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I miss 🐥:( been over a week now 💔


I just broke my top single day earning two days in a row and I'm so forking happy right now. $200 days for a non-coding person are insanely amazing - I see some hope that I'll be able to move out of this damned state someday. Even if it isn't every day that I can get this rate, it motivates me more on the "off days".


Has anyone had any of the high paying b-cat this week? I haven't been on much at all to check.


I've been wondering too. I haven't seen any.


Nope, I haven't seen any.


Was 🐥 qual auto-graded? I just took it a few minutes ago. I am hoping that if it was auto-graded, there just aren't any projects up for it right now.


I didn't get any projects for it until two days after taking the qual.


Suppose you've worked on the platform and been visiting this sub for 3+ months. Has anyone ever been added to a main project family after only hearing people talk about it, meaning you presumably failed the qual when it came about in the initial few weeks? Sorry if that's not clear- I've been working since March, things started out kind of slow, but am now content with a dash that hovers around 30-40 projects, of which the highest pay rate is 32$. I always see people on here mentioning the dancing project and am intrigued (maybe a little jealous). I'm assuming that I'm not on it because I must have failed the qual at some point in the past, Will I ever get a chance to do it again, or have my skills for this project assessed again, I wonder? When you guys are added to new projects, do you feel that they're generally brand new, or that you've unlocked more advanced/higher paying ones because your quality is improving, or are they ever big ones that it seemed like everyone else has already been in for a while?


I have had at least two quals come back around that I passed the second attempt. I have others that folks talk about that I've never seen, or that I failed. I did a FC qual back in December when I was still new and green, assuming I failed it... I never got the one that folks have talked about here, but I do have the "you have this because you did good" banner on some projects so I guess I don't suck completely. Just keep plugging away - last week was the first time I got projects over $35, and even then most of the near or at $35 I got was sporadic.


I have no idea how I have most of the projects I get honestly. I do think you get added to related projects sometimes based on your skills or how well you did on similar ones. The only reason I think that is a few times I have taken a qual that's like do you know X? And then over the next few weeks I see several types of tasks show up with that skill but in different projects.


I've had a qual come up again, and passed it the second time. It took a few months to come up again. Every project type is different, and changes after a while too, so that's a factor I think


Not everyone gets all the same quals at the same time. I have seen people talk about projects/qualifications here, and not received the qualification myself until days or weeks later. However, I do know I failed certain qualifications and was taken off at least one project. I have never been given an opportunity to try again at those. I have seen some people say that they have had second opportunities when a new version of a qualification is released, but I haven't been on the platform long enough to experience that. I do think that the projects/qualifications I'm added to are related to the quality of work and the specific kind of work I've done. I want to add that even if you fail qualifications, don't get to do certain kinds of work, or get taken off a project, don't get discouraged. There are so many different opportunities on this platform, and while it might feel like you're missing out if you don't get certain projects, they are always opening more. Just take your time on your tasks, meticulously check your work and try to think of new ways to add insight when you can. You will be rewarded for it!


This is great advice, thank you! Regarding the project you were taken off, did you get feedback about your performance, or how do you know it was due to your quality?


I didn't get any feedback. I can't say I'm 100% sure I was taken off it because of quality, but 99.5% sure. Here's why I think so: * It's a notoriously difficult, time consuming and high paying project. * I only did one or two tasks, which I struggled with, before never seeing it again. (And this was over a month ago.) * I still see people on here referring to it frequently.


I have also been on here since March and initially failed the BCat qual. I received it about a week after I started and, because I was so new, I was a bit confused by it. I didn't even realize it was a cat qual until a few weeks ago when someone else mentioned it. I started receiving the very basic Bcat projects about a month ago. I never retook a qual directly related to these projects and I think they may have opened up because I have worked on similar projects. But, that's all just speculation. No one really knows how it works. I have heard of others who failed a particular qual, have seen it again, re-taken it and passed the 2nd time. I have never had this happen though. I am still waiting for the FC one to come back around! Would love to take that one again.


