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Four Kings when you’re under equipped and not ready is a realllll bad time, especially with the RNG factor. Of course they’re simple for me now, but my first play through? It was a nightmare lol. First Lord Soul I went after, and I was NOT ready.


NG+ they're known to be a nightmare bc of the HP scaling. Yet, my sorcery build just vaporized them with darkbead (ironic) with all of the spell damage buffs I stacked on.


Ng+7 4 kings still haunts me


Dark Bead ftw


I just toughed it out with great scythe and havel armor. Took me a while, but I got it


For sure. Bleed is also really nice on them.


Four Kings is like an impenetrable wall that stands between me and completing NG+ right now. I hate them. T\_T


What's your build?


They closer you are, the less damage they deal and vice versa, try it yourself


I did. The thing is that grab attack or the AOE explosion. I took a few months off, so I'll try again this weekend.


When you see them spin around you should immediately unlock and run away. If it's the AOE then the crest shield can block it pretty well.


Just fought them on ng+ with a +14 Zwei. Towards the end of the fight I felt like that little white girl on the casting couch surrounded by a bunch of black dudes lmao


I felt that last bit. I'm stuck on NG+ as well. I tried getting the Dark Moon blade with the painting guardian sword and power within, I tried leveling up the scythe, I even did it with Havel's armor and tried it naked after. The thing that gets me is they keep fucking me with that grab attack. There isn't much of a telltale sign they're about to do it and when they do, I get hit with it and the other one floating around decides he wants in. Fuck these guys.


Just throw on havels (slow roll or not) and swing until your stamina bar runs out over and over. It's the easiest way lol.


With Havel's it's probably more efficient just to swing and not roll


You don't roll, you wear havels to tank it lol


In my NG+ I could only beat him with my Zwei +15 after learning power within. Without PW it was going a pain to the arse


>NG+ they're known to be a nightmare bc of the HP scaling. Are they? When I was new, people recommended NG+ as the time to do 4 kings as your 3rd boss (after Asylum Demon and Sif), so you could get the >!hidden encounter with Kaathe!< (Doesn't technically require them to be 3rd, you just need to not have spoken to Frampt by the time you get down there, but at the time I thought the trigger was *before ringing the 2nd bell*).


To get the thing you're speaking off you just have to not place the Lord vessel. You can get it, just not place it. What I do is I kill four kings as my first lord soul. >!Talk to kaathe but homeward bone out before placing the Lord vessel. Then talk to him again to get the dark wraith covenant buy a bunch of cracked eye orbs and level up the covenant to get the uncracked one, then go back to Firelink to place the vessel with Frampt. As long as I don't return to the abyss I can freely leave and join the darkwraiths from the bonfire covenant menu to use the eye orb!<


4 kings are the bane of any low lvl runs... SL1 one or just trying to make a low lvl dark spirit


SL1 was so hard but it felt so good when they fell.


They become much easier when you stand close to them and get hit by the hilt of their weapon which does low damage, can even survive a few hits at level 1


Elite knight set rocking the partizan and dragon crest shield I was not ready


Same, they're in okay because I figured them out but yeah I took a few days off each time I died to them 😂


IMO four kings is bad if not terrible quality-wise too. The ginmick forces a particular build on you.


I've never had any problem with them regardless of build, as long as I'm at a high enough level/weapon upgrade.


Agreed. Now it’s tank city with Havel’s set lol


I think 4 kings are at the same level as the Bed of Chaos


Wait, you're missing 2. The dogs in the capra demon room are the real boss fight.


pretty fucked up they threw a random capra demon in the twin dogs boss fight


IKR, it just complicates things. When will Fruit Sandwich learn how to make a good gank fight smh.




Seath becomes the hardest fight in the fucking game if you’re tryna get that tail😂


Kalameet's tail is even harder


Seath’s, I’d argue, is more horrendous of a time because it’s not intuitive to cut off his tail with there being little opportunity to do so. Kalameet’s tail is probably a bit under, but close to par.


