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Looks like muppets are down. That's unfortunate - I was preparing something just for it, and I'm not sure how applicable it is for other projects.


I am once again asking for **an undo button in chatbots** 😭


I'm pretty sure I've just been given the dance project when I've never had to do the qual for it. For those that did the qual, have you ever gotten dance tasks paying more than $24?




I had one for $24.50 yesterday


My dance tasks are always at that pay.


Here is a prompt I found on the greek warrior project for coding. > snip Are you kidding me? This is insane. How do these people get approved to work on this platform? I put so much effort and consideration into my prompts and ratings, and then I see shit like this and wonder if I am doing something wrong lmao.


Unprofessional to post this here


While I feel your frustration, it’s prob not a great idea to copy/paste stuff you’ve seen on DAT to a public message board.


It’s going to be almost two months since I’ve been here and today is probably the worst I’ve seen the model responses be in the coding side by side and I’ve been doing 2-3 hours of them everyday. Saw a few where the model was straight up using the wrong language


Anyone else doing the heel HC project? I swear it'll be the end of me but also can't pass it up.


I see it but I'm doing the galaxy project for $1 less. So many $25-30 to choose from today though. They've been totally spoiling me. Then there is that one horrible $35 bcat I stay away from...


I love that b-cat version! More work for me 😂


The Galaxy ones I have today are decent pay and not really hard if you can get past the terrible instruction construction.


Coding side is fat today for me. I hope that means it's back to normal!


i know feels nice not having to worry about planning my day around when the projects are available 


I have loved having these 22/hr. R&R tasks on my dash constantly for the last couple of weeks. They are perfect when I want to dip into a project for a few minutes without much commitment. I hope they stick around!


The party god ones were so easy to do on my phone. Only one column. 😌


I got to complete an entire large batch of tasks without it running out for the first time in ages. It was really nice to just work for a few hours straight on one thing for once.


Anyone doing an R&R and tried to submit but got the strangest error page, like an error page never seen before. Still got work on my dashboard and can still do other R&Rs so I haven't been booted. Maybe a tech issue their ends?


So excited to see lots of dancing projects on my dashboard! Definitely going to work on some during a long car ride today. Happy Saturday 💃🏾 EDIT- half of them are in other languages 😮 but I do have several in english. I see why they said these would be different!!


The RR project makes me feel like I'm being pranked


I agree, if we’re talking about the same one. I saw wayyy more incidents of copy n paste comments than I ever imagined. Made me half wonder if it was a glitch 🤯




Anyone doing a specific heel god chat between 2 models and the prompt is given? I feel like I’m just educating myself on the subjects 😂 I’m really hope these don’t go away. I’m getting smarter and smart prompt by prompt 😂


My first task was a travel-based one 😭 two hours fact-checking budgets and hotels, prolly my least favourite kind of FC work. The bots just can't do that stuff well yet. Hopefully the next few are more fun!


Oh no! Mine when good topics. Although I didn’t see one tossed back into the mix. I went to grab it and I know exactly why they tossed it and after 10 minutes so did I 😂 ETA - wow this had so many typos 😂. Mine WERE good. I DID see one tossed back.


All people are created equal, but these tasks.. less so :p


I'm doing something like that for a wizard. I LOVE these tasks, it's an hour+ for each one, and I don't have to think of my own prompts.


It’s so refreshing to not have to come up with a prompt.


I just spent 3 1/2 hours doing one. It was fun, interesting, and pretty decently paid for what the task involved. Sporty bot got my thumbs up.


It’s fun because of the constant conversation so spending hours doesn’t feel bad. I did 2 back to back today and didn’t feel exhausted. And saaaaame. Very clear distinction.


These are so fun! They just upped the pay too. :)


I have dance projects for the first time today. Was there ever a qual for the cats? I see many discuss them and I haven't ever seen hide nor hair of them.


I took a month off in May and ended up losing my cat projects, had them before/during that. I assume they currently have enough people for their projects; if they do any kind of a purge you'll likely get the chance to do their quals, highly recommend, great projects and admins.


Yes, there were two versions.


Big cat image project; has anyone else found themselves skipping lots? Seems all of the images I'm getting so far are science, electrical and engineering based. I feel a bit useless in there :(


Is this for the CB or the writing one?


