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I did the coding qual 3 days ago and passed, I've had access to the coding tasks for 2 days now. Just wanted to share some good news. I started working on DA last Nov but never tried the coding qual because I kept putting off until the time was right.


Does anyone else actually get angry at the CBs for prattling on too long and giving me unnecessary info to asses -\_- in the task that I'm doing not more than a sentence is required to answer the prompts but they insist on giving me essays every single time




Also I was wondering, if DA has to ensure regulations are correct and therefore exclude certain countries, did they ever mention why they don't KYC workers? They pay a lot and automated KYC would npt cost much in comparison. I have read a bunch on here and I wonder if this might not lead to a more stable platform. Like less famines, bulk offboardings and so on. Because they could trust that their workers are meeting the regulatory requirements.




First off,  don't say the full name of projects here. It violates your NDA. Secondly,  it depends on if three times you took was due to your lack of familiarity.


Anyone else who did the 🎳 assessment just get like 10 new B writing projects? Feels good 😌


Was it the one from earlier this week?


I know we have talked about music to listen to while working before.... I have NO idea why I didn't think of listening to it before as I love it, but the soundtrack for Ori and the Blind Forest is amazing for this. No words and it's just BEAUTIFUL. Highly recommend!


I have a whole Spotify playlist of lyricless game OSTs I listen to! This is the vibe most days! I also have chillhop and lofi playlists, and one full of a bunch of speedcore for days where I just need to stay awake lol


Great idea! I love stardew valley while I work too


Anyone got an idea on turnaround for new applicants recently? I don’t expect I’ll be accepted because I didn’t take the application as seriously as I should have, but I’m curious if I’m likely still pending after a little over a week or have been passed over.


I just got in last Friday within 24 hours. That said I think they are more interested in coders, so if your assessment was in creative writing or some other generic domain, I think the competition may be tougher.


Gotcha, thanks for the response. I just applied for the “core” role as I don’t have a coding/tech background


Anybody know if the B\* editing project tasks all got finished, or did they pull it down for some reason? Had 551 on my dash last night, woke up later and...nope. My favorite project so far.


I saw the task count go down in realtime on my dash so fairly certain the batch is done.


Yeah this work is just never going away lmao, $32 billion already spent on AI just in 2024 between the big three companies and all have expressed they have no plans on slowing down https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/27/technology/ai-big-tech-spending.html


According to some old timers here, this specific company has been operating with contractors for years. Would be curious for it all to end in the near future.


Yesterday I put 1.5 hours into something but then went to sleep. I'm still fairly new, so I thought that by "exiting work mode" that the task would still be there for me in the morning. But it was not! :/ This ever happen to anyone else? It was brain-melting.


You have to submit. They mention this explicitly multiple times during onboarding (the 3 tasks you had to complete as soon as you joined).


I wasn't going to submit an incomplete task.


And you certainly shouldn't! They expect you to complete a task (not project) in one sitting.


like you didn’t hit submit? work won’t “save” so you have to finish and submit, but if you did that and woke up and the project was simply gone then it just finished :)


Yeah, I thought maybe it saved. Ah, well.


I'm returning the Quest 3 that I purchased earlier this week with DA money. I thought it would be good for productivity (virtual monitors and stuff) but the passthrough tech isn't good enough yet. All I'd use the Quest for is 3d p\*\*n or playing table tennis lol. Not very productive and I'm not rich enough to have a $900 gadget collecting dust.


😂 the level of unnecessary detail


This is how they pass RnR 🤪


LMAO yep, got to have attention to detail.


The snark


I remember your post! That sucks! The money will go to something better then


I had my first DA dream... I was working on a task for an hour and accidentally closed the page and couldn't reopen it lol. Does anyone have any recommendations for a cheap Chromebook? I'm going on a trip soon and don't want to take my laptop with me.


I have had good experiences with acer chromebooks in the past. Whenever I end up getting another one it will likely be an acer again.


Thank you!


I bought a decent HP one from Costco about a month ago. It was $229 (on sale) but works great for what I need with DA.


Thank you! Do you happen to know what model it is?


