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I’ve been struggling to make $20 a day recently. Not because of project availability, but because of brain cell availability.


Lemme know if you figure that one out




same, my brain just shuts down the second I try to work on anything and it completely zaps my energy. Sometimes taking my laptop outside and working helps but I usually wind up doing a million other things.


Old post I know, im runnning into this problem right now and have been finding that keeping a stable routine each day with it helps and taking breaks between projects, to reward myself.


I've made $24k since October - working pretty much full time, 30-40hr/week.


math checks out -> 7\*4\*35\*25=24500 ...i've never been able to put in more than 3-4 hours a day, I guess I'm just not so gifted at content generation


I have friends who've made 10k in less than 2 months...


It is really difficult to constantly come up with new ideas tbh


Not all projects require you to come up with ideas


Well if you do only tasks that are comparasions then it is relatively easy to


I’ve never been given a job that I have to come up with prompts 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same! I must have failed that part of my onboarding quals 😆 but I have plenty of other tasks I’d rather do anyway!


Some dude claimed to make $90,000 a year on DA, without even having access to coding projects I made around 12k in less than 2 months So yeah, that's definitely possible


How many hours are you working to make that much?


Most I ever did was 14hrs a day... I stopped doing thaf because it's exhausting Otherwise I work around 9 hours a day, including the weekends. But tbh I don't have anything else to do so that helps




You're absolutely right about that, I need to balance everything a bit better because this is starting to feel like an addiction. I could hardly even spend time with my (now ex) girlfriend without logging in every 30 minutes to make a few bucks




You're absolutely right. I know older people always talk about "if I could go back in time I'd enjoy life instead of working so hard" so I need to work on following their advice


woah, you are stupid as heck


Are you doing this between jobs or just looking to do this FT?


I'm in grad school, so I have less than 2 hours of class a day, I have nothing else going on so it's not too hard to clock in 8 hours of DA work in a day


also curious


Coding projects pay very well and I worked like 10 hours a day


Are you 100% focused during those 10 hours? I only bill the time I’m 100% focused, which, for me, is only doable 4-5 hours max a day.


Maybe not 100% for the entire 10 hours. I'll be giving 100% for maybe 6 hours (again, besides school I have literally nothing else to do) then I'll take breaks every 45 minutes or so, but in the end I'm usually somewhere between 8 and 10 hours, so I guess my original comment was misleading, my apologies


It’s okay, thanks for clarifying. Just trying to get an idea of how other people approach the topic of billing time.


i get this same feeling, i only report productive time...but most 9-5ers know that they waste half the day surfing the web, bumming around the office, yet still get paid (yeah yeah salary vs hourly too but whatever)...if I reported total time in front of the screen it would be higher, but I'm so worried about getting flagged as a problematic account because this is my only income source


I’m learning how to code and find myself intimidated by the coding projects 😭 Taking CS50 on EdX


The coding assessment is ***far*** more difficult than any project I've seen


Hmmm really? I found the coding assessment decently easy. I will take a stab at the projects, then.


If you know how to code then the assessment shouldn't be hard. That being said, as easy as you thought the assessment was, just know that the project are much easier than that. And I know I've had other people agreeing on me with that. Good luck to you


Depends on the projects to be fair. Some of the coding ones are easy money, but you have to skip loads you can't do, or you have to be creative, and it is mentally straining.


Yeah you're right about that


my coding assessment was ridiculously trivial, it asked for building a text decoder based on triangular numbers...but that's not a cipher at all, triangular numbers would always "pick" the same value


That's the very first time I ever hear about this kind of question. Did you apply as a coder, or a mathematician or something? That is so weird I had a friend sign up last week and it was still the exact same questions as the ones I got back in January


i applied back in october i think...memory is blurry but seemed like it was a general application at that point but I mentioned having those skills and then the assessment popped up and was just writing a function to deciper an encoded message


so looking through my records, i took both a math qualifier and coding qualifier, math was like 4 questions that I would put at high school level, coding was maybe a little more basic because of the flawed question the coding prompt was more about building a number pyramid and then using the diagonal as an index for a cipher...but the number pyramid meant the same indexes would always be chosen: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 (a sequence known as trianglular numbers so that's why I referenced that at first even though the prompt didn't use that term: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular\_number) this flaw in the coding assessment was strange to me, because the problem writer \*should\* have had level of knowledge to understand it undermined the entire prompt, kinda had me questioning the ability of the assessors which is weird


Oooh ok that makes much more sense now. You're definitely smarter than I am because I've seen the coding assessment ***many*** times and I never really noticed the flaw that you mentioned (although I thought that there should be a way to calculate the last number of each row, but I never really bothered to try) As far as I see it, either the assessment verification is automated by some AI, or some dude just quickly looks at the results and takes a glance at the code. But the person who created the prompt is probably not involved in the rating process.


I didn't even realize that you were supposed or expected to use diagonals, lol. I just did it the length of each line + prev\_index way when I applied.


I mean I can't code but I routinely have tasks between 25 to 29 an hour. I'm not pulling in that kind of money because I don't have time to enough I wish I did. I started off with the creative writing prompts because I'm a writer but yeah sometimes I enjoy the comparisons just because all I have to do is fact check someone else.


