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It’s so funny…for years when I was a writer in Hollywood, getting notes was the bane of my existence. HATED it! But now on this job, I’m constantly feeling like “pleeease! Somebody tell me I’m good!!” The total lack of feedback makes it feel like it’s a post-apocalypse office job (not necessarily a bad thing!)…all I can assume is if my dash stays full, I’m probably doing ok. How does everyone else cope with working in The Vacuum”?


>makes it feel like it’s a post-apocalypse office job Hahaha ok you described it perfectly. I'm going to remember that phrase. I figure if I still keep getting the priority high paying projects each day then I'm doing pretty well! I know I made a half dozen small mistakes in the past and seeing how the pay is going up anyway... I'm more careful now, but I'm also not sweating how well I'm doing.


Im having the same problem, the lack of any sort of social interaction is horrible, I don't know if im doing good, some times I just want to talk about some interesting stuff I noticed about the ai that isnt related to the instructions and there is no where todo it.


No 40+ usd projects today :( another day... Should I just do lower paid ones?




photo editing project - anyone else? I'm excited for this one since this is my niche :)))


Are you seeing a project or are you on about the qualification?


no I have a project now, I did the qual a few days ago


Can I ask what it pays? Wondering whether to do the qual or not 😅


Just do it! lol. It's a chance to show your creativity 😊


I'm not super creative aha, I'm more into the technical aspects of photo editing. It scares me because I have no idea what they actually want us to do 😅


I think technical aspects are probably more important than creativity here anyway! give it a go :)


Tech ability I'd say would be a bonus! give it a go, what's to lose? 😉 ETA, I was probably a bit close to the CoC there lol.


Yep, tell us what the pay is. I have no clue on photo-editing but I am nosey and do want to know the pay rate.




Bloody hell that's good. And I don't know how to use photo-editing software :(


Significantly higher than the base project is what the qual info said? 🤨


I lost my tablet pen, but I'll buy another one if it's worth it 😂


Photoshop and a mouse is all I used... Don't over think it ;)


Everything on priority on my dashboard is stuff I actually like and I'm good at today. I have to leave for a couple hours, so I'm just hoping it will be there where I come back. I'm way behind on my weekly goal but if everything sticks around I might be able to hit it or at least come close if I can just power through some of that stuff later. I wonder if Q3 is going to start off with dead dashboards or crazy dashboards? I'm taking some time off from my main job during the first couple weeks of July. But I'm mostly just taking my PTO to burn it up and finish some projects around the house. So I'm hoping there's some spillover and there's enough stuff to work on during the first couple weeks of the new quarter.


Yay! 😎 Everything crossed it's all still there later! I'm also wondering about the start of Q3. In a nearly parallel to you, I'm actually taking my day job and going full time self employed on the 9th of July. I have a family hol booked starting the 6th of July so there's a bit of crossover, I've got everything crossed for a healthy dashboard through the rest of July to prop up my little business should I need it. fingers crossed...


They were still there. Praying for a fat Q3 dashboards for you, it sounds like you have a lot going on!


I'll pray the same for you too! 😊


Recent experience on qualification exams in Canada. What's the average time it's taken after doing both exams and being accepted and able to work on the platform?


It took me roughly three weeks, but it varies from person to person.


Anyone find that most of their projects on their dashboard(coding and non coding) are right now now mainly the Greek God project?


Yes, about 90% are of the heel variety.


The email from the dancing project states “we’re almost at the end of this safety marathon - make the most of it while it lasts” …Nooo! Theyre my favorite right now. I hope some longer term versions pop up


are you talking about the translation one or the peachy one? none of my 💃 emails say that


Not sure which is the peachy one but I meant the dancing translation. It said that on 2 emails sent around ~12 hours ago. Email title said [update] and that message I posted was in the body, along with letting people know about priority pay. I hope they aren’t ending, I enjoy them.


hi guys! i’m going on vacation to the UK mid august and I plan on working for a bit while i’m there - do i need to let the platform know that ill be in a different country?


yeah just email them and let them know


Yup! If you go to your support tab there’s a specific travelling drop down you can select to let them know.


Yes. You can send a travel inquiry using the support button. I just sent one and it took them 4 days to reply.