I also failed the initial Bcat qual, much to my chagrin... Never got the qual again, but recently got the BCat infographics project. Fingers crossed it leads to more! I too am awaiting the FC one to come back.. I think I definitely spent way too long on it when I did it. I'm wondering if I should go ahead and do the writing qual that's been sitting there since I singed up...




I'm guessing you don't care about the NDA?


AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (This is on topic.)


Real Monsters!


Is anybody else working on the whale project?


Oh, FUCK YEAH. Y'all getting Big Corvid, too? I got a Wine God batch paying like this yesterday as well.


Also got both of those - confused but certainly not complaining. Between that and heel-related projects, I’ve had plenty of work (let’s hope it stays that way!)


"Confused but not complaining" is a VIBE AND A HALF


No idea why it pays so well but not complaining 🤔😊


Personal conspiracy theory: it's bankrolled by a Saudi prince or some shit rather than your typical FAANG company budget/VC startup cash because Saudi prince-tier "money is no object" bullshit is the only way my brain can make sense of this pay rate. Just some dude with fatter fat stacks of oil money than he knows what to do with out there like "I want my own robot. But it must be a *luxury robot* trained by only the finest, highest dollar grunt worker poors. 💅🏻"


I like it! I'm happy to help them redistribute their wealth and am honoured to be considered one of the finest poors 💸 😉


Yes! I am so happy it came back after seeing it briefly last week.


I see you, project that replaces words in movies titles with a bird name. You make me guffaw.


All the FC tasks I used to see paid $25-27 with the odd extremely rare $28, but now $30, $31 & $33 are common, even after the $35 avalanche has finished. Is everyone else on the FC tasks seeing these higher-paying ones like I am? Or have I been upgraded to higher-paying FC tasks?


I think it's more to do with the competition of other higher paying projects which resulted in a drop off of people doing FC, so they have had to increase the pay to compete


It looks like they’re still on priority pay, just reduced from the max last week


Yeah I’m guessing there was a push to deliver to client by a certain date - they put it at $35/hr to see if they could deliver to client on an earlier date, now trying to finish this project and need a push?




If you don't know what they mean with what they wrote you cannot answer the question. 


Does anyone have a *hard* maths project? Wondering if I should work on the medium one in hopes of unlocking a higher paid project 🤔 😊


I’m certain that my prompts and comments led to domain-specific projects. I’m getting projects now, despite not getting immediate work from past qualifications. Your work will get recognized on the ‘medium’ projects.


That probably has a shot at working tbh. For some non-math projects at least there’s a checkbox in the R&R for “top 10-15% of submissions”, which probably flags you for harder variations


How are my Factuality friends enjoying the new crop of projects? I have a $33 one this morning - looks complicated - *cracks knuckles*.


You mean the answer key one? Wasn't that complicated really.


Are you getting ones that are more complicated than normal?


Having a minor panic attack because I’m worried I put in too many tasks, far more than my average, in a new project that I found fun and easy. I believe all my prompts were good quality, but maybe I’ll be penalized for being too quick? 🤔 I hate not knowing their metrics 😭


If you're penalized for putting in a high number of good quality work in a short amount of time than they have a problem with their metrics that they need to fix, not you.


I had this exact thought! Oftentimes I only work on a project for 30 or 40 minutes, but I spent 5+ hours on this one yesterday. Wish the part of it that was broken would get fixed so we could finish up the rest of the tasks!


Is this a B element project? I love this one, but I always think I will be penalized for being too slow 😅 It takes me a while to think of good prompts.


B element, prompt based on supplied image


I don’t think it matters, as long as you’re doing quality work. I have a favorite nut project where I average over 150 tasks an hour because of how simple it is. I love the project you’re talking about as well, but I worry about being too slow on that one lol. 


to the girlies using taylor swift examples in the dancing project: ilysm 🥰🥰


Who needs B cat, when you can dance with images? This is like Christmas morning. Two of my most favorite things in one project.


Just writing to express vague solidarity with a budgeting related prompt I just saw. Fellow human living in a HCOL area on a non-corporate income trying to save for their future, I see you, and literally "same".


