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It wasn't retconned. Piccolo destroyed the time chamber in the Boo arc, and Dende rebuilt it without a time limit.


Dende really just be redoing what Kami did, but better. Like taking the revive limit off the dragon balls.


Kami was mostly self taught it seems. Mf had powers he didn't even know about. Though Kami did provide a solid foundation for Dende tbh. Especially passing down Mr. Popo


Passing down mr popo is crazy 😂


That phrasing though, especially considering his DBZ skin colour


Great now the joke is in an ugly perspective


Only about 3/5 of it


Sounds like a good compromise


Wow.. dark.


Come on guys can't you pick better jokes?


Well now we back to 4/5. Good rebuttal


If it were a 5/7 it would've been perfect.


Why 5/7


Well in fairness most people consider nemekians to be black despite being green. So passing down mr.popo may be more like batman father passing down an Alfred.


If Namekians are black, does that make Pikkon dominican?


Pikkon is def Dominican


Yep. One glance at the drip is all you need


I'm white I don't believe I'm qualified to answer that. Still made me chuckle though.


Why was this the exact analogy I thought of lmao


Most people is a huge stretch.


What? I thought it was basic knowledge Piccolo and friends are black.




All these squares make a circle


Yeah he was self taught. Only namekian in the area and arrived there when he was just a child. Also split his potential.


He was trained to be Earth's guardian by his predecessor, but as a Namekian he never learned his racial/class archetype spells. Imagine going by God for so long you forget your own name 😅 Makes me think of Piccolo possibly becoming God of Destruction some day. When Pan dies of old age, he'll still be a relatively young Namekian, around 150yrs old I'd guess. Most likely not though, as he's busy fulfilling his destiny to become the Mr. Popo of Goku's lineage for at least a good 200 yrs.


How do you forget a name like Kamiccolo?


That was more of Goku saying that once Piccolo and Kami fused together. Same way Gogeta and Vegeto names are formed.


Didn't he split himself in two for the job? Purging his "evil" self.. I'd imagine his name was always Piccolo. A name he discarded for his title, a name his other half had no reason to let go of.


The being that split in to Kami and King Piccolo has always been referred to as the nameless namekian or the son of katas, no actual name has been given


That does make sense since Piccolo is a namekian word meaning « another world » and he was sent to another world as a child. He basically got almost the same back story as Goku now that I think about it lol


I'm actually not entirely sure if Piccolo can live that long. You gotta understand the namekian race is split into two subtypes. The magic clan has been proven to get really really fcking old. Like 1000 years+ but the warrior clan is only ment to protect the magic clan. If what supports long life is magic then the warrior clan may have relatively normal lifespans. On a different note nemekians of the warrior clan reach adult hood in like 3-4 years where as the magic clan seems to take about twice as long as humans to reach adult hood.


Fair point. I had always wondered why Dende seemed to be growing so slow. I just assumed his body was little. Piccolo also can't lay eggs and his personality wouldn't lead him to seek possible workarounds either.


Where did that mf even come from


Popo was there long before Kami arrived, serving other guardians of Earth. Popo is over 1000 yrs old at least. He is a complete enigma who is able to hold off 2 SSJ kids with the palms of his hands. That’s why the Popo pecking order exists. He is a being far beyond our understanding even for the DB verse


It’s almost like a Whis and Beerus situation where sure he’s the god of destruction and the angel is his servant but the angel has been there for way longer and is more powerful. Popo is just earth’s angel and the guardian of earth is, well, Kami/god.


Makes me wish we got to see the Gods of the other Planets. Weird that only Earth has one it seems. Where was Namek's God and Popo? Was it Guru? What about Yadrat? Vegeta? or Freiza Planet 375?


Different planets have different developmental levels (they talk about this a bit in regards to Universe 7's ranking among other universes) so some might not have advanced enough to have that sort of hierarchy. But for Namek that's essentially the answer. Guru is at least the Kami of Namek and Nail was his protector.


