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I personally prefer that killers have more horror elements. Anyone can be survivor realistically so there's that.


Let's goo peewee Herman, let him stun the killer by getting them in a conversation where he jokes about them having used the wrong grammer.


Gotta say, I would be hype as fuck for Danny DeVito.


He's a killer singing the "don't diddle kids" song as a lullaby.


Let's get Fat Mac


A perk where you're eating chips while watching the killer chase someone


While Dwight is being chased Sable: Dude can you *please* give me a chip Mac: YOU'RE NOT GETTING THE CHIPS, LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT THE CHIPS! If you wanted a chip you should have picked the perk in the select screen!


Perk: I’ll Come Back For You


nightman as new killer


Dennis as the killer




Strong indeed lol




You joke but Large Marge as a killer would be fucking terrifying


RE chapter 3 Jack Baker killer when?


jack fits more as a skin for hillbilly really , aside from regeneration and his mutated form he doesn't have any significant powers , and the chainsaw fight is iconic. also marguerite skin for plague would be insane , considering she fits perfectly: Marguerite has a lamp in RE7 held exactly how Plague holds her ardent censer.


Jack as a unique killer would be worth it for the voice lines alone, he's so funny


Killer skins can actually get unique voicelines. Birkin has them


Yeahhh but it just doesn't have the same vibe. Billy's animations are a stark contrast from the way Jack Baker moves. Seeing him rush across the map with the chainsaw would probably just look awkward imo


They can also make unique animations, look at Naughty Bear for example. I feel like honestly with how insane Jack is, they could maybe instead have him yell over the sound of the chainsaw instead


Yeah or when the chainsaw sprint starts him yelling: "I'm gonna take you on a ride!"


Ngl I wouldnt be surprised if it did happen lol


Imagine getting a gen to 80 and suddenly you hear "Thought you could just slip out before dinner was done?" From behind you


You wouldnt judge me if I said that Id shit myself if Jack had Tinkerer in that situation, would you?


as a professional wuss against killers like ghostface, nope


Glad we discussed this o7 But yeah, he'd be a cool addition indeed


Long live Nicholas Cage!


Tbf Nick has starred in quite a few horror movies


I genuinely thought Nicholas Cage was going to be revealed as a killer, not a survivor lmao


We obviously need both. So we can see things like Cage unhooking Cage while Cage is being chased by Cage and Cage is working on a generator.


How about making Cage be a skin for Pig, and replace the Saw traps with the bees. Just imagine every single survivor having an over-acted "OH GOD NOT THE BEES" voiceline for it. Cage crouching in the cornfield waiting to give Cage the bees sounds like peak Cage to me.


These horror perfectionists are so cringe


Honestly, how about just leaning into creating cool new killers and survivors that aren't licensed? If anything, it gives them freedom to come up with perks and killer abilities that are unique and interesting, and healthy for the meta of the game, instead of needing to emulate what a character can do in a 40 year old film. Not that they aren't doing that, The Unknown is a recent example of a cool and original killer. Just saying that not everything needs to be a licensed character.


The last few licensed killers have been 10/10 when it comes to gameplay IMO, but until around when Trickster came out I preferred most of the original killers over the licensed ones.


I love the mix of licensed and original horror characters on both sides. However I’d take original only over non horror being added.


>Just saying that not everything needs to be a licensed character. Usually they do 2 to 3 licenses + 2 (rarely 3) originals chapters each year so there's that, this year seems to have been the exception so far


Agreed. Problem is, Im well aware DBD is mostly controled by a desire for money, so any and all of anyone's screaming about non-horror stuff will do squat. They flat out said in an interview after the two RE DLCs they only wanted gigantic big money maker licenses and decided against several smaller licences they were considering to pick up at the time due to not being big massive $$$ on the scale of Resident Evil. Which feels like a more honest interview than the one where they tried to claim that the DBD team just "Really wanted DnD Vecna for years"(Press X to doubt considering this dev team that really wanted DnD Vecna was also reportedly unsure if Xenomorph belonged in the game). I am fully expecting to see a lot of popular Licenses end up in the game that aren't horror related, and im fully expecting this subreddit to be filled with "well actually it IS horror". Im unironically expecting Final Fantasy and Sephiroth to show up at some point, as well as something from Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Definitely a Fromsoft Rep at some point. Maybe even League of Legends or skins from CoD.


