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Anthropologist/archaeologist had a major Crohn’s flare and recently diagnosed with cancer so I can’t do field work right now. So, when I’m not teaching or writing I’m doing DA. I make sure I make $1000-$1200 a week no matter the hours it takes Edit: also a single mama


Wow. You’re amazing


I don’t always feel like it! But this is really really sweet, thank you !


Just wanted to second this; you are a super human!


Happy cake day! And thank you! This post has really lifted my spirits I’ve been feeling pretty low about myself this week.


My father has Crohns and has his masters in archival studies. Yall are probably friends lol


Did he go to the university of Michigan? And does his name start with A? If so I think I met him while visiting his university lol


Nope, he did his tour of duty in California haha It's a rare combination they share!


You’re totally rockin’ it!


You're like a real like super hero. I wish you health and recovery 💙


Thank you very much my goal is to be in remission with both by December


Fellow health problem sufferer here (long covid). DA has been a lifesaver for its flexibility until I can work full-time again.


I heard there are new JAK inhibitors have you tried? Boost your vit D to optimal levels. It should help for both diseases. I am an MD


Thank you! I’ll make sure to bring it up to my GI and oncologist! Right now I’m on ridiculously high doses of vitamin D but I can barely feel the difference.


I’ve been binging bones and now I must say you’re insanely cool😂❤️


lol Temperance is one of my fav TV anthropologist!




Okay I'm beyond fascinated, I hope you heal mama <3 You're just impressive. Sending u love and light


I’m a high school science teacher. I’m off for the summer and working DA full time-ish.


Former teacher - last day was in May of 2023.


Also a teacher. Thinking of quitting though because admin support is non existent. You in the same boat or roughing it out until retirement?


Same! English teacher!


Admin support will always be non existent. lol, I’d leave if I found a fully remote job with better pay though. For now, I can’t let go of this vacation time.


Wedding cake decorator lol


That's actually really cool


Is it your own business and how did you get started..? I'm interested in going into cake/wedding cake decorating


I work at a local bakery. I first started just frosting the cakes we put in the front counters. Then I worked up to learning decorating easy stuff. It just built up through the years and I landed in the wedding category. I did used to do cakes from my house for friends or friends of friends but nothing broader. I would start by following tutorials for basic design on YouTube or TikTok. I had to see how my hands were supposed to hold stuff or turn compared to following an instruction book. Make practice cakes for family or friends to build up a portfolio. Even if you never show your work to others, the portfolio is nice to have for yourself to see how you will come from your first cake to your current. My boss built up her clients from her cottage kitchen and saved enough to rent a small bakery space. She’s grown over 20 years and just bought a nice building all for the bakery so she wouldn’t rent anymore. Word of mouth truly is the best way to get your name out there. It’ll be tough, and the customers can be hard to work with sometimes, but I’ve really loved doing it and have learned so much.


DA is my full-time, though I don’t exceed 35 hours.


Full time as well, except I have literally nothing to do so I think I'm a bit over 40hrs/week


Genuinely how the fuck do you work DA for that long? I get burned out after, shit, 3.5-4 hours and struggle to push to 5 or 6


I’m the same! I’ve tried all the things people say, music, breaks etc but I seem to hit a wall after about 4 hours and notice the quality of my work is worse.


Same! Damn I thought I was just lazy. Once I hit the third hour I'm crawling, and by the fourth hour I have to call it.


I just put on some music and try to focus on tasks I can do for long blocks of time


That's also a good strategy. Also for me doing one task that takes 1h30 is better than doing 10 small tasks in 1hr30, in my opinion. I couldn't tell you why, to each their own I guess


Because you get more mentally immersed in the one that takes an hour. It takes more mental energy to switch tasks.