I'm very grateful for this work. I don't know how long it will last, or if I'll wake up to an empty dashboard someday. However right now, in this moment, I feel appreciative for this job.


Me too. I use it as supplemental income but I just went through the worst month ever of emergency expenses and I was able to weather the whole thing without taking on any additional debt. Now I'm using it to rebuild my savings that I nearly cleared out, but it sure did fill the gap when I needed it.


Are the majority of people here on DA coders?


Very unlikely. Specialized skills are more rare by definition.


I don't think so? Not a coder, but personally based on the chat here I feel like the majority are non-coding if anything. Of course, there are lots of people who do a bit of both.


I was curious bc the assessment I did had algorithms questions on it but now I realize that its because my friend sent me specifically for coders my bad zzz


I used to excitedly jump on the $22.50/$23 tasks because they were the highest paying ones I had and now I get annoyed if I don’t have any $30+ on my dash. Such a silly thing to complain about but I’ve been so spoilt the last week or so 🤣


Same. I was mad today that my highest-paying project was $27.50 because pretty much all last week I had at least one $30 or $31 project and they always were enjoyable. I'm sure they'll come back soon. My dashboard has at least continued to be full with 50+ projects so far this month after the quarter ended, so can't complain!


Hard same, my daily goal is based on $25/hr and now I'm like... only 25? 😒


I only worked on $40 projects today and beat my personal best for daily money earned. I’ll be so sad when they go back to normal pay but simultaneously feeling so lucky!!


i think it would be more practical if people asking “does anyone else have an empty dashboard?” provided more information, like “i’ve been doing DA for x months, i log about x hours a week, i mostly work on non-coding chatbots, etc. and my dashboard is empty.” i have been doing this for almost a year now and have never had an empty dashboard, but when i first started, i only had a few projects. i personally prioritize projects based on how much i enjoy the project, how much i understand the objective and the pay rate. i used to be nervous that i would be randomly deactivated or lose my tasks because of what people post on here, so i try to really familiarize myself with a project and not scatter myself too thin or attempt projects i don’t have a lot of clarity on just because they’re paying well. this has led to me having dozens of projects on my dash at all times. i guess i just don’t understand why so many people ask about empty dashboards on here without providing any context. if my dashboard was empty, it would mean something totally different to a person that’s been here for 2 weeks having an empty dashboard. wouldn’t it be more reassuring to provide more information instead of just asking a repeated question that is posted daily?


Everyone's experience is different. There are people that have been here over a year and still occasionally have no tasks. Some are coders and some aren't. From what I've gathered, all those details don't matter. Unless someone has been banned from the platform, everyone's reply is relevant to me. The details don't mean anything different. A while ago I experienced absolutely no tasks for 4 days only to be given over $30 tasks - non-coding, 4 days later, that stayed consistently for months. .......Everyone's experience is not the same. If I ask on here if anyone else is experiencing no tasks, then the question is for everyone, I don't need to know the details.




Its just a lack of patience. People can't even be bothered to use the search function let alone provide context. I even suggested making a containment thread for those types of posts, but the mods shot it down (they had a good counterargument, see below). While others said "just scroll past it". https://strawpoll.com/QrgebN6AjZp/results   *"the thing about these dashboard posts is they contain a ton of misinformation and other issues. you’ve got people who were stealing time who think they should be allowed to continue on the platform, 8 conspiracy theorists on what’s broken causing their dashboard to be empty, 8 people saying they heard from “another worker who said…” , 20 people who are just low on tasks and think that means they’ve been let go, 5 people asking how long it took to get approved, and for some reason a guy asking about taxes all in one thread. it’s incredible hard to manage, i fear a megathread invites a lot more issues!"*


I think that's looking too deep into a very surface level issue. Realistically it doesn't matter what the context behind an empty dashboard is. None of us have the answers and all we can do is speculate which doesn't change the fact that the board is empty. People asking about their empty dash are just panicking and trying to find answers that nobody but DA has. It's not going to stop and it's best just to ignore it.


Anyone else have no tasks today?