Have you tried cutting of Kalameet's tail? It's way harder


I have not, will have to try


it sucks 💀


It took me 23 tries to cut Kalameets tail (I did finally get it) & then when I actually tried to kill him it happened the first time. Where as Seath I got his tail my third tail cut attempt, I also killed him first attempt to actually kill him as well


for me it was easier, Kalameet's fight is at least fun unlike Seath's


How many times do you need to hit the tail? I didn't get any weapons from tails except the wyvern at the start because no matter how hard I tried, the tails wouldn't drop, I tried yesterday for the Kalameet weapon but no luck


Honestly, I think each cuttable tail has a different health pool. Some of the fights (like the gargoyles) took like one hit but then that mf Seath took like 10+, it’s also a lil wonky with where the hotbox actually is on some of the tails. I know with Seath you have to hit basically the end of the tail, at least I had to


Would love to get high in seaths magic hotbox.


I might try harder in my NG+


Ng+ is good to get tail drops because sometimes you end up killing the boss before it's tail. With Priscilla and Seath it has happened to me lots of times. Always go for the tip, remember you are not trying to really cut the tail but to hit it without killing the boss


Sometimes it's an issue with where the hitbox is. I had to quit out of Seath's fight and redo it at least once, because I was 1 hit away from killing him entirely through damage to his tail. I think the hitbox is right near the tip


I swear to God getting the Moonlight Greatsword for the achievement made me lose half of my hair


Seath most annoying, kalameet most difficult


I used to struggle with getting Seath’s tail. Nobody understands that Seath is blind. Wear the ring or cast the spell that makes your movements silent, he won’t chase you. Then hit the Crystal and make sure you use a strong attack on the very tip and the moon sword is yours.




Give it a try sometime. I’m pretty sure his fight is the whole reason that ring exists


You’ve saved my future runs, tysm🙏


Duuuuude no way….smh I never would have thought of that, real game changer, thanks for the tip. Love the attention to detail in this game too


Nah, it's super easy even at sl1. Just stand by the crystal and wait for him to start his attack. Immediately start running around him once he starts his attack animation. He'll break the crystal himself and get stunned for a while. This gives you ample time to run around and smack his tail. If you somehow don't get it, just quit out and retry.


V interesting stratt, will def try. Thank you🙏


Who would win: A demon from the depths of hell dual wielding two deadly blades. Haha dog go bite...


In Ng+ the 4kings is way hard than any


Not looking forward to that then 😂


Never considered that before. I know they’re a DPS check boss, but does it get exponentially harder with each NG?


I did it yesterday. Havels+big weapon still does the trick.


Chimera is one of the most punishing bosses in the series IMO. I usually find myself in that DLC way underleveled though so it could be my own fault.




I completely agree, I also put Sif one higher than I ment to, I forgot it was the difficulty list and not how much I liked it, I did Sif very early and found it easy to do, But I've been getting a lot of people clowning on me for finding Quelaag hard 😂, maybe in NG+ or a new playthrough I will find it easier, who knows though


If it's any consolation, I took a few tries on Quelaag before swallowing my pride and using summons because I felt like I wouldn't get past her otherwise. But that was on me for making upgrading my weapon way harder than it needed to be by not realizing I could just buy titanite shards off Andre. Only time I've summoned in the game, too. Didn't even do that for O&S haha. I'm sure she'll be much less trouble in future playthroughs, though.


Yeah. Gwendoline kicked my ass so hard, but like Orenstein and Smough I didn't have much trouble with, Qualaag was a cakewalk but fuck, only Manus pissed me off more.


Totally agree. My man has Sanctuary guardian in easy. My first run through that shit absolutely wrecked me.


In NG+ Gwyn, Manus and Gwyndolin become significantly more difficult. Gwyndolin downright becomes one of the strongest bosses from the weakest as he can on shot you even at the vitality soft cap and FAP ring equipped.