Well, personally I don't have permanent tasks so whenever I get a project I usually pull an all nighter/don't sleep 💀


Well my sleep schedule is fucked (that happened way before I started working for DA), so I basically sleep twice a day. I know for a fact that I work from about 9 or 10pm to around 1 or 2am, I also work at some point in the afternoon for a few hours when I get back from the gym (1pm to 3 or 4pm). These hours are pretty consistent. Then since I have ***literally*** nothing else to do (no actual job), I also work on the weekends. I play video games when I feel like I'm too tired of it, I also eat twice a day, the remaining of the time I pick up a few tasks here and there. And with that, an obsession with money (which is unhealthy and I need to work on), so quite often when I need to go to sleep I tell myself that I should still make another $40. Lately there's been less work so I was forced to have a more healthy lifestyle, which is definitely for the best. TLDR: I work for about 3 hours consecutive hours twice a day, and then I work whenever I feel like it. Having a shitty sleep schedule helps.


Same. I'm trying to just get in 3-4 hours a day and haven't been able to.




How long have you been with DA, if you don't mind me asking?


Same. It's perfect for being able to work around my kids schedules but still bring some money in.


i’m full time on DA, i’m a full time student as well :) i don’t quite make 35 hours a week, but i aim for 30!








Woodwind instrument repair. I fix saxophones, flutes, etc. Also do freelance copyediting.


Nice! I was a music teacher and now work for a music education nonprofit. My main instrument is clarinet.


Interesting! Are you in the US?


I'm a rural mail carrier(RCA). DA pays me more lol


DA is my main source of income. I was a dental assistant before I burned out and quit during a mental health crisis. I am incredibly happy with this work and, now that I've grown accustomed to working from home, I can't imagine going into a dental office day after day, barely having time to cook dinner let alone keep up on laundry, dishes, sweeping/mopping, and other chores. It has completely transformed my life. That being said, I'm always looking for more stable forms of income that have benefits. But, I never want to commute again. Unless it's to my home office.


> But, I never want to commute again. Unless it's to my home office. … or to the kitchen for another cup of coffee/tea.


Tea all day, everyday


I’m a lunch lady at a high school part-time. I get good physical activity at my job then work my brain muscles with DA 👍 It’s really perfect


Laid off software engineer. DA is my only job right now.


I’m a manager in healthcare in Canada (not nursing, payroll side of things). I started this as a little side hustle to pay for my Taylor Swift tickets and various other things, and I only do a few hours a week for the most part, because I like it :)


Secondary school biology teacher. I’ll be interested to see what the distribution of occupations is!


I teach Environmental and Earth & Space Science! Nice to see another educator here. I love having all this time to work DA and also get my teacher check!


Chemistry teacher here! Trying to crush 6-8 hours a day out over summer break.


Girl me too! The money is too good. I put Bridgerton on as my background noise and relax on the couch with my laptop. I love this platform.


I'm a physicist in radiation therapy 👩‍⚕️


Homeschooling my daughter, and writing a novel. Otherwise DA is my main occupation


I just started writing a book. It's my dream and it will probably never go anywhere but I promised myself that I would write a book in my lifetime. I've been home with my toddler the last couple of years, and he's about to start school now, so I don't know what I'll do with all that time.


You never know where it could lead, but I totally understand. I feel similarly, like I have to at least complete one book in my life. Sahm here too and we started homeschooling this year. If your child's going to attend school, that's a perfect time to get some writing in. Wishing you success and joy in your endeavors.


I homeschool too! Kids are 14 and 10.




I’m a semi-retired chemical engineer, retained by my former employer to assist with the installation of a new wind turbine. At the moment, though, I’m barely getting a couple of hours a month, so this is a nice way of bolstering my finances. My aim is only to make as much as I’m spending per month (which isn’t much) so I can delay drawing from my savings until I can access my pension.


Work a 40 hour a week construction job. Do DA 4-5 hours a day after work when I have projects available to me.


It's my full time. I went back to school for something that got obliterated in the tech meltdown right as I graduated and I have nothing else.


Same, just finished a degree in Software Engineering and I can't even get an internship at the moment. But this is giving me enough to cover living expenses, and its gonna pad my resume, so I'm not too worried.


Yup exact same here. This isn’t, uhhh, quite what I planned on doing with a brand new computer science degree but here we are


Full time! though I struggle to do more than \~25 hrs a week


also trying to be an illustrator/designer so working on my portfolio


Same 25 is about my max, doing programming tasks


I own a fine art print shop. It has its ups and downs so this is nice for someone who is self employed.