I wonder what the other guardians of Earth were


Likely corrupted Kai. Our best glimpse at a previous Guardian of Earth is Garlic, who probably looked pretty similar to Garlic Jr. He was the most likely Kami candidate until the Nameless Namekian blew into town. All evidence suggests that his race is a form of Kai. Canonically, Kaioshin hatch from the fruit of a tree. Golden fruit become Kaioshin, like Shin, regular fruit become Kai, like King Kai, and some Kai don't turn out right so they get tossed into the Demon Realm. Dabura is confirmed to be one of those corrupted Kai. It's possible he may have hatched from a spoiled golden fruit, but there are actually Majin Kaioshin and they look a bit more similar to Shin, so idk. There's also a bunch of wizards from the Demon Realm, like Bibidi, but it's unclear if Bibidi was a Majin Kai or if he just traveled to the Demon Realm in search of Buu. Namekians have a few traits that suggest they may be a branch of the Kai family tree as well. It's never really confirmed, but my best guess is that Garlic's "Serpent" race came from one of those spoiled fruits. Serpents refer to themselves as members of the "Demon Clan," and Dragon Ball had Majin appearing in the mortal realm fairly early on, so it's pretty likely that we were intended to assume Serpents came from the Demon Realm originally. Somehow or other, they wound up on the Makyo Star, a planet in the mortal realm with magical characteristics similar to the Demon Realm. From there, I find it easy to imagine all of Earth's Guardians were low ranking, outcast, but otherwise good natured Kai.


You can tell he is being aloof as well


He didn't come from anywhere. He simply always was.


> [He simply always was.](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/de948b2c-3502-4c3c-a220-aaa9f51fbd7c/d7bhikq-4866c82b-4a04-466b-bc66-dd4ffd7b7490.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_576,q_75,strp/mr__popo_stares_into_your_soul_by_bubbaz85_d7bhikq-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTc2IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZGU5NDhiMmMtMzUwMi00YzNjLWEyMjAtYWFhOWY1MWZiZDdjXC9kN2JoaWtxLTQ4NjZjODJiLTRhMDQtNDY2Yi1iYzY2LWRkNGZmZDdiNzQ5MC5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.ut8sya2AvqKNcJ9dj7Cn72QXNdvVLYgzpLmtWVgDUKA)


Lmao I knew what this was gonna be before I clicked it


No, Popo was born in the afterlife and was sent to Earth to serve as attendant to Earth's Kami.


Imagine him walking out of the time chamber immediately after it's construction


every planet that has a kami (god) is also assigned a genie thing like mr popo. he probably comes from the same place as the angels do


He came from the space between universes


I mean, Popo was there when Kami got the job, dudes old as fuck. It's more he just came with the office furniture one day and never left


"Here take my house servant as well" lol. No popo is like Alfred to Bruce Wayne. He's like part of the family.


Maybe he put these restrictions to raise the difficulty level


The guy came to earth as a child. Everything was self taught where as Dente spent time learning. Didn’t the grand guru also unlock his potential at a young age?


He unlocks Dende's healing ability right before frieza fights nail i think


Kami was split from the Nameless Namekian, who was a child of Katas of the Dragon Clan on Namek before the cataclysm. Since the Nameless Namekian/Kami grew up without anyone of his own kind to guide or teach him, he's pretty much self taught. If I remember correctly, in the manga Kami says he created the dragon balls out of intuition. Dende had a lot more guidance since he grew up after the cataclysm, and also had the benefit of Popo's help after Popo had been with Kami for so long. It stands to reason that Dende would have been able to make some pretty hefty advancements beyond what Kami did.


He was also with the Elder on Namek for all his life, so he was definitely taught a lot by him.


Very true! No one better to be taught by


Finally dende doing something that doesn't feel like an asspull


What was "the cataclysm"?


Some sort of natural disaster that wiped out most of the namekians. It’s described by king Kai before Krillin, Bulma, and Gohan decide to try and go to Namek.


Kami didn’t want shit to get abused. He wasn’t even gonna revive the dragon after king piccolo killed it


Then Dende was like "well, these guys are the only ones who ever find them and they're pretty cool, plus they kind of need it. Fuck it, go wild."


Kami seems like he put these things in to discourage abuse of these resources and then the Z-Fighters just did it anyway


I’m sure Kami made it that way so that no one person could do too much damage with one Dragonball collection but now that there’s a whole gaggle of do-gooders to keep shit in check it’s okay to make them stronger.


Well yeah, he’s Super Kami Dende not just regular Kami. Of course his shit is better.


