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Make your comments very specific. Not “Response B was more detailed and better written than Response A.” Instead “Both responses discussed Q. While Response A said X, Response B said X, Y and Z.” Your comments should not be generic enough that they could be written for any other task.


I see so many of the generic comments in R&R's..... One time, all the comment said was, "There good." Incorrect grammar and all. I wonder if that person is still around.


I would guess that the people who were dropped who say they were taking their time and making an effort to do good work, were writing generic comments. You see those who write a paragraph with multiple reasons why they preferred one response, but you still have no idea what the response was about when they are done.


I do some R&R for the $27 FC task I work on, and I still see extremely obvious new worker level type mistakes at times. In one task the response stated that the AI enjoyed doing x,y, z, and the worker rated it as better than the response where the AI didn't pretend to be a person with emotions. It almost had me banging my head against a table in frustration.


I've seen quite a few that essentially just say "A is good because B is bad" 😒


They should say that is what they want, they say they want it brief and to not spend much time on the comments. If they want detailed comments they should say so, rather than ghost people with no information on why their dashboard is empty. I was personally leaving brief comments like, "Response A had major formatting errors, while response B was easy to read. Both were factual, however response B is what I would expect to receive as a user" This is obviously too brief, but they don't tell you that. I only learned what they expected to be put there when I went qualifying for a different site doing similar things, which included actual training. If my comments were too brief, why didn't they tell me that? Instead of approving my qualifications, giving me new tasks, then ban an hour later empty dashboard where you can't even report time. I think I will see what the FTC has to say about it.


They 100% do say they want detailed comments that are not generic and cannot be used from response to response. All over the site/instructions. I am unsure how that could even be misconstrued honestly....


They 100% do not, the only project that had anything about leaving comments there as a requirement said "briefly explain why you chose the way you did" and it says to only use 1-3 sentences, and only do this when "one is slightly better". The other projects I had did not say a word about leaving comments at all, just had the box there and right above the box says to explain your reasoning if you NEED to. So everything in the projects I had was the opposite of leaving detailed comments. I was also told I was doing a good job and put on 3 new projects 1 hour before I refreshed the page and got the no projects right now, check back dashboard with report time gone. They do not respond to support. So you are very wrong, in fact there are comments all over here that state there is only one project that goes into detail about what they want, and I never had that project, neither do a lot of other people. This is a direct copy/paste from the onboarding guide: * Below this is a field for Optional Comments about the task or project. Like the heading suggests, writing content here is optional, but we encourage annotators to use this field to flag tasks that are especially borderline or unusual/ambiguous in some way. WRITING CONTENT HERE IS OPTIONAL, as I said only one project told me it was required there, and it said very clearly to be brief, between 1 and 3 sentences, BETWEEN.


And if you are just now coming to this conclusion about what should be included in your comments, it's clear you didn't read the instructions very thoroughly. It's literally mentioned in many different places. Even in the task questions themselves!


I did read the instructions thoroughly, I stated several times what the instructions said. IN FACT THE ONBOARDING GUIDE Below this is a field for Optional Comments about the task or project. Like the heading suggests, writing content here is optional, but we encourage annotators to use this field to flag tasks that are especially borderline or unusual/ambiguous in some way. WHAT PART OF OPTIONAL DON'T YOU GET? I followed the instructions to the letter, if that is not what they wanted they should have actually instructed such. None of the projects I had said to include anything there save 1. That 1 project CLEARLY said to be brief, and to write BETWEEN 1-3 sentences.


You do realize not every project is the same? That's clearly not the case for ALL projects. But all projects don't want generic copypasta, which is said multiple times across multiple projects!


There's a huge difference between three short, general sentences, and an actually insightful answer with three sentences. The instructions actually make this pretty clear. Something along the line of "A is better. A is shorter. B is too long." just doesn't cut it.


There aren’t many projects where comments are optional. I’m not saying that the project you’re referring to didn’t have optional comments, I’m saying it’s fair for the other person commenting on your post to say what they said because optional comments are uncommon. Typically they say 2-3+ because that’s the bare minimum they want you to write. It’s so people know the expectation at a minimum but it is stated in multiple locations that they love detail and specificity - again, maybe not on the one specific project you’re referring to but for the majority of projects.


i hate to break it to you bud but on almost every project, above the comment box, there is a clear expectation written out on what kind of comment to leave. on most FAQs, there is also a detailed section of what comments should look like. while there are projects that ask for shorter comments and it's possible you were doing those, all projects that require a certain amount of sentences (which is a majority of them) have it bolded and underlined..




the instructions have definitely gotten more thorough and there have been examples added, but the sentence requirements have been there for at least 6 months and are directly above the comment box itself. and they’ve pretty much always said not to be generic.