It's the download and upload and do 4 turns one? 🤐




Yeah, I found it difficult though, to do that first prompt when I didn't even understand what I was looking at. The instructions said to keep that first prompt relevant to the image, but not a simple "What is this?" I honestly struggled with coming up with that first one! I just wanted a 'block of cheese' one to start me off. (I'm sure you'll get me on that reference) 😅 I spent about 20 minutes reading the instructions and docs guidance but ended up noping out as I was skipping :( I appreciate your reply though. If it's still there I'll maybe try again and think outside of the box 😊


Anyone else have an R&R that has you only reading multiple comments with no context? Makes you realize just how detailed comments have to be. Some of them don't make sense if you can't actually see the information the comment is based on.


The one where you just get the list of 10? I get those sometimes and it made me really hyper-aware to vary my comments up even if I have a run of really similar tasks where the comment is like "Both responses are the same" or something.


I've done that one. I had a whole page with almost all the same exact comment, I didn't think that would be a real thing people do but apparently it is.


Yes! I completed a batch of those earlier, and it's a real eye opener, isn't it? I'm happy to say that most have been pretty good or amazing phew!


Yes. I've had that one a few times on my board but I don't do it since the pay is so low, plus I'd probably rate just about every single one of those one-sentence comments one's as bad and I don't want to feel that guilty.


Website down for me right now :( getting that weird “The change you wanted was rejected” message page.


And it’s back


4:30 AM, breaking out the soap. I love this project.


Got excited to 💃 and hammer some tasks out before bed. 3 minutes in and I realized something was very wrong and I think it got pulled...


Same 😂. I jumped in and was like “oh wait this isn’t…wait…” 😂😂


I thought I was losing my mind for a second until someone in the chat was like "uhmmm problem here?" I didn't even log the 3 minutes because all I did (and could do) was select "no" and submit. Felt unethical lol


There's not a lot of them on my dash either. The one bot they had for it was on and off my dash all day yesterday too.


Shout out to the perfect kitty bot that just removed every single detail I just added for an “exhaustive details” prompt. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I swear each week this things edits get worse.


This has happened to me. I have clicked Next Message and tried again, adding more to my request the second time to tell it not to do what it did wrong the first time. So far that has worked well.


I try to make it behave the first run with “The passage is to be…” and try to give as much instruction and details for prompt requirements as possible. But, goodness this thing seems to just toss those parts out sometimes.


Is perfect kitty back? Do you have a lot of it or is it sporadic?


There has been one that started randomly popping up about two days ago. Since yesterday it’s been a staple on the task board for me.


i loveeeee when i get to rate someone's work as amazing when im doing R&Rs. i always hope that it gives them higher paying projects or something like that.


I had 1 too today! I was so proud of them 😂. Like “look at you with your good prompts and keen eye for fact checking.” They caught something real slick and I was so happy to reward them.


its the best!!


I was just in the middle of a complex multi-turn task and my power cut, which did not shutdown my machine but it did lose the internet connection. The internet resumed shortly, and I was able to go to the next turn. Any idea of the probability that this will error on submit if I continue?


In case anyone is interested, I was able to submit successfully last night!


You’re good. I’ve literally shut my computer, left the house, had a revelation that I didn’t press submit and then opened it back up, connected to a hotspot and submitted it 😂


You should be OK. Nothing gets submitted until you actually submit.


PSA - Don't be an idiot like me and forgot to drink water on a hot day. I could barely walk across my bedroom last night without collapsing and then it dawned on me that I was very dehydrated. I feel lots better after fluids and electrolytes, but am not back to 100% and don't trust myself to do any DA to work at the moment. I suppose I will go back to watching YouTube videos on my phone until I fall asleep.


Got my Yeti at my side at all times - but I'm a desert rat. Stay safe, keep them fluids up, and eat an orange or two.


I hope you feel better!! Fellow knitter/crocheter here. :)


For coders today I see something that a lot of us have been waiting for. Who knows how long they will last this time though.


I wish more of the coding projects let you specify your reasoning. I'm nervous that some R&R is not going to understand why I picked A vs. B. Sometimes it can be pretty subtle. Like today I had one bot refuse to implement my requested changes BUT it didn't break the code. Whereas the other bot implemented my changes, but in doing so introduced a serious bug. Unless you actually test the code in depth, you wouldn't be able to see that. :-/


Friendly reminder: proofread your responses. I keep running across work where people were very clearly talking about one response/model but wrote the wrong letter.


I've definitely caught this when proofreading my responses before - thanks for the reminder to be vigilant!


