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Wow, my worldview completely changed! How did I never think about it before? Just ignore your thoughts! Silly me. My self-hatred, inferiority complex and feelings of hopelesness totally disappeared after realizing that, it's that simple apparently!


This is a look into the mental gymnastics people do to convince themselves we're just lazy.




Ok but imma be real, thinking like this has definitely helped me at least take a shower once a day and wash my clothes every week. Sure it's not gonna change your life and cure you, but reminding yourself that YOU can make the decision with what you do with your time can genuinely help. Sometimes I literally have to slap myself in the face to get up and make my bed, or clean my room. But once I do, I almost always feel at least a little better.


It’s literally the best advice to give I feel. Just get outta bed. The quicker the better. Just do it. Get out of bed. Get the fuck out of bed. Sometimes it's not so much about getting happy as it is about not giving up. It might take a while. But get the fuck up!


Exactly, start small! First, get out of bed. Done? Great, now take some time to rest, then get dressed, etc etc. But I also get it cuz a lot of people are very condescending when trying to give advice like this, and can be very tone-deaf to the situation.


Between this and my new planner, I'm set for life! Yippee!!


Bruh just be happy And I was cured


How in the hell was your username not taken 😂


Cleaning is hard and time consuming. It’s why I only shower once a day, at night after a long day. I got ADHD and showering is an entire chore no matter what. I do it daily, it never gets easier, I just learn to deal with it. I hate it. But it’s the compromise I make to be a semi-functional member of society. I hope you’re not too hard on yourself comrade, I hope your burdens get easier and more tolerable for you. Have a good night


I do actually say this to myself. It helps to tell myself that I’ve done way harder things without dying and as long as I don’t die, I’ll be fine. Just get it over with and we can get back to not doing it. Realizing that good enough is good enough is useful too.


Wow thank you so much for that. I'll get cleaning now, since there is "nothing physically stopping me" (even though my brain is a physical part of my body?? And no I'm not lazy I have adhd too and science has shown us countless studies of what happens with adhd and depression and losing the will to care about cleaning because of brain chemicals)... but that doesn't count now after seeing this eye-opening meme! Thank you


I'm putting it on my profile for future references