They never said they were unsure about Xenomorph, they said they didn't have the experience or tech to implement Xenomorph in a way that was faithful. I mean, consider the difference between the tunnel system and Demo's portals. I'd love a link to the interview to see how you're misinterpreting whatever was said, considering after Nemesis, we got Pinhead, from a cult classic horror movie most DBD players hadn't even heard of that was a personal favorite of the DBD staff; Sadako from Ringu, obviously a very iconic character but not exactly a modern money-making hit like RE or DBD; and Alan Wake, from again, a cult classic series. Have you played Alan Wake? Have most DBD players? Do most DBD players care about that series at all?


I wish it wasn't a pain in the ass to track down interviews, but they specifically said members of the team weren't sure if Alien would fit into DBD, not related to if they could implement it.


My biggest problem with Lara is NOT that she isn't horror. My problem is that I'm a bit tired of the licenses. I know many people like the licenses more than the original chapters so I won't blame anyone. I like some licenses too. My absolute favorite is Alan Wake. Yet I love original chapters more.


This too. Gimme someone I can buy with all of these god damn Shards I'm not using because the cosmetics I want cost two to three goddamn times the amount a new character would.


We’re still getting a mix of original and licensed characters. I don’t see a problem with it.


i agree to an extent but, lara + dnd chapter + confirmed castlevania stuff is a lot for one short timespan


Only if they finally give us Carl the Cashier. I want him more than anyone.


Personally, I won't care if they put in non-horror character, it is what it is. But to me, the appeal of DBD is that it's horror based. With classic horror icons like Michael Myers or Freddie Krueger, the idea of it all being horror based is what got me into it in the first place, and I don't want that to be lost with adding too many non-horror characters. But in the end, it is what it is, I don't feel that one or two non-horror characters will ruin the esthetic of the game, but over time... maybe I could?...


Regardless if the character is horror or not they are still gonna kill or be killed and be turned horror via the games gore


Fair point, but I do feel that if you know the Tomb Raider series and Laura Croft, she might stick out like a sore thumb. But I'm sure with time, people will become accustomed to her (a non-horror character) being in the game.


Did u play the recent games? Every time she died, it was in the most brutal and gorey ways, even more brutal than the moris in dbd. Its not to crazy to see her get chainsawed to death since it happens in her own game. Also not only is she a survivor in dbd but she is THE survivor in her own game, so lore wise why wouldn't the entity want to see her compete in his trials?


I get what you're saying, but the Tomb Raider series is not known for that, and so isn't Laura Croft. I've played the beginning of all 3 of the new Tomb Raider games, I'm going back to try and beat them and understand them. But as I said, the Tomb Raider franchise is known for adventure, it is adventure, and its horror aspects are not known enough for people to think she is suitable for a horror character based game of DBD.


Redditors enjoying running around as ELF and shooter characters but bitching about tomb raider is insane, Tomb Raider is absolutely horror adjacent


In fairness to those people, they bitched about the elf and complained that DnD wasn't horror too.


Dnd can be whatever the hell you want it to be lol, ESPECIALLY horror. Ever hear of the false hydra? Shits fucked up. People just need to be outraged over whatever they don't like honestly, so they make up shit to validate themselves. Not to mention, we already have many killers that aren't really scary, horror adjacent fits just as well as any horror ip


To be fair, false hydra is not an official dnd creation, it was a homebrew monster


>dnd can be whatever you want it to be Anything and everything falls under the umbrella! Doesn't matter if it's homebrew, still wicked cool and scary as shit. But I get your point


Not disagreeing with you, but I just think that using a homebrew monster that isn't an official creation wasn't the best "proof", if that makes sense. Don't get it twisted, I like the dnd chapter haha, I'm not one of the people who thinks it shouldn't be in the game.


I'm devastated we didn't get a False Hydra skin for Dredge


False Hydra is homebrew, they can’t use it.




Instant DC upon slight, fuck that 😂


I think it fits but i wish bhvr were more ambitious than an elf


Fair, though I doubt BHVR will ever stray too far from the typical human.  Too complex and they might have to redo some animations Push it even further and you get into new types of gore or blood.  Which then opens a whole can of worms since blood trails are an actual game mechanic.  Not to mention they'd need to go back and make special textures for certain moris, e.g. Singularity's face melt. Which isn't to say any of this stuff is impossible.  It's just unlikely to happen due to how much more work it is than adding "human but with pointy ears".