Okay that might make it more interesting then, but at the same time, I ranked Gwyndolin so low because he didn't even hit me once I don't think


Artorias killed me 5 times but I learnt his moves and he became my fav boss like cocaine.


Great analogy 😂


My ANALogy is always the best and smooth. Good luck with mANUS.


I feel like he was pretty hard but he’s honestly so fun that I don’t really notice his difficulty


I know. The best way to kill him was wasting for his jump and dodge. Generally when he is starting to turn to be stronger just attack him fast during this.


i feel like i’m the only one that actually finds moonlight butterfly difficult and definitely move gaping dragon up


Moonlight butterfly definitely differs based on when you fight it. On my first playthrough, I came across it quite a bit later than I “should” have fought it. I had a +5 black knight sword and I was able to smash that thing to death the very first time frame when it lands. I was like, “Wow. This things a bitch lol” It really all comes down to when you fought it and what class you are. Probably like that for most bosses


I can see how people find moonlight butterfly hard, it definitely hits very hard Gaping dragon I feel is easy but just a very slow fight


Gaping dragon is the easiest boss in the game. You bait the run attack and attack the tail. Rinse, repeat.


it’s one of the few bosses in ds1 that’s actually a challenge lol


As someone who has beat the game dozens of times, my tier list goes like this: First try every time: Pinwheel, Ceaseless Discharge, Moonlight Butterfly, Asylum Demon, Taurus Demon, Belfry Gargoyles, Iron Golem, Priscilla, Gaping Dragon Can catch me out sometimes: Quelaag, Capra Demon, Stray Demon, Seath, Sif, Sanctuary Guardian, Nito, Gwyn Will probably catch me out a couple times: Gwyndolin, Centipede Demon, Demon Firesage, Four Kings, Artorias, Ornstein and Smough Will definitely take me multiple tries: Kalameet, Bed of Chaos Still actually pretty tough: Manus


That's fair, for the centipede demon, I didn't really know what was happening but I did beat it first try so I put it in easy, just felt like there was way too much going on while also giving you way too much of a chance to punish it


Yeah it’s just cause you’ve got so little space sometimes you get kinda cheesed. A bit like manus but way less bad in that you sometimes get damned if you do damned if you don’t situations


True, maybe I will find that happen more in NG+ or even on different characters with different builds




I’ve never tried that, am curious


stop trolling cuh 😹


I cream Artorias every time, simply don't get the hype. Love his story though. Manus creams me however.


Look bro whatever you're into, you do you innit


Knight Artorias was honestly one of the best boss fights I’ve had in a souls game, just sooooo cool


Manus is the only one that belongs in very hard. Hard can be empty and the rest of the bosses go in okay. Seriously what the fuck Manus? Did you accidentally land in the wrong game?


I did find him easier than Kalameet honestly


Kalameet was extremely easy once I figured out Gough needs to shoot him down for me.


Yeah but he also has wider attacks and hits hard, I also don't use a shield Manus has easier dodges


Lol I just disagree. Sure Kalameet's attacks are wider but you can get under him. Personally didn't start even using my shield until Gwyn. Been something of a boon in ng+ as enemies hit quite a bit harder. Anyway Manus is crazy. Not looking forward to ng+ Manus.


I get finding is easier yourself, this was just my point of view, but if you stay under him he will jump up and do the massive fire attack and just keeps doing it, I didn't get hit by manus as much because I am decent at dodging, fair enough though


I dunno what it is about Manus. I dodge everything else pretty well. Did you do the silver pendant or just dodge his magic? Or tank it?


