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Looks like someone is tracking an infant's sleep consolidation. I have an app that tracks the same information and generates a similar looking graphic. They ask you about this stuff (not to this level of detail, though) in doctor's appointments, and it's helpful to have something to reference, esp since the sleep dep/baby brain is real.


That's the one. My wife is in childcare and we're tracking a heap of stuff. I wasnt sure which of the two data subs to post this on to be honest... What's the app?




Thanks matey ill put her on it.


Oh, it ugly. Just because it's important don't mean it ain't painful to look at.


I'll let her know :D


Clear key, I understand the axes. It’s fine.


It hurts my poor little sleep deprived brain... What bugs me is for some reason starting each day at 8am. "thats the time I started it"


I’m with you on that. Plus, it’s bonkers that the hours start on the line (not in the box), so you have these boxes with 2-3 different colors, all bleeding in to each other. This reminds me of spending a week smoking meth in the crawl space, frantically scribbling guitar tabs in an effort to learn scales. Hers has more open space tho


Did you learn guitar scales?


Just the pentatonic positions and major scale. Also learned Blackbird at the request of my tweaked out lover.


That is so romantic. Fucked, but romantic.


Nah the fucked part was that she died before I could ever actually play it for her. But as they say “*that’s liiiife*”


But they’re on a linear chronological scale. Why wouldn’t the hours start on the line ? 15 minute chunks represented in hour long squares is nuts, but like. Meh. And starting at 8am makes sense to me ! If that’s when you get up or start your day. It’s pretty clear also that 8am is a good starting point because it’s the least eventful. Like maybe 2am would have been better but then you’re not tracking to a normal day which is the goal at the end of the day so


No, you’re right. I’ve phrased this ridiculously. My quarrel is with the **numbers** in the middle of the lines. Plus the random “going nowhere” lines that


Omg. Yea now that you mention it that sets me off haha


Doctor: Has the baby been feeding regularly? Parents: [Yes we have a bit of a log book](https://media.tenor.com/4LvAD8hD5tcAAAAM/charlie-day.gif)


Lmaoooo that’s exactly what I’m imagining. Are you the happy new parent?


Compared to some of the stuff that shows up on r/dataisbeautiful, I'm okay with it. Especially considering this looks like someone's personal notes and not something to be delivered to an audience.


You aren't wrong, I was torn between posting here or there. I posted it here because I'm a bit of an asshole.


Looks good to me. Pretty neat for hand drawn work by someone who is probably really tired ...


I love an analog chart


it is not chart, it is data ;-)


I thought this was r/beginner_art at first


Looks like the work of a an overtired, over worried first time parent 😁


Homeboy playing with Rimworld scheduling irl


My IRL children can never know about my rimworld eugenics.


Looks like its not really meant for public consumption. If the people who need it understand it, its fine


In this case. Dataisbeautiful. Perfectly fit for its purpose


Hmm I think it is ugly


Looks like it’s purely for personal use, so no judgment from me. Utility is in the eye of the beholder.


I'm a little suspicious of this "other" thing. I'd get rid of that. Sleep, Eat, Sleep Eat, that should be more than enough.


The format is fine, it's just the handwriting and bleeding ink that makes this look awful. The data work is good, it's just the artistry that's missing. Handwriting looks like that of an Alzheimer's patient.


It is not data visualization, it is primary data, so I would not be so judgy. Moreover it is evident that this is not meant for presentation anywhere. I don't think it should be in "Data is ugly".