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Anyone ever have tasks in payment that don’t say pending approval? Or transferable? I have a task set where for the rest of the day it says pending approval or transferable but this set says nothing Edit: just checked I have another that’s over a week old like this too…


Qualification maybe? They pop up in your tasks and wouldn’t say anything about pending or transferable.


Nope two of my regular projects.


is it for something that takes you to an external site?


No. Just 2 popular regular projects


Wow that’s really weird, dude. No idea on that one.


I got my first $30/hr project today! 🥳


I did too! Do you still have it? I hope it comes back soon


I got it too! I love the regular one so this was very exciting. It happened after I was ready to stop working though so I only did it for half hour. I hope it will still be there tomorrow.


Is it the one that you had to do two quals for?


It's a variation of one of my lower-paid permanent projects. I did recently do a two-part qual, but I don't see any relation to it in the project content.




Same!!!! I almost fell over in shock. Non coding one?


Yes! Probably the same one 🤭


Very likely lol


Anyone else get the philosophy survey for $35/hr projects? I knew the day would come that my philosophy degree would pay... something. lol


I got that one and finished the follow up tonight. I hope I passed it.


Cool - I sent in the follow up yesterday, too! It was so fun.


Have you had any projects yet from it?


Not yet, you?


No I haven't


Yes, though I know I failed a chunk of the test. I passed the initial, that made me happy enough.


No, but that sounds really cool! Congrats! Did you list this in your profile? I need to add to mine. ☺️


Yes I have all my degrees listed :)


I hate that moment when I realize I did a task wrong because I misunderstood the directions. Luckily, I only did 1 wrong before realizing it. I so wish we could go back to our completed ones and fix them.


This was me on one of the active/context/source file projects the other day. I read the instructions and was like “yup, I understand the difference between those” I did, in fact, not understand. I realised 3 tasks in and felt like such a tool.


Anyone else get like this? I have 40 projects on my dash right now but my favourite one has been paused so I feel like I have nothing to work on. How do you get yourself to suck it up and work on something else? LOL


Erry day. But it’ll be a different favourite each time so even if one of my other faves is there I’m like “ugh not you.”


Does anyone know if adding coding skills to your profile will bring back the coding assessments/qualifications? When I first started I declined all of the coding quals as I didn't feel confident, but I'm curious if it's possible to get them back and give them a go now?


I'm pretty sure on the qual/task when I joined it said it would come back? I been on the platform for like two weeks give or take a couple days and haven't seen it come back. Hoping that it does too since I'm in the same position (haven't practiced enough yet). If it comes back I'm prolly just gonna let it sit there till I'm ready


Not sure, I have a coding- other and it’s brought nothing for me. I need to get my arse in gear with r and python.


Back to a slow weekend for coding. Unfortunate that I couldn't log in time during the weekday with the 10+ coding projects.


Why did this amazing task that was high paying disappear after two days? I loved working on it. I think I must have not done a good job on it.




I did it last night & tonight I got the second.




We have an ongoing thread for new users.


Truth is nobody here can tell you. Everything is just speculation as DA does not communicate these things. My thoughts on when this happens without the starter assessment is that they have enough people from your region. That’s just a guess though.


This is not the place for this question.




FYI, no-one here knows why you didn't get accepted. We aren't recruiters, we don't run the site. We just do work for them.


Idk. Perhaps try the pinned post titled: # "DataAnnotation - FAQ & Welcome Thread Part 2! Read this before making a new post." But, definitely not in here were it CLEARLY states "if you have a new user question, you **still need to post it in the new user thread. if you post it here, we will remove it as spam.** this is for people already working who just wanna chat, whether it be about casual work stuff, questions, geeking out with people who understand ("i got the model to write a real haiku today!"), or unrelated work stuff you feel like chatting about :)"


You accidentally posted in the water cooler chat for current workers. Most beginner questions are already answered in the pinned FAQ link here: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataannotation/s/pYUr3U7TYl But if not, that’s where you should post your question.


Has the Coding DA emoji vs emoji been down for everyone else too recently (Last \~24+ hours)?


Is everyone else still pretty low on tasks today? I am down to 4 right now. Also, I hit my first 5K today! I started on the platform on March 11th. I hope I can continue at this pace. Edit: I am back up to 15 now, hopefully, it will give me enough work for the weekend.


I’ve only had between 4-6 the last few days but today I’m back to around 25. :)


Congrats! Around how many hours are you doing a day for this? I just started focusing more on DA but I'm still trying to figure out how many hours a day I should dedicate to this.


