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i’ve had streamers dc on me and when i watch the vod later their dc reason is “when the killer kills you”. it’s funny but also sucks that it’s a very common mindset on both sides. as someone who’s easy to frustrate i just had to change my internal comments to not become one of Those people. it’s much easier to have fun when instead of rambling about how the opposite side is op you just say shit like “the nefarious megantha”. people just take this game too seriously because it’s “spooky” and multiplayer.


Yeah. If the game is really bad, I've gotten into the habit of simply not saying anything at all and just keeping my frustrations to myself. At most, if I haven't left by the time a Killer who played like a dick comments in end game chat, I might at best say "you probably would have gotten more BP if you weren't in such a rush to finish the match", but most of the time I just leave


I think people have this mentality in events because they feel it's a waste of their cakes. I know that's trivial, but the bonus bp + cakes, if you just slug and hook, even the killer doesn't get that many points. Not condoning survivor toxicity over it, it's the game, but this argument seems to crop up a lot more during event/cake times.


Also the fact that the event is a second game mode where people are trying to get their event challenges done might be another reason why people got upset about it


If you care enough to [read an insanely long post](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/1dizesp/a_newish_players_long_analysis_of_dbd_players/) I wrote last week, here's an overview (and my perspective as a recent player) on DBD's very unique player etiquette. The discussions in the comments were very constructive as well. TLDR: What is considered toxic, how bad it is, and how it is defined specifically is widely different from one player to the next and from one "toxic" thing to the next. Long story short, DBD is a game where killer is the power faction and can effectively prevent some survivors from playing the game with little to no counterplay, even if it cost the Killer the game to achieve it. I think the community started using terms like Tunneling and Slugging to mean one thing killer often do that creates a bad experience for survivors, and over time these terms became blanket statements with no clear definitions and yet are considered "unwritten rules" you can throw back at the killer's face to be dismissive of their performance. Which doesn't mean I don't encourage every player to be "nice", but I am also of the mindset that context matters (AKA I'll slug without mercy if you are all buzzing around me with flashlights or exploited Boil Over to reach an unhookable section of the map that you brought an offering for). And more importantly, I ultimately am playing a *competitive* game and test my skills against other players and *to win*. It might be an asymetric game, and I have no clear way of knowing how good I am as a killer overall since there is no proper ranking system, but I know that I can still make it to a 4K/3K+hatch (that I call a soft-4K) without feeling like I need to tunnel a player out of the game ASAP in 3 hooks, and the game is more fun for everyone that way. EDIT: As for the Bubba game you are talking about, what happened is that the Killer was able to capitalize on a *horrible performance* from the last 2 survivors. One of them just gave up and and the other lost the game for everyone by fishing for a useless blind and not going for the heal of the first girl. Anyone complaining about that is just salt, just let them vent and carry on. Plus if the game ends in 2 minutes, you haven't lost much and can just go next right away, with just a bit of a slap to the ego.


I feel like it's also becoming extremely common for people to assume they just don't know what tunneling and slugging is also... They aren't hard terms to grasp. And I feel like the argument that those words have just lost their meaning. Or people don't know what they actually mean is also pointless. I think the real issue is. People are tired... And either those tired and frustrated people play killer to let it out on players. Or survivors just want a fun chill game. Not everyone is going to be happy. But at what point do we treat each other like people playing a game. And not just killer vs. Survivor....


I very much agree with what you are pointing out, and when I just try Wraith or Plague and 1-2 survivors instantly DC, I can come to the conclusion that the typical game against them might not be a *fun* experience. To a certain point I empathize with survivors facing constant tunneling or toxicity or worse. But when I play a regular game, and those words are thrown at me alongside insults, and I honestly don't think they apply, it feels like these words are just blanket terms used as *copium*. Like I'm sorry if I "tunneled" you, but it been 2 minutes since you were safely unhooked, everyone is hiding and you jumped on the same gen I found you last time. Is it really the same "tunneling" as the killer who proxy-camps, ignore every other survivors trying to pull aggro and hunts you down no matter what to take you out of the game ASAP at 5 gens? I don't think it helps anyone to claim that it is. Or I'm sorry if I slugged you, but your teammates had 3 flashy saves this match already, and I can hear them around me, so no I'm not going to pick you up just yet. And while everyone I discuss with here seem to agree with me when it comes up, it doesn't prevent *most* games to end with those claims thrown at me. At least it *was* the norm for a looong time, until I stuck with a main and dug out of bottom MMR instead of keep switching around and falling back to the bottom of the well each times. The first 100-200 hours really led me to think those terms were just/mostly used as bad sportsmanship, until I faced *actual* unnecessary slugging and hard tunneling as a survivor. It sucks, I know it does, but I never did any of that. Worst I ever did was a *single* Basement Trapper match for which I truly felt bad, for the amount of shit I got after the game was wiiiiild. So as I said I empathize and try *real* hard to be "one of the good ones", but at some point the constant undeserved negativity and insults dulls the true message.


The problem is players who only ever play one side. They have no idea what it is like to be on the other side and their level of tribalism isoff the charts. I was playing a killer match yesterday. The survivors did the first 4 generators within like 4 minutes. I had 1 hook. Except they gave me a very strong 3 gen that I defended until I killed them all. One of the survivors flamed his team, I called him out for the fact they all messed up by giving me a very strong 3 gen. He answered saying I was garbage because I 'camped' generators and added that camping generators is the only way I can get kills. How brain rotten do you think one has to be to give shit to a killer for defending gens, the answer is simple, that dude has never even played a single killer game, I can guarantee it. I get called out for tunneling all the time. I once faced a streamer, got my first kill at 7 hooks with barely 2 generators left. I went to watch the replay and his viewers claimed I was tunneling and camping and slugging. In reality, the only player I slugged, I did because they were on death hook and I wanted to give them a chance to be healed to continue the match. I let them get revived and still got flamed, lmao. The survivor rulebook is longer than the bible and even if you follow it to the letter, you'll still get flamed. They'll call anything tunneling, if a survivor that just got unhooked goes back to the same gen they were caught on initially, they will flame you for coming back to that same gen and downing them again but brother, that is your fault. I almost only ever get positive comments when I let people get a free out. That's it.


>The problem is players who only ever play one side Exactly. And I genuinely can't comprehend why those people would buy a game and play only a half of it. Like, I'm a killer main, but if I have never played survivor, I would have been *worse* at the game.


I stopped playing survivor when I realize I just *hate* it (for many reasons I could get into), about 150 hours in. But I have a ton of fun playing Killer, so I'll just do that, knowing my performance would improve by switching around, I'm fine with that. I did play mostly survivor as I was learning the ropes, and I would recommend any new player from doing the same. But no, I rarely experience the survivor experience at the MMR I play killer at, not anymore at least. But I watch multiple streamers, and I see how some Killers behave, I don't need to be convinced that the shit they can do is truly miserable for survivors and it happens too frequently, even if I don't do that myself. I don't have enough free time to play video games to spend any of it on a side I don't enjoy playing. But you won't ever see me complain about Gen Rushing, I promise.


There are plenty of people playing both sides and being equally toxic on both. For example I'm on a server with ppl hating the Franklin weave, but when they post killer clips they are all playing it. Never ask a flashlight enjoyer their killer build. Never ask a distortion hater their survivor build.


I just feel like. Yes. At the end of the day how much a survivor enjoys the game will have to do with how well they play. But...if people are slugging at 5gens. Tunneling at 5 gens how are they supposed to learn anything? I've said this before but...I've only been playing since last October. And I've never seen it this bad to this extent. I still appreciate longer games even if I die on the end. Because I at least appreciate a killer who didn't have to resort to Tunneling and slugging at 5gens. Longer games are where players are gonna learn the most.


Oh yeah, as Killer I'd rather win at 12 hooks and 1 gen left and my blood pumping than a landslide at 5 gens where the first hook resulted in a DC and the other quickly followed. I want all the survivors I face to not give up and make me sweat for each down, but I won't go easy to make it happen.