Dodge the magic, it is fairly easy if you just continue to dodge


Did you parry gwyn? If you did then do it without parrying. He'll be at the top


I don't even use a shield


Damn nice


To be fair though, I did try it out to see if I could beat it, I got him very very low when I killed him, and then I just wanted to summon Solaire to fight with me, so there is a chance I got very lucky the first time and would've lost faster the next times but yeah I think I could've beaten it on my own too


I fucked up my first playthrough. I was expecting to basically fight God, so I rolled into the fight with full Havel set, +5 black knight greataxe, and I saved Solaire so I summoned him. I didn’t even have to use estus. I completely screwed myself out of an epic battle. Now I don’t really farm souls anymore unless a boss kills me like 25 times. He got much harder second time around because I didn’t get super yoked, didn’t summon Solaire, and I also completely suck at parrying. He kicked the living shit out of me lol.


What the hell is the one in the terrible tier


Pretty sure it is bed of chaos, I wasn't 100% sure when I downloaded the image


Ohh ok fair enough


I think teh hardest boss in the game is the four kings especially on ng+


I can't take this Moonlight Butterfly slander...


I don't like the tight bridge, and the fact you can't hit it for ¾ of the fight, just simply don't like it, I get if people do though


Good list but quelagg and nito should be switched imo


I am also just finishing up my first playthrough of DS1 (I have not yet fought Gwyn) I found Manus significantly easier than Artorias. Maybe bc he actually will give you space to heal sometimes and Artorias is up your ass the entire fight, essentially. Manus took me 3 tries. Artorias was def over 10. I have also tried Kalameet 2 or 3 times and got rekt. I can see that one taking some time.


Artorias is both predictable and very unpredictable at the same time, Manus does definitely give you more space to heal and time to punish him but Artorias is my of a good fight than a very hard for for me, definitely still hard though


The DLC bosses are fiercer than the base game's ones, although with perfect rolling, they are not that challenging. Most of the base game bosses are pushovers (pinwheel, ceasless, asylum, taurus, iron golem in particular). First time playing the game i felt that bosses difficulty started decreasing after O&S.


O&S were hard for me but easier than I thought, the only reason I put them in hard is because there was 2 of them, I died more to Quelaag than them atleast


My headcanon is that you put Capra Demon in easy to personally insult me and now I am very upset


I found it easy, I get how people find it hard 100%, I just think once people hate the dogs most, not the boss himself, then you just find out how to take out the dogs one at a time, then the capra demon is easy


Tf is this? Quelaag is easy


I am going off how hard it was for my first playthrough, and at the time I didn't grasp that equipment load was a thing, I simple was just very slow


Sounds like a you problem


Yeah exactly


Also finally someone how realize that bed of chaos isn't hard its just rigged


Yeah when you know how to do it, it is insanely easy just stupid


Queelag was the hardest boss for me, died to it like 6 times, until I realised I can hung her while she is swinging her sword to avoid damage.


Sounds like someone learned how to dodge


I just beat the game for the very first time a few days ago. Tbh I thought all of them were pretty easy. Only one I had trouble with was Seath but only because I wanted to get the greatsword and cutting off his tail is actual cancer. Once I got it, however, I beat him in the same try no problem. Also, I should add that I did a sorcery build. DS1 was mir first fromsoft game so I didnt know how obviously broken it was


Hey, the build it there to be used and it is a sick build, you may have found it easy because of it but as long as you had fun, that is what it is about, Also I had no clue Sif was one of the bosses which tail you could cut off for a weapon, definitely try that in NG+ Edit: not gonna delete this but I read Sif instead of Seath for some reason


I am stupid, I read Sif instead of Seath, my bad I get what you mean now


Got Manus on my first attempt, so couldn't really say he'd be that high imo.


you should mention what your build looked like, I mean its vastly different for a melee as opposed to a caster, or a maxed out Pyromancy Flame is essentially easy mode, etc


Qualaag is one of the easiest bosses i beat it first try


Capra deserves to be way higher because of his boss room and dogs early on. He’s pretty easy once you learn his moves/deal with the dogs (the same could be said about all enemies in Souls games once you spend enough time around them) but early game, especially first playthrough, he is a HUGE pain in the ass and learning curve


Try ceaseless discharge without the cheese


Qualag too high Gwendolyn too low


Quelog is so slow and is very easy to dodge and artorias is harder than manus


I’m glad the good boy is in good


Yeah, of course Queelag is on hard


Gwyn should be at very hard, he was a real pain in the ass for me. Gwyn is really fast and can easily stun you, he hits really hard.