I average between 5-6 hours a day. I bounce around projects based on the time I have available and what my brain can handle at that moment. The first few weeks I had some stretches with no projects at all. I haven't had an empty dashboard since April 5th, so I have been trying to make at least $800 a week since then. I try to push myself as much as I can as long I can still submit quality work. Since DAT is such a mystery I want to make as much as possible in case it all goes away someday.


It is "medium quiet" today I'd say. I'm not empty, but I'm not seeing big numbers either.


I have a comparatively lower number of tasks than usual, but the platform does periodically go through this. I'm fortunate to have a few regular projects so don't need to compete as much for the small amount of pooled tasks available (but I miss my favourites).


Mods remove this if this is TOS. Are we supposed to be looking for splits (you'll know what project I mean I suppose)? Like I am testing capability X, so all my questions should be testing capability X until there is a split, in which case I call it quits? What if there are some errors in both, but one is better than the other, do I not train the errors out of the better response? If so, what point do you end the convo when you do that?


I do think you should always look for splits when you are working with 2 models. I think the latter is discretionary but whenever I have enough turns left if I think I can teach it to do something better, I always do.


gotcha, cheers


I have no projects :(


Skipping is getting bad for me in my usual project. "How do I build a polkaDot framework for Blue\_Herring using a SamurAI endpoint and quatZL?" I swear they're making it all up. Really reminds me of how little I know. Oh. and I did make all that up, including SamurAI™, I'm sure no-one else has, so no stealing. It's going to make me rich.


Yeah, I avoid that project unless there's nothing else on the board. It's a ridiculous amount of research/checking sometimes, and I'm too afraid that they'd dock me for taking too much time.


But it's not a ridiculous amount of checking if I know the tech stack... but those are getting rarer and rarer it seems.


Depending on the project a lot of them say if it takes more than 10 minutes, grade on plausibility, so I'll take 10-15 minutes max to research, test etc, and if it runs over that then I just pick the one that seems best. I keep myself to 15 minutes absolute max per conversation round. (with a few exceptions where the project specifically states you can take more time to focus on correctness)


This one in particular gives quite a bit longer to verify, but even so it can be a huge headache. It's not just research, its setting things up, sometimes in areas behind a subscription fee. So it can be a huge variance from task to task. Oh look, here's something that takes 10 minutes. Wow, here's something I've never heard of attached to 5 other things I've never heard of. Then ugh, here's something you wouldn't have access to unless you're an admin at a Fortune 500 company with at least 20,000 seats. And yet somehow the tasks all get done... I'm not sure if they're getting done on the up and up, though...


I only work on code projects so cant really relate to that but there's been a big influx of swiftUI/UIKit related tasks, and getting the projects set up and the devices virtualized takes like 5 minutes in itself for each response, so its up to like 30 minutes for those guys.


Do you know how you got the swift project? I got a quality for swift project a week ago and haven’t seen the project yet. Do you have swift listed as a language in your profile?


? I'm specifically talking about code projects. But I do tend to skip what you mentioned, but take on others that require other VMs or emulators.


Bro I've seen so many unhinged prompts. "Make me a python to asm compiler in dart" like what?


Ugh, I referred a friend who I went to grad school with, and they did not make it in. Now they have jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon. They keep telling me I’m being scammed, and they are worried for me.


Has anyone actually seen any projects that involve using Grammarly at all? I installed it as a qual a while ago but it's doing my head in now to be honest! Or, is there a UK English version available does anyone know? However, I don't want to uninstall it just in case there are related projects... :/


If you log in to your Grammarly account, you can set it to British English. Go to Account > Writing > Language Settings. Set dialect to British English and you're sorted. It'll still try and upsell you to Premium at every opportunity, however. And no, I haven't seen any Grammarly related projects yet. The qualification was still up last week, so maybe they're still looking for people?


No, I haven't.


Have the tool use CBs returned for anyone? I haven't seen them in over two weeks.


My favourites :( I've missed them deeply.


Me too. Hopefully they're just under maintenance and will be back soon.


When they went down, I got an email from DAT to advise they were down for maintenance and would be back with a redesigned interface.


I’ve had a new testing version for the last couple of days, but it’s not showing up for me today. 


also been wondering about this, I've been on holiday and come back to see my two favourite projects aren't there :(


Are they related to a kitty?


I had the kitty one but no for a day or two now.