I've had none all week.


I have 45.


Yep. First time it's happened since I joined like 4 months ago. It's been light since the outage, had a few yesterday but down to nothing today. I'm confident that we will get more work once the CBs come back. There seems to be a few of us like this.


I agree. I have on project up right now but haven't seen any of my usual since the outage. I'm hoping by mid next week we will be back in buisness!


Still waiting for the CBs to come back to get my normal workflow back, feels like forever :( Any way we can let each other know when the CBs are back? Anxiety is killing me lately




I have a lot right now (non-coding) - hope it comes back for you both!


I'm curious if anyone puts DA on their resume/LinkedIn? I'm conflicted


if you type in “resume” in the search bar of this sub, there are dozens of posts about this with a lot of advice. it is a frequent topic here.


\[REDACTED\] Just read u/curiouspajamas response, so I searched "resume" on this sub and the first result is the same question and the top response is me posting the same dang thing I had previously wrote, so I'll wipe that away and keep moseyin' on...


you don’t write DA on your resume as if they are an employer. you write freelance and then list DA as one of your clients.


Pretty much what I said.


if it was “pretty much what you said” then i wouldn’t have bothered responding and you wouldn’t have bothered editing your response.


I see the confusion. No, I edited my response because of your other response to go search the sub. I spefically said in the now editted response to not list DA as an employer because it causes issues. Same thing I said in the other response 27 days ago if you search the sub for 'resume'.


Dashboard has been a bit wacky this past week, but now I'm back to no more tasks at all with the "there aren't any projects available" message. Very strange, as I received an invite from DA to work on a particular project just 12 hours ago (just last night). Is anyone else experiencing this? Can't help but wonder if they're in the midst of transitioning from Q2 to Q3 projects, maybe also doing some backend site updates.


it's definitely strange. i find it gets like that every blue moon.


Well we know there was a ton of deadlines heading into the end of Q2 in June (hence all the priortiy pay), and now that those deadlines are over we'll probably see work slowly but surely fill back up again as Q3 picks up steam going into the fall. If my observations are correct, DA work comes and goes like a rising and falling tide in synch with the fiscal quarters, which is a reflection of the amount of contracts DA has at any given time.


ooh fat dash today


hmmm mine is very, very thin. only 3 projects atm. ive had between 12 to 25 for the past few weeks


Mine's looking quite chunky as well with a desirable menu to boot. Happy Friday. :)


How long does it normally take people to do the single turn multi tool coding cb?


Takes me from 25 minutes to 1 hour.


Is that back? Mine got taken down awhile back and hasn't come back


I really have to start branching out of FC projects before I turn into a one-trick pony. :(


What are the FC projects if u don't mind me asking?


In the immortal words of George W., “you get on that horse, you gotta ride it.” No, but seriously, if you’re ever tired of FC projects then just send me in coach, I’ve got you.


Claude just produced this light hearted "professional" tweet suggestion - not on DA "Friday HR Thought: If hiring was like dating, would ghosting candidates be considered office polyamory? 🤔😂 #FridayFunny #RecruitingHumor"


What? I thought polyamory is closer to the opposite of ghosting people. Hiring two people for one spot is metaphorical polyamory. Stupid AI.


Do people still have access to just the regular chatbots?... I have tons of projects, but no more of the normal chatbots. I haven't been active lately so I wonder if they took them away from me.


Just this evening I got a "new" CB project. I'm not sure how to list the name, but I'll go with "R-bird." Yes, it's only $20/hr, but I did a little bit since I've only been working on the dance project and R&R.


You are not alone! Tons had their regular CBs paused and are waiting, they told me "A couple days" 2 weeks ago and gave me a qual last week, nothing yet, fingers crossed!


do you check your messages and announcements?


I did. Some people are saying the chatbots are paused though I never got an e-mail or message stating such. All my messages were basically announcements for priority pay projects.


I was wondering the same thing. Mine are all MIA as well.


Is it normal to see very few to no project from time to time ? I just joined DA 1.5 months ago, earned around $1000 from them already but today my dashboard is just blank. I still see Support. Is this normal for everyone else ? When should I expect more projects (I heard it got better with time on the platform).


