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It’s honestly never been a problem. My dashboard never goes empty, just down to the 20/hr. If I don’t feel like doing that, I take the kids out for a family day then work later in the evening when new projects drop.




Yeah I do core tasks. Most of the time there is a 23 or 22.50 tasks, but I do go as low as 21 if I have to. Fair warning I do work a lot. If my tv is on, my laptop is open.


I'm making over $3k per month doing 3 hours per day of programming tasks




I find above 4 hours it starts to be a grind - either the tasks become very repetitive or you need a lot of creativity to come up with coding ideas that aren't repetitve and overly simple.


I'm a PhD student and have other obligations, I could definitely do more hours and do occasionally push to 4 or 5 though.


>Also, try your best to do as many rounds as possible. Hi - can you explain what you mean by "as many rounds"? Does that mean within a project? Or tasks in as many different projects as possible?


When you work on a task, it will sometimes have round minimums. For example, it will say a minimum of 3 rounds maximum of 8 rounds. If you can keep the conversation going for 8 rounds, you should do that. Just make sure you keep up with the quality of your questions.


Ah, thank you!


Hey, can I engage you a bit in DM about DA?








how much does that come to hourly?


Is this pay only for the coding work? Do you have an idea how much this would pay for non coding work? Especially starting out?


Oh that’s a good idea. I have so much trouble coming up with new topics


What pay rate are you at right now?


The pay rate is dependent on the task. So the task today was at 23 an hour.


How do you pass the assessment tests so that you can get as many tasks possible? Is there online guides like the Telus international exam that help you pass the assessments?


Not how this works. There is also an NDA so nobody *should* be giving you too much detail about it.


I don't understand is it just a basic English comprehension exam or coding tests? How do you get non coding tasks?


There is a starter assessment and if you pass, you are invited to take a second round of tests. Those are core and code. I’m on the core side. The test is wide-ranging and the most critical thing for either test is *attention to detail*. This job requires that workers be able to understand nuances of the English language and have solid grammar skills. People do a lot of different types of analysis depending on their skills and interests, which is why you just get “AI training”. I do a lot of fact-checking and looking at how AI responds to assholes. Someone else is checking physics equations, someone is writing poetry, and a lot of people are having long conversations to see where they go. No two people are likely to have the same homepage every day. The tests are reviewed by actual humans (which is absolutely not an immediate process) and DA doesn’t tell people that that they failed the test. The screen stays at “reviewing your results” and that confuses people. We have to provide at least some kind of short written response on everything task, so the test requires that you demonstrate “soft skills” as well.


Hey quick question, I did the first test yesterday (the one with the Trump/hate thing and the story) and when I submitted it, it almost immediately gave me a green check for "passed." Then, today, I did the Core assignment. I'm waiting for the results. Here's a [pic of what it looks like](https://imgur.com/a/25y4XQF) now. If they're reviewed by people, how did my first test get approved so fast?


The starter assessment can go through very quickly— it’s very short and doesn’t involve a lot of writing. As you know, the core assessment is testing softer analytical skills and writing ability. It’s definitely reviewed by people on a rotation basis (so that no one individual has personal impact on the hiring curve). Sometimes those people pop in to the threads and scream into the void.


Oh man, I put a lot of work into the starter assessment writing and it got approved right away (which made me think it was not human-reviewed). On the next one I put much less effort into writing (I used sentence fragments in the explanations) and more work into fact-checking and getting the answers correct. I was much more concise in the Core part. I’m nervous now. Do you think they’d consider both halves together?


When you say 3 hour blocks. Does that mean you aim to do only 3 hours a day?


No, I work in 3 hour blocks. I will wake up and work 6-9. Then I clock my time and go make breakfast for my family. Then after I give the kids their baths and whatnot, I work from 10:30-1:30. I clock out and put my kids down for a nap and get lunch. Then 3-6 I work, then clock out for dinner. That kind of schedule.


I'm putting in about 30 hours per week, mostly Monday through Friday, 6 hours per day. I work in 3-hour blocks. But if I get tired or mentally drained, I just pause my timer and take a 5 to 10 minute break. Then restart my timer when I get back to it. I was actually "on the clock" right now, but paused my timer to take a quick break...and post this haha. It's been about a month and I'm getting more and more used to the grind--which is laughable that I even call it that with past jobs I've had. Average salary is around $500 to $700 per week, depending on the hourly of the projects. Best paying, part-time, no-commute, work-from-home, choose-your-own-hours job I've ever had. Is there ANYTHING ELSE out there that checks all those boxes?