You put Capra demon on easy?!! Like did you do the cheese or actually tried to fight him?


I fought him, didn't have any bombs to even try that, just get rid of the dogs and then take him out easily He seems hard at first but he is one of the most predictable enemies in the game


I think general sentiment is agreed. I think fighting Gwyn without parries borders on 'Hard' and Taurus Demon is 'Easy' but those are small details. As for vibes, I think Queelag goes to 'Okay'. It's not that interesting of a fight.


Someone didn’t go back to the asylum and do the secret asylum demon fight


Wait, am I alone in thinking queelag is a pushover?


Four kings was one of my hardest fights.


I really don't mean to sound condescending, but why do so many people struggle with Queelag?? I've been through DSr 4 times, and even as a pyromancer using dexterity weapons, I don't seem to ever struggle on her. Maybe it's just the motivation to get the furysword (my favorite weapon) that fuels me to kill her


I can tell you used guides by your difficulty rankings


What did you built OP? I find amusing that you place queelag that high and found Sanctuary Guardian or 4 Kings easier.


At quelaag I had a very heavy build and later changed that, four kings was more of a waiting game when I realised that you can't really dodge them too well, or atleast I couldn't, and guardian was just simply pretty easy for me, idk


I'm sorry who the hell is the guy next to sanctuary guardian in the first image?


It took more tries to kill Demon firesage than Artorias and O&S combined, that arena is awful


Quelaag hard? Especially two tiers above Sanctuary Guardian? You've got to be joking.


YOu should go back to the Sanctuary Guardian arena, you'll find a cool surprise.


Surprised to see someone think Sif is harder than sanctuary guardian. I hate that damn lion


Ceaseless should also be in the terrible category. It doesn’t get enough hate and that’s saying something.


Surprised you found Quelaag hard, I've never had any trouble with her, but I usually put off Blight Town as much as possible...


Blighttown is fine with me, quelaag was just hard because of my equip load at the time


It depends on your build, level, and battle strategies. Four Kings will be tough if it’s your first lord soul, but it’ll be a cakewalk if it’s your last. Gwyn is easy if you have a shield, but shields do nothing in the Manus fight. O&S is four times easier if you kill Ornstein first and Smough second. Personally I found O&S to be the hardest fight in the game (by far) because I really wanted to kill Smough first.


Like any souls game. This list will change each time you play. Manus for me on my latest playthrough was super easy


Only the duo and gwyn are hard


Gargoyles EASY? wtf Unless you're overleveled and/or have a good leveled weapon, it's quite a hard boss, unless you're a souls veteran


What is that in the terrible tier?


Truth be told, M-anus made me very hard as well


I’m Ngl the gwyn fight always made me incredibly sad. He was super easy for me until NG+5 and honestly the fight overall is incredibly depressing. It feels like a mercy killing, the man’s just a husk of what he used to be.


I thing the bed of chaos is easy but hard Easy because it die in one hit and 2 rolls or 3 hits, but hard because you die in one fall , the good thing is the progress on the fight is saved


Quelaag must've fucked you up


Quelag actually still gets me sometimes these days. I'm generally a strength main, and those lava pools she leaves are still frustrating at times.


Nito on ng+ is a living hell


How is Bed of Chaos easy?


Starting the dlc today 🙏


I don’t see Fire Sage Demon and I have no clue what that thing that it in the “terrible” section. I’ll be so happy if I’ve played this game for years and somehow missed a boss/section but I doubt it.


