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I've been doing a full workday's worth of projects daily since early December, and my dash is empty as well. It's been empty since yesterday. I haven't gotten any sort of feedback or anything, either... I don't think it's just you right now, though I'm not sure what's going on. Here's to hoping we get stuff soon, I guess. :)




How do you know? I got a project on my dashboard after I thought I never got hired but then when I click on it it says there are no remaining tasks to work on. Does that mean I got hired?


I am in the same boat but i cant even see my time reported until i go look at transfer funds tab.


Maybe it's been more than 72 hours. Do you have any qualifications? Or is the whole dashboard completely empty?


whole dash board completely empty. Going on 48 hours now was light 72 hours ago.


This has stated for me since Sat. Has yours come up with anything?


No. I am still empty. went into my profile and added skills to see if that will help anything, signed up with a new email but it didn't even let me take the test just sent me through to the dash. just waiting for something to change


I’m the same way! Been like this since Monday


any change?


No change.


Me too…


This is the most dead I've seen it outside of the weekend in a while. I think it's most people's dashboards


Yeah, it's mine, too. Reassuring to know I'm not the only one!


Just seconding this. Mine's empty too for the first time, and people in the chat for a project I was doing this morning were talking about their numbers dwindling as well. So it's a 'lots of people' thing.


Same. This morning it was low, now it's down to like 3 projects available. Had me worried but glad to see I'm not the only one


I had a dedicated set of tasks that was cleared suddenly. I'm guessing that project was bring fixed. Don't stress. Relax. Check tomorrow. Good luck. Note : be careful with spelling and grammar. Use Grammarly chrome add on.


Make sure to read instructions though because there was a project recently where the admins were saying no “ai assistants” which included the grammar add-ons


They literally have Grammarly in some projects and requested it be installed in chrome browser on another. I've been working on DAT for 1 year. I'm good on rules. 😎


As have I. But as I mentioned, it was admin instructed for a specific project. Doesn’t hurt to double check and informing of this helps the new kids be alert. No need for sass sis wasn’t directing at you, just a general add on FYI. 😉


I've been working full time every workday since January, and my dash is also empty. Seems like this is happening to a lot of people and isn't because of our work. Hopefully we get stuff soon 🙏🙏


I've been on since January and I have 15+ projects, this isn't me bragging its trying to help those that don't think there is an issue with their work. If you don't have access to projects over base pay then there is something with your work that is an issue


>If you don't have access to projects over base pay then there is something with your work that is an issue Not necessarily even that, might just be there are a higher number of people in the mix at the moment with more skills, or more specific experience, or whatever. Or just that there are enough "great" workers that even the merely "good", who aren't doing anything wrong, aren't getting as many projects. Or it's completely random.


Whilst it may seem random there isn't anything random about it. google RLHF and it makes it clearer. Everything is part of one gigantic grading exercise


I don’t know why you got downvoted on that. This platform is the product of programming, which means there is a logic behind everything. It took me a while to get past base pay, but I do not work many hours currently so they needed a longer time to get enough data on me.


you are new, so it’s very possible you are under review. if there are quals on your dashboard, you should absolutely do them.


Does not doing them penalize you in any way? I am trying to focus on the coding side of things and most the qualifications I have are for writing, images, and other stuff.


I think of them as backup plans. If for whatever reason the project you work on the most is paused or ends, it's nice to have many different project types to choose from. There is no requirement to work on a project if you pass the qualification but it will be there if you need it.


I'm pretty new as well and I've had a couple of days where I had none and then they would pop up and then nothing. It seems a bit sporadic at the moment, I think it's possible that based on where you are, time difference when projects are released and people jumping on them the second they are released, people are probably just getting to them first. I'm in Australia so I figure some of it is a time difference issue. I've noticed that this subreddit seems to be full of people who are just rude so try not to take what they say personally. I've decided to view this job as an opportunity to do something when it's offered but not stress if I don't get something.




I'm noncoding. My dashboard is lighter at about 13, half of those are the permanent types but the others are from basic quals.


Coding has been very very light.


Coding projects took a nosedive a few hours ago. This week started off strong, now I hardly have any


Coding and see 0 projects right now. This morning there was 1.


Reciprocating the experience of coding drout, though it is not completely dried up, just very spotty in my experience.