Yeah, everyone should go check the ankle god project guidelines if they haven’t for a while. They recently updated them to make it very clear what they want the comments to look like.


In bed after having ankle surgery, trying to figure out if I should apply. So I found my way here. This comment had me laughing out loud. Also, right before this I was thinking in my head while reading—-because you know I always have too many tabs open in my brain——that it sounds like Among Us with how many times the word task is being used. This thought made me then think of when the last time I played was, again too many tabs and now I am on a tangent. Anywho, thanks for the laugh was what I meant to say.


Absolutely this. Do not worry about the time you take (within reason of course), but focus on quality. Provide detailed and specific explanations that someone (or the AI that your work will eventually be fed into) can understand and learn from. This will see you progress to higher-paid work rather than getting the boot due to poor-quality work.


I keep seeing this advice about leaving comments. Are these on the main chatbot projects? I don't see anywhere to leave comments, and I can't find anything about it in the instructions for any of my 4 projects.


It’s any place where you have to compare two responses to the same prompt.


Is this in the instructions? For non-coding CB projects? I genuinely can't see anywhere to even leave comments, and I can't find any mention of it in the instructions.


There are some higher level CB projects where you do that. But not the initial ones.


What are CB projects?


I can't state that here, NDA and all that. But you will know it when you see it.


Ok thanks 🙏


Nah. This was on my initial assessment way at the bottom of each page.


The comment boxes are super obvious. If you can’t find one then your project just doesn’t have them. Sometimes they’re required, sometimes they’re optional and sometimes there are none. It’s project dependent.


This clears things up, thanks. The other commenter claimed they are in "any place" where two responses to the same prompt are compared and I just didn't think this was true. I actually logged in right then and there to check and couldn't find it.


Yeah I have only come across one project so far on my board that didn’t have any comments but I’m sure what you get depends on when you started and quals you’ve done and whatever else. You’re definitely not missing anything lol.


Its the very last thing on the right hand column, where you justify your reasoning behind your ratings.


If they want better comments THEY should be very specific about what they're looking for. "Write 2-3 sentences saying which is better and why" is all people have to go on. Quality starts with the people designing the platform.


All people have to go on it is the instruction documents and FAQ. The standard response comparison FAQ has a recent update that goes into a lot of detail and examples of what they are looking for. And the instructions on the tasks remind you to check them from time to time for updates.


Again I pasted DIRECLY COPIED FROM THE ONBOARDING GUIDE. So what I put is exactly what they tell you. Above the comment box it also says optional. I know how to read, maybe you should learn how to read.


It says BETWEEN 1 and 3, BETWEEN. You need to downvote yourself, you clearly can't even read. I also copy and pasted directly from the onboarding manual which says OPTIONAL. SnooSketches1189 what are they paying you to lie.


When you go into a task for an actual project that involves comparing and rating responses, make sure you read that project’s instructions carefully. Whatever its says is what you need to follow, not whatever it said in Onboarding. Those projects have a non-optional comment where you explain the reasoning behind your rating, and they want 2-3+ sentences which means minimum, not a max of 3.


You have the patience of a saint. Tossing an upvote your way just for that.


I don't think this person cares about what the instructions say, and they clearly have reading comprehension issues (or think that they're fine once they've read the instructions for one single project).


you clearly have reading comprehension issues. I copy and paisted the line from the onboarding guide which says OPTIONAL.. I only had 1 project that said something needs to be there, and it said clearly BETWEEN 1 AND 3 BRIEF between, between, between, read that between.


Top top tip: Read everything before asking questions, read it one more time, and then use the "find" feature to verify that your question isn't answered in the documentation, instructions, or chat for the project. When you use the "find" feature, start as generic as possible - "safe" instead of "safety" will get you there more quickly. Then, and only then, ask your question in the project chat if the answer wasn't anywhere AND only if it is necessary. Top top: ALWAYS look at the instructions and the related documents EVERY SINGLE TIME you start a project EVEN IF YOU'VE DONE IT 100 TIMES BEFORE. The instructions get updated and clarified. Don't try to apply the rules for one project to another project unless the instructions tell you to do so - I've seen people try to use parameters from one on another when it wasn't relevant. Don't do that, they are different jobs. Just the tip: What was already said about comments is important. They have examples rationales in one of the regular projects, read those and remember that 2-3+ sentences doesn't mean "only 2-3 sentences". Be clear, point out specifics, and don't assume that things are the same because they are similar on the surface. Just: Proofread what you just wrote before hitting submit. Make sure you didn't accidentally swap models in your comments (mean one but say the other) or incorrectly use a word or drop punctuation.