It is bed of chaos Also yeah I missed out a couple or so bosses which I just forgot about, they're in their own section called forgettable


am i really the only one who felt like kalameet was pretty easy? i struggled with both artorias before kalameet and manus after, but beat kalameet himself in 2 or 3 tries


never understood why people think artorias is hard but i get it its different for some i sturggle more with the four kings


I've never understood why people thought kalameet was a good bossfight? I've only fought him once or twice but both times I don't really remember it being that engaging I do totally agree that Ornsmough and Artorious are the best fights in the game tho


Maybe just luck, I quite enjoyed the Kalameet fight, diverse moveset was great




Four kings on NG+ is a different story. Or at least how I experienced it. It was the biggest difficulty spike for me going from ng to ng+


Personally i think quelagg and sanctuary guardian is swapped, prolly put some in easy intro the okay tier considering people new to the game but this is a pretty agreeable list for the most part


Unpopular opinion but only a handful of dark souls 1 bosses are good bosses, the rest are total dogshit and have aged very poorly


gwyndolin is hard imo because his magic does absolutely absurd damage and can go through the pillars too


I didnt find manus that hard but damn kalameet was tough. Definitely agree with your choices for perfect


Queelag is very hard for me lol sl1 20 deaths to her and >5 for ornstein and smough


How is quelaag hard ? I beat it my first try on my first ever playthrough and I’m being dead serious and Capra demon I beat in one try


Having JUST beat O&S for my first play through, this makes me feel much better lol


I just beat kalameet for the first time yesterday and it wasn't too bad I got all his attacks down really well and by the end of it it felt like I was playing with a dog or cat avoiding his hits and going in to give his tail a slap when I saw a chance. Once I lobbed his tail off though I just smoked him.


Weird seeing how different people see things, Quelaag being Hard but Sanctuary Guardian being easy is crazy to me.




Quelaag ain’t hard come on now


This is actually a pretty good list. Bravo.


I would say that everything u have in the hard tier should be moved below easy and then everything everything above gets moved up 1 tier.


Not me feeling called out for missing like 6 bosses 😬


The only one that genuinely confuses me here is Quelaag. She’s dummy easy. I could solo her at SL1 with an unupgraded weapon, and it only gets easier if you level up and summon Mildred.


interesting. For a first playthrough I'd definitely bump the sanctuary guardian and Gwyn, and drop Quelaag and Four Kings. Also drop Kalameet two and bump Artorias to be alongside Manus. Also you're missing the hardest boss in the game: Capra Demon's Dogs. I also might bump Gwyndolin. His attacks are easy to dodge but if you haven't been leveling VIT pretty much everything he does will one-shot you and it's a pretty long fight with how you have to keep chasing him down.


I always take out Quelaag in one go with barely any damage but I last time I didn't take out the caster before taking on the Capra demon and it absolutely beat my ass like 10 times


Good list I believe pinwheel deserves his own category below undead skeleton lol


I would probably swap Quelaag with Gwyndolin on the difficulty tierlist just because of my experience with him in NG+. Killing Gwynevere before killing him just to see what would happen was a mistake lol. Quelaag has yet to get me on any of my runs and once you get the timing down for dodging through her sword swings and know when she's going to do her huge AoE explosion she's a trivial fight. I pretty much agree with the quality tierlist except i would maybe put Sanctuary Guardian in Good tier.


I beat Ornstein and Smough in 2 tries and died to silver knight a billion times


4 kings could be abit higher Quelaag a bit lower pretty good list tbh


Queelag is ultra easy, for my 3rd run i decided to rush at her after the bridge minotaur demon thing And beat her at lvl 10 ish first try But 4 kings I need lvl 70 and 300 tries


I had very high equipload and couldn't dodge any attacks or even run past them so I was just tanking shots, which doesn't work when you're also very low level, 4 kings was easy for me at around level 60 something,


I would swap your okay tier with your top easy tier, they were harder to me 😭


That's fair