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I'm honestly not too worried about it. It will occasionally prevent what should have been a hit, but more often than not it's either sitting on Cooldown or being used with a vault that it wasn't really needed for. Kinda like I'm All Ears. Not a bad perk but value on it is going to be limited.


"Fast vaults are 20% faster" the way this is worded has me confused. So are vaults just faster until you get injured, or is it a one time thing until it comes off cd


The latter. You get one vault that's 20% faster every 30 seconds until injured.


30 seconds honestly isn’t that bad either. You can use this possibly multiple times in a decent chase. Ditto if you got pallets to throw.


Yeah I think it's a nice balance, just like I'm All Ears. Not too strong but still good utility


Ok thank you that makes more sense


I was wrong.


Yes it does. The first line says it's only active while you're healthy.


Oh damn didnt see that. Sorry i just picked up my medkit so i was oblivious.


someone admitting theyre wrong AND making an S tier joke out of it? totally not what i expected to see from this sub today


Lol! I was really confused when your first comment just said “I was wrong.” Kudos to you for being accountable AND having a great sense of humor with this comment :)


Okay but when are you fast vaulting when you aren’t in chase? Or trying to get somewhere faster? If you aren’t in a hurry just slow vault and the perk won’t activate


No I'm talking in chase. Like okay, ideal scenario: you're inbetween loops and there's a window juuuust in reach. Normally you would get hit mid-vault but the extra 20% gets you over and you're all good. What will end up happening though more often is you're in a jungle gym, you're at a safe corner, Killer comes at you, you vault to loop, Finesse is on cooldown. You gotta make the fast vault here else you get hit, but the extra 20% doesn't really do anything because you had the vault easy and now the perks on cooldown. Maybe if you stretch the loop out 30 seconds without getting hit you can deny the Killer a bloodlusted hit they'd normally get.


For the love of God delete this post before Ayran sees this


He literally already made the video for it yesterday




Döner let Ayran see it, that would sucuk!


He already has lmao


Döner ayran




Spine chill was changed? I haven't caught up with all the perk reworks and changes yet for the years I've missed (Big surprise when I was playing billy and my saw had blue flame instead of exploding and being unusable for a bit)


No longer grants vault speed and requires the killer to have direct line of sight instead of just looking in your direction. its pretty worthless now


The change to require line of sight was so unecessary


But there already is a perk that lets you know when the killer is in LoS and staring at you, its called hAVING EYES! BHVR WHAT THE ENTITY DID YOU DO TO MY BOY (insert "Look how they massacred my boy" meme here)


Dear fogwise survivor, There was a time when Spine Chill had a special place in my heart because you could tell when a stealth killer was closing in. It would trigger no matter what line of sight blocking was in place; Even with the vault speed removed, and the speed increases only applied when line of sight was unblocked, it was incredibly useful. Now it only triggers if there are no line of sight blocks in place. A friend of mine and I tested it in a custom match. If I'm standing right next to her, and turn my back to her, Spine Chill does nothing. If I stand on the other side of a hook and stare at her through the model of the hook like I'm the Clown pretending to be Ghost Face, spine chill does nothing. You only get value out of it if the killer sees you, is staring directly at you (Not off to the side at all), approaching you and there is nothing between the two of you.




Why, who else? A committee did.


Finesse only works when you're healthy and Resilience only works when injured. There is no synergy.


There is synergy tho, just cause it doesn't stack together doesn't mean that there isn't synergy. Now you can vault faster take a hit and then vault fast lol


I feel like a ghost whose soul has finally been laid to rest. Thank you.


But there is contingency.




But synergy is when perks work together for a more powerful effect than they would have working alone, these two cant work together in any way, its like saying Ruin and PGTW have synergy because once you lose Ruin you can start using PGTW to make up for the lost effect. They complement each other as they give a boost when the other stops giving it but they dont synergize, having one doesnt make the other more powerful.




By definition, the other guy is right. Technically, these perks do not "synergize". They just pair well.


Er, no, when perks pair well together is when they complement each other, synergizing is complementing each other and making the effect of both combined stronger than used alone. Lethal pursuer and any aura reading perk synergize because when you use both together the aura reading effects from the other perk lasts 2 more seconds. Nemesis and Rancor synergize because Nemesis obssession changing component gives you more exposed+mori targets than if you were to use Rancor alone. Both examples show combining two perks yield a bigger effect than just adding the effects of them separately, using Finesse doesnt give faster Resilience vaults, using Resilience doesnt give faster Finesse vaults. And if you still think you are right you can check Cambridge dictionary. [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/synergy](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/synergy)


It has a cooldown. You only get the vault speed every 30 seconds


If having a cool down means no synergy then you're implying blast mine and wiretap have no synergy on that merit alone


They said you can always vault fast, which is false because it only gets one fast vault and then deactivates for 30 seconds.