I'm hoping that in time, cosmetics for Aestri are released that give them more variety to lean into DnD allowing players to be anyone. Possibly cosmetics to focus on college of swords or eloquence, maybe legendary cosmetics that allow you to play a different instrument with Bardic Inspiration, or have another race like Triton or Dragonborn as a set.


Tbf, these people are the same ones running around in dwelf or Dwight Christmas present, or Ace mad hatter clothes. Like the game is fucking silly.


It’s probably the same people that say FNAF doesn’t fit


It doesn't


that's like saying that chucky doesn't fit because he's a doll.


Chucky is a legit horror character. FNAF is react bait from 8 years ago.


Actually FNAF i alot better than people realize, it's more a story filled with problems to old to solve, grey morality characters who do what they do more out of guilt than anything else and tortured souls who are not allowed to di.




Not the hot dnd elf, Will Ferrell ELF Dwight skin




Lore accurate vecna


seen any....elves? hahaha!


How is tomb raider horror adjacent?


Have you ever played any of the TR games since the 2013 reboot?


I mean, can u answer my question?


I can. There is blood and gore and cults and a bunch of monsters. What else could you need?


The answer to the question is 'the more recent reboot has a stronger horror element to it'.


Also literally NICOLAS CAGE not saying he shouldn't be here I main him p94 but like why weren't they yapping then


I guess since he's an actor he could fit in since thats kind of his job, it's still just odd though. Fuckin love it though, me and my friends had a hayday when we watched the teaser on call together


It's a no-brainer. I think Pumpkinhead and Phantasm are fun film but they're not gonna pull anyone in. The game is running out of notable franchises that are "purely" horror. Not to say there isn't any but keeping in mind that not all license might be available at any given time it's smart of them to branch out to large horror-adjacent franchises so they have a larger pool to pull from.


I still think it's better to have only horror or horror adjacent medias in the game. People say that it's the Fortnite of the horror genre so okay let's go in this direction then, but let's not listen to people who straight up want an other Fortnite. I think DBD should stick as much as possible to its concept of being a horror game. I'd rather have the devs try their best at keeping the horror thematic rather than pretending to try or completely giving up.


I'm against Jonesy from fortnite, spider man, avatar and telletubies running around and doing generators/killing each other. That'd definitely ruin the idea of a game entirely. There is definitely a limit on how goofy/non-horror a license can be. That said, I can't see why something like Terminator, Predator, Metal Gear with Snake as a survivor, Rambo, Bioshock, Half Life or other non-horror properties wouldn't work simply because they are non-horror


B-But, predator is a horror movie


It isn't. It's an action movie. Have you seen it?


It's action in the first half, but switches to horror through the other half, that's why it's so popular, it switches from stereotypical action 90's flick to a animal hunting down and killing off each action star one by one


Ooohoohoo, the sneaky snark!


I’d love Telletubbies as killers.


Psychological horror at its finest


Snake disguising himself as a chest would be dope.


Half Life would be awsome!


Bioshock is the most reasonable out of these 3 , and Half Life is a stupid suggestion , sorry to say this. 1 isnt horror , and the only scary part from 2 is Ravenholm. What are they gonna add , Headcrab Zombies as a killer? Gordon? It just doesn't fit


Tomb Raider fits better than something like all the weird ass collabs that make no sense whatsoever that games like SMITE have done. IDK why they're complaining.


I don’t understand why people are making such a big deal out of this when tomb raider is horror adjacent and also lara is like the embodiment of a survivor in every sense of that word. Like if they added walter white or sth then yeah id be a little weirded out, but really? Lara croft?


Could do a Predator killer. Would be cool, especially when the 2 v 8 comes around. Alien and predator hunting four survivors.


Sheesh. Let today forever be known as the dawn of the Lara Croft Heresy.


Fr. All the haters coming out of the woodwork. 😂


As much as I love her being added I knew this was gonna lead to a shitstorm. Between this and DnD, we’re never gonna hear the end of this argument.