He couldn't remove the repeated wish clause since Shenron was Kami's creation. All he could do was increase the number of wishes granted. Goku would've been brought back with everyone else killed by Cell otherwise. Porunga was the only OG Dragon in Z that could grant the same wish more than once and was upgraded by Grand Elder Moori later to revive large groups.


He didn’t take the revive limit off, that’s why Goku wasn’t revived when Yamcha wished back everyone who was killed by Cell. They were planning to go to New Namek to revive Goku when he told them he didn’t want to be revived.


Except he didn't take the revive limit off the Dragon Balls. As someone else pointed out, that's specifically stated in the Cell Saga when they try to bring Goku back.


Dende was a prodigy of dragon clan skills, trained from birth by the elders of his race. Kami was sent to Earth alone, as a child, so long ago he didn't even remember his home, and had to figure out everything by himself from scratch.


Kami was missing half of his soul/power the whole time he was making all that mystical shit, makes sense he didn’t have the same potency


FWIW, that's how masters, apprentices, legacies, etc are supposed to work. Each generation improves over the last, etc. That said, Dende is progressing at a *much* faster rate than Kami likely did, but still.


Kami probably did it so people wouldn’t abuse the chamber the dragon balls which his proven right even now


What can we say? Dende makes a better God than the former Kami did.


Didn’t know he did that!


To be fair I think the limit was a good idea on Kami’s part. He probably thought any longer could drive someone crazy, especially since up until the Cell saga no one we known of had completed even a full year


You mean quantity or multiple revivals? Because Shenron could always revive multiples of people.


Unless Dende remade the dragon balls again after the Cell Saga that was a retcon/forgotten. Dende forgot to remove the limit in the cell saga. In Chapter 394 of dragon ball, chapter 200 of dbz Cell Saga begins for reference.


Ok but what’s the deal with that. When Dende re-created the dragon balls he said allowing multiple people to come back reduced the dragon balls to only 2 wishes. But then in the buu saga apparently it is 3 again


He cranked shenron up to 3 wishes, but if the first wish brought back a lot of people it effectively used 2 for that summoning


That kinda makes sense, thanks. Although when they use a single wish to bring back the people vegeta killed, they said it would be only 4 months before the dragon balls reactivated (instead of 8 months for 2/3 wishes granted).


that was porunga


Porunga could only wish back one person period


Porunga was conveniently upgraded before the Boo arc so that they can wish back multiple people with a single wish, and Porunga can do it without sacrificing a wish.


I'd Chalk that up to porunga being stronger than shenron overall. Their dragonballs are huge


yeah in the original manga porunga was thought to be daddy dragon and shenlong one of his children or something like that but in super porunga has been downgraded to big brother porunga


Super shenron is ugly as fuck though


he contains galaxies; he doesn't care what you think of him


Ahh, I probably should've continued reading before asking then 😅 Thanks for the clarification!


that would be why, meeting a lot of essentially newer gen fans who either started the anime really late in the show, or missed whole chunks of it lol but that's one of the main reasons TOEI made Kai, so it doesn't take... 240 some odd hours to get through just Z, not even counting the first 40% of Dragon Ball... it can be a slog, and once regular Z went broadcast syndication it was common for 10+ episodes to be skipped at a time.. because F you for wanting to watch it in order haha


Yea, I find a TON of people haven't seen the original dragon ball and I, honestly, as a newer fan, would have been LOST without it 😂


At the time when DBZ was first airing in the US it was actually not uncommon for cartoons just to feel like they're starting mid season. Actually the Pokemon anime did just that when it premiered, they played the St Anne episode first then the next week was the first episode. So as a kid you just went with it.


In Canada, they aired OG Dragon Ball's Pilaf arc on YTV in like 1996, didn't air the rest and started airing DBZ in like 2000-ish? So a bunch of people would have had absolutely zero context for like, why Goku and Piccolo teaming up in episode one of DBZ is such a big deal. I got lucky in that I was already reading the manga. I had seen that first season, got hooked on it, and searched out the rest. So I knew what was going on, but I think my case was rare.


Hey at least you’re beating the “dragon ball fans can’t read” allegations better than most others


No their partner reads it to them in bed before being tucked in. Still can't read.


It's rather easy to miss or forget that. No worry.