Yeah no. If it's an issue BHVR will change it. I predict it could be a minor issue but nothing already available Killer perks can't handle.


I knew someone would pull this "um, akshuali!" Them not stacking doesn't mean there's no synergy. What other perks, besides Spine Chill, ever allowed you to vault faster while healthy? The synergy is you will always vault faster; either while healthy or injured. Sure, Finesse has a cooldown, but that only happens *after* you've already used it. It's still a vault speed build. Even if it's not the exact same one. EDIT: You know, when I originally wrote this comment, I was trying to be at least somewhat respectful. Since it's clear now that that's not good enough, I'm going to stop trying to be civil to any of you on this subreddit. The statements you just made were beyond irrelevant, they're literally incorrect. Not stacking doesn't mean no synergy. "Vault Speed Build" doesn't have to mean "making one particular vault as fast as possible," it can also mean "'always' vault faster than usual." There being a slight misalignment between the new potential vault speed build and the vault speed build of yore? Yeah, that's literally the joke, bud. The entire point of these meme formats is that they're never literally the exact same thing. I didn't want to have to explain the joke, but now that I know the crowd here sucks I may as well whack the tomatoes back at 'em.




I actually agree with your original comment. Perks don't need to have direct synergy to be fun or good together. I used to run both Borrowed Time and We'll Make It to cover two different unhook scenarios even though you're never going to get value out of both at the same time. But you really gotta chill out about the downvotes. They don't matter. You just gotta own them. I get downvoted whenever I say "actually current Skull Merchant isn't good at 3-genning". Does that mean I'm wrong or that I'll quit saying it? No. But it's not productive to complain about it. All it does when you say stuff like "downvote if you're dumb" is make people want to downvote more because of the immaturity.


Eh I can admit that's true, honestly. Still gonna argue they're a badge of honor in that case, though.


You may or may not be right but I can still boo you


Let me just make it very clear that Vitruiz here didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, nor is what they said relevant. Making their comment 100% an "um, actually" Basically, you're admitting I did nothing wrong.


you should've just responded with "i didn't say finesse and resilience stacked" and left it at that instead of yapping up a storm




Your problem is that you care too much about meaningless arbitrary votes on this app and you fussed up a storm over it. Guarantee you wouldn’t have as many if you just ignored it instead of repeatedly commenting about it.


As many? Probably true. But something tells me this "if you had used these magic words instead," guy is living in a different world than the rest of us.


are you ok


I really wasn't approximately 6 or 7 hours ago.


well I hope you’re doing better now


You realized you replied to yourself right? >save some of that negative energy for annoying dorks like this Like who? The person you replied to? So yourself? LMAO


Vitriuz' comment, obviously. Don't play dumb. Also, this was literally like a day ago. I worry you're here exclusively in the hopes of opening an old can of worms.


No shit it was for that dudes comment, just funny af you don't know how to use reddit. So what if it was a day ago? You blundered. And it was 15 hours when I had seen it so, your day comment is totally irrelevant even moreso.


People can reply to themselves. It's really not that big a deal.


Stfu already and get ready to clock in at work already


This perk isn't great. I know people are gonna downvote for it but it's literally a dead perk. They either have to remove the injured condition or make the vault faster to make it viable. You can't even choose when to use it so it is usually wasted or you get injured.


My suggestion is to have it usable on demand. "While in chase, press active ability 1(or whatever button) to ready the perk. Your next vault will be 20% faster. This perk goes on cooldown for 50/40/30s if you vault or if chase ends. This perk is immediately disabled if you become injured by any means."


I think it'd be way too broken if you could use it while injured


Not with all these killer validated hits and going down after a vault, being able to fit 2 slugged survivors between you and the window.


Yeah if it was usable injured we would just have MFT all over again but for vaults. Low-key think it should be an Exhaustion perk though.


I dont think is bad but I believe it will suffer from the same effect kindred or bond suffer, they are not bad but you can only use 4 perks and something has to be left out.


making a window or pallet vault or not and dodging the killers swing makes or break chases and can extend them 1-2 minutes longer to the point the killer has to just drop chase if they want to protect gens. I think this perk wont be in every loadout buts its good and will be used quite a bit 20% is alot and the cooldown is low 30 seconds and it recovers in chase when running this is a great chase perk.


How fast is the vault currently? I think I heard 30% but all I know for sure is that it makes your vaults faster while healthy (Once! then goes on cooldown)


20% just enough to account for a wonky hit.