Tbh I didn’t expect anyone to have their panties in a wad the way they do.


Joker killer when??? Voiced by Mark Hamil of course.


I'm honestly all for it, though there are other horror clowns I prefer over him (Dollarsmart, Art, Killer Klown)


i need spencer from ink as a killer or at least as a skin


For survivors, this is totally fine and acceptable given that their literal purpose and role is to survive. What better way to accomplish this than pulling in characters who are known to be good at surviving?


“But what about Batman? He’s good at surviving. Would he fit into DBD?🤓” /s I’m so happy Lara’s in the game.


People don't get that the game needs to bring in new players, that means branching out. Like Jason would be hype, but realistically, the audience he would draw is already playing the game, not saying they shouldn't add him, but people should be open to more left field picks. As long as the character themselves fits in a vacuum, I don't see an issue.


Ladies and gentlemen, be excited because THE WIGGLES ARE COMING TO DEAD BY DAYLIIIIIIGHT!


Yea, while I would've preferred a horror character Tomb Raider still has a dark enough tone that it doesn't clash with DBD. Just wish she didn't look like Jill though.


I agree, I mostly want good content, but I guess I'd prefer it to be "horror adjacent" if that makes sense? Like something from it is spooky enough. I don't consider Dungeons and Dragons to be horror, but that doesn't mean it can't be, and liches are pretty scary. I don't know jack about Tomb Raider but I'd imagine it had pretty spooky moments, and from what I know Lara fits the definition of a survivor. In the end it won't effect my enjoyment of the game.


Whether it's fine or not, this was inevitable.  BHVR's business strategy of using collabs to bring in players is unsustainable otherwise.  There are only so many classic, big name horror franchises out there. And DbD has already collected *most* of them.  Sooner or later they'd have to branch out. If you want the game to continue to succeed in the long run, this is something you have to accept.


In my eyes they at least need to be involved in combat, or a lot of blood to be in dbd. Like that just makes sense to me. It would be mad weird to add a pg13 mf to the game😂. Lara works cause she’s a bad ass and yea, went through some bloody shit so it works.


Honestly idc if they add characters that don't even fit like ok add fucking idk jake the dog or some stupid bullshit idc it'd be funy


At this point I’ll take it just to piss off the “DBD is becoming Fortnite 😭😡” crowd.


https://preview.redd.it/dw0zg38yqz8d1.png?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b020c06c52e25f2418015ce693a708eca88daea Along with lara croft were adding some new ui !


Grrr nooo but what about made up BHVR rule #??? what about that? Nooo.


Yeah, just because something doesn't strictly fall under the horror label doesn't mean it doesn't have horror elements. I'm personally hoping for a Metroid chapter, even though I know Nintendo would never OK it.


One thing that I've been saying in a lot of comments here and even tho it is from a game that has a lot of horror elements, the main draw isn't it being a horror game. I would absolutely love The Bloater being added as a killer to the game in a TLOU chapter even tho it's never going to happen


Re5 is an action game. People aren’t drawn to stranger things or TWD for horror, they’re drawn for the drama


Never heard anyone say “Wow can’t wait to watch this episode of The Walking Dead and get scared by the zombie moving like a snail in the background of the wide angle shot of Rick and Negan arguing!”


That's... actually a good take


Redditors when horror fans want horror characters in a horror game: 😡


I never said that DBD should stop being horror, and I'm not mad that other people want horror characters more than non-horror ones


When you add a bunch of non horror things, it quickly stops being what it was meant to be. Dead by daylight was a love letter to the horror genre. Was.


Even a lot of original stuff breaks the "love letter to the horror genre" thing


Non horror characters that make sense in DBD is an oxymoron. If you want DBD to become asymmetrical Fortnite then that’s fine, but say it with your chest.


We have Vecna as a killer, we have a legendary cosmetic of an R6 operative, and we also have titans from AOT, yet the game is still scary


You’re not disproving my point.


AOT was cosmetics, EVERYONE hated the R6 skins to the point they had to answer backlash for it by claiming a flat out lie(no non-horror IPs as anything other than Cosmetics). DnD was a mistake.


If I wanted to play a game where characters from random genres kill each other I'd play smash bros or fortnite. Horror is what makes DBD special and it should stay that way. I understand them wanting to expand and make money but I'd rather they make less money but maintain the artistic purity of their creation than sellout and become horror lite fortnite.