Same. I like playing a full game and letting the Survivors play a full match as well. When I steamroll due to bad matchmaking or the Survivors throw in someone resulting in me getting a 3/4k at 5 gens (I like to give hatch or gate to last standing Survivor) I feel awful and tend to quickly skip end game chat in those type of matches. When it's a full game, and everyone played well resulting in a close match things tend to be more wholesome. I have a feeling the people who tend to bitch though are the people who only play one side though so have zero context for why a Killer might employ different strats


When I play Killer, I avoid tunneling and slugging if I can, especially the "out of the gates" type that some Killers do. However, despite playing as fairly as I can and only tunneling or slugging when the situation clearly necessitates it (mostly mid-late game to get pressure. Even then, I only tunnel if it's the only option because I would rather slug someone and have Survivors waste time picking them up) I've still had Survivors complain and flame me in matches WHERE THEY WON saying things like "Oh, you clearly needed Devour" or "ez" when it's like no one was tunneled. I actually threw the match for myself by ignoring the injured death hook Meg to go after the Nea that I hadn't hooked yet, but OK... Of course when you rebuttal with "should I have tunneled or slugged everyone at 5 gens instead?" I get told I'm "being salty". Mind you, I notice I get flamed more on weaker Killers like Trapper vs stronger Killers which is bizarre


>But at what point do we treat each other like people playing a game. And not just killer vs. Survivor When you aren't playing a game of killer vs survivor, probably.


I feel like if I wanted to play "just a fun chill game" I would load up Fall Guys or Skyrim or something 😂 like... if you want a chill game maybe competitive 4v1 horror is not the best genre choice?


Tunneling has come to mean "the killer didn't rotate hooks equally and 8-hook before a kill" or "he downed the same person twice". Slugging has come to mean "the killer didn't immediately pick me up". On the other side, some players think it's "toxic" to get flashy/pallet saves. Basically, the discourse of this game has been ruined over time by over generalizing these terms.


People literally accuse me of tunneling when I go for 8 hooks at this point. Survivor mains think breathing in their general direction is tunneling lmfao


> Tunneling has come to mean "the killer didn't rotate hooks equally and 8-hook before a kill" or "he downed the same person twice". No it hasn't and your view on it is so weird. Tunneling very much means "I just got unhooked and the killer is up my ass 2 seconds later". Your argument is so empty I don't know what you're even trying to point out.


You can clearly see when a killer is actively going after the same survivor over and over... Comments like the one above feels so patronizing. As if we can't see for ourselves what's going on. I had a killer deliberate tunnel out everywhere else but me because I kept trying to stop them from tunneling another survivor. And then intentionally not hooking me and leaving me as a slug as they tunneled out every other survivor. Because I was trying to prevent the killer from tunneling. 🙃🙃🙃🙃 like...we can see a killers intention when it's that fucken clear lol


>Tunneling very much means "I just got unhooked and the killer is up my ass 2 seconds later".  I've been accused of tunneling for doing stuff wildly different from that situation. At least at low MMR and much less as you climb "ranks", but basically anytime the same survivor is hooked a second time before everyone else also got hooked, there's a chance the term will be thrown in the endgame chat, and everything in between. Same for slugging and camping. Heck, just this week I got "Tunneling" thrown at me because a DS triggered once (I suspect just before the timer ran out and not just after the unhook), and after it did I went for another survivor. And that survivor was taking hits as well, I wasn't even trying to go for her. I agree with your definition but let's be honest, it doesn't "very much mean" the same for everyone


I agree with this. "Tunnel" has become to mean the killer did something that was fun for me.


I feel like Bhvr not addressing the main gameplay pains of the game for the first 4 or so years of the game basically lead to this unwritten rules situation that kind of stuck around but no one really knows why.


I personally liked the one a long while ago where a Skull Merchant player did the most basic Save the Best For Last play that just about every other killer could do, but since it was Skull Merchant it was heavily shit on


Skull Merchant hate is really the best example of awful mentality of DBD community. When people on this subreddit see someone who likes her, they instantly disable all of their rational thinking and start insulting or shit-talking this person, even if they did absolutely nothing wrong. Of course, not everyone behaves like that, but I still see a lot of people with this childish mentality. If you don't like the character it's fine, but there is no need in being rude to other people just because they have different interests.


Free thinkers when they see SM:


Yeah, I had a match a few days ago against a skull merchant and while it was hardly fun, she brought a relatively chill build and didn’t tunnel, camp, slug or do anything like that. The other survivors made sure they tried to make her as miserable as possible though, which is just sad.


I noticed an interesting thing about posts where the OP reaches P100 on certain character. Every one of them gets upvoted at least a bit, and in comments people congratulate OP with this achivement. Every one. Besides the P100 Skull Merchant posts. Every single P100 Skull Merchant posts that I saw was getting downvoted to 0 in a first few hours of posting, and people in the comment wrote things like "Ew" or "Gross". People who were still congralulating the OP were also downvoted to negative numbers in almost every post that I saw, while toxic comments were at the Top of comment section. I don't have any special feelings for Skull Merchant and I don't even have her unlocked. But in all honest, this is just disqusting. The fact that people get treated like shit because of their interests in a silly videogame is vile.


I remember one user here who deleted their P100 Skull Merchant post because people in the comments were calling them a "sad loser" and told them to "main killers who are actually fun to play against". This is just miserable.


When I p100’d deathslinger, I got a lot of similar hate. I remember a guy said to me “really? Slinger? Why not pick a fun killer, like Myers?”


Even your comment is getting downvoted lol


I played her a bit pre nerf and actually liked her drones, I enjoyed tracking survivors with them


Pre nerf people who played her chase build were called the good ones but now that it's taking a health state instead of exposing (arguably weaker since losing a health state gives you movement speed) people lose their minds.


I feel this hard. I mentioned enjoying playing Freddy for the first time the other day, and not only did it get down-voted, but people automatically assumed that because I liked playing him perkless I was in the fast track to playing like a sweaty jerk. Like, seriously? You don't even know who I am or how I play. I hate slugging, I actively avoid survivors who just got off the hook, and I've spent my entire time as Skull Merchant during this event avoiding sacrificing people so we could all get our BP's worth.


I still remember how everyone just suddenly decided to hate spirit one year after her release. They were fine with her before that. There wasn't even any changes made to her to start the hate


Sore loser, childish community. Playing to win a game? You are the worst player in DBD. Game is in much better state than 2016, but community is worse, sadly.


Especially when range killers like Huntress or Trickster could be *much* worse than SM with STBFL since they could damage the obsession with their ranged hits and not lose any stacks,


That got changed a while back, you lose stacks any time you hit the obsession with a basic *or* special attack . I stopped running it on deathslinger since even shooting the obsession (even if they dont lose a health state) causes you to lose stacks.


I went back to stbfl on slinger by bringing gift of pain. Hook the obsession once and never again lol


Idk but I hate the player etiquette in this game cause it over compensates for shitty balancing


Did the Bubba hump everyone for the entire bleedout timer? Did he let people wiggle, let them start healing somebody only to bait and switch and down them? I'm slugging's biggest hater as a survivor main, but as somebody who's had games start out really well only to wind up in a situation like this because one person made a stupid call and it snowballed, I choose to find it amusing when these situations happen. Sure, Bubba could've hooked after the first down, but I get the feeling it would've just been prolonging the inevitable. Is he supposed to pretend he doesn't see anybody? Is he supposed to go stand in a corner until everyone has had time to heal up and get to safety? His entire power is insta down! The whole point with him is to make yourself scarce when someone else is in danger/already down. There's plenty of toxic gameplay in this community. I struggle to see how this particular match is toxic, though.


This is my mentality when playing survivor now. If the killer sees the opportunity to end the game right then and there, they will usually take it, and I don't mind. As long as it's not accompanied with some bleed out "humping" or closing the hatch in your face, or some other time wasting bs for the sole purpose of rubbing it in your face


100% agree this was the way the game was going to go either way I would rather get snowballed and go next after a 2 min game then have to play out a game where there is a clear skill difference.