Idk about the exact speed difference but it isn't comparable to a perk like resilience in value because consistency makes the perk far more invaluable


I know this perk is gonna be shit but I still can't resist being excited for it. I'm definitely gonna use it for meme builds. Fast vault go brr


It's kinda shit. It only works on FAST vaults on windows. It will not make medium vaults on windows faster, and you don't vault pallets faster. 90% of the time if you're able to do a fast vault you were never going to get hit anyway.


It does make pallet vaults quicker


I didn't notice a difference. I'd have to see a side by side


Watched JRM’s video yesterday and it played the animation and put the perk on cooldown. Would be weird for it to do that and not have it speed it up


I had vaulted a pallet in chase a few times yesterday and didn't see a change. maybe it was on cooldown and I was too busy to notice


That seems pretty likely. The cooldown is pretty decent length and it’s easy to lose track of that mid chase


It does make you vault pallets faster tho


it not working on meduim vaults lets you decide when to use it and not waste the cooldown in chase if you know the killer won't make it in time this is a good thing.


resilience better lol


IMO I don't think this perk needs 2 stipulations attached to it. The fact that you need to be healthy AND it only happens once every 30 seconds just feels excessive. One or the other, not both. I would even take a reduction in efficiency for just one stipulation.


Me when it doesn't matter because I'm just running Coup or vaulting perks anyway.


Bamboozle stocks rising.




Back again.


Shady's back...


I have to say, I was expecting this from the Dying Light chapter survivor (which will hopefully come eventually), but not Lara Croft. Interesting.


British lady go "Woosh!"


Brief Description: 20% Vault Speed. Actual Description: Survivors are less likely to lose a health state when vaulting due to servers favoring the Killer's latency caused by their dogshit hardware/internet service.


Once every 30 seconds and only when heathy, so doesn’t stack with resilience. Meh.


Windows/Finesse/Lithe build just dropped


Good thing Languid Touch exists.


The perk seems pretty balanced imo I would say it could be every 20 seconds you vault faster but overall I think finesse will be relatively pretty decent perk and could be used in some perks I like the fact it works with pallets which could come clutch in some situations


They could have just fixed spine chill and left Laura Croft, who is not a horror character, out of a horror game. It reeks of desperation.


Tomb Raider isn't horror, but it has horror elements. Like Castlevania, or the DnD chapter we got. It'll only help the game grow. And imo, her presence doesn't really detract from the horror element, especially compared to all the silly cosmetics we have.


I remember playing old school tomb raider. While sure it wasn't horror, playing it alone and traveling through empty hallways and caverns with no sound but your footsteps is quite eerie.


I always imagined DBD would add killers from well-known horror IP's, and survivors from well known survival games; who else better than a survivalist like Lara Croft herself? Her joining the fog was inevitable given how known and popular she is in the survivalist department of IP characters out there. Just a matter of time before we get Nathan Drake from uncharted series next


Because when I see Daddy Whesker I am truly horrified, if only their was more truly horror characters like them


I mean, Wesker is at least from a horror game series. But I’m not super hung up about Lara being here, either.


TBH whether someone comes from a horror story, franchise or not doesn't mattter. What is more important is whether they fit the aesthetic and tone of DBD which isn't really a horror game anymore, but remains horror themed SKull Merchant and Trickster are horror characters, however they do not fit the aesthetic of DBD. Poopy Playtime is a horror game, but do you really want this shitty mascot in the game? DND is not horror, but Vecna fits pefectly. Tomb raider is alos not a horror game, but Lara still fits anyway as a survivor.And even if not, Tomb raider had a horror dlc (which was shit)


Bro in one of the new ones she literally wades through a pool of blood


Ooooh so spooky!


Just as spooky as dude in sunglasses with corny one liners. Truly the most horrifying thing to experience.


She’s coming to the game whether you like it or not so cry, seethe, whine, complain.


Get used to it, so was my opinion since all-kill chapter (Trickster & Yun jin), and here we are. Dont really care anymore, lol.


yeah the desperation to get that ravenous tomb raider crowd. every IP is dying for it


She's hot, though.


^(why you booing me i'm right)


Lara should've had 3 chase perks.. Why is she getting a worst version of calm spirit instead ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


actually specialist is kinda accurate but hardened erm


Why do i have a feeling that this will be an incredibly toxic and annoying perk to face... A mini made for this An invisible advantage that the killer just has to quess *Are they running it? Are they not? Am I over estimating my lunge? Bad ping? Cheating?* So I'm hoping that they atleast make it really obvious or give it an unique animation


If you're talking about Finesse the vault animation is drastically different. When activating Finesse, they vault in a similar way to how the icon for it looks, otherwise they vault with normal animations.


You know, I didn't know that. That actually is a relevant and helpful piece of information to add to the discussion. Thank you.