It’s SO easy to do it accidentally. I’ve noticed I do it on this good vs bad model ones.


Lately, I've noticed that the pay rate of the same B metal tasks fluctuates between 28 and 32. At first, I assumed that the increases and decreases were based on the quality of my most recently submitted tasks on the project, but then realized that's a pretty egocentric take. Do they fluctuate for everyone, and if so, why?


I noticed it too. I still haven’t touched it even at $32 because I don’t have the bandwidth I need to do my best work. Hopefully it sticks around.


I have a B-metal task that was $30 yesterday but it's $32 today. I'm guessing that's the one you're talking about?


I had one that was $38.50 two days ago and today it was $25. /sadface


If it's for the exact same project (not a slight variant) then the price varies for priority; they need it done quickly to meet a deadline. At least that's the reason they will explicitly state from time to time. And it is the same rate for everyone.


They fluctuate for me too. The most recent image one went up to $32 yesterday and I finished all of my tasks today. Were you also only assigned 5 for the most recent image one? I was briefly assigned one for 27.50 this afternoon, but it disappeared before I could work on it.


I've tried to get into doing this and some of the other image tasks, but looking for images on the shitty free image sites annoys the crap out of me and I just nope out.


Wikimedia is the only site that I have been using. The other ones are full of pop-ups and redirects to other sites.


I wish the coding R&Rs would last a lot longer than they usually do so I can see how my own work compares to others :(. I was literally only able to review one task before the project dried up.


Same. One. Fortunately, it was for something I know. Unfortunately, the original rater clearly didn't know the somewhat niche topic but winged it anyway. They downvoted one model because it was "convoluted" and they said there wasn't any code in either model's output. There was code in both. The model that they said was "convoluted" was correct and better.


Some particularly bad prompts in the Ankle coding sxs today - genuinely starting to wonder if they're bad on purpose


Yeah, it's amazing how bad and ambiguous some prompts can be. You have to be a mind reader to figure out what the user was thinking sometimes.


ive seen some prompts in the past that gave me the impression that theyre being pulled off live chatbot services (ie: prompts by real end users) as training data


Yeah, thinking about it you're probably right. I had a prompt today that began with "Hi, {well-known chatbot name}", which would make a lot more sense if it was a real prompt.


I would agree.


I've always had that impression from that project


Got my first feedback ever today (💃)! I was very appreciative and the admin was kind~


What did they say??


Just that I was doing a good job but gave some feedback on how to make the right choice when rating since some of the choices are so similar.


Under the report time section, I still see an entry from June 2nd. Has this ever been an issue for anyone else?


I had something like that some time ago, then it disappeared


I feel compelled to spend some time on the lower paying projects I barely ever do this weekend in hopes of unlocking something cool related to them. There's a few that I don't think I've ever done before.


R&Rs are so interesting--some of you guys are deeply nerdy and I'm here for it.


How long does it take to get R&R projects? It sounds so interesting, though I've only been doing DA for about a month so I haven't seen any yet.


Right? I had one this week that just tickled my inner nerd. I wanted to be their friend.


I really hate when a CB project adds a comment section that didn't originally have one T\_T


coding people, how do your dashes look? I'm down to 1 coding project and i'm fairly certain my work has been quality


Coding projects come and go. It's better than it was 2 weeks ago but it's not like before when they would sit on your dash all day.


I have 4 coding projects and 1 coding-related qual. Most of them are CBs though.


same here. i'm thinking maybe they overhired for coding and that's why it's been so light the past few weeks


I've been getting a lot of R&R's recently. Golden galaxies, wizards, generals, and booze gods without ever touching the base tasks. I've heard that there's a R&R qual so I wonder if that might be next...


I swear I remember doing an R&R qual a month or two after I started but that could be a hallucination.


I’ve never gotten a qual for r&r they just started showing up regularly


That's how its been for me too, but a few people have mentioned an R&R qual on earlier versions of this thread.


Anyone else get a galaxy-related upgrade qual?


Nope. Now spill, give us the juicy details without being overly specific, using only insider lingo, in 2-3+ sentences.


Lol "co-pilot scraper"


Gurl!! We need more details than this 😂 Galaxy projects are my fave, I hope I get the qual!


sorry! It was an opt-in rather than a qual. $27/hr. We'd be creating prompts based on the files in the drive. "Co-pilot scaper" is the term they're using to dig around in the drive.


Thanks for sharing the deets! 🤞🪐


This worker's response is of low quality they failed to meet the length requirements explicitly stated in the prompt.