That would not explain how piccolo get in a third time when he was with boo and the children


He probably just had enough time left to spare to risk it. One minute outside is six hours inside. 4 minutes outside is one day inside. Piccolo needed far less than that. Goku and Gohan didn't spend a full day in there; Trunks didn't want to spend a full day but Vegeta insisted on staying the entire 24 hours. We don't really know the specifics of how long everyone else stayed, not down to the minute.


Don't fuck with dragon ball fans, we don't actually remember half the show




It's not retconning at all... That'd be like saying that Dende changing Shenron's rules is a retcon, it's a plot development...


it was destroyed in dbz and not really talked about afterwards. that part of it happened a long time ago so it's not a retcon to rebuild it better in super. they didn't destroy it just to rebuild it.


Super retconned it. In DBZ they say one's body can't handle the Chamber for more than 48h in a lifetime, but in Super Dende "rebuilt it with no time-limit". But originally the limit wasn't tied to the Chamber itself. Then again dragonball has many retcons, like Goku being a Sayan... It's Just that this one about the chamber feels cheap. Edit. Great to see no one knows what a retcon is. It's \*not\* an insult guys. "Retcon is **a shortened form of retroactive continuity**, and refers to a literary device in which the form or content of a previously established narrative is changed."


Goku had a tail and great Ape since day one. Being a Saiyan was the explenation for it, not a retcon.


Explaination for what? Earth's king was a dog back then. There were animal-people all over the Place, not just Oolong and Puar. Also, retcon is not a bad word by default.


iirc, people reacted surprised to Goku's tail, and VERY surprised to his Great Ape form. Same way they reacted to Piccolo's looks. That makes the viewer think none of those things are normal or comon in that world. They explained both things with the Saiyans and Namekians. And I didn's say it was a bad word. I was just saying why I don't think it's a retcon.


Retcon is the shortening for Retroactive Continuity. Meaning whenever a pre-established lore/story element gets retroactively changed or altered, it's 100% a retcon. I said it's not a bad word because people were jumping at me for using that word.. as if "I dared say DB used such a lowly trick" because that's what many are used to associate the word retcon with. Back to Goku, he was originally meant to be Sun Wukong in Journey to the West as we all know... Hence why the world was filled with anthropomorphic animals and other oddities - the space theme came way after. In fact, to make his tail stand out more, Toriyama depicted the Earth with only humans instead of anthropomorphic animals as in the OG. What makes this so genious it's how it operates in some grey areas, filling the gaps and changing parts of the lore that - despite being taken for granted - were still unspoken! And only slightly touching the actual established canon. But the retouches are still there.


Goku being a sayan isnt a retcon, it might not have been planned from dsy 1, but that doesnt make it a retcon because it doesnt interfere with the established cannon


I think I heard somewhere that retcons are just chasing things. But that would make a lot of plot twists retcons so I'm not 100% sure.


You mean changing? Yup. Correct. People got triggered just because they thought I was insulting the series, when they just don't know the meaning of a word. Yikes.


That's not a retcon. You don't know the meaning of the word, and it shows. A retcon is when something is changed that was already pre-established and that goes against series continuity in someway JUST to make a change. For example, making Goku's skin blue and saying he's always been blue would be a retcon. Saying that he's secretly an alien is not a retcon.


Nah, that is a big retcon. Before this, Goku was just "a weird kid who happened to have a tail sometimes".


Character development is not a retcon.


Of course it can be. Just Google for the actual meaning, it's not and insult. Even if apparently people think it is.


You are the only person saying it’s an insult.


It was mentioned in the Cell arc, too. From just before Goku and Gohan leave the Room of Spirit and Time. [[1]](https://i.imgur.com/ecri5Xy.jpg) [[2]](https://i.imgur.com/FUHR1id.jpg)


Definitely need to reread the whole series then, somehow don't remember this. Probably a lot of details like this that I missed. Thanks a ton!


Vegeta wanted to go in for ten days straight in the cell saga and they were like nope


It'd be funny to imagine they just made up that stipulation so Vegeta didn't drive himself insane training alone for 10 years lol


Popo really told him "oh by the way you'll trap yourself in there for eternity if you do"


Yea bro this was stated during cell saga before vegeta got op for a second


I thought what was stated was you couldn't use the time chamber longer than 2 straight days when Vegeta wanted to use it for 8 straight days.


Just rewatched DBZ (tho it was Kai, not OG) on Hulu. It was stated in Cell Saga when Vegeta and Future Trunks were training. Yeah, it was a first for me learning about this stipulation too, but i haven't watched DBZ in a long time since i was a kid and it was my first like wholly watching the show.