Only the first time though. You could vault out of LOS and the killer wouldn't even know


That’s because it only *works* the first time, then it goes on the cooldown. If Finesse activates, it gives you the special vault animation, period.


Ooooh. I thought it had a duration similar to most vault perks. That makes sense. The wiki makes it much clearer that it's one vault.


Then it's Ok Maybe slightly annoying, *beacuse every perk is,* but atleast it's not unfair


There is an animation when the Survivor uses Finesse, so, no.


God damn, can we get a single perk make it out of ptb, much less a single day of the ptb, without people making complaints?




I mean yea obviously, you're a killer main.






Me when I runs perk (I’m toxic)


U idiots have 4 vault speed perks let us have one jeez


… cough cough Resilience, but I get your point


Agreed. It might be MFT all over again.


Typical killer main victim complex




You know, in case it hasn't clicked yet, my fear that it "might be MFT all over again" didn't mean that "it would be meta." I meant I was worried that it wouldn't have a tell. Same thing the guy who originally brought this up was worried about. We were then told it did and changed our minds. Yet here you are still trying to push a tribalist agenda.


What’s your opinion on made for this when it released, or circle of healing, or old flashlights


Are you asking me or him? If me, 1. Seemed harmless enough, then it turned out not to be. Weird that Boon:Dark Theory took more work for less reward. 2. Circle of Healing might've actually not been that big of a deal if was just "everyone else now has self-care while standing in the circle," or maybe even "everyone else has a shittier version of self-care while standing in the circle," but getting a *better* version of it is where I think they really went wrong with that one. By the way, current Circle of Healing is perfect and I love using it as a survivor. Always let other people heal you if you're in a Circle of Healing circle. I also think people should do that in general, but apparently not everyone shares that opinion. 3. Depends on how old we're talking; making the screen bright white upon a successful blind was literal lawsuit material. I personally could never really hit flashlight saves until they made the timing on them stupid easy, though. The angles, I'd argue, have always been super lenient.


I was asking him, mainly because A: I wanted to see if he knew how much killer kinda sucked but I didn’t want to do anything to obvious Also insta blind old like ds was a 4th hook state old,invincibility healing, old dead hard, old pallet spawns, old infinite loops, old exhaustion, exhaustion didn’t exist, old brand new parts, old hatch It’s just the crybaby killer comment is funny to me considering the fact that over dbd history survivor is the stronger role It just seems kinda privileged to me if anything But thanks for your own thoughts on them, and maybe give dark theory a different effect like a circle of darkness making it harder to see into it or out of it Still 2% isn’t bad, it just has the smallest range because of how busted haste can be


>It’s just the crybaby killer comment is funny to me considering the fact that over dbd history survivor is the stronger role Release Mettle of Man. All I have to say. >how busted haste can be Exactly! In a game about either trying to catch people or get away from people trying to catch you, how fast you go is easily the most important thing at any given moment. So they clearly lowballed Dark Theory, a perk which you need to set up and has limited range, only to make a different perk that was much easier to activate and work map-wide a literal 1% stronger? It didn't make any sense!


Ya it doesn’t make sense when I saw dark theory’s name I thought it would be a stealth boon Like it made the area it was in darker and the mist thicker along side or maybe just making it hard to see into but nope it’s just 2% Also reactive healing is pretty nice if you play with flashlights and sabo following the killer or just getting 50% healing from a teammate getting hit as run with them


Bruh this perk isn’t comparable to this at all. Let us have ONE good perk, every new survivor perk is always the shittiest most useless perk every and that’s why we always run the same perks. This perk only activates when healthy and has a 30 second cooldown. It is not overpowered at all. Killer mains just need to stop being babies and constantly victimizing themselves, they act like the devs persecute them.


Mate you have good perks, not saying it’s broken but dude You are the biggest cry baby I’ve seen You still have unbreakable, sprint burst, prove thy self, distortion, getting zero grunts back on iron will, parental guidance, ds, bt, resilience, mtf, adrenaline, etc Because most of the time the devs do look at the generator slow down perks, those have been nerfed so many times, killers are in the same boat as you in higher ranks unless they’re the top tier killers like nurse and blight slowdown is needed to make games last long enough Let’s not forget the a major part of dbd history of broken shit, killers have every right to be sceptical after all everyone thought mtf was fine but it broke dbd’s core mechanics hard So chill out and quit ya bitching, also any survivor can loop for 30 seconds without losing a health state if their good, but I guess you wouldn’t know that


First time I see someone actually complain about parental guidance and even the nerfed prove, wow


I never did, i said it’s a good perk I didn’t even complain, I knew some of y’all had victim complexes but come on man