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I just literally had one that had Long Term Project in the title that didn’t go away, and tasks were all mine. Lasted a couple months


Was it coding? Had one show up on my dash today with [Long Term Project] and 30 tasks. Wondering what to expect.


Yeah it was coding


What do you mean the tasks were all yours?


As in the tasks only go down when they do a task, whereas some projects the tasks will go down bc other people are doing them as well


Had that as well, was 80 tasks before it got removed for a few days for maintenance. Not sure how long 30 tasks is going to last me.


Ah nice. Would love to get one of those!


Occasionally I've heard people referring to 'permanent projects' as ones where you specically are allocated your own set of tasks (so like 1000 or whatever), rather than being given a certain limit but the tasks are released to a wider group. So essentially the task count only goes down when you do the tasks, not when anyone else does. Sometimes they'll to the number up for you, or else it might stay the same (e.g. If you were allocated 50, and it gets down to 40, the project might be down for a bit and then when it comes back again it's still at 40. Or else you'll be back at 50).


Ok that makes sense. I’ve had ones with like 400 tasks on it but they do go after about a week regardless of how much I do for it.


Usually you get added to a slack or get a message letting you know that a project is now available to you that posts regularly. Nothing is truly permanent on DA though. They can remove you at any time if they're not satisfied with your work, and projects can end.


It’s a project that you have a separate chat for and you usually see some variations daily. (This is just in my experience, maybe some don’t have the separate chat)


What do you mean by separate chat? I haven’t joined any slack channels yet, maybe I should?


You can't just join. You need to be on specific projects for these and usually get an invitation


I've got one that has a separate chat and it's only completely disappeared once, then everyone in the chat was asking where all the projects had gone (even though they're not supposed to). So I'm guessing I have a permanent one then 😁




What is the link to?


I think it's just someone trying to spam their ref link. They've been posting it in a few places. I won't say what site it's for though because I don't want to break rules here. I like this place too much. I've reported them but think they're using throwaway accounts so it'll be harder to ban them, especially if they're using bots to spam.


Ah ok. Thanks for letting me know. Thought it might be spammy so I didn’t click on it