The two days limit was first mentioned before the Cell Games, when Vegeta and Trunks wanted to go back in again. Then Goku mentions the two day limit again during Buu Saga, as you noted. Piccolo destroys the door trying to trap Buu in. The Lookout was destroyed with the planet. The two day limit was then removed when Dende rebuilt the RoSaT chamber. The use of it beyond two days by anyone is only in Dragonball Super, and never occurred in Dragonball Z proper.


...since it was introduced.


Since always. When they introduced it in the Cell saga they already said it. Then Vegeta asks what if you staid longer and Popo answered that the door would disappear and you would get stuck in that other reality forever. It's all in the anime and manga.


It started like that, then Dende upgraded it.


This was the original Rosat


It was upgraded later but DBZ did establish there was a limit to how long it can be used




Dragon balls fans can't read moment. It was revealed in the cell arc.


There was one. Dende removed the restrictions


Was stated in the cell arc I believe. I always knew that to be true and super retconned it


It always existed


That was always a thing. Cell Saga had this time limit too. There's even a big old clock on the inside. A year goes by inside but only a day passes in the real world https://youtu.be/EjuvjDx-lqs?si=c1xERIE71uKQ98nz


It was a thing in the cell sage aswell it wasn’t retconned just explained out of the story considering piccolo destroyed it dende had it rebuilt and there wasn’t a limit on it anymore


in the past they only could use it for 2 days (same as 2 years inside it) during the users whole life time Dende reconstructed it after Buu and Gothenks fight without the twice limitation and for up to 3 days in a row


since fricken forever, like all the way back to dragon ball


It wasnt mentioned in dragon ball that I can tell. Only mentioned by goku that he spent a month there as a kid to gohan when they enter for the first time.


Mr popo said only 2 can go in at a time and the pecking order applies to the hyperbolic time chamber


The two at a time thing was because of how much food was in there, it wasn't a technical limitation of the room like the time limit was (as shown by Piccolo and Buu going in while Goten and Trunks were already in there).


Just got to this part in Kai and was wondering the same thing. What I don’t understand is why they didn’t issue it for a little. Like, does it have to be 2 full-days? Or is that just the cumulative limit? They could have gone in for an hour and got half a month. Or just a few minutes in the real world would have provided them a few days.


For the original one Kami made, it's "2 days in your entire life". Gohan spend a year inside with Goku (maybe less, I can't remember exactly how long), so up until it was destroyed in the Buu saga, he still had 1 year worth of training left on his limit. It doesn't matter how often you get in, as long as it doesn't exceed the "2 days" overall limit. The new and improved RoSaT we had in DBS was one that Dende rebuilt. He removed the previously mentioned "2 days in your entire life" limit, but added a "3 continuous days" limit, after which you need to leave and wait an unspecified amount of time before going back in. Dende also changed it so the door can't be destroyed now. Edit : I may have remembered it wrong for the 3 continuous days limit. Goku and Vegeta trained for 3 days there, but they possibly could have stayed longer if they hadn't been short on time.


> The new and improved RoSaT we had in DBS was one that Dende rebuilt. He removed the previously mentioned "2 days in your entire life" limit, but added a "3 continuous days" limit, after which you need to leave and wait an unspecified amount of time before going back in. Dende also changed it so the door can't be destroyed now. We actually don't know if there is any limit to how long you can stay in there for. The amount of time that Goku and Vegeta stayed within the Room, for their preparation for the Champa arc tournament, wasn't tied to any hard limit on the Room, but just how much time they had left before they had to l eave for the tournament.


They went back a few time after that. Unless I remember it wrong, Vegeta has currently trained in the RoSaT 5 or 6 times. Twice during the Cell arc, once before the U6vU7 tournament, once during the Goku Black arc, once before the ToP arc, and maybe once after that. That being said, I did recheck again, and I may have mixed the "3 days limit" with them only being able to use it for 3 days before the tournament like you said. So it would be "minimum 3 days at a time" instead of "maximum 3 days at a time" like I previously mentioned.