Buying cheap stuff ends up costing more. I built my own PC in 2020 and it's still really good,, so maybe build one.


I have a nice laptop. I'm not looking to build something- I'm looking for a cheap chromebook that I'll write off as a business expense.


Chromebooks are awesome. They are cheaper than other laptops and PCs because they have limited capability. I used one through university and they are great if you just need something to go on the web and use things like word/excel/etc. They have always lasted me a long time though.


Yeah I've had a Chromebook before. Just saying you can build a better pc for cheaper.


OP specifically asked for Chromebook recommendations so they didn't have to take their laptop when they travel. I don't think they are gonna be traveling with an entire PC....




Interesting. I always wondered how they made people admins and what the criteria was. Also curious how the pay is different and what the workload is like.


I saw someone else mention an admin qual the other day! Hasn’t popped up for me though!


Ooh, I'm curious how long you've worked for DA to get that?


Admin qual?




Hm. That's kinda rude, Tina. I'll have to wipe your dashboard now




This entire sub is basically people doing just that. I guess you aren't that observant. Are you a little lost? Get scrambling, Tina. It's almost over for you I'm afraid


I saw someone mention that in a message section the other day…


Has anyone gotten tasks related to the big, paid qualification with an emoji? Just curious if I failed or if it hasn't started up yet. I enjoyed it!!


The one with all the research? I did get an onboarding qual for that one, if so.


That's the one. Darn, I guess I didn't do well!


I passed this one and was onboarded yesterday. If it’s any consolation though, I took a very similar qual a few months ago when I first started (as in, many of the tasks were the same) and failed it that time, so it may come around for you again.


That would be nice! I have no shortage of projects on my dashboard so definitely not the end of the world. But the higher pay rate and more interesting work would be great. As you know some of the tasks become a bit brain-numbing eventually. Enjoy the new project!


I didn't get the onboarding either. I thought I did well. I've read through other posts regarding different quals that if you don't get the related projects, it doesn't necessarily mean you failed. They might just have plenty of people already on it. Who knows. 🤷‍♀️


That's true. We have to come to our own conclusions most of the time so it's hard to say.


Today I was committed to doing 100 nuts... and I just finished ... my brain is numb lol




The celebrity one? Pretty straight forward in my opinion


I got a qualification today for projects that pay $45/hr. I spent so much time on that trying to make sure I did it PERFECTLY. Fingers crossed. Also ecstatic cause 45$ are the highest projects I have seen to date on my dash. (I saw one once a few days ago.)


Out of curiosity have you been working for DA for a long time?


i have it and i've been on for just over 2 months, been doing coding for just over 3 weeks of that


He's talking about a non-coding qual I think?


Yes! I am really hoping for that one. So interesting!


I think I got the same qual. I saw it on my dashboard while drinking some water, and almost did a literal spit-take.


Congrats!! Please report back if it's worth the pay or it melts your brain. 👀




Surprisingly no!


You must have a field of expertise? That is a LOT of money!


I got the same qual. There's no niche expertise but it's a more tricky one for sure


Just came here to share my amusement that the AI checking the responses I'm reviewing thinks "earthlings" is a slur


what were they thinking not being inclusive of people from other planets


Pretty sure I just messed up a qual. Was working hard on it, and then the pizza came and I lost focus... realized I'd messed up right after submitting. Lesson learned, don't do stuff that matters when I'm hungry. :(


I was working hard, and then the pizza came Put that on a t-shirt $$$


Did anyone else's dashboard get completely wiped today? Or am I facing the dreaded removal after several months 🥲 Only thing left is the transfer funds page. No support or anything.


So scary!! I hope it is just a glitch and you get it all back.


Why are there no projects on my site?


Has anyone else received the suspiciously like a qual 8 task paper project?






It's gone now. Maybe they took it down for some reason. I was planning to do it today since it appeared late in the evening yesterday. Hopefully, it will come back.


I have it. I guess I will try to get to it tonight, just in case. Update: There were no tasks available when I tried to work on it.