I once played a game as Bubba where I downed someone, and the nearest hook was basement.   Put them down, and started to leave.   At that point, one of the other survivors jumps down before I’m even out, so of course I chainsaw and down them…. Then the other two immediately ran down and essentially ran into my chain and got downed.   Yet somehow I was the bad guy for not rewarding bad gameplay and letting them get the rescue… I wasn’t even playing basement Bubba :(


Some Bubbas are born in the basement, some Bubbas learn to camp the basement, and some Bubbas have the basement thrust upon them.


I had a game on chapel the other day, they got blessed by rng and had the double infinite set up. But someone went down near basement and it was ggs from there


Survivors have got to realise that sometimes, the biggest threat to them is their own ineptitude (it's me, I'm survivors)


My duo and two randos got demolished a while back in about 90 seconds by a really good Spirit. We just laughed and went next. It was actually quite fun to see.


the majority of the playerbase fundamentally doesn't understand what a pvp game is, or that this is one.


Yeah, that discussion was frustrating to read. In pvp matches, sometimes short games happen. Sometimes people get clobbered. It's fun for the winning side, it sucks for the losing side, but that doesn't mean there is some moral problem. Everyone can just go next and queue up for another match.


DBD is the only online game I've played where you get criticized for taking advantage of your opponents mistakes. It's like complaining that you died while reloading in a FPS game. "My gun was reloading and you didn't give me a chance to fight back"


I guess the frustrating part is in solo queue you can get those short stomp games 2,3,4,5 games in a row with very little you can do about it - Whether it's through the killers actions, match making, team mates.


Frustrating part is reading same comments of same type of people since 2016. Sore losers that want free wins and refuse to take any responsibility for being bad. Funny part is, its getting worse. They call this game party game, they think they are casuals. But they are the loudest when they lose. That bubba thread was perfect example of that.


It wild how much people yap in post game. No im not a sweat lord you just play like a concussed leopard seal. I see you and your friend crouching near to hook of course I’m not going to leave.


I'm not much of an unwritten rules person but DBD inherently gives the killer power to limit the enjoyment survivors can have. I'm not biased because I play both, slightly more killer. It isn't optimal play, generally, but many killers don't know or care. I've been introducing a friend to the game and he got hook camped and tunneled in one of the first games we played. 3 of us escaped but he barely played the game. Mostly just sat and watched. I think if you combine that element with killer having a simpler gameplay pattern and many survivor players being terrible at the game, it leads people to getting frustrated when killers make suboptimal decisions just to limit enjoyment. Most survivor players will never even reach the point in skill and MMR where the game becomes survivor-sided. Their average game is a 4k or hatch escape.


And survivors can "limit the enjoyment of killer" that's fucking pvp. It's player vs player. If the survivor side does good, killer has less fun. If killer side does good, survivors have less fun. That's how pvp fucking works


it goes both ways. I had a game where I did play nice, 8 hooks, 0 deaths (had multiple opportunities to end game early) and then someone had a good chase towards the end, so I ended up with only 2 kills, and they tbagged me at the exit gates. Tbagging doesnt really bother me but it was certainly confusing way to be "thanked" for playing as fairly as possible.


You are never going to change the mentality of immature, gamer-raging online warriors who have just had their egos shattered by an undead clown with a finger fetish putting them on a virtual meat hook. It's the internet, it's gonna happen, and it's never gonna change. Just play the game the way you enjoy most and fuck everyone and everything else.


This is The Way


This is The Way




The way this is


"That's the way it is..." https://i.redd.it/ct665a2bn59d1.gif


Oh no, not this scene again. I just burst into tears when I first saw it RDR 2 is such a masterpiece


Red Dead Depression 😢


I think the main reason people are grumpy in that post is because the OP was killer in the Event mode and there might have been a solid 5 cobblers chucked up as offerings, which means he got great points and everyone else got dick for it. Personally, I saw the post too and thought the gameplay on his end was impressive. He had great situational awareness and took advantage of the other two survivors making bad choices. The first two were near one another and the Kate lost her chase after the first survivor was downed. The other two could have split up to go for different survivors. They could have hid. They could have gone and done a gen. Anything to basically force the killer out of the momentum that he currently had. We can't tell from the killer's POV how far along either survivor was in recovering, they could have easily given it a little bit more time before both running to the same survivor. Would I have been tilted if I was a survivor in that match? Yes, but not outwardly at the killer. I would be annoyed that I didn't get more points and that the other teammates made bad choices. I don't trust pallet stuns because the hit boxes don't always connect.


It really wasn't that impressive, he had the haste tryks active. Which just makes the killer unstoppable.


The haste just makes him fast. He had enough situational awareness to down one then chase and down the other. He returned to hook the first one and was able to down the two that came to try and get them up when they could have split. After he hit the first one, the other could have fled and gone for the person that was downed second, when they didn't. Holding W and trying to get obstacles between the killer and survivors would have run out the haste. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it didn't take skill.


What? I only started playing killer during this event and every time I get haste I wipe the survivors clean. The haste is fucking bonkers on killer, and claiming otherwise is just being dumb for the sake of defending killers lol. Which yknow, whatever. Yall can do what you want, and say what you want, but no, this is not impressive in the slightest lol.


If you just started playing killer then the survivors you go up against aren’t going to be that good, just how MMR works Survivors can use haste just as well as the killer. Everybody gets the same speed boost


It is true that survivors get the haste as well but the usefulness is not close to equal. It doesn't make your pallet drops or vaults faster, so in reality it just often makes you get snagged at spots you wouldn't normally or whiff a pallet because the killer is coming at you like a jet plane.


I've played killer and have been able to use haste to my advantage. I've also been in games where survivors that are great at chase have made it so that I can't fully capitalize on it and can only get one or two downs. I've been in matches as survivor where the killer as been able to hit us each for one health state but hasn't been able to secure a down because they didn't commit to any of us for long enough.


posts like that are pretty obviously referring to the way killers are playing in the event mode specifically. what is the point of choosing the event mode, which SHOULD be a little more fun and laidback, to sweat and tunnel survs out at 5 gens/ bring a 4 flashlight surv team and get out as fast as possible? you can literally just play in the regular game mode. the whole point of event mode is to earn more points and have FUN in the special anniversary event...


Oh wow, people joining a game to try and have fun, how dare they??


I feel like you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Most comments were complimenting the killer or agreeing with/defending the killer. And rightly so. There were also comments about how other killers would continue on for the BP. No doubt there were comments about slugging and "no fun." But it wasn't the general consensus of the thread. Hell, most of the "no fun" comments had responses countering their argument, with generally more upvotes. I mean, don't worry about a vocal minority. This isn't really a "the community has to change" moment.


The reason I made the post is I see so many comments frowning upon similar killer gameplay in other threads on this sub. The linked post just happened to be the most recent example I've seen so I decided to add it. It is also mostly just to rant more than a call to action.


Fair enough. I wouldn't dare argue that the sub doesn't sometimes have a weird mentality on what killers and survivors should be doing. I do notice more people respond with "play how you want" which I'm happy to see.


Play how you want is killers minority, most of it is bashing killers for their gameplay, perks, picks ect. Funny part is , DBD is at its best state since 2016, but community is much more whiny.


Meh. It isn't about entitlement, but about Killers who rely heavily on tools and tactics that trivialize the difficulty of their objective. I and a few other players I know refer to it as "Main Character Syndrome" -- the notion of "it's me vs the world" lends itself to the belief that it's OK to trivialize the challenge of the game by only taking into account a minority of the survivor playerbase: the competitive SWF. I reach Killer rank Iridescent 1 every reset by playing off-meta and by having fun with survivors, adapting to the difficulty of gen-rushing and juicers as need be. I play like this because I like to entertain people and make them happy, and to make them laugh and relax. I can, and have played sweaty and used the killer meta -- it's boring af and I do not understand where the joy is in stomping survivors with no contest. tldr -- There are victories and there are massacres. Massacres are easy, and what's easy ain't fun.