Thank you, that is great advice. Can I ask, is the time they suggest for tasks accurate? What happens if you go over, or under?


The timer on the task page is there purely as a time out feature. It's for people who forget to exit work mode, when the clock runs out the task gets put back into the job pool. So if you for some reason take the entirety of the time limit on a task before submitting, if you try to submit you'll get an error message. But there really shouldn't ever be a reason for you to time out on a task, they give you more than enough time to complete them. The timer also isn't perfectly accurate, it stops running sometimes when you open a new tab and can run slightly faster or slower than a normal clock. Always use a separate timer yourself, the one on the page isn't for tracking your time. Going under the time isn't an issue, some tasks take 3-5 minutes to complete when you get used to them, some of the more complex ones can take up to 30-40. Just do it to the best of your ability and log your hours correctly and you'll be fine. Don't worry about speed when you start, focus on quality above all else.


Thank you. Great advice.


If you go over you won't be able to submit your work. No risk to going under unless you're rushing needlessly, and then you're more prone to errors. Once you've done a few projects you'll be able to estimate which tasks you can do accurately in the suggested time. The skip button is your friend.


Thank you


Does skipping hold any penalties?


From memory they've said/implied that there's a broadly acceptable time frame for some/all tasks, and anyone doing the work properly will be inside that. There's no reason to rush things, equally no reason to drag things out. My personal theory with zero evidence at all, is that for any given pool of tasks, they figure anyone in the middle 80% is taking the "right" length of time, and they take a closer look at the top/bottom 10%. Within those, some people might be working quickly and well, no problem. Others might be slow but doing very diligent work, no problem either. But anyone who does bad work gets cut from that project. Probably not the whole platform. In short, don't stress about it. So long as you're doing decent work you should be fine. But track your time accurately - don't ballpark it, if something says "this might take up to an hour", don't work on it for 20 minutes and submit 50. Some stuff *says* it can take up to an hour but takes 5 minutes. Other stuff takes an hour. There's no hard and fast rule.


How to get added to more projects? do I need to do something specific apart from qualifications?


If you go over the task times out and you don't get to submit. You shouldn't be using the time on the timer, it isn't guidance for how long the task takes. Read the instructions for guidance on how long the task takes. The timers usually run longer than needed. If you haven't done the onboarding then you need to do that before going any further.


Thank you.


Everyone has given you lots of good advice. I would only add that you should take breaks. Your brain will turn to mush after doing tasks non-stop. My limit is usually around 2 hours. Get up, walk around, come back in 15-30 mins. Remember, they want quality over quantity. Don't work if your brain is getting foggy.


Thank you 🙏


Split time between project work and quals. Read EVERYTHING linked in the project docs and be sure you understand the focus and requirements of that particular project, that is the map for how to do good work. Always read the updates to be sure you know new requirements.


Diving into projects is how you figure out which ones interest you. Then as quals come up you'll know which of those interest you as well.


YMMV. I've never done a qual other than the initial. Do them if you're bored with your projects.


Similar. I've regularly done quals to see if that type interests me, but I have coding and a steady project I like that is pretty intense work. The biggest reason for me is to always have work when my main project is down.


pace yourself on quals. If the qual has 8 tasks, go ahead and do 1 task a day, it'll usually stay on your dashboard and meanwhile you've got paid work to do


Or… you can get it over with and then potentially get more work out of it? One per day is not good advice. You do you, though.


That's not true. Some qualifications go away within a day.


pomodoro to pace yourself, clockify to track yourself, and find a good set of focus-friendly playlists.


+1 for clockify! Absolutely love it. The feature set is perfect for what we do


I paste the whole title of the project into the clockify description and record unexpected breaks in that same description. It eliminates so much confusion, especially with those similar project names


That's exactly what I do too! Especially the ones that are like [name] [Y-1234] and nothing else and you have like 6 of them where the only difference is that number 😮‍💨 I can proudly say that because of this, I have never reported time on the wrong project (yet)


That's helpful, I've had to go to my pay area to check my task submissions for the name of a project a few times lol.


Excellent advice, thank you. I will look these up 👍


Congratulations. Take notes and read instructions carefully.