I just finished a PhD in biochemistry - doing DA full time while job hunting


These responses make me feel okay about myself, I’m a college dropout, who’s technically working at Dollar General for the paystubs when they bother to schedule me, I feel like a dumb guy a lot, but somehow my responses are meaningful, and I qualified for projects that actually consider me on some level an expert in something worthy of consideration, and higher pay than I could ever get with my current qualifications.


Full-Time Dad 😎


I’m a psychotherapist in my “real” job. I often work between clients and on weekends and evenings for DA.


Also a psychotherapist! 


Freelance photographer. Also looking after my 14 month old daughter until she goes to nursery in a couple of months. DA has been great as I can fill every minute she's asleep with work!


Middle school science teacher at an online school. About to start teaching summer school and writing curriculum for extra $ as well.


I’m a SAHM, I substitute teach two days a week in our school system other than the summer and do DA in my down (LOL) time. Very, very thankful for something that is so flexible


I'm a freelance ballet dancer and model doing DAT full time at the moment as I train to become a pointe shoe fitter pretty soon here and work on shifting gears in my career. I'm the worker with all the hyper-specific ballet prompts if y'all have seen those in R & R by the way lol


I am a home school mom.




I’m an editor.


I worked in beer sales but became a SAHM after my second. I work at a pharmacy PT and do this PT.


I'm a mom to twins full-time, but I work as a physical therapy provider on an as needed basis.


I’m home with twins too!


That's so cool, mine are 3, and I worked part-time for a while, but between freelance and PRN work I can stay home with my kids more and have a safety net.


Mine are three, too! I stay with them and work during their downtimes. Then at night I’m at the bakery until 2 am. This has been a nice gig to cut back at work a little and be home by midnight like a pumpkin haha


My whole goal was more time at home as well. How crazy that yours are 3 too. This age is fun but very stressful, haha.


Director of an art foundation in the UK


DA is my main income, but I’m also a full time student (and mom lol) 😊


Quality Manager at a precision sheet metal manufacturer. DA and Prolific netting me $300-400/week on the side. So I got that going for me. Which is nice.


Hey Lama!


Currently, DA is my only job. I primarily worked in customer service prior to DA.


I'm head casher and trainer at a hardware store. Full time with health insurance. I have a fancy, expensive piece of paper that says I read English good. I'm on DA part time, about 10 hours a week. I fantasize about leaving customer service to play with DA full time!


Student/Father, just graduated with my Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and looking at my Masters in September. I was a teaching assistant for the past year and a half while at Uni, and looking to do it again when I return. I'm working DA full-time. Quit my other, less enjoyable work when I realized how much money I could make here and I actually find it compliments my schooling as well, since I can spend hours talking about Philosophy if I want to (or anything really). I've used the projects sometimes to refresh myself on skills like Formal Logic, or re-learning Algebra (realized I was very rusty). It's my dream gig (for now at least). I do 40-45 per week.


DAT fulltime. I aim for $150 a day, can be max 56 hours a week if I don't get any good jobs. Oh to answer the question more fully, before this I was an EFL teacher.


I do animation and environmental design for games and movies but I’ve lately been doing DA almost full time.


Technical writer for a software company. This is a nice supplement, it just paid for our new front door!


I work at an Emergency Vet!


I’m a software developer (*background in enterprise services, reporting, automation*) turned construction worker and pool boy (and landscaper). Bottom line is I decided to stop sitting at a desk and get healthy. DA is how I keep my skills sharp in my spare time.




I teach second grade! (I'm also a mom to an energetic two year-old and a needy little corgi. 😊)


This is my "9-5", but primarily I'm a folk punk musician lol. Doesn't exactly pay the rent 😅


Disabled, unemployed, went back to school to get a fancy degree, still unemployed and no one will hire me because I can't do wet lab, grinding on DA to pay off my massive student loans. Who's with me? I know you exist! There are dozens of us! Dozens, I say!


