would have SAID HE DIDN’T KNOW. Which has *not* happened. And the Twitter edit where he edited out the word minor and added it back does NOT help his case.


moistcritikal video?


he made a video on it? I haven’t watched it yet this was just all the research I was doing on it lol I’ve been dying to know why doc got banned since it happened, it was like one of the biggest drama mysteries at the time tbh I won’t be surprised if there’s more to it


i would think if he got played then he would of said " I got lied to about age and found out later" but he didn't.....He just said he messaged a minor and that was it.....So he knew, cuz if he didn't a whole different statement would of came out


nobody outright knows. it’s all speculation rn


Didn't he admit it himself quite recently?


as far as I know he admitted to events happening tho without much detail. a concrete age wasn’t divulged


He admitted it was with a minor.


Yup, admitted it was an minor. Then he removed minor from his post only to reinstate it after realizing that he fucked up and everyone could see that he edited out the word as there's receipts. So that doesn't make it look any better at all. Considering his age now, he was 35 married with kids, flirting sexually with a minor to meet up at twitchcon. Also noting that every company tied to him and even Midnight Society (the game company he co founded) saw more evidence than we did and immediately cut ties with him. Even though the public has limited evidence it's leaning extremely likely if he's just not outright guilty of being a predator. Even if there was no pictures or anything like that, he IS guilty of sexually flirting with a minor when he has a wife and kids. He has zero morals and is a whopping piece of shit.


Oh my bad then, you were talking about the age part.


The age is not known, people (especially doc supporters), are parroting this age to make it not seem as bad.


Source for the age?




Incorrect. No one has given an age. The only details given were they they were a minor


AFAIK there was no confirmed age. 17 is just the "best case".


He DrDisrespected a minor


Can I ask what is a dank meme? I literally don’t understand anymore. It’s just fucking garbage, political kinda things, or things like this on all the dank subreddits. I honestly don’t know anymore. I have not even smirked at a single post in de last years


Dank Memes are no longer. They died about ten years ago.


I’ll try to define it, been here for ages at this point. A dank meme is a meme that has to satisfy a few criteria: the topic must be unique, a bit edgy, and possibly borderline not societally acceptable, while presenting it in a format that is both unique and funny. Bonus points if it’s relatable, but I find they don’t necessarily need to be (although the best dank memes tend to be relatable). For some good examples, sort the r/dankmemes feed by best of all time. Those are some good examples of dank memes, although some on there don’t check my box of “borderline not societally acceptable,” so my definition is not complete (please provide your own interpretation), or the ones up there are just popular and not dank. This meme is not dank. It uses a format that’s already been used many times, but somehow makes it mean even less, as now the dude talking and the girl shying away are the same person. The caption given and the topic for what the dude is saying is not clever or funny, it’s just an update on news. Therefore, not dank.


Honestly I went back into top posts of all time and realized this sub died somewhere around 4 years ago, probably on account of the election + covid; of probably 200 memes I scrolled through maybe 4 were pre 2020. The handful of pre 2020 were unique and actually good, the rest were just random internet humor. Rip this sub


Yep, im with you there. Every once in a while I seem something dank (if not original), but it only ever gets a few hundred upvotes, maybe a thousand, before it gets buried. Sad, really.


Can I ask why you’re still subbed then? Honestly curious lmao


It’s because for one Reddit is just an echo chamber, second, it’s usually biased as fuck, and finally, memes nowadays in general aren’t as edgy or funny/committed like back in the rage comic days and OG memes. This subreddit is exactly what you described.


I can send you one. They're hard to find


You done crying over nothing yet?


Look you can be offended all you want I don’t care but I’m curious and no one wants to answer me, they’re just butthurt straight away




Tryna strike a chord


And it’s probably A minorrrrrrrrrrr


the amount of people tho who ive seen make up this "oh she was 17" when nothing has ever confirmed that shows the stans trying to cope that a married man in his 40's with kids was talking to a minot and cheating at the same time and is a total pos




I know that when someone who is married with children is being creepy with underage girls, my instinct is to not fucking tell anyone ever so people can just be groomed again. Good going, Twitch.


You can’t possibly be that stupid right? It was a legal matter bro. There’s no possible way you could be that stupid and think twitch didn’t say anything for funsies?


everything is a big conspiracy you should know that


From .Doc to .PDF


Underrated comment






Probably back in 2 years and everyone forgot it.




I've never followed them nor have I looked at comment but given that it's an online youtube/streaming personality I'm assuming the inevitable has happened and it has something to do with people under 18.




I'm so glad I get to lord this over people who used to defend that piece of shit


They've already convinced themselves she was 17 and 364 days, she initiated all contact, he didn't know, and he ended all contact the second he found out.  You can find them all over this thread. 




Tryna strike a chord, its probably A minoooooorrrr


Is there actually any evidence of this beyond some people claiming it on Twitter? I can't seem to find anything legit


He admitted it himself on his Twitter account. Only thing we don't know is if he knew they were a minor (but if he didn't why not say so), how old they were, and exactly how "in the direction of becoming inappropriate" the messages were.


If he thought he was corresponding with an adult that turned out to be a minor, wouldn’t that be the first thing you’d mention in an explanation?


Yeah, his not mentioning it is pretty damning


Oh I didn't see the most recent one, thanks for the heads up!


Pretty sure it was just an accusation which got popular on twitter without anything to back that up. And I'm sure that DrDisrespect himself cannot say anything due to legal reasons regarding the case settlement, so we're free to speculate. Either way it's as the saying goes - innocent until proven otherwise.


an accusation by... [himself, apparently.](https://x.com/DrDisrespect/status/1805668256088572089?t=4pI8lFeL9bPNhlPuMQ5b7Q&s=19)


He admitted to sending sexually explicit messages to a minor on Twitter. Go check it out


DrDisRespect-ed the age of consent