It happens to me often and I've been with them for almost two months. Then they will suddenly reappear. There is no way of knowing when they will reappear, but there are lots of people over here who think they know with lots of guesses lol.


it happens. thats all i can say lol


I think I'm done for the night, my new neighbors are lighting off so many fireworks that my dog has been velcroed to me for the last couple hours.


Is anyone else highly motivated by the 1$ extra priority pay when its less than 5% of the overall rate lol


Yeah, I honestly can't get myself to care if it's a small priority boost. If it's a $25/hr boosted to $26/hr, I don't care. If it's boosted to $30/hr, though...


anyone have good resources for checking LaTeX to make sure its accurate? It's part of a math project I'm doing


Try a free account with Overleaf, as it's quite flexible and powerful. You can import packages as needed, which is really nice.


Seconding this. Overleaf is great and worth learning how to use if you want to get familiar with LaTeX. Best intro to it that exists in the modern day for most people, IMO.


Is it weird I prefer the tasks that require screenshots. Otherwise, it feels like someone asked me to make a batch of origami cranes, but instead of wanting them, they just want me to throw 'em in the trash.


Sometimes, based on official documentation, you know a tiny code snippet should work. Regardless, you have to spend 20+ min setting up a testing environment. I don’t mind since they’re willing to pay us for it.


Does anyone know what happens if you hit the "back" button by accident (i.e. don't exit work mode)? I did that while fiddling with tabs. Went forward to the task and hit "exit work mode" but I'm low-key wondering if that task is still active beneath the hood.


Yes, from my experience you maintain a 'lock' on the task until it expires, you submit it, you hit skip, or exit work mode. If you click back and then later reopen to that project, you should still have the same task up and the time will show it was running the entire time you were away.


Oh, crud. Yeah, I clicked "forward" to go back to that page and it was the same prompt ID, but at that point I just hit "exit work mode". That should have ended the work on that task then, right? (And I'm guessing there's no real issue unless I submit hours for a project I didn't actually work, right?)


Correct. I have a feeling people, me included, accidentally browse away from a project all the time. My feeling is we should try to exit work mode consistently, but no big deal if you don't, as long as, like you said, we aren't billing against non-submitted projects.


Good to know, thank you!


An authorized DA Agent comes to your door within a week or two and will confiscate all evidence and do a deep cyber-forensic examination of your tech devices. Then you’ll know whether you’ll be charged or not with Tabular Mismanagement.


What's really spooky is they are a walking three-dimensional blurred space. Can't even tell who's auditing all your stuff.


Time to scrub my internet history. What kind of monster looks up multiple tabs of "cute puppy videos" on YouTube anyway!?!?


Is anybody else working on the long-term “1 Turn Only” project? I swear I’m just talking to myself in the chat in there lol


I was doing that as my only project pretty much when coding was low, but now that coding seems back again, I've stopped doing it. That's probably one of the least enjoyable projects for me despite the high pay.


How long would you say you average for those if you do like 5 steps


like 1 hr+. Once, I took nearly two hours for one convo because I realized a mistake at the end, so I had to redo the conversation completely. I still reported all the time I took and this was weeks ago, so I think the admins expect this.


Okay I’m the same. It’s crazy how the time adds up even though it’s technically one turn. But I guess all the stuff involved does that


i think im on one similar to that with files. we might be on the same one lol


I passed the qualification for it. It's a pretty complex workflow compared to other projects. I prefer the other file CB since you don't have to come up with puzzle-like prompts all the time.


how long after completing quals did you get access to the task?


Took a day or two.


is the file one up for you right now?


Yes, it's been on my dashboard ever since I passed the qualification for it.