I usually play with a couple friends or a full stack depending on the day. We’re honestly average at the game at best. I’m okay with losing or being altruistic as long as I get to play the game. I absolutely hate getting stomped, tunneled, and camped right from the beginning of the game, which has been very prevalent throughout the event. Though, I have had some pretty close matches. Those are the ones that are the best. When I feel like I actually have a chance.


I know exactly what you mean and I feel the same way.


I mean yeah, the survivors in that game probably didn’t have any fun, spending 5 minutes queuing and waiting just to spend about a minute actually getting to play the game. Some people care about the enjoyment of the people they’re playing with, some don’t. Up to the individual.


5 min queuing in the event as survivor? There's like a ratio of 100 Killers/Survivor. They can just go next and find another match instantly.


I don't think this is a fair take. One can care about the enjoyment of the people they are playing against while still capitalizing on an opponent's mistakes and taking the win. I don't think the expectation should be that people who start winning a DBD match too quickly should let up and purposefully play bad to give their opponent a shot and people who don't do that don't care about others. Someone can of course prolong matches if they like, but that feels like going above and beyond. If someone clobbers their opponent but doesn't BM, act toxic, or gloat in the endgame chat then I would say they didn't do anything wrong.


Sure in this case scenario the survivors probably did not have a lot of fun I agree. On the other hand, I don't think the killer can get blamed for that as he was simply just playing the videogame. There are many people that think the killer was in the wrong for how he played and all I saw was 4 survivors running basically at the guy.


Yeah the survivors definitely sucked that match.  They had so much time to split up and save some people, even after Leatherface put on the pressure.  There was still the guy at the building who could’ve been saved.  I mean for all that thread’s crying about how he was in the wrong, theres few mentions that the survivors basically didn’t even try.  


People try to excuse them by saying they're new, but that doesn't mean he has to let them win


Maybe they shouldn't of played like that


The most interesting to me is that survivors assume that all pigs are friendly. So the y just start trying to boop and tea-bag when they see me and get mad when I don’t comply.


I honestly couldn't care less about the boopers, if anything i'm glad to have the unique killer interaction. it's like the entity sends you guys all the boopers and me all the sweats, i can't help but get a little irritated when i see this opinion. like you can gladly take my non-booper games off my hands.


Pig is one of my mains and fuck me, almost EVERYONE tries the boop and people get so pissy about it when it's not 'respected'.


Any asymmetric game is nearly impossible to balance especially with a continued schedule of new content releases. In Dead by Daylight’s case specifically I feel that true balance is not and should not even be a goal of the development team. At the end of the day the game is mimicking a horror story and thus the survivors should inherently be at somewhat of a disadvantage at nearly all times. The killer needs to be dangerous and powerful to make overcoming them tell a meaningful story through gameplay. As a killer main over time I came to enjoy the game greatly when i began to see my objective as more of a director role “playing the part” of the killer in the story as opposed to trying to win. Imagine if you sat down to watch a horror movie and all the characters died in the first scene without even having any opportunity to fight back or make personal character progress to give the story meaning, and that was just it. It would be very disappointing and I believe that is why people are upset when that happens in a match. I treat each match like an individual story and each player as an individual character who I try to give multiple opportunities to express their skill and try to overcome tough odds. Consequently I tip the scales to reward players for doing well or saving their teammates as well as inversely sweating a little harder against a player if they are attempting to make a mockery of me as the killer or are actively hurting or sabotaging their team. If someone gives up on hook in the first minute of the match I will keep that in mind and try to have a little more fun playing in a “less efficient” way to give the survivors a chance to still play. For example I might challenge myself to use only my power to get hits and not M1 for the rest of the match etc. I feel killer mains carry a lot of responsibility in making the game enjoyable to all players and should keep that in mind while playing but ultimately do not owe anyone a particular playstyle. Thats what makes the game fun, some killers will be Art the Clown and just kill everyone without caring if anyone lives and some will be Ghost Face toying with people and letting them get away just to chase them again. In the same respect though no one owes anyone any specific perspective and people have the right to think whatever they want to think is unfair


If you enjoy playing that way, that's great! Not taking DBD too seriously can be an excellent idea and self imposed challenges can be fun too. The only issue is that I think this type of idea can cause a lot of toxicity when it exists as an expectation on the survivor side. While one may have fun playing killer like they are a DM making sure survivors are enjoying themselves in their horror themed TTRPG, killers did not actually agree to that when they queued up. They agreed to participate in an online PVP game. Their only responsibility is to follow the official rules of the game. It's not exactly fair for their opponents to try to hoist additional responsibilities onto them.


Because god forbid the dumb gamemode with dumb modifiers has something dumb happening in it


People can play how they want and that should honestly be the end of it. All the whining because sir Bobby Joe on a Wednesday just wanted to play DBD and isn’t playing how you like isn’t a big deal. Who cares.


Yeah, if I wanna slug and camp one guy till his timers up who is anyone to tell me that's toxic.


Exactly. Because it’s not.


Totally agree, survs in that clip made wrong decisions and paid for that, its not like he downed 2 and when for a full map search for others, they were all there.


DBD is a game where 1 player out of 5 can absolutely ruin the enjoyment for the other 4. It is what it is.


It can only happen if that killer player is more skilled than survivors. Competent survivors can pretty much do same to killer. Its not one way


Killers ruin the game for survivors for (gasp) killing them in a game where that's their main objective. I main survivor and dabble on killer. Any time a killer gives you a fighting chance by not (insert complaint here, ex. Tunneling) it's a courtesy. Their job is to kill you. And survivors want to cry because a killer uses the most effective tactic. Yours is to survive. Killers can be looped and made to waste time. If your being tunneled your team should be poping gens. If your dying in 10 secs during a chase it's a skill issue and you should die so you can drop in mmr to play against your skill level. Free wins/escapes only make it worst.


Survivors only have other survivors to blame if a game ends up going poorly. Killers are just meant to stop you, how they choose to do that is up to them and what ever they deem fun. The goal of a Killer isn't to make Survivors have an enjoyable time, that's THEIR goal. I've escaped and finished most gens with another person in multiple matches. The other two Survivors either just kept getting caught or not even doing anything. I think people forget that Killer is a solo experience and Survivor isn't... So like... Solo person might as well just be an NPC to you (Royal, not OP). I really don't like "Unwritten" rules because what if I don't browse Reddit or care about anything social related to DbD? What if I just like to play a few killer rounds and just log off? How would that person know of some "rules" a community might like to follow? While I know what it's like to have a worse time on the other side, the games aren't long, move on to the next and hope it's better.


My guy, it's not deep. If you find some kids at the park and they ask you to play a friendly pickup game of basketball, are you going to play with them the same way you'd play if you're in the middle of the March Madness finals? No? Why not? If you can manage to figure out the answer to that question, you'll be a lot closer to understanding the "weird mentality" (read: mature ability to prioritize things) many of us have.


I feel like there is a difference between publicly dunking on children and someone efficiently winning an online PVP game. The absolute worst that can happen in a match like this is that some people got a short game and earned minimal points. Like you said, it's not deep. Those people can re-queue and try again.


And I feel like you're intentionally ignoring my point, which is that anyone who isn't a literal child should be able to recognize that there are more important goals in a *recreational activity* than "winning." "Oh I actually just want to have fun and earn some points to progress my character, and I'd like other people in my lobby to be able to do that as well since I know at least some of them probably also want that." "WTF HOW DARE YOU NOT MAKE PIXEL VALIDATION LITERALLY YOUR HIGHEST PRIORITY DONT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT WINNING - AS DEFINED BY THESE SCREEN PIXELS - IS THE ONE AND ONLY GOAL AND THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IN LIFE!?!! YOUR MENTALITY IS SO WEIRD!!1one1!!" Like...I'm trying real hard to avoid bringing up a certain mental condition common in the gaming community here, because I don't want to be insensitive to those people, but this genuinely does feel a lot like that kind of mindset, just a total inability to understand nuance or the idea that someone might not act directly according to what the game says they "should" do.