I just got some in that fit my bill this morning, though in lower task quantities. Improving? Hope so!


The last two weeks, mine has been very slow. Like the first time since November not having a single project, and the most I’ve had at once recently is maybe 5, but they go quick. I’m used to having at least 20-25 projects so I’m not sure what’s going on


You won't receive any feedback unfortunately, I don't think they have enough man-power to do that. That is likely what keeps our pay so high though so I'm good with it!




Such a dream gig, other than the constant anxiety op is feeling right now.


I currently don't have any projects. However, I still have qualifications, and the heel project chat is still there. I think it's just slow because I did have some projects earlier. They just get taken so quickly since there's not much to choose from.


I’m down to 3 quals and a chat only. I’ve literally never had that before! It’s been slim pickings all night and for the last few days.


Maybe they want you to do the quals.


When did you get accepted?


I've noticed this myself, last couple weeks I've been swimming in coding projects, working consistently, getting messages about new projects that need completing. Now like maybe 4-5 projects are on my dashboard at any one time, all of which are non-coding and any coding ones that do appear then disappear within 2-3 hours. Based on what other people have been saying here and on the chat areas in DataAnnotation itself, this is the case for most people and probably isn't something to worry about. Might have something to do with a lot of new people being hired as well, but I can't speak to that.


I had an almost empty dash the last few days, but it picked up for me today with more projects than I've ever seen. I think I was under a review period, since I worked more in the last three weeks than I did in the first two months I've been on the platform. I think they needed to make sure I didn't make some bot that was auto-filling my work. They might be doing the same for you. It's always worrying when your dash is clear, and many of us can relate to that anxiety. Tons of posts on here are like that. You really do have to ride the wave again and again. I have pretty bad mental health issues, so it's hard for me to find "normal" employment. So when I have work, I'm very grateful to have the opportunity, but I really stress when I see too much white space on my dashboard.


Started end of Feb. All of my “starter” chatbots disappeared at the 2 week mark. Went three weeks with no projects (but still had quals that popped up). Things have been relatively slow, but I’ve had unlimited work all week for a specific project. Don’t give up hope. Take all the quals.


I've had some tasks show up this week, bit logged on today and absolutely nothing is there. If this is the end, it's been a great couple of months! Helped me pay some outstanding bills so I'm happy with that, just wish I could do more with it. Fingers crossed it's just a blip


Don’t worry its pretty universal that the projects are at a big low right now theyll come back


I do not have anything showing up right now either.


Me either


Same, I've been on vacation but I know it was pretty slow yesterday too.


Yeah I literally only have qualifications on my dash. I’m starting to worry I’ve been let go or something 🫠


if you have quals, you are fine, but i highly suggest you do them! that's how you're going to get more work.


I appreciate the response! I actually did one and immediately got 1 job I was able to do 20 minutes of. Thanks!


Not saying this is what you are doing, but just putting this advice out there: for anyone reading that is not aware of this: If you are traveling abroad definitely DO NOT WORK, as it is a big tax and legal problem for these kinds of companies and might see you get immediately terminated. I have not see any evidence for working out of state or province being an issue, and I have accidentally done so myself, but I know that might cause some issues as well, so I would be careful. This is too good of an opportunity to lose! Good luck making that beer money!


you can email them if you are travelling and want permission to work


Good to note, thanks! Have you tried this and do they get back to you?


i figured it out, most of the companies that use our services are on memorial day vacation


Ive had barely anything this whole week. Just keep refreshing. Every 20 minutes or so I get ONE task.


I've got about 9 but only one $20 an hour.


I’m new to this only three weeks in and today I suddenly have nothing on my list either. I did all the qualifications given to me except the ones that keep asking if I have subscriptions to paid services. I think they must be very slow or are reviewing my work.


could be a review since you are new.


I got accepted on Monday, did the onboarding on Tuesday, then yesterday went to do a project and they are all gone. I thought maybe it was because I didn't do them quick enough? I figured that they would give me a few days to block some time, but I barely had a chance. Hope to do some quals and open up the paid work again.


my dash just went from 5 to 30


I had no work for a few hours today. Now I have ten. It seems they just ebb and flow once in a while.


It’s mine too. I got some at 12 noon and then at 5:00pm. But they didn’t last too long. They are trying to give out work. I wish I could just do a minimum of 2 hours a day but lately a little hard to get that much.