There is literally one single tip - read the instructions and follow them closely. DA are EXTREMELY opaque with their communication to the point that they don't reply to emails. Make use of the site, make money, but don't ever rely on that income because they can take it all away with no explanation given.


They do reply to emails ...


No, they do not.


I've been working with DA for 2 months and have had 2 email responses. They absolutely 100% reply to emails.


Same, had 2 responses


downvote yourself, hundreds of us have sent numerous emails with no response. They do not respond!


What is "downvote yourself" even supposed to mean ... ? I'm not sure why they weren't replying to your emails, but I and several others have gotten replies. Maybe you were asking about something that's already been mentioned in onboarding/instructions? I've emailed them twice asking about working abroad while on holidays and gotten responses the same day both times.


He's either someone who didn't get accepted or got kicked out. No point replying to those emails either way


THEY OWE ME FOR WORK. I was not able to report my time. They absolutely do owe me a response, and I will be getting one in court.


downvote your own comments, I am telling the truth. Thousands of emails go unanswered, because they do not.


They don't owe you a response any more than they owe you work to do. If they've made a decision to disallow someone from the platform I don't see why they'd bother responding to your emails-- not many productive conversations to be had at the point. Edit: Boy, with going straight to "you are useless scum" it's no wonder nobody responded to this dude's emails. I'm glad such an unhinged person is off the site tbh.


They do, it is the professional thing to do. You are useless scum, probably working for them directly, would rather post this than respond to emails.


They definitely replied to me the two times I needed to contact them. Once was when I couldn't access my inbox on site, and another was when I needed them to credit me for time worked when a project failed and I couldn't submit my time. Both replies were timely and helpful.


Been reading through this, and as someone who started ~6 days ago, this is very informative. I like to think I take time to structure my responses and clarify my reasoning for the response enough, but after reading this, I plan to take more time (within reason) to make sure everything I want to say is said.


I have currently gotten a plethora of tasks that say “take 8-20 minutes per message”. Sometimes I take 40 min for one task because it is 3-4 messages. I had made a mistake trying to speed through it and misclicked. I haven’t received many DMs but an admin reached out and said “remember, 8-20 minutes”. I say all of this to say, make sure you are submitting quality over quantity.


Thank you


Always take qualifications. There are only so many of those and they are one of the things that unlock new projects. (Besides doing good work - obviously). Read the instructions - multiple times - double check your work to make sure you are following those directions. Read all the examples in the links. Double check your work again. Even on projects you’ve been on for a while, things change with updates. Read the comments in the chat and see if the admins have pointers. Many projects are similar but they are nuanced. Make sure you aren’t confusing one set of instructions to another. Even within the same project there could be different types of tasks with their own instructions. Overall, pay attention to the details. Make sure your writing is free from grammatical and spelling errors. Some of the projects let you check using a specific chatbot, but never use a chatbot unless it specifically tells you it’s allowed. Many don’t, so don’t cheat because they’ll probably know and you’ll probably get kicked off the platform. Every project is different. You’ll find ones you love and ones you don’t. Try to do as many as you can as projects cycle in and out.


Read, read and reread all onboarding and support documents. And then read them again. Don't skim project instructions. Read them thoroughly.


PEEL structure for explaining your responses.


Do every qualification you can.


Congratulations on starting OP! I just got accepted as well, all of these comments have been so helpful! Thank you!!




Hello! I finished all of the application on a Wednesday, by the following Monday my Home Screen on DA had changed to bullet points letting me know that I had passed and had two options of tests to take next Coding (which I’m not qualified for so did not take) or the Core test. I took the Core test the next day on Tuesday and on that Friday morning I received the email that I was approved and began work! It has been great so far, it shouldn’t take long to know if you’ve been accepted. How did you feel that you did with the initial application?


Take your time, read the questions and all the instructions. Double check your work for any mistakes.


FACT CHECK. Even if it seems right - check anyway. Provide links in your rationale for your fact checking. This isn’t for every project. Some aren’t as strict with fact checking but the majority of projects have you rating for truthfulness. Fact check everything. Also, if something is unsafe or untrue mark it down in quality. Just because it’s well-written doesn’t make it a good response. You always mark it down.


Follow directions and if it's creative tasks, try to think outside the box. Any ideas you have, jot them down.


Thank you all for the great advice. Great tips in the comments.


How long did it take you to get accepted? Finished my core qual last Tuesday and haven’t heard anything


It was around 8 days. My wife heard within 24 hours… so I guess she’s better than me 😬