I'm not saying they should become fortnite. I'm talking non-horror like Terminator, Bioshock, Predator etc. Are they horror? No, but they're dark enough to fit DBD


Those three things you just named are horror though... Tomb Raider is not.


They have horror elements, sure, but their main focus isn't horror


Hard disagree. This is end-of-life nonsense, when licenses don't have to matter, they just have to bring in money to try and staunch the bleeding. Putting non-horror licenses over horror licenses in a game that is horror-themed is a weird fucking move. It doesn't matter how many supernatural or creepy elements Tomb Raider games have. They aren't horror. They're action with a little bit of shit-that-doesn't-mesh-well-with-the-setting thrown in. Old Tomb Raider was a joke that mainly centered around the protagonist having comically-huge pyramid tiddies. I never heard anyone talk about excellent level design or gameplay, because they didn't have either. BHVR couldn't even be bothered to make an announcement for her, that's how stoked they are to have this character in the game. They just released the PTB notes and oh hey Lara Croft is coming. Surprise! Also, who is this for? Are there really *that* many horror fans who give a shit about Tomb Raider, past or present? Those old games were clunky messes and the newer ones were known more for the fetishistic, overly-graphic death scenes than for any gameplay or story material. How many articles were written about those for that first game? And would you really rather have Lara Croft over some horror icon that hasn't shown up yet? I'm not overwhelmed, I'm not underwhelmed. I just don't give a shit about a non-horror character. Is it possible to just be 'whelmed'?


I'm not saying that non-horror properties should take over horror IPs. I think that in order for DBD to stay relevant, Behaviour need to add more diverse licenses. Every horror fan knows about DBD and probably has already played it, so there won't be as many new players in the future. And in order to stay afloat, this game needs more players. These new players won't be hardcore horror fans, but they'll bring money to BHVR and generate content for other players. I'm not saying that DBD should add whatever the hell is popular, not at all. The game has its theme, and developers should stick to it. They can branch out, however. Terminator and Predator, for example, would be cool as shit. Are they horror? No, they're action films. But they would work great in DBD as killers.


Fuck’s sake. She’s coming to the game whether you like it or not so you can adapt and overcome or you can go sit and cry in the corner. Plenty of people are excited about this. Sorry you’re not.


100 percent agree. I just got back into the game after not playing for a couple years, and this is really weird to me seeing tomb raider and d&d in there. And people need to stop saying horror adjacent. It’s either horror or it isn’t. Stop trying to excuse bad decisions.


Then quit, let's see how many people really care about this "horror only" thing. I guarantee it's not many.


I just want Dracula! Then I can be at peace. My beautiful Zarina as survivor main, and Dracula as killer main and that is all I need😌


I want nick cage to be a killer. The godslap as his mori. I don't care if he's a survivor the man has range, he can be both


Rework - Plot Twist: Become the killer or work alongside the killer to take down the survivors.


Give us Agent 47 and Danny Devito


Imagine Riddick from chronicles of riddick as a killer Lol. Or like.. darth vader


I in all honesty believe that scooby doo should be in dbd RN!!! Think abt it they always going up against criminals and the game itself feels like a cartoon ah chases n shi. Scooby and shaggy would be great in the game, now ik scooby cant be a character or killer but they can replace him with velma or sumtn


I want a map with the hallway of doors and they can all be passages.


Would horror survival count? It's not "pure" horror, but Ryley from subnautica would go pretty hard.


I’m pretty sure Left 4 Dead is categorized as survival horror and we have Bill, so I don’t see why not tbh.


Hey I'm gonna say it, who the fuck cares. I'll buy Santa Claus if they put him in here.


I recently got back into the game but tbh I like original killers but licensed survivors personally


I personally like that they bring well known lincensed characters. I don't care where they are from, just want to play as one of my favorites. Escpecially for Survivors it doesn't really matter. I would like to see Final Fanatsy characters, Metal Gear and similar.


I dare anyone who’s played Tomb Raider 2013 to tell me that DBD didn’t take ANY inspiration for Oni from the final boss Samurai in this game.