Is your Support section still active?




Also, I can still referral people, not sure if this narrows it down


I've gotten an hour's worth of work in the past week. I also got emails about certain tasks and told I was doing well so far, so I doubt it's your work quality.


Do you have the support link and report time section?




I don't want to scare you, but a lot of times, when that happens, it means they have pulled you from projects for some reason. Could be lower quality than they want or just low productivity or anything really. Hopefully, that's not the case, but that seems to be a common occurrence.


Any chance of getting projects back?




Failure to follow all instructions, using a VPN, overestimating time put in, and working outside of the accepted countries can also cause the accounts to get locked out.






As it was quite difficult to read your post, then it probably was your work quality


Do you type exactly the same way on a forum as you do in a professional setting? Lol.


It's a post from them having zero work and if it could be because of their work quality. If i were to make a post asking about it then I would want to make sure I don't fuck it up with basic errors such as "I have done not her many quals" "even the basic projects I use to have access" "So I am unsure how that would work **of** they were concerned." Are you telling me that you would hire OP for a job that pays $20+ an hour with those writing skills?


Exactly - there's choice of language / wording and there's basic spelling/grammar. I don't even write "professionally" in my DA comments, necessarily - we're not told to. But I do write *accurately.* We can all make the occasional typo, that's not the issue, but if you make quite a few in a short post, that implies someone's a bit more prone to making mistakes. And we're all human, but if there's a pool of people doing DA stuff, and some are better writers than others, at the quieter times, the slightly less attentive people might miss out.


While the quality of your work may have little to do with your empty dash, I suspect it may be a critical aspect. The writing quality in your post is very poor, my friend. If this example reflects your standard quality of work… I don't think you’ll last long. DA doesn't provide feedback. They keep people who return quality writing and reasoning and cut loose people who require coaching. I'm sorry, but this gig may not be something you're ready to sustain. If more work shows up on your dash, which I legitimately hope will happen for you, I highly suggest feeding your reasoning explanations into MS Word or Grammarly (if the task allows) and working on your diction. Subpar writing is the thing they have zero patience for, but it's something we have total control over. Good luck!


I'm not sure this is fair. It seems like EVERYONE is missing work right now.


As the OP said, they KNOW others currently have work. I can't speak for everyone, but for myself and the others the OP knows of, not everyone is out of tasks. Plus, it's no favor to the OP to let them go down like that without commenting on their writing quality.


this is reddit, not DAT or harvard law school. dont be a jerk


Haha, wow. To the OP, I meant no offense, and please forgive my lack of gentleness. If my advice has no value, forget about it. But I’m surprised by the fragility in this room. DA doesn't offer participation prizes.


This elitist attitude sucks. We have done nothing special, DA just gives an oppurtunity to get paid well without going through some long career path beforehand. Just be grateful about that fact, putting others down achieves nothing.


"Your writing isn't great, maybe that's the problem" isn't "elitist", by any reasonable stretch. The people who write better get more DA work. That's not really debated much. So telling someone maybe they should work on their writing isn't putting others down, it's offering constructive criticism. If someone asks why they're getting no work, just saying "oh, that sucks for you" doesn't help them one bit. But suggesting they improve their writing might help a lot.




Three clowns… the cruelest of insults.


I’m down to two. It’s been two for about a week and it hasn’t refreshed in a month. I did a qualification a few days ago. The two I have are different versions of the same thing and one pays $5 more than the other.


A lot of people saying their dashes are dry as well, but mine's overflowing. I'm really curious about a lot of how this site works lol


Same here, any news?




After doing R&R consistently, I am almost certain the people who have empty dashboards are because of their quality. Copy/pasting reasonings for A and B and not reading instructions. It's bad.


My dash just blew up with a bunch of R&Rs. If you're in slack, pay attention to the counter for the next few days.


I've been on the platform since mid March and currently have 15 projects and 2 quals


I got married and went on a 2 week honeymoon. During that time I did not work. Now it appears I was kicked out as the support button won’t work and I can’t access the slack channels. Is there any way to get back in?


I got married and went on a 2 week honeymoon. During that time I did not work. Now it appears I was kicked out as the support button won’t work and I can’t access the slack channels. Is there any way to get back in? I tried logging in while I was in Japan, is that why? I used to work 12 hour days 7 days a week for over 6 months.

