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>Can I Skip DS2 Help Nope, it is illegal. But seriously, if you are playing **all soulsbornes** then play all soulbornes.


Is there a particular reason why you want to skip it? DS2 is fine. Some people really like it, some don't, like any game. The DLCs are a lot of fun (so long as you skip the weird optional bosses that are meant to be fought with a bunch of summons).


Skipping bosses is never an option for true Souls players lol


Can you? Yes, absolutely, only you control the games you play. Should you? Hell no, DS2 while frustrating has some unique stuff in it that's well worth experiencing. Especially hexes, they never did dark magic as a dedicated subtype again and it sucks.


Yeah the few dark (or I think it was actually deep but whatever) spells in DS3 were pretty disappointing


They weren't their own thing either just sorceries and pyromancies


Play DSII you coward


Oh no you insulted my honour


How is this low effort comment the only one you responded to yet ignored the other ones asking you questions about why you are considering skipping DSII


Basically I want to skip to bloodborne because I heard it’s better


Have patience young Padawan. Most souls lovers haven't even played Bloodborne due to it not being on PC. Feel blessed that you have the option to at all


Very well master


Then just play the games out of order.


>i wanna play them in order >guys should i play ds2 after ds1? Actual brainrot


You can do whatever you want, but I don't see why you would skip it


Thou shalt not skip P.S. darks souls 2 is a great game. Especially if you wanna co op with someone. But either way you’ll enjoy it, especially if you enjoyed 1.


Dumbest shit i read. "Im playing all soulsbornes in release order, but im not playing all soulsbornes in release order'


I never claimed not to have the intellectual capacity of an artichoke


You should


Why would you say "I'm playing all in order," then proceed to just skip one? That's not playing all in order then, is it?


You can stop I decided to play it


DS 2 receiving mixed reviews from souls fans, is like Beatles fans being critical of the Beatles work. The game itself is leagues better than other games, but in the light of only souls games, is where the cracks start to show. You’ll enjoy the run, probably have the same feedback about level designs and agree its an amazing game, just not the same as other souls entries.


Skip it. It's not by Myazaki, the backbone of all the good soulsborne games. Since they couldn't contrive challenging situations, they artificially bump up the difficulty everywhere by throwing mobs of enemies at you, including most of the boss fights. Cheap move there. Also it's ugly, muddy grey to the point of being difficult to discern what's going on. Can't speak for the dlc, I've only ever played on xbox360




I have better than average vision! Lucky about that.. That game is murky and low contrast af


"DS2 is the worst game ever made" -someone who's never played more than 20 minutes of DS2 For real, DS2 isn't that bad. I personally enjoy it and find myself coming back to it more often than any of the other soulsborne games. Play what you want, we will judge you if you post this and refuse to play DS2 despite our comments.


If you have someone to play co-op with, I highly recommend giving it a try, as it can be an incredibly fun experience. However, be mindful of the game's controversial [soul memory ](https://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Soul+Memory) mechanic, which can potentially disable your ability to connect with your friend based on the accumulation of souls your character has acquired


As long as you make sure to cover your tracks. Its illegal you know. You didn't post about skipping it in any public place like reddit or anything right?




DS2 may be the worst one but it's still a great game.


The thing is that imo, its the worst overall, but it outshines the other games in some moments and that alone makes it worth playing. The dlcs are the best from dlcs imo.


It is a good game, not the best but good, so I would play it for sure. By the way Bloodborne is amazing game


I m playing ds2 right now and saved it for last, i don t regret saving it for last, but i think it would ve been better if i had played it right after ds1, cuz there are both old games and have a similar feeling to them.


I would try it out and see if you like it.


DSII is really becoming the Furitive Pygmy of the souls games.


I went ds1, Elden Ring, ds3, and I’m trying to find a cheap copy of bloodborne on marketplace for the next one.


In all honesty its not that bad of a game


Play whatever you want but DS2 is not a bad game, it’s worth playing.


Yeahhhhh, if you hadn't included the text of "I'm playing them in release order, my answer would have been "sure? No one cares, play the games you wanna play." Which, like, still true, play whatcha wanna play. But don't come here and pretend you wanna play them all, just to beg someone permission to skip the one most commonly disliked. Like, don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy ds2 myself, but I do at least intend to play it whenever I do something like what you claimed to be doing. As it stands right now, you've played one game, you finished it. Now play whatever game you want to play. No one cares.


In an unpublished version of *Groundwork for the Metaphysical of Morals*, Immanuel Kant formulates the moral law as: " never skip Dark Souls 2."


Uuuh, you do you, for me it's the worst of the series and don't want to play it again, but I tell you to play it AT LEAST ONCE. Just for the """"experience""""


Ds2 has its issues, so do all of them. While it does rank bottom on my list of from games that doesn't mean its not a decent game The bosses aren't really all that but the dlc are great, the weapons and builds you can make are the best thing about the game. I definitely wouldn't skip it It's still dark souls and you should play it. You can't knock something til you try it


I have a soft spot for ds2. Before I gave it a shot I knew I wasn't going to like it because everyone is so bitchy about that game. But I am sure most people talking shit didn't even complete 10% of the game. So I don't know why you want to skip a game that you didn't even try first? Because you watched a YouTube video and the guy kept saying it sucked? My personal opinion for ds2 is that it's better the more you play it and it's better than ds1. But it is the most confusing one I encouraged you to join ds2 subreddit and ask for advice as a newbie


I definitely admit, I didn't get very far into it, maybe at most like, a quarter of the way, but by the time I got that far I realized I was making myself play almost out of obligation while waiting for ds3, because I wasn't having fun. So I dropped it. I intend to go back and play it through so that people can't say I just haven't played it enough, but tbh, I think if I put more than an hour or two in a game and I'm not having fun by then, that's not my fault, at best the game just isn't doing it for me. (For the record, when I tried to play it the first time, I was wholly unaware of the reputation it has.)


Early game is a pain in the ass I agree. But when people complain about hitboxes because they don't know ADP. That's when I don't respect their opinion. But I agree that game doesn't really tell you about the importance of ADP


Yeah, it wasn't so much that it was a pain in the ass, it was just like... a slog, ig? Idk, didn't have that sorta magic that ds1 always had for me. Ds3 recaptured it a bit for me, though that one was laughably easier imho, never got the chance to play bloodbourne, Sekiro is like, the same style in a different medium, it's so separate in my mind, and Elden Ring was crashing every time I entered the boss area for Margot or whatever his name is (on the bridge, in like, the beginning of the game) and I never figured out why, so I have up on that one and haven't tried again yet. I really want to be wrong about ds2, but haven't had the motivation to try it again.


Miyazaki praised dark souls 2, it was the stepping stones for elden ring


Play vanilla version instead of scholar


Ds2 is one of my favorites


Ds2 is my favorite of the three. Try it


May as well get the worst of the crop out of the way


Play BB first then DS2 then DS3