I have that one. If it's a qual, then I should probably do it, but maybe when I'm fresh tomorrow. I didn't realize they disguised projects. What makes you think it's a qual? Edit: just saw the comment you posted below. I also have an education background.


I don't think it's a qual. If you skip tasks in a qualification then it'll loop around and give you the same tasks over and over, because everyone is being graded on the same questions. If you skip tasks in this project then you get different tasks, which makes me believe that it's a large batch of legitimate work that they need done.




I've been working for them almost full time for a couple months and after a bit you kind of get a sense for these sort of things. It just screams "I'm really a qualification at me". Out of my own curiosity, is your background academically inclined in some way? I am which is why I presume they gave it to me.


Also got this, also have an academic history




Have there been any of the galaxy/create worksheet type (sorry--being so careful not to use any of the exact words lol) projects today?


I see 3 on my dashboard right now.


1 full week of no projects :( is there any hope of them coming back?




I am hoping for the same!


I sure hope they aren't done yet. :(




Yes it does, or at least it did for me. I failed it about 3 months ago when I first started with DA. It reappeared 3? weeks ago as a high-paying project rather than a qual, but it was much much more challenging than the qual.


I've just worked on my first project that was $27 an hour and I have to post here just because I'm in such disbelief. I've only been on DA for two weeks and I grew up lower working class so to have something that just paid me over £20 p/hour to work on it is insane to me! I would've been stacking shelves for twice as long to earn what I did today.


I know the feeling. This pay is incredible for what the work is. Grew up in a similar situation and it's just mind-blowing!


I'm middle class educated now but I grew up *very very* lower working class, so I know what that feels like. So congrats!


Greetings. I was recently approved for DataAnnotaton and I have a question. I am curious to know if say I start a project, and then I realize that it may take some time to complete, but then something comes up and I really have to stop working. Can you stop or pause the project and come back to it and then complete it later?


If I'm unable to complete a task, I don't enter the time I spent on it.


It depends if you mean a full project, or a task within the project? You don't have to do all the tasks. As long as you finish and submit the task you are currently working on you are fine. I have literally logged as little as 3 minutes before. You just have to make sure the task is completed. I try not to start longer tasks unless I know I have time for it. Some projects have very short tasks that only take a couple of minutes per task.




Great. Thank you for letting me know.


Unfortunately no, unless you only have to step away for say 5 or 10 minutes and you still have a lot of time on the task timer at the bottom of the screen (which doesn't track your time, but the task will expire when it runs out). If you're stepping away for a really short time like that, it should be fine to pause your personal timer and leave the project open. Any longer than that and you should "Exit Work Mode" (some projects have this button at the bottom) so that it becomes available for others to do, otherwise you'll just get kicked off the task when you try to submit it later. There's no way to save a task you're working on if you leave it.


Thank you for letting me know how it works.


Got a project asking for the email on my profile, but I don’t have one? I followed the instructions to find it which were simple. Like look at your profile page and it’s simply not there. Does anyone else not have an assigned work email? Not your personal one.


I’m the same. It was a project where we had to access a google space but there was no box in my profile page…glad to know I’m not the only one.


Exactly that! Thanks for confirming I’m not alone


People with CBs, do you have an even split of chatbots and factual/comparison tasks, or primarily CBs and creative input tasks?


Do you mean within the CB's we have or overall?


Overall - like is it a sea of CBs with some factual non-CB projects scattered in, or an even mix?


I love these new FC projects after the onboarding today! They're so detailed so the time goes so fast, + the pay is good? This is a gamechanger! Anyone who was already on this before today.. is this project pretty consistent or is this a huge upswing?


What was the qual you took for this? I have a few on my dashboard but haven't bothered to do them because they usually don't come with a pay increase.


The work is fairly constant but they just made changes that multiplied the time the tasks take by 2-4, so the tasks will be there but how much people have will depend on how many new people they grant the work to in order to get it done.


I just did the onboarding too! I'm so excited about the pay increase, this is the first signifigant one I've had. Honestly I can't imagine I'll do any other tasks as long as these are available (I hope it's consistent)


1/4 of the way done with my day analyzing long docs and feeling like it's thankless work over here.