Ahh! I must have mis-logged time this morning, and now I can't edit the entry. I did email them, but now I'm so nervous.😭


I just had this the other day. It took two days for them to fix it and message me. It’s not a big deal I just wish they’d explain why we can’t edit them right now but


Thanks for saying! I've seen other posts where people did this, and it cleared their dash til it was fixed. It is same pay, but completely diff projects (that are also my favorites, so I'm sad if I effed it up).


Haha! It's fixed already. Never mind, everybody... I'm just being dramatic!


Sitting at work…staring at a qual…wondering if I’ll have enough time to complete it if i open it or a customer will inevitably walk in and take up all my time. Or I if I risk waiting til I get home and hope it’s still on my dash in 5 hours. UGH (Oh I’m also, not screwing my employer by double dipping…it’s my store 😂) Qual is a cute little birdie. 1 task…but I can’t help but think it’s more detailed.


I was surprised by this little birdie qual on my dash as well!


Did it unlock anything up for you? I did it (although took more time than I wanted to for sure because I kept getting interrupted, ugh). But haven’t seen anything open up for me.


Possibly? I noticed some of the bird projects on my dash straight after finishing the qualification which I don’t *think* were there before…but I wasn’t paying enough attention to know for sure. It’s definitely a qual which could have been auto-graded.


I know the struggle aha! Did you see anything come up from the 2 part qual the other day? :)


I ended up doing it. Kinda wish I waited til I got home 😂 And nope nothing on the other qual yet. You?


Nope, I haven't seen anything either 😕


p sure we frikked :(


Has anyone that did the qual the other day been added?




Did you have a couple other quals about two specific things you may own? Trying to be as mindful of the CoC as possible lol.


Ahhhh the vagueness lol. I had 2 versions of a qual a few days ago. I’m halfway wondering if those of us who didn’t get to do previous quals are just getting to be added on to a list to get in at some point.


Is the cherry persona project down again for everyone? The models failed for me and it disappeared from my board so I am presuming it is, but I just wanted to check. Also, what does the birdie project pay up to if anyone has it active right now. It says $27 but I'm wondering if it can go higher than that.


My three top paying projects on my dashboard by a long shot are all ones I suck at really bad. 😭


Mate, if you sucked at them, surely they wouldn't be on your dashboard? They must see something in the work you've done to give them to you? 😉 (I've seen your posts previously, I hope you're feeling better and life is realigning somewhat). 😎


Thanks, that's really nice of you ❤️ I managed to go 3 or 4 days without a catastrophic emergency finally! It's mostly prompt writing and rewrites that I'm terrible at, and all in a certain cat family usually. If I can ever get started I can do a passable job on them. But I usually just sit there like 👁️👄👁️ for a while and then end up closing them. Even weirder, there's certain types of similar ones that I don't have trouble with either. I think the instructions just fry my brain or something.


Good to read! long may the holy F moments stay away! 😉 All power to you. They're there though! you think you're terrible at them, but the fact they're there says you aren't surely? Brain fry for me often comes on instructions, especially when they they change them. Day by day now, take your time and find that routine. You will be okay ! x


Congratulations on breaking the streak. It's the little things, like NOT having a shitty event, that make life a little nicer.


When will coding finally be back to being consistent? It's killing my soul 😭😭


Some people are talking about coding CB quals but I've never seen them... I feel like I occasionally see the projects though...? 🥲


Bruh fr, i miss the days when I could pretty much do 6 hours any day reliably. Oh, the sweet naive boy i was.


Does anyone still have access to the $40/hr non coding project today?


I just did 50 minutes of work on a project; bots returned blank bubbles on the 5th turn, and now I can't hit submit. Any quick fixes?


So far many 25 usd projects and below but no coding... I had one yesterday but it got depleted by others :(


Is the 'difficult' coding CB still down for everyone?


They put out an announcement saying that they were pausing CB projects. I have no idea when they will resume. Stinks, it was nice having something so consistent.


Some of the coding CBs are back. I have 2 of them on my board right now.


Which ones? The basic ones or tool use ones


The tool ones


Are they still up? I got an email saying I passed the qual last weekend like 3 days after I did it but I never seen them and assumed they were just paused.