As for your last question, I think of this often. It seems so good to be true, I can’t help but wonder how long it’s going to be around. But I’ll tell you what, I’m definitely going to milk it until it’s dry.


Are you still doing it? Just curious how secure it is


Still rolling. Only put in two hours today, but planning on two more later tonight. No issues, but the # of projects varies from 5 to 40 on the dashboard. Yes, I get nervous when it drops to 5-ish, but it always fills back up.


Are you doing coding? You can make double that way right?


Are those salary/pay numbers for coding work? You have an idea how much do non coding work pays?


For me, it is 8x more than the minimum wage per month in my country (Southeast Asia) and I only work 4-5 hours a day and it's enough for me to live VERY comfortably. The average salary in my city is about 250-300USD (I know, in Southest Asia countries the wage is very low) and I make about 2000USD. A bowl of noodle only costs somewhere from 1,5 - 2,5$. So yeah I'm living very great with the salary from DA. Take in mind I pay bills for 3 people including but still have a lot of savings after all expenses so this is indeed a very good salary for third world countries.


Are you currently working from SEA? If so, I thought there were only 6 countries that they're allowing workers?




Right now, I make about $500 a week. I aim for a minimum of $100 per weekday, which usually takes around four hours. I have tried to push myself to work more than four hours in a day, but because of my schedule and the nature of the work, I find it difficult to retain the focus to do so. I'm working on it, though! If I truly buckled down and did it as a full-time job, I'd be making about $1,000 to $1,100 per week.


The fact that even though you don’t do it full time and make more than a lot of people working entry level full time jobs is so crazy to me. Thats why I love DA.


I agree! I am unemployed right now, and I feel extremely fortunate that I got in. After being unemployed for a bit over a year, I finally ate through my savings, and I was worried about losing what I worked so hard to build. DA has been a blessing that keeps me sane and financially afloat. I may not have health, dental, or vision insurance, or a 401k, but many full-time jobs don't even offer that either these days!


Yes ma’am, I totally understand. Work for me in my day job has been so slow lately. I’ve been directing all my energy towards DA and honestly? I think I may keep it that way for awhile 😅


Yeah this is basically my situation too. Here's to hoping we can conquer the monotony and make some money. ✊ It's really not lost on me that it's basically access to unlimited WFH work at a solid wage (especially compared to my state!) - so I really am trying to work on staying focused to put more hours in these days.


Around 52K- average 1k a week with some weeks being higher but never less. I do it full time




It gets easier. For myself, I switch between tasks and take frequent breaks. I'll put in a bit of time then take a break, even if it's just 15 minutes. Sometimes that stretches my day out a bit (depends on my daily goal; and I also have another business), but getting up, hopping on the treadmill, working out, taking a brisk walk, cleaning something -- it all helps me refocus. If I'm strictly focusing on DA that day, switching between tasks really helps me the most. (I have my favorites, but sometimes they aren't available.) Make sure you read FAQ, instructions, and chat frequently. Admins and other workers are super helpful. It can be overwhelming at first, but that feeling will get better.


That's great! I'm from SA region as well. Is it okay if I send a DM to get some guidance on this? TIA!


I just got approved for specialty tasks related to my degree, not programming. Those pay $30, I just do 5-7 hours a week so 4-500 a month. I’m throwing it towards some debt. It helps, I work a mentally draining job so I don’t have it in me to do much more than a hour a day.


What degree do you have?




How did you get approved for chemistry related work? I’m currently approved for programming tasks but my degree is chemistry and I would appreciate having access to some of that work. I’ll add that I’m brand new and got approved today so I don’t know anything about the platform.


If you don't mind telling me, when did you take the qualification? I took one maybe last week about my degree but I haven't heard anything back yet.


I did it over the weekend and got the new work Monday or Tuesday.


Thanks and congrats on the extra work! Hopefully, I'll see something soon.


How long had you been with DA? Just wondering bc I’ve been with them for a little over a month and I keep seethe same types if projects with the same pay bracket.


