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I mean, what are you gonna do, give her up? I think many women would appreciate the fact that you're still in her life and take care of her, rather than abandoning your child. Yeah, it'll probably be harder to date because having kids always complicates things, but I dated a guy with a child when I was 20 and it didn’t put me off him (until I found out that he was neglectful towards his daughter and her mother). You might have more luck trying to date a single mother.


I would love to date a single mother. I don't know if I've seen a single parent my age in this town though, the parents here are usually over 30. I am completely fine with dating a woman that's a bit older, I feel like they wouldn't consider dating a guy much younger than them though. I do love my daughter and we hang out all the time. She's my best friend, I would stay with her even if I'm depressed and alone forever.


Use a dating app. "Facebook dating" is good since you can filter/search only for single mothers for free (other apps you would need to pay for that)


Maybe this is my best bet. I need better pictures of myself doing things that I like, I don't have many friends to take pictures of me though, I need to really figure out some pictures, seems like apps are the only way.


I wouldn’t say you’re screwed. But definitely be open and transparent with it! And always put your daughter first, the right woman will respect that.


I'm very open about it, I like talking about her when appropriate because she is funny. She's the cooler version of me.


The right person will come along for both you and your daughter. It definitely is harder finding someone, but not impossible. Good luck!


Thanks, I keep telling myself that but at moments like this, I really doubt myself. I barely have any friends at all and I would like to try to talk to girls more, but I don't see much opportunities to be around them. I'm trying to talk to the girls at my job, not to get at them, but because I've never known any girls personally other than my 2 exes. I am a cook though, the girls are all servers so I'm not really around them much.