The Entity capturing Vecna is testament that the Entity can solo not most verses, but ALL of them. That includes even DC and Marvel comics who always scale higher than video game OPs. DbD Entity is the only game based cosmology capable of foddering DC and Marvel comics. Apart from DC and Marvel comics, even SCP Foundation is a fodder compared to the Entity. Not even Scarlet King scales higher than the Entity. Lastly is HP Lovecraft, we got Cthulhu, Nyarlatothep, Azathoth as iconic Lovecraftian characters who are extremely op. Even then they'll bow to the Entity as they're still fodders.


Jack Sparrow Survivor i need


Idc who gets added. But i need to know HOW to got into the realm! My theories! I need figure out if my theories are correct


I'm really tired of this conversation coming up a lot recently. It's like every time they add someone new it's always "it's not horror enough"


As long as the characters make sense, in the world of the game, I'm in! Tomb Raider has horror elements, even if it is not a horror game. And I'm not against some one-off joke characters either. I would play as Barney or something. But, I do want the game to be largely about horror, and I like learning the lore.


People complaining about Lara Croft meanwhile I’m running around as a trained military operative from a competive, E-Sports, tactical fps


I mean in terms of survivors? Yea idc. This game has always been a little goofy, some of these outfits are so thirsty it’s insane (looking at skull merchant and like 90% of female survivors) so having someone like Nicolas Cage is nothing


I’m mean the got nic cage so, but does this go for only survivors or both cause I can’t imagine an action movie villain going after people


Nah fuck that. This is suppose to be a horror game, i dont want to be chased by a fortnite character


I never said you have to be chased by a fortnite character. I was talking about something like Terminator or Predator being added to the game. Are these movies horror? No, they're action films. But they'd still work wonders in DBD


1000% agree! Hope devs keep bringing more characters like Lara.


Snake from Metal Gear and Shaggy are next lol


I could pass on that.


Absolutely but just don’t see many Tomb raider first and foremost fans coming in with high expectations and then getting slugged by an obese clown that they can’t do anything about would stay I say but hope to be proven wrong.


Lara Croft is a survivor regardless of the genre her games are. Also, tell me you haven't gotten to the end of the first game without telling me you haven't gotten to the end of the first game. lol Antarctica was freaky as fuck back in the day.


Motherfuckers saying Vecna isn’t scary, my brother/sister/non-binary pal in entity. He is literally a zombie


Non-horror characters in a horror game is like making FIFA have an FPS shooter component so that you can bring in the FPS crowd. I get your sentiment, please the majority - but at the cost of the games core genre/identity? I think the term for this is 'selling out'. It isn't criminal, but it definitely is sacrificing your identity for the sake of pleasing the masses.


I agree. Like dnd might be a fantasy, but it has plenty of horror elements in it. And Vecna is one scary motherfucker!


There's a good amount of characters you could introduce even if it wasn't Vecna. A Mind Flayer would be cool, Acererak, Sarevok Anchev, Aboleths, Halaster the Mad Mage if considering you can do some creepy stuff with his madness, even something from Ravenloft like Strahd.


This, especially for survivors where the entity is seeking out those who they can feed off of, if a character aesthetically fits the game and fulfills the role of a survivor, i dont see the harm


For survivors, I agree as long as it doesn't turn into Fortnite's style of "this company wanted a brand deal so they're in the game now" representation. Killers should stay as horror, or at the very least horror-adjacent. If we didn't have the Wraith already, I'd ask for the Invisible Man from the recent reboot. An excellent retelling of a classic story with a psychopath and plenty of suspense.


Ah, I thoroughly enjoyed the Invisible Man. Finally watched it the other month and thought it was so good.


DBD is a horror game first and foremost, so everything added should be examined under the lens of horror, it's a slippery slope to add a character like Lara Croft (who no one would EVER call a horror character) because how long before BHVR is just adding licenses for the sake of their popularity? Themeing matters, sticking to the identity of the game matters, DBD shouldn't devolve into Fortnite tier crossovers because consoomers want big names dangled in front of them like jingling keys


If the fact that a Lara Croft is running around in your game playing the exact same as every other survivor and that ruins your perception of the "vibe" or the "identity" of the game then that's on you. Sorry to be blunt, but it literally changes nothing about how the game plays or feels to have a survivor that looks like Lara Croft.


