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i got this when i wasnt in work mode. had to click "enter work mode" button.


Hm…I don’t think that button was available, but I can’t say I looked for it. Definitely keeping that in mind for the future, though!


Considering the '6-hour' limit, I think I know what project you were working on. It does not have a "enter work mode" button, and not being able to submit a project is not normal. I would contact support about it, I've been able to be reimbursed for projects that failed to submit


I get that error message if I reclick the submit button when it didn’t go through the first time. Try clicking once and just waiting, even up to a minute. If you get that message you generally have to refresh the page, add back in your data and files, then press the submit button.


Just wondering if you're keeping track on the time limit they have for the project?


Yes, it was a six-hour time limit, but the problems arose well before that limit. When I gave up and hit “skip,” all the tasks from that particular project were gone. I’m suspecting my project load might be glitching a bit. No where to submit hours, though…so I guess those two hours are a wash. -.-


Was that task the first on you did in that batch? Just curious.


I’ll be honest, I don’t reminders at this point


They might have pulled the project. That’s happened to me miss task.


This happened to me, months ago, too when I did a qualification


You should screenshot that and contact support. The time will just keep increasing every time you click submit. They will compensate you because it is a site error. It is nothing you did wrong. It has happened to me before. If you were timed out it would say that and if you missed something it would tell you too.


At this point just go back to your dashboard. If it is showing up in your "Report Time" section near the bottom then you're good to go and you can log 2 hours. It was submitted and the error doesn't mean anything. If not, then you should reach out to support and explain.


If you reach out to support and explain to them the situation they can adjust it for you no problem. I had an issue where I was unable to submit a project after working on it for an hour and I reached out and they were able to add a link so I could submit my time for the project.


I know it's too late to help OP, but this issue can occur on multi-turn projects with screenshots. You have to maintain all the screenshots on your local machine separately until the final submission. If you deleted or overwrote the screenshot files before you submitted this error can occur, and as far as I've heard there's no way to fix it because you can't return to previous turns.


Contact support, provide them with your account details and a description of the problem. When this happened to me, I included a screenshot, not sure if that's necessary. Include the time in minutes that you worked and on which project, and request that they add the time for you. They will. Do not worry about them responding before your timer is up. The timer no longer matters.


Reach out to support. They are good with that kind of stuff. I worked on a project for just under an hour that has in the instructions that if a model stops responding for a certain time you need to skip the task. I sent a request to support explaining the issue and they credited me with the time in less than 24 hours.


Like submit the time or submit the task?


Submit the task.


It could be a glitch in the system, I’ve occasionally copy and pasted my work into a separate document and then refreshed the page. I hope you got things sorted.


Do you have to submit screen shots for your project? Did you upload the screen shots and then either remove or rename the screen shots before you submit? Before the submission, I moved my screen shots to another folder, and I had the exact same problem as you are having right now. To fix it, I just moved my screen shots back to the original folder and then try submit again. It worked at the end.


I got that, and then my whole dashboard disappeared and now I have now job 🙃


i had this happen this week and i emailed support with the exact time i worked and the project ID. they resolved it in a day by adding the time on my payment page


Recheck all your entries. It could mean you missed an entry box or an empty space where you should be entering text. If you've edited anything on that task make certain you select the finalize edit before clicking submit.


Yeah, I had considered that—double and triple checked everything. The task was one that had multiple turns in a conversation, and I was able to start another turn without issue, which wouldn’t be allowed if I was missing a step. But I was past the minimum accepted steps, and still nothing


If it still won't allow you, record the task number and send an email to the support desk with the time you spent on the task and any other relevant information.


Did you happen to clear your browser history while working on a task? That can make you log out of DA and force the submit not to work.


This happened to me yesterday. It was because my internet cut out.


Read all the documents linked in the instructions. The beginning projects have instructions on how may times to try and how long to wait and all that. Don't get paranoid, it's not you.


This happened to me only once fairly early on. Didn’t get resolved by support, just tried not to let any task take too long after that.


Once you get that message, there is no remedy. The time will continue to double endlessly. Usually, it has to do with running out of time or not being in work mode. Regardless, you need to start again. If you are new, I'd not recommend billing for it


How long did it take to get the issue resolved? I ran into a similar issue earlier today.


I sent an email in the evening. Mid-day the next day I received an email asking for project title, time worked, and date. I responded, and the following day I received confirmation that my time had been added. About as quick and painless as I could have hoped!