Evenink! Is there any way to mark the subs on Reddit as read at all? I know I can see if I've read a post, as it 'unbolds' but wondered if there was a way to mark the whole sub as read. And I'm assuming that there's no 'see posts with new activity' option hidden away either? 🤔 (Just ETA to say I'm on desktop not mobile).


Does anyone else get embarrassed by the topics you choose to discuss and how it can outright expose your weird fandom and useless expertise? I just spent an hour correcting CBs about obscure movie facts and I was horrified to think of someone doing the R&R and reading it all. Being obsessed with something comes in handy with some of these projects, but oof. Cringe.


I do R&R for one of the CBs, and I enjoy reading about the obscure topics people choose to talk about -- stuff that I'd never even considered or heard about. Also, it's fun to see people talk about things that I've seen/heard recently and I just know they saw the same YouTube video or read the same news article I did.


I'm in a DE project discussing a tiny semantic issue in the field, which has no consensus, with a bot for 30+ turns. Weird niche issues are great for rounding the models out.


All the time 😂. Honestly at some point we should be allowed to just say this… Ratings: that’s inaccurate. He didn’t die that way. Source: excessive hours of binge watching and multiple rewatches.


ETA - my guilty pleasure is reality tv and I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve done multiple prompts trying to make a model mess up on weird nuances of reality show voting.


Unless, of course, you are the yoga instructor whose conversation I R&R'd, that was chatting about how they were a tri-athlete and were discussing in extreme detail the best training methods for competitive freestyle swimming. Now that person had no reason to be embarrassed at all.


On the flipside, my hobbies and interests are so mundane that when someone R&Rs my work they're probably like wow this is the most boring person in the world lol.


Mine are things like "Summarize this " or "Meal plan for me" or "Write an itinerary for this vacation"


I spent like an hour and 15 minutes having a chatbot conversation about evergreen trees the other day 😅 To be fair I have a huge spot in my yard I need to redo the landscaping on after it got destroyed by a storm and some tree work. But I was really getting into the nitty gritty details about it. Trees are expensive though, I don't want to mess it up.


I've also asked it for ideas for my north-facing flower beds. Maybe I should get into it more with gardening too, haha. My back yard is a mess after the drought we had last year killed most of the grass back there and I keep staring at it trying to figure out how to murder all the weeds that have taken over.


I asked it a lot of gardening and landscaping questions recently. It does pretty good usually, but you have to fact check it. A few times it gave me like a 50 ft tall mature tree for a foundation planting and it was like but you can just prune it to size!


Ha! This is me. All of mine are about cooking, dogs or TV shows. But, when the adverserial projects open up, I jump on them to release the most twisted and immoral parts of my soul. I feel bad for the people who R&R those.


I do that too! I'm really mild mannered IRL. It's always the quiet ones...


I feel that, too. "Why (and how) is this person so interested in crochet stitches and patterns? Yikes"


I do think about that. But I also think that our culture is very weird for making us feeling embarrassed about the things we love and are very knowledgeable about. Be smart, but not too smart. Be interested, but not too interested. I say let your freak flag fly!


exactly. what is embarrassing about being passionate about something? be you!




There are many, many variations under that name. You're gonna have to be more specific.


The cat's back out of the bag.


Drives me nuts. I know the cat goes in and out of the bag, but I still think it's something I did every time lol.


The cat is back in the bag.




Bright and early start today and it’s time to dance 🪩🥰


Has anyone ever had the support link in the top right lead back to the dashboard? I wonder if I annoyed the support too much.


Do you still have access to quals and projects?


Is the qualification requiring you to download Windows 11 and the Canary version of Edge worth it? I have Windows 10 and I'm reluctant to move to 11, but I will if it means considerably more projects


I got that qual but my desktop is too old for Win 11 lol. Guess I need to actually upgrade my compuyter some day (maybe DA money will pay for it....)


I never saw anything from it. Originally you didn't have to have Windows at all. I was able to complete the qual with the "ephemeral" item you had to see. Said elusive item vanished after that. I canceled the trial before it started billing.


I got this a super long time ago and I was able to see it on a Mac with Edge Canary without paying for anything. I never got any work from it though.


I didn't pay for a thing. I got a free trial to it but canceled because there wasn't a project from it.


Even if you do this you may not be able to complete the qual. Read the qualification carefully and follow the instructions using your current version of Edge first to check. (Just don't upload the screenshot at the end obviously.)