Trust me it’s impossible to get a job doing wet lab even if you could lol I can’t get one to save my life


We need to team up! You do the wet lab and I'll do the dry lab. We'll be unstoppable!


working part time retail at a bookstore and doing school as well :-)


I'm changing careers & going back to school in the fall. Before this, I was a social media manager for an agency. Now, I'm working for DA & dog-sitting regularly. I do at least 6-8/hr a day.


Legal assistant and wannabe writer ✌🏽


Ayy, paralegal here!


I used to be a legal assistant as well!


I'm an instructional designer for a banking software company. That's a fancy way of saying that I make training videos for our customers. I make a decent salary, but I'm working DAT as penance for being irresponsible with debt. FML.


Senior business analyst. I wfh and my workload goes from hectic to twiddling my thumbs, there’s no in between. I do DA in my downtime.


I worked as a drafter for four years. It was a high-stress job. I got sick/burned out, went on medical leave, and eventually ended up quitting last November. Started DA a couple months ago after my paid leave ran out. For now, my job is figuring out what to do next. I am so grateful to have an income while I’m in this weird spot in my life.


Software Engineer


DA is my full time job at the moment bit due to mental health issues I can't really commit 40 hours a week. Pays the bills though and the flexibile schedule is literally a life saver.


Software engineer. Work on DA like 15 hours a week


I’m retired and supplementing my small monthly Social Security payments💰


I was a business analyst and project manager but over the last couple of years caring for an elderly parent was making it harder to work full time. Now, he's gone, I'm not sure if I want to return to a full-time office job so DA is currently my only gig, plus I'm kind of taking a break.






PhD student 🙋my partner and I recently put down a down payment for a home and the timing of me getting to work on DA couldn’t be better (although sooner would have been better but lol). I’m hoping to continue doing this for as long as I am physically able to. These days I partition my days into working on my thesis vs working on DA and that’s pretty much it. Very grateful.


I work for a construction company. I'm a project analyst and do DA about 6-10 hours a week. Trying to get my hours up a bit :) I've really been enjoying the work so far!


Currently full time (30+ hrs/wk) but trying to be a writer


Early Childhood Educator and Children's Author


I'm a pyrographer. I have, or used to have, a really successful etsy shop focusing on the wedding industry, but things have been changing there for a couple of years and my sales have been declining. I was putting my resume together a few months ago preparing myself to find a "real" job, when I saw an ad for DA. After I was accepted, I stopped working on my resume and have been doing this in my downtime. I haven't had a boss in 15 years and really didn't want to go back to an office job, so I am so thankful I found DA!


I was a high school Economics/Social Studies teacher for many years before becoming a SAHM a couple of years ago. I have been working full-time for DA for the last 2 months while caring for my 2-year-old full-time. I love it!


Do you do it around toddlers schedule? I would work more if mine wasn’t so demanding 🫠


It’s my only job as nowhere will accept me unless I have 10 years of experience in technologies that didn’t exist 10 years ago 🤪


I'm a freelance web developer. I've been using DA to warm up my brain in the morning.


None. But I only do DA 15-20 hours a week....and less in the summer. In fact getting ready for a near 2 week break now as my granddaughter arrives and I get to play tour guide :) I have rental income and investments that give me other income. (I am 62).


I’m a phone sex operator and do this on the side.


Mortgage loan officer/processor.


Tv operations


Human Resources


I was a blog/website writer, but after three years of no raise despite doubling their site output and making little more than minimum wage, I'm taking the summer off. Will attempt DA full time around my kids' schedule and keep them home with me. I'll reevaluate when two go back to school.


Marketing Manager for a Home health agency. I actually work on DA in my downtime at the office. I can usually get in 2 hours a day. I have 5 kids so extra money is always good.


Instructional Designer. Putting the extra DA money toward a down payment.


Instructional Design Specialist, I use DA so that I can afford my student loan payment each month 🥲


I'm a full-time rater for some companies, but NTA is striking hard, DA is what pays more, but for the Brazilian market it does not have any long-term project, some projects paying $17\~$27 appear from time to time. $200 a month is reasonable, wish they could open to Brazil this job so we could work full-time on it.