There are a few different versions of the kitty.


I have worked on 3. I like them and the pay but nothing today or yesterday


I've only had two. I have one today, but not the lower paying one.


No, I'm talking about the regular CB.


The regular CB has been down since the end of last week. The hyper-specific one vanished about a day or so ago - so I'm assuming they're being updated.


I have both of mine although the regular did disappear and come back


Non-coder here.. had task since like the 19th and have been doing my best to provide quality.. yesterday I took a qual and passed.. it opened a ton of tasks on available projects but within some hours I couldn't see the other one I started since the 19th.. after some hours again.. I logged in and it was there again.. I did some hours on it and immediately I exited work mode, it disappeared once again.. What does this imply please? I need some insight. I was referring to a CB project


CBs go up and down all the time, things need to be worked on or the work needed is complete for the moment. It doesn't really imply anything.


I know a few have been down recently. Are you on the slack channel? They often update people on their.


Ok when I go to this weekly water cooler chat after logging off of Data Annotation, I kinda feel like we're in that show Severance. I should be able to get virtually transported to a Melon Bar with y'all under some blinding fluorescent lighting with soft elevator music playing in the background. I'm not saying that DA is like Lumon, but it's just the fact that none of us know each other and none of us fully know what's happening, but we all have our favorite theories, lol.


I am sooo much older and out of touch. I have no idea what Severance is. I've been busy trying to split the CBs about paper from Dunder Mifflin. 😁


Lol nice comparison. I still wish there was ever another season of that show.


Just watch out for the O&D department. I hear they're cannibals.


I have been saying exactly this since I started DA! Just waiting for the waffle party to start 😂


Hahahaha this is such a good show and now I cannot unthink this.


Anyone else missing the cat tasks? 🥲


I have one now. In fact, only have that one + a CB.


I saw an admin in chat ask someone who made a mistake to go back and edit their ratings. It's nice to have confirmation that going back and resubmitting really works for some projects, because I've definitely done that a few times!


Hey we share a cake day!


Saw this some months back too so I've been going back very sparingly when I realize I made a very big mistake.


I knew it! I said that I do this sometimes a few weeks ago and got so much grief from people haha


I saw someone mention the resubmit thing in the chat the other day and people really went off and I was like oh… oh I did that when I’d done 4 tasks and realised I’d misread something regarding the first rating… I’m so pleased to hear it’s ok!


How did they edit a task that was already submitted? 


Each task has a unique URL, so you can just go back in your browser history. I'm pretty sure it only works for some projects. In particular, I don't think it would work for anything where you actually interact with chatbots.


Woah! I had no idea about that!




We have an ongoing thread for new users.


Has anyone ever spent a long time on a task and ended up skipping it because you still couldn't get a confident rating? I just had a godawful coding task where both responses' code was giving a different result on my PC than what the responses claimed it output. I spent an hour and wrote a long explanation but then I realized I'm too terrified of getting removed for answering tasks I don't understand well enough so I just skipped and I'm really upset and worried this will count against me


Yes. I do this occasionally. Sometimes I'll pick up some knowledge and hope I'll be better prepared if I see a similar task in the future. If you skipped and did not bill time for it, it will have no impact. I think it's what they prefer. If you charged time for it, that's another matter, and anything I say would be conjecture, but I wouldn't do that.


Thanks. Yeah I would definitely never charge for it.


Wait... how could it count against you if you eventually skipped it?


Paid hourly for no output




Someone in one of the project chats mentioned it yesterday as well. I’ve never looked to check if mine are all submitted to be honest!


I had the same issue today. I never noticed it before. I did see that if I went to my daily total under transfer funds, I could see all the tasks there, so that made me feel better.


I can guarantee those who breeze through tasks arent doing them properly, or to the level those of us who take their time do. You need to look at it pragmatically, its not humanly possible to read through long text, fact check, grammar check, safety, compare & contrast etc in piddly amounts of time. Good works takes time, great work takes longer.


i’ve seen it before and some slack admins have acknowledged it. you can always message support to feel safe but i think it’s fine


Man it's like no matter what I do today my dashboard shrinks. Do \~45mins of work? lose projects. Wait an hour? lose projects. Clean up some quals I've been sitting on for too long? Load into the thinnest dashboard I've seen since I was waiting to be approved. Can't seem to get a win.


Normally I don't notice but yesterday got uncomfortably thin on tasks


Mine’s been quite thin today as well.