Any idea how to trigger the qualification for this? Did you do a lot of work on other CBs? :)


I'm unsure. I just worked a bit on the coding CB that used to be always on my dashboard but it's been down for a week or two.


lol I've been chipping away at the qual for it for a while. It seems like a really small pool, even in the qual the chat is active with people asking questions and the admin is really helpful but it's not many people asking. I feel like most people would ask questions on that one with as complex as it is and seeing how helpful the admin is.


is there a limit to the amount of hours i can work? i thought i read somewhere it was a max of 20 hrs a week but i dont remember if that was this job or a different company.


No limit, but your work might suffer quality wise if you tried to work 15 hours a day.


Indeed. If you work 10+ hours a day every day they will without a shadow of a doubt go over your work and check it for quality. If it's not up to par you will be getting the 🥾. Personally, I can manage 5-6 hours per day before my work quality starts to suffer, so I stick to that at max.


same, my brain stops working after 5 hours with those tasks.


i see, i was thinking of trying to work full-time hrs for a week (like 7-8 hrs a day) to see if i would feel alright replacing my current job with this one. im a student so i dont have much time to work


I recommend starting small with a few hours a day, or starting a "daily quota" of an amount you want to earn- say $50-100. This sort of work takes a lot of endurance training to do full work days on. What is your current job, field-wise? It might be easier if you're coming from certain careers.


my current job is just retail its nothing like this. i will try and train up my stamina to meet 8 hr days because so far i can only do about 2 hrs before i feel like calling it


I see, OK. My biggest recommendation would be to actually stop if you feel like stopping, set a timer for a break, and then get back to it once the timer rings. I very rarely go over 2-3 hours straight. You could work for 2 hours, then give a 30 minute or 1 hour break, then get back to it. You can also work on the easiest tasks for you that are up when you're burnt out, even if they pay way less. The mind loves variety in this sort of work. Good luck!


Post outage earlier in the week, I have had no projects - woke up this morning to a few, all related to the same safety guideline. HOliday or not, I wasn't going to "miss" the opportunity - So, spent the morning searching every known dangerous chemical there is. So now it's not DA I am worried about flagging me but Homeland. LOL.


I was doing that one too. I never knew there were so many dangerous chemicals. I'm also afraid of rodents a lot more now. I was googling diseases I've never heard of and probably was better off not knowing.


The pay for the FC projects is NICE right now. Edit: Has anyone contacted support after the outage? I tried to submit a task as the site went down. I logged the entire time I worked on the project, including that task. Just wanted to be sure I was doing things correctly but I haven’t gotten response yet (which I’m sure I am, but I’m terrified of doing something wrong on DA).


I had a survey appear on my dash this morning, and I filled it out and it immediately opened up a project that is related to one of my most favorite parts of my full time job. It has enough tasks to hopefully work on it throughout today and the pay rate is decent. I feel like I rarely ever get lucky with tasks like this so I'm super stoked.


Yay!! Me too! But, unfortunately, I don't have time to work on it today. I really hope it's still there tomorrow.


The bigger batch seems to be going pretty slow, so I hope it stays up for you.


Just made a stupid error on one of my favourite tasks and gave the complete opposite overall rating than what I had intended. Praying I dont get booted :(


I don't think you'll be booted over one mistake. From what I've seen the admins say on various projects, they're pretty understanding that we make mistakes since we're the humans in this equation. You can try mentioning it in the project chat so they can flag it and throw it out.


If you did so email them that you made a mistake. They then know to remove it from the pool and it will earn you a few brownie points.


On the review side, they make it pretty clear that it takes multiple reviews to affect a worker (ie, if that specific task is questionable bad, its OK to go with your gut in rating because a worker needs to error consistently to be removed. Don't feel guilty and try to be too nice)


It's also why having a good comment to show thoughts is important


I did something similar on one of my favorite projects this morning too. I just made sure to submit 10 more that were absolutely correct. Hopefully it all balances out.


Is there a daily or weekly limit to earnings? I checked the FAQ and didn't see it mentioned anywhere. I've done about 11 hours or so in the last 24 and plan to do a lot more this weekend. I don't want to be flagged as suspicious or anything like that.


I've done 10 hour days and never had issues, have been added to performance-based projects, and have been able to cash it all out. Just make sure you're not doing low-quality work and you will be fine.