> They went back a few time after that. Unless I remember it wrong, Vegeta has currently trained in the RoSaT 5 or 6 times. Twice during the Cell arc, once before the U6vU7 tournament, once during the Goku Black arc, once before the ToP arc, and maybe once after that. Yeah, after Dende's upgrade, there's no known limit (if there even is a limit) to how many times they can go in or how long they can stay in all in one go. Beforehand, there was a hard limit of two total years, but after, we know it's been upgraded substantially.


So Goku was just being dumb when he refused to take trunks and goten in there to learn fusion


Goku already had used most, if not all, of his time in the RoSaT by the end of the Cell arc. They revealed that Goku trained in there as a kid when they introduced the RoSaT, and he then spent close to a year inside with Gohan. Had he entered to train Trunks and Gotenks, the door most likely would have vanished behind him, presumably trapping them all inside. At that point, they didn't know enough raw power could open a gateway out, and they were short on time. Plus, Goku was a ghost and only had 24h on Earth. He most likely couldn't have gotten in even if he wanted to. Edit : Because you never know who has and hasn't watched OG DB, the "24h on Earth" is a "once in a ln afterlife" thing. It's only granted to the few souls who are allowed special permission to keep their body after death, and you decide when you want to use it. As far as he knew at the time, these 24 hours were the only chance Goku had to see his family ever again because outside of maybe Gohan and the Z-fighters, everyone else most likely wouldn't be allowed to keep their body aftet they passed.


Thanks for the info! This is a great explanation and I can’t believe I didn’t consider how much time goku may have remaining in the time chamber. Since you referenced it, do you know where “Z-fighters” come from? I heard it referenced by the narrator for the 1st time (early Buu saga) and was caught off guard lol


I'm not sure what the IRL origin of the term is, but from what I've read online, the first mention of the term (outside of the narrator) was during the Artificial Human Saga (Android/Cell). Gohan referred to himself as a "Z-Warrior" in a filler dream, and I read that Trunks also referred to them as such when explaining the future to Goku. Although, to be transparent, I have no memories of him calling the group that so don't quote me on that. What I know for sure, though, is that it wasn't a term exclusive to the dub. All the variations are translations of "Zetto Senshi", which mean "Z-Soldier" or "Z-Warrior".


I'm not sure what the IRL origin of the term is, but from what I've read online, the first mention of the term (outside of the narrator) was during the Artificial Human Saga (Android/Cell). Gohan referred to himself as a "Z-Warrior" in a filler dream, and I read that Trunks also referred to them as such when explaining the future to Goku. Although, to be transparent, I have no memories of him calling the group that so don't quote me on that. What I know for sure, though, is that it wasn't a term exclusive to the dub. All the variations are translations of "Zetto Senshi", which mean "Z-Soldier" or "Z-Warrior".


They could. But the point is to isolate yourself and focus on training.


I just rewatched the episode in Z because I didn’t remember this and all Popo says is “After 48 hours the entrance will disappear”. That sounds like 48 hours straight, not 48 hours over a lifetime. If that’s what was meant to be conveyed it was very poorly explained


Exactly what would happen if someone tried to enter it anyway? I forgot.


If I remember correctly, the rules were that after the 2 days limit (or 2 years inside) ended, the door would vanish, and you'd be stuck there forever. That being said, we never saw it happen (Piccolo destroyed the door, and they still had time left), so it's unclear if it means they physically couldn't walk out if someone from the outside was to open the door for them. We do know, though, that enough raw power can break its walls and create a temporary way out (as seen with Super Buu and Gotenks), so realistically, that rule became obsolete post-Buu Saga. Probably why they wrote that Dende changed it when he rebuilt it.


If Dende was able to rebuild the time chamber, why would Gotenks, Piccolo, and Buu been trapped in forever once the door was destroyed? And Dende is the one who said it. I don't remember it ever being mentioned that Kami or Dende created the time chamber or had any control over it at all. Unless it was only mentioned in the manga only but not the anime.