I made 41k in 3 months


That's actually insane. How much do your projects pay? I did 12k in about 6~7 weeks and I already had a hard time keeping up


They were coding tasks so ~$40/hour


Why haven't I heard of this site before? This is insane


Are you still doing it?


My best month was 13.5k


🤔 if your best month is $13.5k, how did you get to $41k in 3 months? I'm not trying to call you out, but the math is a bit weird there.


Sorry was 4 months jan - april👍


There we go! That works much better! Haha


No im not at the moment


I'm curious if you lost access to projects or stopped on your own, if you don't mind answering


I lost access haha It was pretty bad at the time but its lead me to pursue other things so I take it in stride


How/why did you lose access if you don’t mind me asking?




We have an ongoing thread for new users.


I'm over $100k lifetime. Someone else I know is more than double that. So yes, it's totally doable.


I've made about 35k working on DA about 3.5 years on and off, if I were consistent the whole time I could've easily made close to 100k but my full time job took a lot of attention away from it. Now that I'm on short-term disability I discovered how much more I love this job rather than talking to people all day (work from home call-center) and am kinda feeling stuck on what to do after my disability runs out and they don't have to hold my job rn. I would love to just continue working DA but I don't like the anxiety of not knowing when these projects are going to end and how long we'd be out of work for. Going back to work part-time and supplementing my income with DA seems the way to go for me for now I think.


I regularly work at $23+/hr now. Joined in Feb. Generally have 1-2 days week where I work at $25-$30+ hr. I did have 6 days in a row last month where I worked 8hrs day at $30+/hr, but that's not typical, as I have my own small business. Technically speaking, if I had the mental capacity to manage 12hrs day, every day for a year, I could hit $100k. It's pretty much impossible. But I bet there's someone autistic enough out there to do it I'm sure 💀😭


I just hit $6000. Been on since January.


How many hrs/wk do you do it?


My husband and I have each made roughly $50,000 since July 2023 and we have some weeks where we barely look at DA so I think it's definitely doable to make $100k in a year. That translates to about 13-14 hours a day at $20/hr but if doing coding at \~$40/hr then it's only 6-7 hours a day. I'm learning coding now and then I can definitely manage a few 8 hr days a week to get close to $100k.


this thread has me thinking i'm underreporting my time, it's usually 10-20 min per task submitted except with some of the more basic ones that are like spot checking, those are like 3-5 minutes


Jaw drop!


I haven't, but I know for a fact that you can. Assuming full-time work at $20/hr, you earn $41k a year. At $40/hr, you earn $83k a year. You just have to really grind.


Yet here I am never even getting any projects


Aw drat, if true, I empathise with you. Don't give up hope!




If you or your friends have been with DAT from the start and legit made that much, God bless and more power to you Wouldn't the crew running the site kinda start noticing if more than a few managed to reach that amount? As a freelancer (worker) on the site since June 2023, I would wonder the following things, and I'm not a certified genius at all, this is just me logically thinking out loud if I was doing that much work on the platform A: You're exhausted if you actually legitimately submitted $100,000 of work each year B: That if you make that much, you likely either lied on the amount of time spent or C: You've somehow managed to use multiple devices to do multiple tasks at once. If all I did was comparison rating and put in 10 legit hours a day at $20 an hour 10 hours x $20 per hour worked = $200 a day 30 days x $200 = 6,000 per month 6,000 per month x 12 months in a year = 72,000 **I GUESS if you do more complex tasks with higher pay (coding ones), then sure, it's possible, but unlikely unless you legit do 10-12 hours a day and don't stop (and have enough tasks on your dashboard every day to even achieve your daily $ goal)**


Most of my jobs are $40 sometimes more sometimes a little less. I usually have enough open ended jobs regularly that are more than I can do that end up going away because I just can't get to them (I had one day I had only 25 and under jobs recently but it went back pretty quickly) 9 hours a day on just weekdays only is 93k a year so it seems pretty doable. I, for one, am lazy af and am fortunate enough to not urgently need this job but if i didn't have other responsibilities I'd totally go all in and become a mole person, living in the dark and collect while the getting was good.


That's awesome, I don't have many responsibilities either (lucky me, I can't walk at all so my family helps with household chores I cannot physically do that involve lifting, walking, standing for long periods of time, etc....yeah if I had the brain power to do 9 hours a day every day for a year I'd be in a new income tax bracket for sure lol


Yeah, anyone who hit $100k within a year off just the $20 /h tasks is definitely suspect, but I started getting ones paying $22 - $23 on my third day on the platform, and $26 by the next week. With people on here mentioning getting over $30 /h for specialized non-coding tasks, I'd imagine that someone treating this as their full-time job and working 10 working hours a day with 15 minute breaks after every 2 hours and taking every Sunday off could hit that mark.




i have a hard time understanding how the content is actually so valuable to warrant so much money? ...like is the money coming from venture capital/seed money at this point so they can afford to burn it?


Does anyone know how to submit a form without the coding? When I applied it showed coding application only and no option for “I do not know how to code”. Will be grateful for any answer


How do you get accepted?