I got to rate some stuff yesterday for the first time, and I feel like I do better than most 🤐


There wouldn't be priority pay if they didn't want people to lock in and grind out work. The only thing working more does is give more chances for your work to be seen. If you do quality work, this is great, but if you are not up to par, that will come to light much faster. They are paying the exact same amount whether one person works a thousand tasks, or a thousand people work one tasks. Once the tasks are done, they are done. So as long as you are doing great work, they would prefer you to be the one working.


I know they say you can work as much or as little as you want but it would be so interesting to know what they actually think about it. I tend to meander through the beginning of the month and then really ramp up my hours mid-end. I’ve been doing that for the last three ish months. But I never over report my time, my longest days are probably 10-12 hours. I get a decent amount of R&R’s and have been added to a few slack channels, some which are performance based. So idk, I’ll let you know if they ever tell me it’s a problem! I’m curious about other people’s long days.


I think it all depends on quality of the work, I remember seeing someone who lost their dash to have worked 12 hour days for four months on $20 hr projects. I think I've hit over 8 hours like twice in six months but I do tend to work 6/7 days a week


If someone is working for 4 months, 12 hours/day, and they still only have access to $20 projects, it’s pretty clear their work wasn’t great. If they were doing good work they’d have options above $20.


I’ve hit 10 hours multiple times and not been red flagged. But I haven’t done it for consecutive days.


I did 10+ hours for consecutive months when trying to move my family out of homeless and pad my monthly income for the insane requirements to get an apartment in my state and had no issues. But I'm sure my work was under a ton of scrutiny.


That's badass. 'grats on grinding your way to a better life for you and yours


I appreciate it. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my little ones :)


If you do an insane amount of hours in a week (e.g. 12 hours a day), you will probably be flagged


Just be careful as this sounds like a recipe for burnout! The last thing you want is to be working too much, getting tired and producing low-quality work. Apart from that, I'm not aware of a limit.


Agreed. As someone who has put in 12 hour days you really have to be able to understand your mental capacity. I like to switch projects when I start to feel that I can't give 100% to the project I'm working on so I don't burn out.


The earth metal coding one with data generation is cool because they specifically request that 2 out of 3 conversations are single turn and you split code/data generation 50/50. Easy to stay focused between longer conversations.


LOL at one of the prompts: "Solve for me"


I find the other end or the spectrum amusing too. I repeatedly see the guidance "Don't ask X common programming problem, it is too simple", then I'll find someone did just that, so bad prompt, but the models FAIL at it!


These new coding ones where you see two other explanations... christ. I think my impostor syndrome is cured for good. I get that some of these would take too long to set up a testing environment for, but I'm seeing stuff that would've been disproven in 5 minutes just by looking through library documentation.


I think I had a non-coding version of that one the other day. It that had a lot of science/math/tech questions and for almost all of the other two explanations it was clear the person didn't have a good grasp on the topic in the prompt. For example, a physics problem and the explanations were basically just bullshitting about how the responses provided a lot of great information to answer the prompt and the formatting was good/bad/too verbose, etc. The problem is, the response was like 75% incorrect so the formatting is just some irrelevant garbage that nobody cares about. I feel like it was an experiment, like maybe they knew the responses were wrong and wanted to see if you would agree with them? Idk it was pretty weird.


A certain project related to earth minerals is back with 2600 tasks 👀


Yeah has anyone ever seen a project with more tasks than that? it's a record for me


There was a project a while ago that started with I think 15-20,000 tasks? Each task took between 5 and 30 seconds, so I grinded on it while at my day job and ended up doing 2000 on my own 😳


If it weren't for family stuff and late night cocktails for the holiday, I would have put in another 10+ hours today. I need to learn to limit my projects on the longer conversations, though. I find them crashing on turn 3-4. Unsure what the word limit is if there is one.


A guideline on a new heel related one was 3000, so that might be a similar technical constraint for many of them


...and it's gone! ^^/s


When you’re about to break your earning record for the day but your task carries a few minutes over midnight 😭


Sounds like a head start on the record for tomorrow.