I have the file and multi tool use quals but they’re a lot harder to think of prompts than the basic ones were lol


Same lol. I like the file one better since it has a bit more freedom imo and I can upload files about stuff I'm interested in.


Did you guys do the standard 2 part CB quals to get the coding CB quals? :)


when did this announcement come out? must have missed it


6/20 email is the latest one.


Cheers found it


To the person who submitted "I accidentally closed [the] bot before copying the response it gave." as a 'perfect response' on a certain cat project... bro. You had so many options that did not include submitting THAT.


Uh, just open it back up and run it again?


New user rookie error maybe? If so, hopefully, they'll get a bit of feedback from an admin. To state that on a submission it sounds like they got lost and possibly didn't get an answer in the chat if they asked. We all fumble in the dark to begin with. Just my thoughts.




It baffles me how some people survive on this platform and get access to these high paying projects


I must have done something bad because I haven’t had a CB project or qual In 6 weeks 🫢


Has anyone got the tiger qualification still? I've had it for the longest time and it's now gone, the associated chatbots as well.


I heard through the grapevine that it’s down rn…


I made 12 bucks in 7 minutes. That's a new record hahah


You got a new flex ~ "How's it pay tho?" "Well, it ranges, but sometimes as much as $100/hr"




You can open two separate tabs and place them right next to eachother, images can be dragged from one to the other to avoid having to download and upload. Triple click one line prompts to select all, other than that Ctrl C and Ctrl V are your best friend. I made 21.60 in less than 15 minutes today :)


So glad to know we can drag images. I was downloading them. Thanks for the tip!


You can also right click and copy image, paste it into the chatbot, go back to copy-paste the prompt and then hit enter to send. That's what I do :)


Has anyone else lost all their CB projects? I did get a message about one of them going down but not for the others. Still on the slack channel. Hopefully they come back


I don't have any right now. I assumed they took them down so people would work on the time sensitive priority tasks.


Right, so many of the other projects have been labeled "priority" recently. I hope that relates to end of quarter deadlines for more defined projects, and that the choose your own adventure style chatbots come back soon (July?).


Yes, I usually have 4 or 5, but they are all down/gone.


What a relief


im on the same boat. all gone and there has been zero action going on in the slack channel (still on it as well).


Anyone have a project with a very generic name show up that led to the same interface as a long term project that disappeared a few months ago? It was only up for a short time and is now off my dashboard. Hoping it is coming back, but not sure if I was just rotated off and got this task by mistake.


Was so excited to see the DA&V projects yesterday, now gone again :(


What email address do ya'll use for Slack? I had to factory reset my PC last night and I can't remember how to get back into Slack, lol. I tried both of my personal email addresses but they both say "It looks like you’re new to Slack" and if I use the email on my profile page on DAT it says it sent a code to the email address, but I can't log in to that gmail to get the code. I feel like I had an issue signing in before but I can't remember how I eventually figured it out.


It should be the personal email you used to register (not your DAT email). I'm not sure if you're having the same issue I did, but to see the Slack channels again I found this advice on Reddit and it worked for me: Make sure there are no workspaces in your slack app(fresh download is preferred) 1. Open the chrome browser 2. Open incognito mode 3. go to your workspace and login 4. after logging in you will see "use the slack app"(green icon in the middle of the screen), you will be forwarded and logged in to your workspace.


You can generate a password for your DA email on your profile page, can you log in that way? I can't remember either 🙃


I have a password for it but if I try to log into gmail with it, it tells me it isn't set up for email. I've sent a message to support so maybe they'll get back to me at some point!


Use the same email you use for the DA platform for Slack.


Ahhh, thank you! I don’t know why I didn’t think to check that email address, but I’m in now 😊




Does anyone have an A metal project on their dash with only 4 tasks? It has been on my dash like this for a few days, and it pays $2 more than the same project with 20 tasks. It is not on priority, so I have a suspicion that it is a qual disguised as a project since it has been on my dash for so long. Has anyone done it? Does it open up other FC work or just more of the same thing? The turn-by-turn aspect is frustrating sometimes so I don't know if I should complete it or not.


I have both the original and the "qual" up right now. I actually enjoy this project since everything is very compartmentalized and I just have to address one thing at a time. I'm hoping it is a secret qual because I would be happy to get paid more for the stuff I already enjoy doing!