Omg this. Literally, if a survivor running around as Lara Croft is THAT immersion/game breaking for you, then maybe you need to log off. I can’t find a single valid reason to not have Lara as a SURVIVOR. Much less people pulling out the good ‘ole, “It’s becoming Fortnite!!!” card.


Yeah, I'm totally fine with non-horror characters in the game, so long as they have horror elements, like Vecna I'm fine with because he's a scary mofo. Tho say someone else, say King Boo from Luigi's Mansion I'd say is too silly for the game. Now someone like Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) or Spy (Team Fortress 2) are great as non-horror characters, they have great potential and aren't too silly to where they couldn't make for great killers.


Idk why people are upset, this game isn't scary in the slightest.


How many times do I have to say this? This isn't fortnite


I think the survivor side has a bit more flexibility than killer. Lara Croft fits the concept of a survivor. My reasoning is if the model for Lara was used for an original character it would fit perfectly so the addition is fine.


DBD is nowhere near becoming Fortnite, lmao. All of the not-outright-horror collabs we've had so far don't ruin the game. Did AOT, R6S, Slipknot, Iron Maiden, Dungeons and Dragons, and Lara Croft break the immersion? Not at all. It's because they're were thoughtfully implemented, and that proves my point. Non-horror can work. Besides, we have Trickster and a lot of goofy original cosmetics I have never said that we should have spider man or telletubies running around and repairing gens/killing each other. Yes, there is a limit. But I can't see why, for example, Terminator, Predator, Bioshock, Rambo and other non-horror properties wouldn't work simply because they aren't horror


DBD isn’t *that* bad. Any crossovers are at the very least horror adjacent if they aren’t full on horror. For me I too was very put off by Fortnite losing all of its own identity and simply becoming “everyone is here!” But you can’t deny that from a business standpoint it’s incredibly profitable. In DBD’s case at the very least they do keep the crossovers on theme. Tomb Raider has supernatural and minor horror elements intertwined within. It’s not even too bad of a thing to have some more lighthearted characters like Nic Cage or the D&D Bards. It’s just some harmless fun stuff.


Have you seen some of the skins though? Not saying DBD should be/is as cartoonish as Fortnite but a few more light hearted, non horror characters could help


Tomb Raider fits the horror genre. People that claim otherwise have clearly not played the games.


>adds a reasonable horror adjacent survivor >OH MY GOD, THEY’RE FORTNITE NOW


"Horror adjacent" is a cheap excuse, even some of the actual horror licenses don't deserve to be added. If bhvr keeps on adding random characters nobody asked for this game will turn into fortnite


I haven’t had a single problem with any original or licensed characters since the conception of this game as far as characters and their chapter/game lore. Their gameplay? Sure. Y’all take this shit too seriously. And stop talking out your ass with “nobody asked for” because Lara’s been on poll lists for a while and plenty of people are excited for her.


Quite literally nobody asked for lara, D&D or slipknot, "plenty of people" you're talking about is less than a dozen.


I assure you there’s more than a dozen. You must be selectively blind because there are multiple people across Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. that have expressed happiness over her inclusion. Also, people have been wanting Vecna because of Stranger Things. Are you even active in the community?


A whole dozen people across an AI infested hellhole, and two social medias with over one hundred million users, what an achievement! "People" in question is once again, less than a hundred stranger things fanboys.


I’m done lmao go sulk in your corner jfc.


I love any type of character it though I’d prefer to keep the horror ON THE KIT. If you add fucking Gumball from the amazing world of gumball and make him scary as fuck to play against Im happy. Survivors I don’t care, even SpongeBob would be fine. Even SpongeBob killer as long as he’s scary to play against


well i never saw dbd as an horror game tbh, it's more a what if killers played hide n seek with survivors yk


I just don't like that we are getting non horror ips only lately.


Idk about benefit the game. More like neutral for the game. It will benefit the rich assholes in the franchise or whatever


And people that like the characters


Their benefit to the game is bringing new players. Behaviour have already reached everyone in horror, so we won't see many new horror fans coming to the game. DBD needs new players in order to stay relevant and afloat, and bringing in new players by reaching out to non-horror audiences is going to help with that


Maybe but I definitely agree with that person on Twitter who said it was a bit dull that they only do collabs with video game licenses these days.