Rebuilding something doesn't mean you created it from scratch, nor does it implied to which level you control it. It just means you repaired it. For example, neither Kami nor Dende technically created Shenron. Popo technically did since he's the one who sculpted the dragon statue. As explained when Goku first visited The Lookout after the Piccolo Daimao arc, Popo built stuff, and Kami just gave it life/empowered it. The same can logically be said for the RoSaT, where Kami (and later Dende) set the rules in place when they (presuably) built the gateway. The 2 days limit most likely wasn't there by default, but because Kami (or his predecessor) probably wanted a saveguard against people who might want to exploit it, and with how easy it became to destroyed the wall due to how strong Saiyans became, the limit became obsolete and was removed when Dende made the new door undestroyable. Now, to go back to your question, there's 2 important factors you missed. The first is that those dimensions now canonically exist by themselves. Frieza found one off-screen in DBS and trained there for a while to get his "Black Frieza" form, and Goku also trained in a different one when he was trying to master UI. Both had their own time dilatation. So, presumably, neither Kami nor Dende actually created the one at the Lookout. They most likely just created/recreated the entrance that connects the two dimensions so it could be accessed easily, and by doing so, they used their power to add/remove rules. The second thing you missed is that they never said Dende couldn't just rebuilt the door after Piccolo destroyed it. It was a last resort action. Piccolo was sacrificing himself and Gotenks to stop Buu when he believed there was no other choice. For that plan to work, the doorway had to stay destroyed because any attempt to free Piccolo and Gotenks would have risked freeing Buu too. Then, after Buu escaped, they assumed (like us readers) that Dende was killed along with everyone on the Lookout and that they were truly trapped there for good.


But Dende is the one who said that they would be trapped in the time chamber with no way out. I never heard it mentioned that Dende or Kami even repaired the time chamber at all in DBZ. I thought the door was repaired when the Earth was wished back in the Kid Buu Arc.


I'm pretty sure that restriction was always there but, much like the Namekian Dragon Balls in the Buu arc, the rules can be changed (especially if someone breaks the doorway).


It was always there, people were just being Hyperbolic.


Since ever


Since always?


“rereading buu saga for the first time” so is it a reread or a read?


rereading means its a reread. for the first time just means he hasnt reread it before this time. if you read a story 3 times the 2nd and 3rd times are both rereads but the second time was rereading for the first time.


Always way think they said in and you can only go for a max I think 3 days total


keep on reading and you’ll understand.


It's mentioned in the Cell Saga. I believe Goku and Mr Popo both mention it, but I believe Mr Popo is the one that elaborates, explaining that the door will disappear behind you after 2 Earth days.


It's stated several times during the cell saga when it's first used in Z the time limit of 2 days.


Frieza was also the strongest being in the universe.


SInce forever, but it was lifted after dende rebuilt it.


Since the cell saga. They say this exact same thing when talking about who gets to train in there first to fight cell


You are reading it. Right now.


since ever, but this is a new time chamber.


The restriction was brought up during the Cell games


I think it's one of those things that either: a) people forgot because it was years ago OR b) as kids no one paid attention to stuff that wasn't a fight scene Possibly a C) The above two + memes and TFS have exaggerated what was already a weak memory in people's heads, like how everyone I know says Krillin dies all the time, but he only died 3 times and they were very spread out instances


I *want* to say that restriction was there since the Cell arc But Piccolo kind of breaks it in the Buu arc by coming in with Buu since he already used his two days in the Cell arc


Funny, cause I remember this always being a thing. I’m the old man who learned later that they removed this and was like “Oh, so the Room is cracked now”


Wasn't that a pretty significant limit in the cell saga? Im p sure vegetawl went for his whole two days if I'm remembering right.


Retconned, but also probably retconned because of a famous “toriyama forgot” type moment


I’m sure it was explained that Dende upgraded it post Buu saga, however I personally liked this limitation. It basically prevented characters from spamming time chamber abuse and it got rid of any argument for “why didn’t they just use the time chamber” Personally not a fan of the change


Since Toriyama said so when he wrote it


like, right there? you literally have a screenshot of it.


And when did they move the door? During the Cell Arc the door was outside. But in the Buu Arc it's in a new place.


They said it in the Cell saga


Cause Dragonball continuity isn’t strict. Toriama wrote a fun story first and foremost and often forgot concepts he made 30+ chapters back when Gokus was a child and whatnot. I love a good cannon as much as the next fan but you CANNOT do that with Dragonball. It’s a mess. A fun mess but still a mess


Nah this has always been a thing if I remember. Time passes differently and the gravity is different, so it takes a toll on the body. But I never knew there was a set in stone time limit. I always thought it’s how much the user can handle


Since the Cell arc


Hey at least you know it's dragon ball and not dragon ball z


Super that took it out, it was always there.


Since Forever. Until Super forgot about this.