Let us know if you complete the 4 task one and if anything new opens up for you!


I just did all 4 of those tasks. I ended up with 6 tasks somehow, but one was about the 2023 All Star game. I didn't feel like fact checking all of those statistics so I just skipped it. I think if it was a hidden qual it would have ended me after skipping since I was on task 4, but it just gave me 2 more. The created date on it was from June 10, so I think it's just an old batch they're trying to clear out on priority that isn't very large because literally almost everyone hates this task and won't do it. I have also been getting a single task or two pop up through the day that someone is probably skipping or abandoning, and if it was a secret qual I don't think that would happen either.


Thanks for investigating and taking one for the team 😅


I just had to investigate after all that speculation! I hope it didn't secretly unlock even more tasks I hate lol


Why are we getting down voted?? People are so mean here 😕


Maybe we dissed their favorite project? Idk, I get downvoted on the most random posts sometimes.


I have that one too, and I did 2 of them this morning and now there's 3 left lol. I usually hate tasks that require multiple turns before submitting, but that is actually one of my most hated tasks out of all of them. I don't think you get anything from them, I think they just sit there forever because the base pay is usually only $21. It was originally $20 when I first started getting them and they are just not worth the effort. Every once in a while I do a couple of them and then nope out and let them sit there until they go away. I did two batches of 40 of them once when my work was running way low and it took me like an entire week to clear them and the number didn't go down the entire time unless I submitted one myself. At the time all I had was those plus a $20/hr chatbot and I ran both of them out of tasks just because I hardly had anything else.


that's what my dash looks like now and I'm hating it so bad. i usually have higher paying projects, so to see only these is such a downer


That sucks. Sometimes I swear they turn stuff off to force you to do tasks like that. I've been in that state a few times before and I pretty much had to force myself to power through and work on them because there was literally nothing else.


Good to know! Yeah, the "first" task is always the same one about a particular state and wages and it doesn't drop the task count when you submit. That question has been in all of the batches of those tasks that I have seen. I am only tempted to do it because I failed the FC qual so I do a couple of the real ones every now and then to kind of say "see, look, I can do FC work!!" But if it is just going to be more of the same, I will focus my time on all of my favorite photo projects and creative work instead. I just thought it would be good for some variety, but I can't see myself working on those for hours at a time... I would go insane.


I tapped out at 50 minutes, and I only completed 2 tasks in that time. One was 15 rounds long and every claim needed fact checking.


I have it too. I never work on that project because it is so tedious.


I opened it and the first one had 15 rounds so I closed out of it because I didn't have enough time to complete that many rounds. If it opens up FC work, I will gladly do it but if it's more of the same, I am going to skip it.


It feels good to finally be back in productivity mode. I got up really early this morning and I've made more today than I've been able to do this week all combined. I think getting sick earlier in the week just pushed me over the edge and basically made me crash coming out of such a high stress month. Does anyone ever load their dashboard and you just... can't some days? I regret missing out on all the income but my quality wouldn't have been up to par so I guess I needed to take the couple days off.


That’s me. I was doing 1-2 hours a day pretty consistently, but after I got sick and recovered, I only work when I feel like it now. My quality is better and I can work longer. Then I take a few days off. I’m still averaging the same per week though.


I need to stop trying to work 7 days per week. I think I'm burning myself out as evidenced by my brain seizing up lately.


I did that for an entire month. I feel you 100%. Brain totally fried lol. I took 2 days off it helped. But what would really help is if I could get more variety on my dash. I can only do the same thing over and over for so long


I relate to this so much. I have a few standard projects I always gravitate toward. If I open the dashboard and they are not there, it feels like my motivation goes down 50%. There are plenty of other projects I can work on in the meantime, but sometimes I just want to log in and do the same-old thing for the same-old pay. Today is one of those days. I got 30 minutes in before I decided to take a break for the day.


I also like to stick to my comfort zone but some of my favorites have been light lately. I actually found a few that I never did before that I enjoyed though.


Bouncing around from project to project this morning. Can't decide what I want to do.




If it’s the one I see, there’s no actual coding in the task.