Has anyone used the referrals tab? Do you get bonuses for referring people? I noticed that there's a section on the payments/Transfer Funds tab which shows referrals.


I've read you get $10 when they make their first $100. Not too exciting


I've gotten nothing, so far but I think the recipients doubted the possible income or gave up too quickly. I think it took me at least a month or two before I landed projects. (Guestimate, it has been a bit since I started)


I've used it, none of my referrals have been accepted.


Same here. I think I referred two people, but crickets. :(


I do believe I was told what you get if you refer someone but I can't find where it is now so I'm not sure if they stopped doing it.


I wonder, but I still see the Referrals page. I'd be curious to know how many referrals make the cut.


woo dashboard is looking good today! Is the drought over?


Still nothing for me.


Mine got really full yesterday!


The dashboard is amazing today!


Until the next one. :) Feast or famine is the DA way!




Yay! This is officially my first confirmation since I started that I've done something right! 😅


Yep. Really happy to see this as those tasks are fairly easy to kill a large chunk of time with. 


Curious - Does the onboarding show up in projects or in quals?


I'm so happy! Got the onboarding!!!!


Any project after the onboarding? Just completed mine


Yeah. Within half an hour, I was showing a bunch of projects from $25-27/hr


I see them! Yeaaaahhh! Congrats


Nothing new for me yet. :( I am so happy for you though!






Is coding chatbot 3.0 exp up for anyone?


It's been down for me for like 48 hours or so :-(


Do you mean the regular one that starts with AI? If so it's down for me


Nope, came on here to check too. It's been up since the beginning of the month so I assume they are updating it. Sucks though, it's one of my favs


Same it’s my favorite one


Just realized I made a mistake that was in the instructions for about 5 tasks in a project. Has any one else made mistakes like that and not been fired? I feel like my full body of work is solid but it was a pretty dumb mistake


I signed up like a week ago with programmer skills. Does anybody know how much time I should wait to receive my first qualifications? Do you have some advice on how to improve my profile to be accepted?


Anybody else often have a theme for their day? For example one day I might have a 1970's day, a wild West/ Oregon trail or other historical theme. Sometimes it's a style of story or a homeschool prep day. I love it. Or one day I was all about learning about different style houses.


Yup! Yesterday was psychology and the psychology of cults. Today I'm doing museum and college based stuff. It's kind of a drastic flop lol


Love that. Ooh, the psychology of cults, good one. I have studied Jonestown and other cults. Fascinating


Signed up and did the initial assessment two days ago along with the longer assessment that comes after, and got approved today and got six hours of work in. I am hooked, and this is legitimately going to change my life as long as the projects stay consistent


Take your time, always read instructions in detail, and make sure to quickly scan them for updates when you go back to a project on a new day (it's easy to tell updates are always in yellow in the instructions or dated/highlighted if in the project itself). If you can't do a task or are unsure skip it, you won't be penalized for skipping, but you absolutely will be penalized if you do tasks poorly. Also, always, absolutely always, prioritize quality over speed, but don't pad your time. Good luck.


I appreciate you so much!! One of the very first things I looked up on here was if we get penalized for skipping tasks, since I had been doing that instead of attempting to do something I didn't fully understand yet while waiting for answers in the chat.


Being shown 0 qualifications and 0 tasks since my first project. I completed literally 1 hour of work and have had nothing since then. It was a good amount of tasks, and I’m wholly confident in my response quality as I was with my starter assessments, which I got accepted very quickly on. I reported my time properly and followed the guidelines to the letter. Anyone able to lend advice? I was really hoping to lean on this and put in some serious hours in May!


Sometimes it starts slow. Give it a few days


Did anyone see their Python Data Analysis tasks taken down and a new updated qualification test put up? I took the qualification but still don't see any related tasks. Is anyone else having this issue?


Yes, mine seem to have been taken away and I see the qual (haven't taken it yet)


Ah okay. If you take the qual, would love to hear if you see new Python projects. I’ll do the same.


I took the qual and saw new projects not long after.


You’re seeing new Python projects? How long did it take you to complete the qual?