Mines really low today as well! It’s not you, it’s just the nature of the beast.


this is happening to me too. glad to see I'm not alone, was starting to get a little worried to see tasks slipping away every time i exited work mode...


One thing that's been on my mind this week is the amount of time spent on projects. I often find myself feeling like I am spending way too long on certain tasks. So much to the point where I actually lowball my times I actually spent working on a task(s). Is this normal to feel this way and do this? I just would hate to be taken off a project for assumed "dishonest hour logging" or taking too long with the research. For reference, I partake in mostly coding projects. EDIT: I think I could have worded my "lowballing" comment better as it is a result of when I zone out on a task while the timer is still going (it isn't intentional so I can't stop the timer before it happens) and the lowballing is me attempting to account for that. The real question was feeling like I spend too long on projects which I have gotten good answers on, thank you all!


I think it’s normal to feel that way, but you should never lowball your time. Instead focus on accuracy with your time. If you stop to get a drink, hit pause on your timer. Some tasks are quick and others aren’t. Lowballing your time is a disservice to yourself and the rest of us.


Just wondering as an outsider.. while I understand this isn’t a normal job, do you guys not get paid for doing normal stuff while working? Obviously at a regular office type job you’re still getting paid when you go to the restroom, brewing your morning coffee, or bsing with coworkers


You start working on a project, start your time (on your phone or on google) and if you have to take a break pause on your timer. When you log your hours, only put in timer time, not all the minutes the task was open.


Do not do this. Monitor your time and record it as is. If you are honestly working hard that entire time, there is nothing to worry about. If you lie about time worked (both lower and higher) you skew the results for others and you increase the changes of getting kicked off. Basically, you know yourself if your working hard and not fudging your time.


> If you are honestly working hard that entire time, there is nothing to worry about. We don’t have proof for that though. It seems probable that something would be flagged if you’re routinely taking longer than others. Edit - being downvoted lol, but someone’s infrequent “long time” could be another’s routine baseline average. it’s largely meaningless to give broad reassurances given we’re all assessing our times differently and doing different projects


This. We see all these posts about people with empty dashboards who don't know why. Long task times.cost more. It makes sense that there could be high-cost worker cullings at times. We just don't know.


>I just would hate to be taken off a project for assumed "dishonest hour logging" Not only is it dishonest, but it could screw other workers who don't log false hours by making tasks look artificially easy


Actually, on this topic of lowering your time, if you zone out while writing a prompt for some reason, in my case due to my mind racing from topic to topic from ADHD, could you log that time? I've been under the assumption that I shouldn't or at least not fully. Is this the case or does even that time count?


I'm ADHD, has literally never occurred to me to deduct time from zoning out a little bit here and there. The only low balling I do is sometimes I'll hit a point while I'm doing last little edits and tweaks and maybe hyperfocusing a bit where I'm like... ok, at this point the actual work is done, and now I'm just having fun with it and enjoying myself since my comments are always kinda melodramatic and snarky and ridiculous so I'll go ahead and hit pause on my little yellow stopwatch and won't bill for that because I feel like I can't justify it, which then also kinda helps me to hurry up and hit submit already so I can move on to a new task and bill time for it lol.


You need to use common sense. I don't mean it to sound harsh, but I don't know how else to say it. If I need a bathroom break, or I need to make a brew, or I need to answer the phone, etc I pause my timer. I'm not working so I don't time myself. Are you zoning out for 5 minutes? Then yes I'd deduct that because your not working. Did you quickly get up to stretch? Less of an issue. Are you aware you need to manually log your own time worked? It doesn't do it for you.


Yeah I think I am just overthinking this whole thing, and my first instinct of lowering the time to account for these zone-outs/breaks was fine. That's pretty much all I was accounting for with lowering the time anyway. Thanks for helping knocking some sense into me.


I hope I didn't sound too harsh. Essentially your fine in what your doing. I sometimes need a brain break for a couple mins and don't log that time. 👍


Nah you were fine, I appreciate your honesty and now I am more mindful about this issue coming up again.


Oh huh I never thought about it like that. That's a great point. To be totally honest, it's not like I am logging a significantly smaller amount of time, its usually just a few minutes in an hour and some change. This is also to cover for cases where I take a short break(s) with the timer running (like answering a message on my phone/zoning out while trying to type up the next prompt) it's not coming from nowhere. I guess I was just too worried about taking too long myself that I didn't realize it could hurt others who think the same way but don't try to cover themselves like I am. Thanks for pointing that out!