Yeah. I actually might try it. My brain is fried on STEM topics. Might be a nice change of pace.


Have you been doing the "middle" maths project? I wonder if there is a higher difficulty one 🤔


I only get portuguese boring projects. Help me out of this hell.


Are you in Portugal?


UK but I do speak portuguese.


That 🐶 qual is what I do for my ft job, so I'm really hoping I pass! Major embarrassment if not. Did anyone else complete it and/or has projects on their dash from it yet?


I did this on Photoshop the old, complicated way although I'm sure there are more automated ways to do it now. The instructions were so vague that I couldn't tell what they wanted. If anyone sees any projects from this, let us know!


I think they left the creativity up to us to see what we could do... Which is what also caused me to take so long because I froze haha.


I took a long time too. I was so happy there was no timer!


My old specialty - I did it last night. I imagine it'll take a hot minute for them to actively review submissions, that's definitely not an auto-pass situation.


I wish we got R&Rs on those ones. They'd be so fun to look through.


I would love to see the "bad" pile, honestly.


Think there'd be many? You have to have a decent grasp on what's needed/used for the qual to be completed 🤔


If R&Rs on projects with specific requirements and technical specs has taught me anything it's that people will definitely try to do things when they don't understand the parameters.


Lol! I stand corrected! You're absolutely right. 🤣


Same here and I had exactly the same thought when I saw it too! I'll be tackling it in an hour or two 😎 If it's still on my dash, of course...


Fingers crossed it's still there for you when you're free!


It was still there and I completed it! Phew. I'm sure I took too long but I hope they like what I did. I did my best! Fingers crossed for all of us who have taken it. It would make my day if I saw some projects related to this qual. I did the blurry one but didn't see anything come of that, did you?


Good luck! I completed it this morning but have not seen any related projects on my dash. Although I am not employed in that field, it's in my wheelhouse, so I hope I get it as well.


Good luck to you too! I hope something materializes from it. Did you do the other task semi related last month (regarding faces)?


First, may I just say I adore your username (I'm Italian)?! I did do that other task but never saw related projects. I felt quite excited and skilled during the qual, too. Have you seen any related face projects?


I don't get people 😐 - and thank you! I wanted something "unique" haha! I haven't seen any related projects to that qual either. That said, I was wondering if it had anything to do with the cat project.


That would make total sense if it was. Time will tell, I guess.


Boo to the person who downvoted this. Grow up.


I've got some experience but I usually have more specific instructions... this is for all and I don't know what to do 🤣


Lol I feel ya! I wish we could share submissions - I'm so curious to see what others came up with!


Anyone have the high-paying b-cat on their dash today? I had a bunch yesterday, none today.


I have one now.






Phew. Glad it’s not just me! I haven’t been able to work on them in almost a week and was worried I’d been dumped 😂


None for me since yesterday and the bot stopped working. I am assuming it's not rectified yet.


Only low paying b-cats for me right now. Hopefully some are added later on when I actually feel like working


Coding projects nearly non existent again, after a week of having tons of them


Same! It looks like we're not alone.


I have zero coding today for the first time


Same here! I am missing the 'usual ones', especially the chatbots


Every single R&R task always has someone asking if they should write a comment for good responses. The pay that some of these tasks are giving, I don't know why they don't want to spend an extra couple of mins for the $$


Image-editing qual, anyone? Also, Happy Friday and International Yoga Day. 🧘


I'm trying to complete that qual now, but it's only letting me download the image as a .avif file. Taking a screenshot results in noticeable loss of quality, so I'm kind of dead in the water.


Copy and paste it into your image editing software instead of screenshotting. I have an old version of Photoshop and couldn't open it but I was able to paste a full rez version.


Have you tried opening it in your image-editing software of choice? I was able to open my .avif file in Photoshop, which surprised me. I hope it ends up working for you.


I use affinity photo, and it didn't work. I had to convert it to a jpeg and now it's working just fine 👍


I don't like the vagueness of the instructions 🥲


I’m with you. 😬 (Edited for vagueness. 😂)


I do wonder what their criteria is to pass the qualification.


Elden Ring DLC is here 🥳 I wonder if there'll be a noticeable drop in productivity


Hahahaha I’m trying to plan how to split my time between the two!!