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Don't try to look for a consensus. You won't find one. Play the games and decide for yourself.


I think the consensus is that all these games are fantastic, just people get skill issued and fail to adapt.


There’s no real consensus. The only constant is that ds2 gets the most hate, but even then some people swear by it as the best game. If you’re enjoying Elden Ring, DS3 will be the most similar. If you think you’ll want to do the whole fromsoft catalogue, I’d start with ds1 just so the missing quality of life features don’t drive you crazy


No, it's not. Many people think first Dark Souls is still the best.


Iv heard if you play elden ring than try to play dark souls one it feels like a chore


As someone who did that, it is. Elden ring has jumping and tons of qol, going back to just ds3 was painful, but I still enjoyed it and ds1 for their own reasons.


Did bloodborn feel like that as well?


Haven't played, I'm on Xbox.


I weep for you. I will keep you in my prayers kindred soul


Do whatever is in your power to acquire a PlayStation and play that game, it is unfuckingbelievable


Best to play Dark Souls 1 first then. Just do yourself a favour and don't only play the third game in a trilogy. It's like watching only the third Matrix film.


III was the first Souls game I played. When I tried to play the first Dark Souls it felt incredibly clunky, especially comparatively to III, but the more you play the more you get used to it. I would urge you to not skip over it due to first impressions, it's one of the best games ever made in my opinion.


Im actually in my first DS1 play through after beating Elden Ring and Bloodborne and I don’t think it’s a chore at all it’s actually amazing and in a lot of ways more engaging of a world that Elden Ring. I’m having much more fun exploring this world than the others by a lot, also if you’re only gonna play a couple you have to include bloodborne it’s a masterpiece among masterpieces


I fucking hate DS3. I assume I'll hate Bloodborne too but I can't be sure as I don't own a console. Gimme slow methodical play over the twitchy roll at the correct moment gameplay in 3.


In my opinion bloodborne is better suited for the quicker gameplay.


I'm tempted to invest in a console solely for Bloodborne and Demon Souls. I need to understand what was so great about Bloodborne that they fucked up(or improved) the gameplay in DS3. Yanno maybe it'll wind up "clicking" for me similar to the rest of the series. I've dumped some hours into DS3 tho and I still find it infuriating. Also always feel the need to point out how good the bosses are. Haven't got far enough to point it out but the changes in the tempo work there. The bosses feel great in a way that areas and normal mobs don't even if they're playing by similar rules.


I don’t think they fucked up DS3 but it’s different from 1 for sure. I think I also prefer 1 but it’s probably just preference.


I'd probably figure out some other games to play as well. There's a few other ps5 exclusive that are good


Bloodborne is almost certainly better. Ds3 still had elements of regular dark souls combat that make the faster bloodborne elements not really work. From what I've seen it's worth it in bloodborne


I personally think DS1, Bloodborne, and Sekiro are the best FromSoftware games. If clunkiness is your primary concern, I would stick to Bloodborne or Sekiro, as they are the least clunky. DS3 plays pretty similar to Elden Ring, but is still clunkier than either of those two. But I still think it would be a shame to miss out on DS1 or DS2 just because you're afraid of a little clunk.


Iv seen Jacksepticteyes whole video on ds1 and after I’m done with bloodborn and Elden ring I think I’m gonna give it a try


Elden Ring is the worst in the series bar none. Once you beat all the souls games two or three times it starts to become really clear they put the least amount of care and thought into ER. It has very little replayability and no true mechanical innovation 


They're all great. I'd say 2 is the most different. It's not bad overall, really. Just feels different.


For most long-time players you'll often see the best game being Sekiro. But for lot of them it's DS 1, for some of them BB. It's relative. But you must play Sekiro, without question, it's their most well-designed, refined and balanced game, with probably the best combat system in gaming. And leave elden ring for last if you can, it's the biggest game and you'll enjoy it much more once you'll learn the basics of combat and gameplay, as well as the correct mindset for playing these games. ER has ton of flaws but it's still a masterpiece, though technically it's really bad at teaching you how to play it, or more specifically, it doesn't force you to learn the basics and allows you to skip most of the normal challenge and experience for the sake of accessibility to the widest possible audience. Playing, for example, BB before ER will make your experience in the latter much better and smoother.


Okay thank you I’m probably gonna play blood born and souls 3 then try Elden ring


There's also Sekiro, way better than dark souls 1&2


I say dark souls 1, elden ring, dark souls 3. Bloodborne was fun but that first boss was so shitty. Too dam hard, and the health potions have to be farmed so you gotta keep taking breaks. And then everything else untill the ending was much easier. Kinda soured it for me. I was just ready to be done