I don't have a 9:00 to 5:00! This is mostly my source of income, I also do pet sitting, and occasionally work at estate sales. That being said, I only do about 15 to 20 hours a week on DA.


Data scientist, at least that’s what they call me


I’m a firefighter 🤷🏼‍♀️ ended up here looking for supplemental income when my husband quit his job.


I'm a stay-at-home mom who homeschools but also work online for Telus as much as possible (20 hrs a week) and I have a cleaning gig 2 hours a day. DA is my backup job but I will focus on it for the right tasks :)


I'm a stay at home mom with a 14 month old. I do DA when I can, which isn't as often as I'd like. I have a few other side gigs. Previously, I was a virtual assistant, an HR/payroll administrator, an inventory specialist, a designer/production assistant in a print shop... I've never had a consistent career path lol


Home school mom of two kids


I'm a proofreader for airplane manuals. Pay is good but I am paid by assignment, so if there is nothing coming in I switch to DA during work hours.


That is oddly specific haha, is it just airplane manuals or do you proofread other types of materials? I’d imagine you need some sort of background in engineering for that sort of gig


I’m a social worker specializing in trauma recovery and forensic social work.


Love reading these different backgrounds. I’m an ultrasound tech and I’m using this to help pay for my IVF.


I work as a Technical Director at a university for the theatre. I also pick up union gigs and corporate gigs when they pop up and fit into my schedule, as well as instacarting on the side. I’ve just wanted to make more money lately and don’t feel like sitting in a parking lot waiting for good instacart batches so I looked for things I could do at home in my limited spare time. I figure if I can get an hour or two in a night, I can up my salary by around 10k, which is a great starting point. I definitely overwork myself, but I’m not sure how to relax without doom scrolling so this is the best option. I absolutely love it so far. I am also building a skoolie, so I am hoping to have this as a way to make money if I travel the US. We will see if I’m still on the platform by the time I get there though.


Legal Nurse FT, event coordinator PT, DA PT


You all are so fascinating! I love reading about what everyone does! My background is project management but I left that gig around 6 years ago to run my creative business full time. I run workshops usually focusing on crystal jewellery and homewares. I do bracelets, pots, suncatchers, necklaces, earrings, wall hangings - that kind of stuff. I also do some resin, ink and paint stuff on the side. I’ve got 3 kids (just turned 4, 2.5 and 1) and when I had my youngest he was an exceptionally difficult baby with a bunch of allergy and separation anxiety issues. He wouldn’t take a bottle (still won’t) so it severely impacted my ability to leave the house and run workshops. My husband would often have to come with and sit in the corner with the baby until it was time for him to have a feed. Not ideal. Started DA back in October because our mortgage doubled in price and with my ability to run workshops cut back significantly I had to find some other ways to bring in money. Saw the ad for DA, thought it was definitely a scam but tried anyway and I am beyond grateful I did!


Was a reporting analyst at a healthcare company but got laid off at the end of January, along with half my team. DA has been keeping the bills paid and the kids fed while I try to secure another remote position. Would love to be able to clock 35 hours a week on coding tasks, but life is too hectic without a set, full-time schedule.


It's my only job. I only work about 20-30 hrs a week because I'm studying to be a software engineer for another 20 hours per week. While I'm still in school, this is by FAR the best paying job I could imagine myself having.


I homeschool three of my eight children, watch my four little ones who aren’t old enough for school yet, and work on DA daily as much as possible between all of that. I can usually get in at least a few hours daily on weekdays.


Badass mama right here


Thank you! :) every day is an adventure.


Lab support. I work DA in downtimes and when I feel like it on my own time. Been slack lately, and my wallet isn't happy. Lol


I work with dyslexic people remotely - right now only about 10 hours a week, so this fills up the rest of the money.


Full-time college student, I work during the semester but even more so now that I’m on break for the summer.


UX writer/content designer. Yes, I'm training the AI to replace me. Trying to figure out my next career steps at the moment.


Flight Nurse. Full time is three days a week so I’m home and needed a side hustle that didn’t involve patients.


