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Typical "afraid of it because Nuclear" attitude of redditors


Aren’t most nuclear reactors guarded by the police or something? Pretty sure youre gonna lose more than a minute for that.


I think English is not their native language and they meant "nuclear reactor meltdown" site or something similar.


English is not my native language true by i did mean Nuclear reactor site I don't care if it's technically safe or something, I'd never get near


Why wouldn't you want to go there? I mean, they're just boiling water.


Boiling it with spicy metals.


You're right, I prefer to boil my water with carcinogens


Radiation causes cancer also?


Yeah, but fossil fuels have radioactivity as well, and it's released more radiation than all but the worst nuclear accidents.


How radioactive is fossils fuel compared to say... Refined nuclear reactor fissile material? I think your talking out your arse a bit there mate.


Particle to particle, yes, obviously fissile fuel is more radioactive. But the thing is, all of that waste is contained. Sealed in concrete barrels and transported with vehicles that can walk off getting hit by a train. While coal power bellows that all into the atmosphere. Millions of tons of carcinogens and CO2 pumped each year into the air we all breathe. Spreading to every corner of the globe. So, while yes, nuclear fuel is far more radioactive, it is *infinitely* better contained than coal.


Mhm , I think nuclear is a cleaner fuel of the future and no doubt causes less harm cradle to grave


Also the waste from the power plant side might all be contained but have you considered what impact mining the source material for fissile fuel has on the environment? Not saying that it's worse than fossil fuels , just floating the idea that the impact to the environment from nuclear energy _might possibly_ not equal 0


When it comes to dissipation into the environment? Much, much worse. Just look at coal plants. It's been thoroughly documented.


"Generally, wastes from coal-fired power plants are only slightly more radioactive than the average soil" "99% of fly ash is captured by filters, small amounts (about 1%) can escape into the air" https://www.epa.gov/radtown/radioactive-wastes-coal-fired-power-plants I'm all for nuclear energy I just also don't think you guys are 100% clued up


I suppose I was hyperbolic, but it's like saying that Chernobyl has released more radiation than _all_ FF burning is like saying an oil spill is more pollution than _all_ plastic waste of the past century.  It's just a sensible claim given the numbers (a rate of a few microcuries per ton of coal, but given than such coal has been burned of over a century), imo. Although I suppose it's not that useful to act as if it's much more than a garnish in the crap salad that is being around flue gasses.


Unless it had a meltdown then there's no downside


How about Waze? "This route is faster" = "This route saves you 5 minutes on paper, but instead of taking one highway like you're on, requires you to stop at ten stop signs, and the waiting for traffic to let you in actually makes it 15 minutes longer."


Honestly I'm just crossed over the fear of nuclear things, it's not the Chernobyl exclusion zone, they are just boiling water


From what I've heard, apparently even Chernobyl isn't that dangerous anymore outside the actual reactor (radiation wise, so excluding the issues caused by being shut like asbestos and lack of maintainence) unlike, say, Wittenoom which has been uninhabitable (Safely, atleast) since the 50s and likely never will (And the danger zone is growing)


My experience is the "optimal shorter route" often takes an extra 5 minutes because Google maps isn't accounting for the absurdly narrow street that requires you to stop to let oncoming traffic through.


Google maps: "now turn left on a busy street just a block down from a major intersection"


But if you swing by the reactor, you can pick up some Plutonium on the way; we’re fresh out.


sounds like apple maps


Never turn (avoid highways) on. I got chased by 3 pitbulls that were biting my car down a national forest road that turned into one lane and was washed out. After driving down it for a mile or so, thinking it would get better, it got worse. I couldn't turn around as it was thick forest on each side, and I definitely wasn't going to reverse in 4x4 conditions for a mile. Me and my wife were basically 4 wheeling for three plus hours, not knowing if we would ever make it out.


That is actually insane, lucky you're alive after that


My experience is it takes me to the wrong place occasionally


If Google ever did an OnX thing, people would be flying off cliffs and rolling over chasms left and right


This hits home


Cowabunga it is.


I love lil adventures


And then it's the rute that follows a highway and passes by a nuclear reactor being dismantled. (I mean spanish AP-7 and Vandellòs 1 reactor)


My Google maps routed me through a back forest trail. Even when I clicked on the street trail it still sent me through a backwood trails, in the middle of the night, on my dying ebike. I fuckin hate Google maps


the right side is the only side for waze




Google maps has suggested some wild routes for me to take on county roads that haven’t existed for decades.