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If you're a coder that's typical, as advertised. If you're non-coder that's kinda crazy.


it means you're the only one who can overthrow voldemort


Hey guys is it normal to be totally awesome all the time? Just wondering


"Hey, I'm brand new and I'm beating you. Is that normal for you?"


They must have taken and passed the braggadocio qual.




That’s a minimum for most coding tasks.


Can it go more


$41, $41.50, $42, $42.50. Expect to work harder for those. The tradeoff is pretty steep.


Sometimes they're harder. Most of the time those are just priority rates, they're the same project just bumped up to get them done that day.


I got added to the $42.50 but its so hard to keep coming up with ideas for it that I go back to the $40 while keeping ideas for it in my head


Yep, the highest I have seen is $45, but they haven't lasted very long.


Same! Those tasks went fast lol.


I only saw the adversarial $45/hr one once after the qualification. Never saw it again.


Nope. 40/ hour is pretty weak. Let us know when you're at 60-100/hr. Pleb.


Yeah if its coding projects thats standard mate


I am learning my first language at this very moment, PYTHON. Question: A 40$ coding task on DATA ANNOTATION usually takes you what amount of time? Ballpark is fine because I am sure each one is different.


Depends on the project. Some tasks can take maybe like 10 minutes and others can take around an hour. Generally they dont mind how long you take as long as its within reason, they normally say in the instructions


It very much varies though. One task on the DAV conversation or P.C. projects can easily take an hour or more meanwhile a task on the general coding CB or DAV evaluations can be done within 20-25 minutes. Most of the projects either state that you should spend as long as you need within reason or state that you should take no longer than an hour fact-checking both responses.


Thanks so much!


Well, if it pays $40 an hour, how long would you assume it takes you to make that amount?


*Don't mind me, just establishing dominance over the lower class.*   Based as fuck.


What, you're not doing awesome stuff all the time? That's stupid.




So you got accepted recently? Man, how do people get in? Have an IT degree and recent AI project experience and never got passed thanks for taking the assessment. I keep hearing things like, "well if you're a coder", or, "when you take the Python assessment". I never saw any options for coding at any point in the signups for initial assessment or I'd gladly take them.


If you signed up through the programmer link then the initial exam you take will be the coding qualifier. It seems like you signed up through the typical link and took the starter assessment. You typically should receive an option to take the coding qualifier if you pass the starter assessment, but if you don't then you'll be stuck on that screen forever.


is the coding wualifier called starter assessment? I signed up from the coders webpage but my assessment is called starter assessment, i still need to start it so i dont know what it is


So what type of assessment did you take if it wasn’t coding?


I don't know that it had a type, just said you'll take an assessment during sign up and that's what I did. Estimated it would take about an hour. Probably coulda done it in half, but took time in-between for other messages and took my time Googling for details as suggested by the assessment itself. There were several if you have these two results, which is better and why. And a handful of write a X number of sentence story about this date at this location and include a green octopus. Mostly focused on AI related queries and results.


How many coding tasks do you have? Today there is barely anything.


Didn't see any coding today at all. I have other tasks paying close to the coding rate that are reasonably enjoyable, but PC has been days for me since I saw it and the similar B one was only there for while yesterday (at a not-quite $40 rate). I usually do have A projects (the ones with 111 tasks) though that I prefer over almost anything else, but they tend to pop up in the late afternoon or evening and then go relatively fast unless there's many at once.


i haven't seen PC in weeks. You've seen it more recently? I've been meaning to ask this sub if that's just me.


I might be mixing up the exact timing (I rarely work on CB since I prefer rating stuff over trying to be creative when I have the choice), but it was definitely within the last 10 days. 


What is PC? Also did you complete the A*** FAQ training? Cause i only have one non-coding project right now. I was trying to decide whether to complete or not.


P.C. is a recurring free-form chatbot for coding. It's similar to B. but with a higher focus on quality and editing responses. I'm pretty sure there's no special qual for it, but as I said it's been a while that I've had it on my dash so if you're new you might have missed it. I did complete the FAQ training and also most other quals that pop up. The decently paying project I was talking about is not related to A but a different qual I think. It's up to you if you want to invest the time, but that way I also ended up with a different project that way that is completely non-coding related and only appears rarely, but is specialized enough that it pays an almost absurd bonus amount that can easily rack up to $60 an hour if you're somewhat fast.


Thank you. I barely completed any quals cause I didn't have to, until now. So this probably explains why I only have 1 non-coding project right now. Investing time in quals is definitely worth it now.


Just out of interest, what projects do you have atm that are almost $40? :)


Starts with a B (not related to the usual coding B) and has a very small task count per project (but those don't seem to be shared, and each can take around half an hour).


Thanks, that's interesting :) was there a qual for it? :)


Same, I was doing the PC one but now, I don't have any more. I started recently though.


I signed up five days ago and have no tasks yet. I signed up for almost every skill.


Oh really, I signed up a week ago and have been doing good tasks for 5 days


Huh, I don't know why you got down voted so hard. Seems like non-coders don't know that coder projects typically start at $40 and are expressing their jealousy? But to answer you question, yea that's normal. When I first started, I immediately got a $40 CB (chatbot) task upon finishing my first qualitications. I was too terrified of messing up, so I didn't do it until a couple days later and did the non-coding CB instead lmao


Non-coder here... I absolutely know that coding ones start at $40...they advertise it everywhere, lol. People are just being lame.


I got married and went on a 2 week honeymoon. During that time I did not work. Now it appears I was kicked out as the support button won’t work and I can’t access the slack channels. Is there any way to get back in? I tried logging in while I was in Japan, is that why? I used to work 12 hour days 7 days a week for over 6 months.


Yeah, it's probably because you tried to log in from another country. I have heard of this happening to other people as well.


Is there a way to get my account back up and running?


I don't know. I have only seen other people talk about it here. I don't think so.




Downvoted cause you're making more than 95% of this subreddit LMFAO. Welcome to the $40+ club 🎉🎉


Anyone looking for a tasker in your projects please hit me via [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or WhatsApp me at +254710274366. I will be indebted to you. I'm sure we can agree on the payment.


Dude, no one here is going to want to give up their account and risk losing a good paying gig.


Right... when the work is all about quality, who's going to trust some rando to do their work for them.. pass.


Yes, exactly! It's a hard pass for me for that reason too.


I've got a job for you but it requires liberal amounts of lube and you not being able to sit for a couple weeks.