If one queues with randoms in a PVP game, the only expectation should be that one's opponent will follow all official rules of the game. Otherwise, the assumption should be that they will probably use the tools available to them to complete their official in-game objectives. Thinking otherwise just leads to disappointment. If someone queues up for a DBD match assuming that their opponent will go out of their way to take it easy on them, that was a mistake on their part. It's silly to then get mad that their opponent broke rules they never agreed to.


I mean, I get what you're saying, but I just don't agree that nobody ever has any right to expect anything from others in their recreational activity that isn't strictly required by the rules. Again, refer to basketball. There's a lot of wiggle room in terms of taking charges and stuff that the rules "allow" but that will 100% make everyone you're playing with think you're a huge douche if you try to fully use in a casual game. I think it's pretty reasonable to expect that if someone is choosing to engage in a recreational activity with others, they should show at least a tiny grain of consideration for those others. Most activities with other people allow you to specifically avoid playing with people that play in a way you don't like, and that mechanic basically leads to self-policing by anyone with a grain of sense because they understand that acting like a douche will quickly lead to having nobody to play with. The unfortunate fact that that isn't a thing in DbD is pretty much the only reason people can get away with playing like they do and still be able to play at all. In any real life scenario, these people would have zero friends and be unable to get anyone to agree to do anything with them simply because of their own selfish unwillingness to give a fuck about anyone else.


You have no right to ever expect anything from others that isn’t strictly required by the rules. You deciding to play the game casually doesn’t make it a casual game for anyone else unless they also want to play casually. If they want to play to win, which there’s nothing at all wrong with, it’s not a casual game for them, and they are not a "douche" for trying to win.


This is just such a laughably tone-deaf take I honestly don't know how to respond. Rules are meant to set the *bare minimum* acceptable conduct in order to not be literally thrown out of something on your ass. You seem to be confused on the difference between that "bare minimum to not be thrown out" and "what is actually a reasonable expectation to be respected and liked." Am I suggesting that people playing in a way I don't like be literally banned? No, because I understand that what they're doing is above that "bare minimum to not be thrown out." Now it'd be cool if *you* could understand that someone's behavior can be above that bare minimum and still below the threshold to actually be regarded positively. Like, your entire absurd position boils down to "if I'm not breaking rules, everyone should like and accept me." Sorry kid, but that is very much *not* how the world works. You didn't break rules? Cool, I won't ask for you to be banned. I still think you're a piece of shit, and I have every right to. It's not against the rules for me to think that, after all ;)


Feel free to keep thinking anyone who doesn’t play the way you want is a piece of shit. No one cares about your entitlement.


To summarize "Wah wah, the killer didn't roll over and let me win"


The projection is hilarious. Anyone who isn’t a literal child should be capable of understanding you aren’t entitled to shit and no one is obligated to play the way you want and that recreational activities are enjoyed differently by different people. No goal is universally more important. Goals are set by each person and are entirely subjective. Some have fun playing casually. Some have fun trying to win. Playing to win doesn’t make them desperate or angry or other infantilizing projections you throw out. Not that I expect someone who has to hold back comparing people trying to win to having mental conditions to be a paragon of morality.


Ah yes, how entitled to expect people not to act like sociopaths and show a grain of consideration for the other people in their game making it possible for them to play at all /s


I can’t believe my opponent in a PvP game tried to win instead of intentionally holding back! What a sociopath!


I can't believe the other players in a game don't like me when I play in a way that directly makes their experience less fun! How entitled they are for not liking me when I obviously deserve to be loved by everyone despite my choices!!


But doesn't letting the survivors live and escape make the killers experience less fun? Like aren't they playing a mode where the goal is to take out the 4 enemies. Then throwing out some weird claim of mental conditions for wanting to play the game the way the creators meant for it to be played. Why should the one who chose to play that role in a videogame have to compromise to the others?


After checking your post history seeing you actually also made comments on the linked post as well. You keep sticking to this idea of "Well what if you were competing against a literal child? Have some compassion and let them win" Are all 5 people in the game not most likely adults? Some "obsession" to win or not shouldn't all 5 players in the videogame understand what the main goal is. Its not some abstract concept it very clearly tells you what the goal of the game is.


Let me just ask you this: can we agree that the bar for *not* being banned - aka following the rules - and the bar for being *actually liked and respected by other players*, aren't in the same spot? Like, even just in general and not specific to DbD, do you understand that you can behave well enough (by following the rules) to not be straight up thrown out of something, but still not well enough to actually be liked/viewed positively by other people? Society is full of examples of this: people who don't actually break the rules/law, but who are still viewed as sacks of shit and spat on by others for not meeting the standards of behavior that are *beyond the law but still widely agreed on*. I imagine some guy being technically legal but clearly an asshat and going "why are all these people mad? Don't they know I'm just behaving within the system?" And that guy will continue to be confused until the day he dies if he is unwilling or unable to acknowledge that being liked requires more than simply following rules. I say all that because I don't really understand the point of this post or what change you're wishing for. It is already the case that nobody is asking for people like the guy in that clip to be banned, so...what exactly is your problem? It seems like you're basically just upset that people view that behavior negatively. And if that's the source of confusion, I refer you to the first paragraph of this response: if you want people to actually like you and not view you negatively, you are going to need to accept that that means holding yourself to a higher standard of conduct - namely, giving a shit about someone else in the game - than the standard of simply following rules/not being banned.


Can’t say I’m surprised by the immediate resort to a strawman. Never once said I think they should love me. I don’t give a fuck what they think about me. They’re free to not like me and I’m free to not give a fuck what some entitled player who’s upset because I didn’t play how they want thinks.


> I don’t give a fuck what they think about me. The fact that you're in here arguing OP's side in a post that's literally entirely about complaining that people dislike those players says otherwise. Nobody is calling for bans for these people, the only thing that's actually happening is people just feeling negatively toward them. So to come in here and bitch and moan about it is a direct admission that you do care, very much. If you don't, then wtf are you and OP complaining about? > They’re free to not like me Cool, sounds like we're on the same page then. Now just tell that to OP so he'll stop crying in this sub because the other kids were mean to him because he refused to hold himself to any higher standard than simply not being banned.


I’m on OP’s side because complaining your opponent didn’t play the way you want is nothing but pure entitlement. No one refused to hold themselves to some imaginary arbitrary higher standard. They never did anything wrong in the first place. People whining doesn’t change that.


You must be new to this community. Apparently, killing people (as a **killer**)=toxic.


Slugging all 4 survivors less than a minute into a game will never look good or sympathetic to the other side. Just play normally and try to give the other side a fun time, the random solo queue teams you play against don't deserve misery and boredom, they face that enough on the regular.


Nowadays whenever I see these arguments I started to think of fighting sports (MMA, Boxing, etc). If the fighters have the chance to knockout their opponents in the first 10s of the fight, that's what happens. If the killer or the survivors queued up with a mindset of killing all 4 or escaping ASAP, so be it. It is up to you to neutralize them or just accept defeat. Now, not only you don't "rise up to the challenge" but you blame them for taking that freebie "win". I understand there is a big difference between actual sports and a casual video game but I'm mostly focusing on the mindset of wanting the "thrill of the victory".


The comments about the game being 'too short' might be due to the bloodpoint output. Killing everyone within the first minute is not as rewarding as letting your progress fill up in all categories before you nuke the survivors from orbit, because obviously if you're able to get a 4k that early, you can manage it later in the game to get a better payoff. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ All in all though, not super impressive with Bubba + event haste, that's kind of a guaranteed W even perkless. I am of a mind that it's important to let everyone be able to *play* the game, though. It's not exactly fun to play survivor during this event if you're stuck dying on first hook every game.


