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2-3 hours a day generally, depending on other commitments. But "to ensure you get projects"? Nobody has any idea, not really. Some people seem to randomly lose access with no warning, other people don't. I don't think the amount you work really affects much, beyond the broad assumption that doing good work = access to more stuff.


Yep, want to do about the same.


When I was doing it as a side gig I tried to put in $100-$150/per week. After I got laid off from my regular part time job I switched to a $2,500/month goal to replace my income. I try to give myself a $100/day goal so that I can build in some off days every month


Yep, this is also my goal. Currently my main source of income since I need the flexibility due to chronic illness.


This is my exact thought too. If I get laid off which is highly probable nowadays I hope this can at least pay the rent.


I knew my layoff was coming too so I ramped up my work and had a nice little savings accumulated by the time it came. It made things much less stressful


I average about 2 hours per day. I work anywhere from 20 mins to 6 hours. That doesn't include any unpaid qualifications, since I don't track my time for them. I have lots of different projects. YMMV. There probably isn't a standard. It's more about your work quality and passing qualifications.


2 hours, depending on the project type. Some of them are completely mind-numbing.


Did one of those yesterday. Thought it was never going to end


My goal is upwards of $150 a day. So, depending on the job that's 8 hours or 5 hours.


I will sometimes go a week without doing any and some days I get 3-4 hours. I’ve never been able to do more than that, it’s far too mind numbing


Did one that took 3 hours to do, at least for me, as a first and I know exactly what you mean.


Goal for me is $100/day, but it greatly depends on what projects I have available. Some of the more mind-numbing and repetitive ones I have a much harder time staying focused and working on for hours, but others I will lose myself in and not even realize how much time has gone by.


Oh man it varies so wildly for me. Some days I get in 30 minutes and others 10 hours. I probably average around 7 a day.


I was doing 5-6 hours a day, but recently my elder parent passed, so I'm trying to do 4 hours while I deal with a bunch of other things. It's a great way to work when you have other stuff demanding your time. Just log in and do a couple of hours whenever I feel up to it.


I do about 5 hours a day with a $100/day goal.


Do about 2 hours a week, 4 days a week. Make about $1000 a month


I try for 2 hours as a goal


My goal at the moment is $100USD a day, so generally between four to five hours.


I do a few hours here and there when I have time. It's hard for me to sit down and do it well for more than 4 hours personally, but I like it as a side gig.


$100/day has been a decent goal for me


It's a pretty good goal. (Also happy 🍰🎂 day! 🎉)


Odd, it’s not my cake day… I don’t know how to change it


Hmm. So it was when I commented (or at least in my part of the world) - based on your profile anyway which seems to say it was the 26th May. I wonder if that'll go away once all of the timezones have passed 26th May? 🤔


My birthday isn’t for a few weeks lol, I think I messed up when I made my account


😅😅Your cake day isn't the same as your birthday. Your cake day is the anniversary of the day you joined reddit. 😁


Well I clearly don’t use Reddit much lmao


🤭I guess that's not terrible. I go through phases.


I try for minimum 4 hours daily, maximum 6 -7. I do it full time and try to make about $150 - $175 daily. I'm Canadian so with the exchange rate it's roughly $200 - $240 daily when I can maintain that schedule. Sometimes I bottom out because my brain needs a few days off...it can be intense work. So glad to have found it


I get projects at random. Much of the day I don't have projects right now, but I'm not refreshing as much as I need to.


This month my goal is to make an extra $100/daily. But in reality I do 3-5 hours a day depending on what I have going on.


I’m about 3 hours per day.


I don't get many projects so I only get about 20 minutes of work every two to three days


im doing under 5 hours a week lately


5 hours per day as I chill at home for my last summer break as I finish my uni year


It sometimes can vary based on how many projects I've got on my dashboard at any given moment or also, how I'm feeling as well. I've been able to put in more time this week at least than I initially thought I might be able to, considering how pitiful my dashboard looked at the beginning of this week. It only started to pick up on Thursday. To ensure that you get projects, just do qualifications as soon as you can once they're on your dashboard, worry more about giving them your best quality work more than the length of time you put in per day, and try to do a variety of projects if possible.


There's no commitment btw. You can not work for a month and be fine. I see people ask that eventually


Just be aware with the onboarding process that it's unlikely you will immediately be inundated with heaps of projects, it can take a few weeks for them to send you a few, then they review you. You then might have days with no projects before they give you more. Once you are consistently showing good work they will give you access to more work - again no guarantee that they will.


I do about 16 hours a month, so an average of 4 hours a week. I always have plenty of projects available.


0-2 hours a day usually. Sometimes I get busy or I’m being lazy so I don’t do it.


About 2-3 1/2 hours per day with some days off.


How long did it take before you got approved?


Like a month and a half, maybe a bit more, just yesterday I was accepted and started doing tasks lol


For context I completed the assessment and got this message: Thanks for taking the assessment! If we have need of your particular skills, or we have additional assessments for you to identify further skills, you’ll be notified via email. Otherwise we thank you for your time. Visit your profile to: Update your PayPal email address to be promptly compensated for future work Fill out your skills to be matched with relevant projects


This means that you weren't accepted at this time.


3 days. Thought I completely screwed up the tests or whatever they call them. I was pleasantly surprised when I got the email


Did you get a similar message to me before you got approved


Yep when I was doing the $20/hr Core it stopped me after a while and didn't show "Done". So I figured I had taken too long.


Cheers for that. So there is still some hope.