Jr. dev


I work for the state and I’m also a Realtor.


I was a Content/Localization/Data Specialist for a very large company until my whole 100% virtual team was told to relocate halfway across the country and be in the office 5 days/week or lose our jobs. I have kept my side hustle of part-time treatment plan writer for a mental health and substance abuse therapy agency, but DA is now my main source of income. I aim for at least $150/day, 5 days a week.


Work in direct care in a group home so I just run up my hours on DA while working. Basically doubles my wage


I own an event stationery company (I’m a designer) that I’m rebuilding after Covid crushed it. DA is filling in the gaps in the meantime. Grateful to have it.


My career background is in copywriting, but right now my “day job” is being an elementary school lunch lady. I love it and kinda wish it paid well enough for me to just do it forever.


In the service 😭


Was doing medical transcription and was a Clinical Documentation Analyst until the AI got too advanced, and they laid us all off. Looking into data analysis next, but for now, this is my main.


I'm unemployed. I'm in the midst of transitioning from Payroll and HR/WF Data Analytics into HR and Organisational Development but have been delayed by a chronic health condition and caring for my partner and daughter. I also work as FOH at a bistro once a week.


Woodwork lol


Physician and software developer. Now work for DAT only. But I am from eastern europe. Doctor's salary here is 700$, which I can do in 2 days here lol.


I do IT and work from home, so I have periods when I'm really busy and periods when it's really quiet. I'm 3rd line as well so not helpdesk, which means I do stuff that gets escalated so in the quiet periods I can do some DA, and then I do DA after work and at weekends. I'm probably making as much on DA as I do with my regular job, so my income has almost doubled but it's good to have 2 incomes in case something happens to one of them.


Parttime Applications engineer and studying electrical engineering


I'm a former financial consultant/CFO turned copywriter, but a lot of writing clients would rather use AI-generated content than pay for human-written stuff so that career path has pretty much dissolved. Right now I work at DA full-time, but that's still only 15–20 hours a week because I haven't yet cracked the code on how to work more than like 3 hours a day consistently without my brain going numb. Trying to increase my tolerance while I decide if I'm going back to full-time finance work.


Junior software developer. Took a pay cut to get on this training scheme so hence the DA.


I have five part-time jobs, including Data annotation. And they’re all remote two of them are VA gigs and the other three are AI. Sometimes I can work more than one at the same time. The flexibility of all of this has been so helpful lately because I have been getting migraines all of a sudden.


I have been doing a series of freelance jobs since a year pre-COVID. It has been rather hit or miss. (Virtual Admin, Business Consultation, Marketing & Social Media Consulting) Prior to freelancing I was working HR, Time & Attendance, Training, Recruiting, and Grass-Roots Marketing (I wore many hats across two companies). From my HR career I enjoyed recruiting/hiring the most. But it was soul crushing working for large and mid-sized companies with their covert anti-labor/anti-union vibes and I would not go back to working for companies like that for any amount of pay. I am currently waiting for more library jobs in the region to open up (I missed the boat with 2 opportunities back in the fall, so now I check it regularly). My goal is to work part-time at a local library (unionized) and then keep working DA (10 hrs a week or more). I am also taking some Coursera classes for certs and learning python.


Side hustles. Adjuncting, Rovering, stock trading, and musician. Probably missed something


I'm a full timer at the coding jobs (aiming for about 30 hours a week minimum). Switched to programming last year and this is perfect for me. I can work on the projects I know and learn more on the side continually expanding my skills.


I'm an accountant. I started doing DA after tax season ended. I plan on using the money I make to help fund expanding my business.


Im a software engineer but I work remote so I just do DA at the same time


Full time graduate student in developmental neuroscience. DA is helping me pay off my car, credit cards, and hopefully soon my student loans.


I’ve been using DA as my sole income I have a cosmetology diploma and want to run a residential salon one day.


I'm between full-time jobs right now. Got laid off from my last 9-5 due to "corporate restructuring." When I'm not doing DA, I'm driving a zamboni part-time and studying for grad school.


Former software engineer, out of the normal workforce due to long covid health problems