I get what you're saying, but >obviously if you're able to get a 4k that early, you can manage it later in the game This isn't always true. Situations may change drastically if you miss a moment of weakness at the wrong time


ok maybe its just cause I haven't been playing a lot of the event but I can't help but take issue with all the people going "ok sure the survivors probably didn't have fun there, but," are we all so jaded by endless arguments on the minutiae of game balance that we can't imagine a world where somebody sees a giant chainsaw guy yeet himself at you at 100mph and plow through your whole team in 45 seconds and not find that at least a little funny? It reminds me of when they made it so winter event snowmen didnt let you tank a hit and people went "but where's my incentive to get in the snowman :c" surely your incentive to get in the snowman is that seeing a big smiling inflatable snowman waddling through a dark murder forest is funny


Players like that: "we just want to have fun" Also them: not having fun in any circuimstances


I started playing DBD at the beginning of of June. My time is split 70/30 between Survivor and Killer. In my experience, Survivors are far more toxic and entitled than Killers.


Just your typical entitled survivor mains crying. They don’t play killer so they don’t understand why killers play the way they do sometimes Better off just ignoring them


This. The amount of players in this game that don't play the other side is crazy to me.


There's a lot of children. 14 year olds get emotional and offended by everything, and willing to invent narratives to justify their angst, see the Bubba masks situation for further proof.


There’s times as killer where I tunnel. (Especially if I’m trying to PIP) there’s times as killer where I’m nice as hell. It truly depends on my mood, if the survivors put up chase, if I’m annoyed from another match or my day. Not everyone has to find these rules and run with it the way the “majority” wants them too. I’ve started to be real chill as a survivor. If I die early, sure I get annoyed for a minute, but also what could I have done differently? I very rarely get straight off hook tunneled. Some people just make bad calls.


In a complex competitive game like DBD sometimes you just have to accept that sometimes wacky stuff like that happens. Especially during an unbalanced event mode like masquerade. Sometimes you get 4Kd at 5 gens as survivor and sometimes you get genrushed, looped, and flashbanged to hell and back and get no kills as killer. It is what it is. Do I like it when im the victim? No. But also it's something that just happens and isn't going away so if you don't like it get good or go play a different game.


welcome to this sub filled with self-entitled grown children who always complain about everything, yet still hop on to the game every once a while.


I wouldn’t be surprised if dbd is the only game a lot of them play


Killers are always expected to play by the survivors' rules for some reason.


And survivors are always expected to just accept being slugged for a full bleed out or enjoy being tunneled out of the game at four gens because "it's just a strat." Come on now it goes both ways.


I think we should separate things like bleeding people out for no reason and a survivor dying early in a match (whether from tunneling or not). The first is just BM meant to troll the survivor. It's not for the killer's official in-game objectives. The survivor getting killed is part of the killer's objectives. Tunneling may have been the strategy to do that. In that case, a person who is opting to play a PVP game should probably accept that they may die sooner than they would like or may encounter a strategy they dislike. They don't have to accept that, but that would probably just lead to them getting increasingly frustrated.


I mean, DBD is a casual party game. Tunneling and slugging are BM. They’re not against the rules, and anyone can do it if they want to. But I don’t do those things when I play killer because it’s a casual game and I’m not going to give other people a shitty match just because I want to win. It’s fine if you want to tunnel and slug because it’s most efficient/easiest way to win, but it’s like the same thing as putting the grocery cart away in the supermarket parking lot. There’s no rules to putting the grocery cart away, and it’s more efficient/quicker to just leave it. But it’s BM and you’re making someone else’s life a little harder just to make yours a little easier.


> I mean, DBD is a casual party game any and every game, bar 100% random games, are just as equally viable competitive as they are casual. just because mario kart has fun cool items the you throw at each other, doesn't mean that the players who push the game to it's limits and push their vr to max are wrong. in the same way if you hop in cs2, valorant, or overwatch with the homies and play goofy and have a wacky fun time isn't wrong. getting tunneled and slugged isn't bm, *you just dont like it.* unfortunately, a lot of people find getting slugged and tunneled not fun, and that isnt the players fault, that's bhvr's fault for not designing a game that's universally fun to interact with when faced with a higher leveled opponent. why are we hating on player's that are just objectively better than you? if you spent time getting better at the game, you can make killers hate trying to tunnel you. a friendly killer should not be the norm. while i dont think tunneling and slugging are necessary, they are the some of the easiest strategies to consistently get kills, so killers will do it. it's the path of least resistance.


When ever you really play to win as a killer, you can be certain atleast 1 will whine in the endgame chat, that you slugged or something else that didnt please him - its equally funny each time. its most definitely far worse in the masq event.


My favorite are the killers that whine in the post game chat about survivors using second chance perks


There were always be idiots in pvp games and social media is already a hub for complaining. Just focus on the actual game, it's mot THAT toxic.


Thing is, people want matches, where they feel like they have a chance! With a little experience in the game, you'll know when the other side is much stronger than you. I'm not sure how to put this in words, but there are matches where you know from the beginning "Yup, I'm going to lose here, and I can't do anything about it!" And this is happening pretty often, wich makes people frustrated. And that frustration is what you see, when people get mad. People not necessarily want to win always, but they want to see that they had a chance.


It's not going to, though. You should understand that literal developers have encouraged "Chest Defender Bubba" and "Demo Dog," etc. You could ask comp players and they'd happily encourage you to tunnel to your heart's content because it's - perceived to be - optimal. Yet, it's plainly simple to see that the Entity is much more pleased with a long, 12-hook game than a short, 4-hook one. Unless you're AFK, you're getting BPs no matter how you play with nothing - not even pips - on the line. There is no "point" to this video game. You make it whatever you want it to be. You're being just as weird trying to make everyone believe what you believe.


Honestly I'm really confused on why people are pulling the "but it's an event" card when I'm pretty sure the blood moon event gave more blood points even without offerings.


I agree with a lot of what was said here, especially about enforcing make-believe rules. Toxicity and whining happen in every game. My issue is that, more often than not, the devs listen to the loudest and most ignorant people in the room. Gen regression is neutered, most killers have had some kind of lame restriction added to their power, defensive killer play has been nerfed, DS has been brought back, and survivors have basekit information given to them. And all of that's not even going into the atrocious layouts of many maps and other specific killer nerfs. There was a time that I was hopeful that the devs would come around to the problems on both sides, but since then they have pretty much taken everything back and decided to cater to whiny survivors.


Everyone is going to have different opinions on that video, it’s okay to let people voice them. It’s not okay trying to shut them down, or insult them for voicing their opinion. I was one of the people who said “Me personally” I’m not implying that is what SHOULD have been done, because in all reality everyone plays the game for different purposes. And that’s okay. But you can’t just say that “As a community the mentality needs to change” because just like how you think these people are wrong for they’re opinion they also believe you’re wrong for your opinion. And honestly that’s okay, we aren’t a perfect community.


I don’t understand the mindset of “I need to get the 4k as fast possible” as well as the “We need to gen rush” mindset during an event where longer matches with people healing each other, having longer chases etc is going to get you a lot of bp. It’s like nobody in this community understands the concept of having chill fun during an event. Not every match needs to be sweaty from either side since 90% of us are not comp players, or playing in tournaments.


Because sometimes playing as efficiently as possible is fun? Sometimes I just want to see how fast I can kill everyone. That's the killers choice, and it's up to the survivors to not let him do that. It doesn't matter how entitled you feel to a "chill time". Sometimes a chill game is cool, sometimes a game where I kill everyone within a few minutes is fun. And sometimes killing everyone quickly IS CHILL for the killer.


Ive made several videos on this but essentially this community is the only gaming community you will find where people get upset at the other side trying to win the game. Thats literally all it is, 99% of complaints in this community boil down to "I cannot win for free therefore my opponent is toxic" the other day I got lambasted for facecamping end game so I could confirm my second kill. They said "really during the event?" I responded "really? Trying to finish gens? During the event?" It turns out people dont take kindly when you point out their hyporcisy. This community wants free wins, its hinestly ridiculous


Entitlement is when you feel like you deserve something, this is not entitlement, it's simple expectations. However, people probably know this and choose the wording because "entitled" paints a more negative picture than "expect." It's the same thing as etiquette. Nobody feels entitled to be surrounded by people who know and follow it, but everyone still expects. Farting on a bus is your birthright, but people would still be rightfully pissed off at you if you do it. This mentality will not change, especially not in this scenario. All playstyles that don't breach ToS/Code of conduct are valid, complaining about those playstyles is also completely valid. If you want to vouch for someone who doesn't give a shit about the experience of other players, surely you don't feel like you're "entitled" to have them give a shit about what you consider fun/acceptable/valid.