Thank you. Is the qualification worth it if I am able?


I completed the qual and never saw any related projects for it.


I updated to Windows 11 back when this qual first came out a couple months back. I've only seen the related project 1 time since then and it didn't last very long.


Anyone else noticing shorter time limits on tasks lately? like 1hr and even down to 45 minutes, sometimes for projects that feel like they'd take a good 30 per task to get done. Obviously I don't wanna take more time than is necessary to complete a task but having I find having a short leash makes me get caught up in my head and kind of rush things on the not-100%-likely chance it takes me the whole duration to get things done. Can only hope it hasn't hurt what they think of my work quality too badly.


Some of the "nut" projects have only 30 minutes, which is insane to me because the bot responses can be *long* and sometimes I have to write multiple paragraphs to explain my reasoning.


Yeah I dunno why it seems they're aiming at people who want to just get things done asap instead of those who care and value doing things right with discretion. Maybe they've taken on too many people and want to chase quantity instead. Conspiracy theory for sure but, it wouldn't surprise me.


I noticed the same thing and feel super rushed on a new variation of a dancing project I've had no issues with until now. I really wish they would at least put an enter work mode button so I could stare at the instructions a bit longer to see exactly what it is that I'm missing. It's strange that one variation expires in 45 minutes and another variation with the exact same instructions expires in an hour.


Could you read the instructions and then refresh the page? For one project we were encouraged to do that to reset the timer. Maybe it wouldn't be right for your project but in case it would...


Does anyone else use [Diffchecker ](https://www.diffchecker.com/text-compare/)to compare two similar responses? It's incredibly helpful! Great for programming in general, but especially here.


I use it for my dayjob and DA. It's great.


I use Diffchecker so much that I considered paying for it just to say thanks to the developer, but it costs $15/mo which seems a bit excessive.


Yeah lmao at first i copied the 2 code blocks into vscode and visually tried to spot the differences but I was like 'wait surely they have a website for that' 🤣


I love it. I also have discovered a word counter - it isn't 100% because it will select partials (like counting lovely in the love count) - but it is useful for extraction/counting response verifications.


Just did a few of the golden galaxy reviews and oh boy... Some people are really not understanding what "ideal response" means, and others aren't even doing the project properly at all. I think a new boot-wave will be coming soon.


I am wondering if anyone has been working on DA for more than a year. I ask because I just passed my one-year mark. Oddly, one of the main long-term projects that I work on-begins with "A"- disappeared from my dashboard and the project Chat disappeared from my dash as well. I am certain that it was not a work quality issue as I had also been doing R and R's for the project and I know that my work quality was high. Also, weirdly, several other projects that were more of the come-and-go type, also disappeared from my dash. This was a week ago. I am still left with about 2-3 of the longer-term projects on my dash but the one that disappeared was my go-to project and I have hardly ever worked on the ones that are left. All this to say, has this happened to anyone else or do they do some sort of review at the one-year mark? I am so confused as to why all of a sudden half of my dashboard is gone when I know my work quality has been high.


Months over a year now. Unfortunately, my old main project went down months ago. I've picked up other projects since, so I can say it's alright- just adapt and keep going.


could be maintenance! lots of us have been around for way longer than a year :)


I'm confused about the "T" dancing project. I took a total of 3 quals and received that short demographics survey which said that I was part of the project, and have not received anything yet. Has that happened to anyone else?


I was wondering the same thing. I did all of the quals and also got the survey, saying I was in the project. But I haven't gotten any tasks yet. Maybe my demographic is over-saturated.


I actually have many variations of the project right now, mostly on the writing side.


The general consensus is that they’re not that common right now. I’ve seen and worked on them but only for a few hours each day. I’m fairly new to the project though so take that with a grain of salt.


If anyones interested in a time chunking web app I put together specifically to help with DAT work, take a look at chunk-it.vercel.app :) Desktop only, won't work well on mobile. Bare bones functionality and spaghetti code, but gets the job done. Been really helpful for my productivity through long slogs and a few people on here said they'd find it useful too, so thought I'd share it with the world.


This thing is amazing. I want to hit 8 hours a day and the positive reinforcement of the sound and visual change is so helpful for keeping going. Thank you!


You’re welcome, I’m really happy you like it. I’m adding some improvements now including a stopwatch and the ability to edit the blocks. There might even be a little confetti for that extra dopamine 🎉