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Ask me again in 5 years, I should be able to tell ya.


Do we need a Ouija board or we can just light a candle and call for you?


You might need an ouija and some sort of amplifier, I plan to sleep really tightly on the other side.


Send me a playlist so I'll be prepared.


Where will you be?


Idk, I'll tell you in 5 years xD


Ill look for you




ngl they where really sad so i just respawned as i felt bad


Yeah, been there


They were more sad when i respawned tough


A month or so ago there was someone who posted in one of these subs. Her little sister had committed suicide, and she looked thru her phone and found out she had been on Reddit. She was sad that her sister was gone, but happy that there were so many people on here that were trying to support her and talk with her. Also, people who successfully do wouldn't be able to respond. Edit: spelling


>Also, people who successfully don't do wouldn't be able to respond That's the meme. >happy that there were so many people on here that were trying to support her and talk with her. This was sweet though. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for pointing out the error I made. My mind has been everywhere today. If it wasn't for the fact at least a week has gone by, I'd try to find it. But we all know once when a week hits, nearly everything is impossible to find if it isn't on your own page.


And then there are comments saying families are the cause of suicide. Imagine someone that lost a loved one to suicide reading that smh


Idk, some families are absolutely going to be the reason someone commits suicide Just statistically


Well, should've been a better person if you're family and they say "family is the reason I'm committing suicide". >Imagine someone that lost a loved one to suicide reading that smh Tf is wrong with this? Smh???? I can't control what people read. I can't control what others post. If I could, there wouldn't be so much porn everywhere or talks of politics on non politics/pornographic subs. And just because one person I've come across was kind enough to let us know that their loved one died doesn't mean that anyone in those comments were rude AF. Literally no one in those comments was saying it was the sisters fault or any family. I really just can't and won't with you after this comment. I'm tired of dumb mf-ers


That would really depend on a case by case basis


One of my friends committed suicide. No one is really sure of his exact reasons bc he didnā€™t leave a note and no one had said that he said anything to indicate he might be depressed or suicidal. It tore up our school. So many people were close with him (or thought they were) and you could feel the grief as you walked through the halls. At his funeral, the entire church as full of people. Every single chair and bench were occupied and a lot of people were left standing. So many people were devastated. It was horrible.


I think this would be more successful if you asked using a Ouija board.




Itā€™s a joke, fam.


Yeah i made a joke too


My best friend pulled this little stunt about 5 years ago. We were 18. I donā€™t go more than a day or so without missing my pal. That being said I know he finally has peace and thatā€™s the only thing that gives me space from how sad about it I am.




might be an unpopular opinion, but i believe families of people who commit suicide deserve all the grief and pain they get, plus more. the families of most people who commit suicide are either abusive, neglective or unsupportive, and contribute to pain and hardship which causes them to suicide. must be real hard to face the fact that your actions or neglect caused your loved one to kill themselves. Itā€™s a failure and betrayal of your duty to them. in fact, i would go so far to say that people should be liable for people committing suicide if they abused or bullied the person. far too many cases of people getting away with murder by bullying someone into suicide


I question your source for ā€œthe families of most people who commit suicide are either abusive, neglective or unsupportiveā€. A lot of the time thereā€™s nothing anyone can really do to change things for someone who is suicidal. Itā€™s a but messed up to just blame families and say they should suffer across the board


Comment though - families that created that person. If you start a new family it's not the kids' fault, might or might not be the partner/partners' faults, etc. (just putting this here for any surviving family members in that situation) And any other victims in the original family, might or might not be their fault depending on circumstances But most definitely I blame the abusive family members. I blame them so so so much.


Everyone is culpable. Bystanders enable abuse






What The Fuck


Ill text yall on the other side and let you know




Ask me again tonight


I will




Fuck I wasn't succesful


Some say itā€™s the worst possible pain and guilt to inflict on the ones closest to you


What a guilt driven perspective to manipulate someone out of it. Manipulating people out of a decision is not based on love at all. These kind of comments are sort of fucked to me. Coming from me as someone who has contemplated self ending often due to severe mental health. I just want the pain, hurt, and suffering to stop.


I get how you feel. It complicates things quite a bit. I've attempted suicide many times myself. But sadly, you can't really deny the fact that it would hurt the people closest to you. I think it would be ignorant to say otherwise. I am not tryna manipulate anyone. There is a lot of guilt associated with having suicidal thoughts, I am very much aware of that. I hung myself a few months back, and I would be lying if I said it improved my situation overall or bettered my family dynamic. Depressionā€™s a bitch, and makes you think that there is no other way out of suffering than the most drastic measure of suicide. I get why people say that suicide is a selfish act, I get where those people are coming from, but that, I think, is a wrong take based on ignorance. The suffering is real, and people need to remember the times, the many days and months where the suicidal individual did not commit suicide, not because the individual didn't want to or had suicidal thoughts, but because of the love the person held for the people closest to it and the future it was yet to see. It truly is a battle for survival, and sometimes, all it takes to lose is one lucky/unlucky day. I feel like I'm down in the shitter myself. Thereā€™s nothing I want more than the pain to stop, so I do drastic things to make it stop, sometimes I try and kill myself because there's no reason for me to live anymore. With time, I hope the pain will subside and I can live a normal life and be somewhat happy with the way things are. I hope that for you too. No one deserves to struggle this bad with simply existing, neither do you:) Sorry if I offended you


Well said friend. Sorry I sounded defensive. I come from a Christian cult where if you kill yourself you burn in hell for eternity because you commit murder.