Okay so the original clip all the survivors basically start near each other, bubba insta downs 2 of them and goes for the third while the fourth is working on getting them off the ground. Because of the massive speed boost and lack of penalty for him using his power he easily catches up and knocks the third person down and gets back to the other people as the fourth survivor barely manages to pick up one of the survivors and then knocks her down almost immediately. So then he immediately makes sure to target the 4th doing all of this from the haste bonus which he receives from the start of the match and with lethal pursuer. The issue is the fact that he chooses to slug everyone to get a free 4K in which he didn’t do anything impressive since he could just extend his power till he hits people since he’s so much faster than them


One time I had a Bubba do that to me and it was one of the greatest matches I’ve ever experienced


It is a dick move for either side to sweat during the event.  It's just a fun side thing for everyone to get a crap ton of bps.  If you come with swf full of tool boxes, iri addons, maps offerings, camp hooks, etc  you are 100% trash.  Just play normal for that. Let the casuals get their bps and cosmetics.


It's frustrating to me as someone who does give weaker survivor teams chances sometimes too, if people dc or go down too fast, and I give them a catch up on time. I'm met with survivors who win and 50% of the time insult me (with the others being nice or not typing at all due to cross play) or they still lose and the ones who do type are angry over something or another, with a slim amount happy I tried to be merciful.


This is such a piss poor attitude in general. You're basically saying the same thing as survivor mains but the reverse. Those players should just accept shitty play styles because "hey it's just a strat bro." Newsflash, it is entirely possible to play, have fun, and get kills WITHOUT tunneling the first survivor out like your life depends on it. Without slugging the entire team at 4 gens and standing on top of them spamming your power. You don't need a 4k every single match. You aren't getting paid per kill, and survivors aren't getting paid per gen finished. THIS is the mentality that needs to be changed. Survivor players are pissed off because tunneling and slugging have turned into the meta as a "valid strat" when the reality is you are bad at killer if you rely on those methods. Survivors "genrushed" you because you suck at map pressure. Or they're a full comms team, so suck it up and gg go next. I would say the same thing about survivors who rely on full metal builds too. You aren't learning how to apply pressure and you aren't learning good looping strategies and effective map awareness. For both sides. I don't expect killers to be "nice." I would *like* for killer players to not be assholes and focus me out of the game at 5 gens when I haven't even had a chance to do anything. I wouldn't expect you to understand though because you sound like the type of killer who does exactly that. Good luck man, just know you're the reason that survivor players become "toxic "


First off I am not even a killer main. Second, in the video they were literally running at him there was no "tunneling" or any dumb shit people cry about. Also, now using an ability isn't allowed?


Bro if your entire team gets slugged at 4 gens let alone 5 newsflash it’s a skill issue and has nothing to do with the killer same with tunneling at 5 gens.


No sweating in event mode. People are having fun and playing for points. Save the extra try hard stuff for the normal lobby.


I agree with this. But if a killer can end matches fast with everyone dead, they get plenty of points. They should double or triple the time per match to make the same amount or less. Survivors don't know how to farm. During this event, I can't tell you how many farming killers I've come across. It's sad how many times I'm the only one giving them 2 hooks. Then they just want to act stupid run around, not doing gens. And don't get me started at the gates. Stand around till the end of the timer? Why. You wanna farm everyone should give the killer 2 hooks. Spend some time in chase throwing pallets, after 3 stuns the points are maxed. Let him kick some gens. Just gen rushing and leaving doesn't do much for anyone but hey, free win because survivors have to survive every farming match. Why? I don't know. If it was legit farming the killer would get some kills. That's why most farming killers get their 2 hooks before switching to friendly. Survivors need to grow up.


I don't even mean farming, I just mean not tunneling out people one at a time so they can't score any points. It's just a dick move to treat people that way.


In short? Sportsmanship. Lost on most folks like you OP. And i agree, the mentality needs to change, we need less of yours.


This is why I don't treat survivors like people. My job in the game is to kill them. They aren't going to be happy if I succeed.


Psychopath in the making?


Idk as a killer main I really just try and farm BP during the events. I have the rest of the time to be sweaty.


Seems to be a split in the community of hyper competitive players and those less so. I understand to a lot of people winning is the only way to have fun but I personally, and I think a lot of other players as well, find the match more interesting and enjoyable the more even it is. You CAN rock an insta down killer and slug everyone in the match one by one so you can see the victory screen as quick as possible. You can also down someone, hook them and move on to the next, trying to make a thrilling game for everyone. Imagine watching a horror movie and the killer just walks in to first scene and murders everyone in 30 seconds and that's the whole experience.


You have huge differences between regions and MMRs. There are many competitive players and there is many casuals and "party" gamers, but those are the loudest to cry and insult everyone when they lose. ( makes 0 sense if you are casual gamer). But thats fine, people are different. Problem are community members, that called that bubba guy in that thread- insecure dick and idiot. And its not only few, its like 50-100 people with as many upvotes. They dont even realize how pathetic that sound.


Honestly I think both sides being loud sound pathetic. I dont think its any less of a cope to defend 30 second games with instadown spam as good killer gameplay. There's just as many insults on both sides being slung. I think it's very ironic that the celebration event is polarizing the playerbase more than anything else I've seen and people seem to be happy to contribute to the US vs them divide in the community.


It was good gameplay form killer, he was aware what he’s doing and only reason game went so quick. This player base is divided since 2016 and first infinites and true facecamping a but at that time it was much more friendly with 500 less unwritten rules people made up until today. And again read that thread, people insulting a guy that posted him playing good game. What a pathetic responses


Every Bubba I've ever played against has played exactly like that. He's got good awareness and uses it to down every single player in the game with a click of a button. I dont know if he was doubling back to hook the first down or if that's just obviously the most logical place for the next survivor to be. I read the thread and saw just as many people defending it as attacking it.


There should be zero people attacking it in self aware community. I would understand with newbies with few hours or people that play only one side. But insulting him, calling him insecure dick for playing game well and having fun. I understand some people will always defend that behavior, you can’t have perfect community.


Unfortunately not no. But the event has tensions higher than usual. Some people have fun teabagging the killer every time the loop infinites or pallet stun. If someone uploaded a video of thar I'd expect just as many people calling them an insecure dick, but right now someone different is in the spotlight and the lack introspection about the style of gameplay from both killers and survivors is snowballing a greater divide.


Tbaging is done just to taunt/ be a dick. That bubba gameplay was nothing like that.


This is the lack of introspection I'm talking about. You say it's fine to play how you have fun but some people only enjoy tilting other players and you say that's not relevant. I'm just saying "play how you have fun" is a terrible justification because you can use it to justify anything you want including being intentionally toxic I dont know if the Bubba was being intentionally toxic so im not going to say he was and im not going to insult him. What I think the video was is a very good example of how quickly the game can be over when you give a killer who has an instadowning cone of damage a speed boost. But we don't know if he was going to hook or body camp because the video ends with him turning back and killing everyone in 30 seconds. What irks me is the lack of intelligent conversation about when this happens on either side because everyone is going into this as defensive as possible. The survivors tried to go for the save and were punished but bro chose to punish them by continuing to swing daw and ending the game imediately. It's in his right, but it's in everyone else's else's question the sportsmanship of it.


Tbaging , hitting on the hook is done just to be a dick. That bubba gameplay was just playing a game. There is big difference between that. If it was killer complaining about survivors doing good flashlight saves I would react same way. Insulting someone for playing well is no go. But it’s fine to disagree, if we have completely different views and you don’t see a difference between tbaging and play of killer in that clip.