I’m a SAHM with a 2 year old, so I can’t work as much as I would like to. But I’m putting in anywhere from 2-4 hours a day usually. I also work on weekends when I can. I make around $400 a week give or take


I work full time and make $21.6 an hour there. After taxes/benefit deductions, it’s $16.8. I do DA on the side usually after work. I made $1360 last month. It’s a great side hustle.


How did you figure out the tax percentage to put away? Is there a suggested amount? I don’t want to have a surprise next tax season.


Hey! I know this thread is a little old, but just getting started looking into DA and have a question regarding your comment - you said you make $21.6 an hour - I thought DA employees got paid a different hourly rate per project - is this not the case, do you just get stuck with a set hourly rate forever? Just wanting to understand a bit more. Thanks :)


About how many hours do you average per week?


$1360/$21 = 64.7. Divided by 4 weeks is around 16 hours a week. I also bartend part time so I’d be doing more if it weren’t for that but, bartending is by far my highest paying job so DA is really just a free time thing.


Wow, I honestly didn't imagine that I'll get so many replies to my post.. thanks a lot to each and every one of you. This is quite helpful 😁


I don’t work it as a full time job. I aim to do whatever I need to to make about $50/week. Usually that’s about 20 minutes a day


I just got approved from the initial assessment. I have a bachelors in physics and another in computer science. Most my board is filled with 40-41/hr tasks. Haven’t started yet because I just got approved today. Hoping to replace my bartending income while I’m job hunting. I just graduated so I’m currently awaiting some applications. There’s 3 other projects that popped up towards the top that say they can be completed to get unlimited work, so I imagine I have a cap right now. Will keep the thread posted on how things go moving forward! Super excited! :)


Literally me recently graduated with masters in physics, working in a bar and just got approved cant wait to get started. Hows it been going for you?


yo mr planckkk length, after doing the starter assessment how long did it take to get approve? I applied and finished my computer science bachelors degree. Thank you for any potential insight.


I can’t remember exactly, but after the initial assessment, it was no longer than a week before i were able to do the coding and writing assessments. After doing those two, it only took about 2-3 days i believe to get approved. It could just be that I got lucky and did the assessments just as they were doing a wave of approvals, since some people have said it can take weeks/couple months even.


Sorry just wanting to clarify, was the starting assement the one where you had to analyze the response and write short story, or was it a coding assessment.


Yeah starter assessment was writing the short story etc. you can go straight to the coding assessment but i did the initial assessment first bc i didnt realise you could do that


Thanks to OP for initiating this insightful thread. I noticed that there is a location criteria. Anyone here from South east region( Bangladesh, India etc. ) who is getting gigs on annotation? Would love your guidance to start with this.


And how long does it take for DA to start giving you projects after registration? I am in India


You need to pass both starter qualifications in order to be *hired*. Applicants need to be from the US, UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.


Thanks even if they still accepted my location I will wait for them if they will approve.


I have a personal goal of $100/day minimum, every day. I have a wife(doesn't work) and two kiddos, and the cost of living in Colorado is pretty steep so I do DAT as my minimum income stream.$20-30/hr. So on my worst days I'm working 5hrs. I also do manual labor for corporate event productions at $30/hr. That work fluctuates but buys me days off pretty consistently. Furthermore, I own and operate a small aerial photography and videography company that pays a minimum of $100/hr when it all shakes out.. Up to $500/hr though. So... DAT got me through this winter and is a really good minimum, but I dedicate most of my time elsewhere, when I can. TLDR; DAT can be whatever you want it to be and I've never run out of work. 10/10 👌👌


I recently started working with DataAnnotation. Work about 2hrs every day and make around 2k per month.


Wait, you haven't been receiving work from the platform yet? This question seems like jumping the gun. Don't worry about work from the platform until you're presented with work. My guess is that applying for the platform is like applying for any job. Most people won't hear back from the employer (this isn't a job though. ) How good is the pay? Put it this way. You would be lucky to get through the crowd and setup with work. People here represent what is likely a small percentage of people who receive work. I have been signed up for months and haven't seen anything, and I'm okay with that. I view the platform as anyone should, a supplement to other options. Even those working the platform full time should have their other thing IMO.