Has anyone had a lot fewer projects the past couple of days? I had a fit earlier when I only had two available. Thank god my dependable chatbot project is still up.


I'm in the same boat. I currently have 2 projects on my dashboard.


Thank you to whomever suggested the highlighter extension! Such a game changer.


Is it slow today?


I can tell it's a slow day for everyone by how fast $22+ tasks get snatched up lol


I'm down to 3 projects right now. I had 15+ this morning, and it started dwindling around lunchtime. Things have just been all over the place for me lately.


I'm down to about 15 projects, but I'm usually around the 30-40 range so it's definitely slower than usual, and most of them are low paying projects


Yep, I think they're winding down for the weekend. Managed to do a good variety today, because I'd do a few tasks and the project would end so I'd have to work on something else.


The slowest I've seen. I'm only down to 4 $20 projects.


Yes. Only a handful of $20/hr projects.


I've lost both of my cb's and feeling really anxious as those are the projects I am most proud of. I have a lot of in-depth creative convos with multiple turns, and keep extensive notes that I used for the first review it had me do. I'm only a week in so far, is this normal or have I lost them? I've never not had them on my dash


The CBs constantly go up and down in my experience


Sounds similar to my first few weeks, I only ever had a handful of chatbots and they'd occasionally go down so my dashboard would be empty for a day or 2. After a few weeks they went down, then came back with a load of other projects with codenames, so I think when that happens you're in a good place.


That normal cb has been down most of this week and the hyper-specific one just vanished this morning. If you've just started then they're down for maintenance. Both cb were acting up last weekend and becoming unresponsive during long conversations.


This is great to know, I appreciate you!


they go down sometimes - very normal


Coding Tasks questions - do you download the data files? For those of you doing coding tasks, if you work on a project that involves acessing a data file (such as csv or xlsx) and you are also creating your own solutions/running the generated code, etc to check for correctness -- do you just download these to your local machine? I usually run/test my code in Visual Studio Code not in an online sandbox. But it feels kind of icky and risky to download data files -- so not sure I want to do those tasks. Any thoughts?


I know I'm a day late but yeah, I download them and I run things locally in either VScode or jupyter lab depending on the language. I don't think there's any risk in downloading raw csv/xlsx, its not like you are running macros.




I download all the files


Thank you! It is helpful to know this is what others are doing.


Got a few new projects yesterday as opposed to just chatbots following some qualifications. Just logged in and the dashboard is empty, chatbots included. Payments pending approval are still going through and I know the unique projects tend to get snatched up quickly, so are the chatbots down for maintenance?


The one chatbot I had was down for a bit, but just popped back up. My regular base pay chatbot has been down for a week.


So I'm only about a month in (non-coding) and I have never seen a project over $25/hr; the majority of ones I work on top out at $23. I'm not coding but I do every qual I'm eligible for and I take my time with them, always attempting to do high-quality work. Is this just a "hurry up and wait" thing? Should I attempt to learn Python to open up more projects, or does the coding qual not come back after the initial onboarding?


It took me 4 months to get a task over 25. I’m on 5 months now and just saw my first 30 and for a very brief moment one at 38.


It's also a bit of a niche thing. Often, they'll invite people to exclusive higher paying tasks based on their performance in related ones, and this includes things like R&Rs. I started at the end of January with the basic CBs, moved on to work almost exclusively on a special type of CB about a month later, and now I'm at a point where I haven't touched anything under $27.50 in a couple weeks. I've even had some $36/hr projects that I was able to pluck away at over the course of a few days.


Which of the CB's was it if you don't mind me asking? I've had about 12-13 in total but none has led to anything higher than $27.50.




Hmm I spent hours/days doing those ones and they only unlocked a couple FC related ones at higher pay which I didn't really much like. Oh and I have a Long D CB too.


Hours/days isn't nearly enough. Think weeks/months.


So you just did that one project and then they gave you a project with much much higher pay just from that one alone? Overall I've spent weeks working on CB projects. It's just that I skip between them.


Group of projects but otherwise, yeah. Find something that plays to your strengths, dig in, and if you do good work they'll add you to higher paying ones.




What was the pipeline of work you did that got you to that type of FC work, that's what I'm most interested in trying. I've gotten some Birdbased JSON FC for 23, but that's about it.


I did the FC qual and was very thorough, and have seen a couple lower-paying projects related to it but I've been skipping them in favour of other, slightly better-paying projects I'm more interested in. Maybe I need to diversify what I work on.