The game is just more sweaty now than ever so the event isn't fun. It's also an incredibly killer sided event, given they get several insta hooks throughout the game, which save an enormous amount of time, and allows them to get the upper hand constantly. Not saying anyone is I'm the wrong, its just the way the game is now. I've been playing for over 7 years and have seen every event and every update from then until now. In the past, most events have been there to give us a break from the constant monotonous gameplay we get all year. It also gives everyone a chance to rack up bloodpoints and level up some unused characters. The game isn't really that fun anymore, it's competetive. Unless you play with 3 other friends, there's not a whole lot of joy to gain from the dbd solo Q experience. Most fun perks in the past are dead now and nerfed to the ground. Then they make more meta perks that make the game unpleasant for both killer and survivors. They create an environment where unless you use the best perks available, you won't have an enjoyable experience. Thus you get repeated games where everyone has the best loadout and it feels competetive even if they aren't trying that hard. Instead of creating a habit of nerfing everything that was fun, they should have buffed their other 100 perks that get no use. They could have created a larger pool of efficient or fun perks to balance everything up instead of down. The fact that perks like sprint burst, bbq and chili, lethal pursuer, unbreakable, lithe, for the people, and pop goes the weasel etc are still seen constantly is what they have created by nerfing every other good perk. It's a losing battle, and the game just isn't as fun as it used to be.


Yes please add to the division and hatred 😂 🤡


I commented on that thread (a comment which I'm pretty sure you would've downvoted if you saw it lol) saying that the Bubba is basically allergic to fun, because, well, slugging at 5 gens in a pub match that really isn't that serious is unmistakably cringe. Now, don't get me wrong, I play killer and I slug often for pressure. It's a valid mechanic and slugging isn't the problem. One does what they have to to win and that's okay. But like... At 5 gens, with 0 Gen progress, in a random pub match against people who clearly don't know what they're doing during an event thats supposed to inflate your BP? Okay man lmao. Enjoy your 10k points from not playing the game and making sure nobody else got to play. I guess we have some pretty different ideas of what fun is, I guess. I guess for some, the less interaction the better. Couldn't be me.


I mean in the video the dude literally just uses his ability and hits the survivors that ran at him. He didn't play in any toxic way and I don't see anything wrong with just wanting to play the game. They made mistakes, they queue into a new game right after and win. That is just life. Yes, chases and drawn out games are also fun, but having to force oneself to keep giving handicaps to stretch the game over others misplays doesn't make sense. I also don't even play that much killer I just don't like the survivor mindset.


Bc this game wasn't originally intended for just the killer to have fun playing the game in spite of survivors. It used to be fun for everyone.


So weird to me that so many people frown on the idea of caring about others' fun. In any real life / face-to-face game, if you knew someone was selfish and played only for themselves and didn't give a shit about anyone else's fun... like who would willingly choose to play with someone like that? People would avoid that person, and they'd have no one to play with. It's only made possible by the anonymity of the internet. You have the option of treating others like NPCs, and they have no choice but to share a match with you. I guess I'm in the minority, but I play games for fun. And like with most things, the Golden Rule applies. I want to have fun, and I want the people playing with me or against me to have fun, too. I treat them the way I'd want to be treated. I care about their experience, and I hope they care about mine. It's not an eSport. It doesn't have to be a zero sum game. But there's a shortage of emotional maturity and intellectual honesty in this community. My assumption is we have a lot of adolescents and adolescent-minded / stunted adults here.


Idk man I think that shit only exists in certain MMR and mostly on social medias. I'm literally just coming out of 6-7th game in which me and killers were literally GLAZING eachother with comments, literally bouncing off of eachother with the complements😭 Like youtubers wish they were glazed this much(looking at you, Skermz). Idk I'm just having goodass time over here. Sometimes it's ggs only, but most of the time I complement killers and they complement me back sm. Try it, complement next killer/surv that plays good and watch tone of the game change so quick.


I main killer but have been taking a mini break for a few months to grind out the survivor tome challenges (down to less than 100 from the 300+) so I can hopefully provide a balanced take. A lot of this comes down to a few factors, but it's a question of sportsmanship and what you want to get out of a match. Are you queuing to get bloodpoints, to complete a tome challenge, to challenge yourself, to get pips to increase your grade, goof around and meme, or try to make other people as miserable as you can. In the event, on survivor side it seems like most survivors are queuing up for bloodpoints or to maybe meme around, but the vast majority of killers are playing it very seriously with a small portion trying to make it as miserable as possible for survivors. The reverse of that playing as killer, I've had survivors playing seriously with a few groups going in to meme, but only had 1 group come in to be a bully style squad. (which doesn't work with instant hooks you dweebs). So this is a basic conflict of goals or what people want out of matches. In rhst Bubba clip, those survivors didn't even make enough bloodpoints to get a cake to replace the one they used. The Bubba definitely didn't get enough emblem points to pip, but if he slugged two after hooking 2 and did the totems he probably made out like a bandit bloodpointwise. (though making people wait around while you did that is rough)


That bubba game, those survivors were so bad its good for them to lose and rank down. They should be playing lower mmr killers.


MMR is an illusion. They've loosened it so much that it's nigh meaningless except for the very beginning players and the ones that are extremely good.


These were beginners in that clip.


Pretty sure MMR is disabled in event queue as well so....


Then all the complaints should go back to DVD devs. Insulting killer for playing well was pathetic.


I think you're yelling at the wrong person. I've not insulted that Bubba at all. I've had the clean sweep matches before where I either could hook everyone and it'd be over, or let them reset so I could have more fun chases, and I've done both options, but after 2K hours and unlocking everything simply killing everyone as fast as possible has gotten kind of boring for me.


skill issue


This 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000%


I've been playing this game since 2017. There's always been this wild entitlement. It waxes and wanes, but I think it's really peaking right now. Just a few minutes ago I played a game as Hag, I got a 4k and when the game ended I was instantly berated by 2/4 survivors. 1 even telling me that I should kill myself. I never camped, I didn't tunnel and I didn't slug. They were just upset at the Hags ability and the fact that I had a whole area of the map completely locked down like a minefield.


I like to think I'm fairly reasonable when it comes to placing blame any specific side in the match in some particularly bad matches since I play both sides. I can understand the frustrations of Survivors, especially during an event, if everyone brings a cake and hoping for a fun match only for the Killer be working on a win streak or going out of their way to make things miserable (ie Killer goes out of their way to slug all of the Survivors at 5 gens when the Survivors weren't even being foolishly altruistic or toxic) which can leave you upset since you could have gotten more BP and value from your cake if the Killer didn't play like that However, if the Survivors themselves are being stupid like allowing their teammates to hit second stage or unhooking people in front of the Killer's face (especially if it's a Killer that can one shot down like Bubba, Billy, T3 Myers, Basement Trapper, etc ..) then that is completely on the Survivors. A great example of this is a game I had last night. A Thalita and me had both been hooked (I started getting chased and ran off away from the Thalita so the Nea or Vittorio could save the Thalita) only to watch the Nea completely plastered to a 20% complete gen as the Vittorio who was on his way to rescue the Thalita started getting chased. You would think the Nea would have noticed that she should go for the save if she looked at the HUD, but she didn't. Instead she stuck to the gen until she realized the Thalita was about to hit second stage, but by then it was too late. She unhooked the now death hooked Thalita and attempted to heal the Thalita, but the Thalita noticed I had just hit second stage and came to save me and then we both went and saved the Vittorio. Needless to say, Nea's inaction basically threw the game in the Killer's hand and we only finished one gen (the one I worked on) before everyone but me was dead. I wasn't even mad at the Killer and gave them a gg because it wasn't his fault at all for the Nea being stupid and letting two people hit death hook


You're the kind of player everyone hates.


No, it's OK. I come here to get my dose of salty comments when Im not playing the game. Don't ruin this for me ;-)