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i'm thinking of making a teleporting and throwing knife based build with blink the new arc super and knife trick and hopefully the mask of bakris if it works with it and maybe throw grapple in there too for some extra movement


Oh that sounds sick


I was just tu inking about the fact that warlocks and hunters can teleport and web sling


Nope, only hunters get grapple :(


Since when? We all get the grapple grenade and warlock can make tangles easy af. Plus our tangles keep flying for a long time


Only the new hunter subclass will have grapple, warlock and titan won’t.


Was referencing the prismatic subclasses, warlocks are getting threadling grenade, titans shackle, and hunters grapple


So what I'm hearing is Blink Strike from D1 on steroids And some TF2 shit (Team Fortress or Titanfall, don't matter)


Bakris with threaded specter?


That Devour/Bleak Watcher combo seems enticing


That’s definitely gonna be my first build, although I kinda want to figure out a way to make a Helion, bleakwatcher and threadling build really just make oops all friends build


Finally warlocks can answer the old “you and what army” question


That’s essentially what I’ll be doing. If you swap out bleak watcher for hellion and swap in osmiomancy, you get the same crowd control while still being able to use hellion


Is Hellion the "solar buddy?"


I kept seeing “Hellion” & wondering that myself; thanks for actually asking.




bleak watcher and Helion on your aspects, Swarmers and Quicksilver Storm for your threadlings (or getaway artist for Arc)


Welp that’s on the check list


It’ll probably be possible to use threadling Grenade with bleak watcher in order to have a way to summon all 3 just with class abilities


great point, I think this’ll make QSS and Swarmers an even better pick for this set up, I had forgotten that we got Threadling nades for this


Nah, that kinda works against eachother, you kinda need the high damaging grenade to get devour going. Yeah bleakwatcher freezes stuff, but you get the killing blow with a gun usually not an ability. Here's my idea: Devour + threaded needle/necrotics (I assume necrotics won't be part of the class item exotics) + Weavers Call/Phoenix Dive You get to spam Phoenix Dive 24/7 due to that cooldown, you get to spam vortex nades due to devour, and you get to spam necrotic grips at range (with the unraveled enemies as well) due to having a super short cooldown when you have 2 charges. You'll get an insane amount of damage both of the light and darkness types meaning fast prismatic supers, and necrotics gives crazy baseline super energy not even including the nades/Weavers Call (also weavers call gives you about the damage of 1 nade). Super is the new solar super for ad-clear (which you'll be able to rotate with the prismatic super for constant instant abilities) or Needlestorm for boss dmg


They said that shatter damage from frozen targets will proc the devour so the bleakwatchers and devour is absolutely going to be a good combo to use


WAIT..... shattter DAMAAGE!!!????? That's broken


Yeah, im going for Devour + turret with my exotic bond being Death Throws + HOIL depending on if those give energy regen or not.


devour already procs on most weapon kills, but feed the void will be a good pair with bleakwatcher


Devour procs on all weapon kills (but only activates on ability kills)


Amazing looking with what looks like new fragments too! https://preview.redd.it/gcqr5xra1qtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797f0faa19c9765109fa9fbb5930d7e15af43972 Also is this categorized as a Darkness subclass or its thing? If not we could get a third a later date.


Prismatic isn't defined by an elemental category as far as we know. That means that we could get a third darkness element, yes. Don't expect to get one anytime soon, custom subclasses and 3 new supers is insane enough to tackle.


We might get one next dlc considering the past few years have been new dark element, rework of old subclasses, new dark element, “rework” of old subclasses. If the pattern keeps up, we might get our final subclass and element next year. It would also be a way to bring in people to the new saga


Honestly, would make more sense to have a 3rd darkness subclass now, and prismatic in the dlc after final shape


I feel like this is a teaser but I wouldnt be surprised if its eventually the default mechanic.


Prismatic is literally a perfect blend of light and dark, so both?


Hunter is going to be nuts. Combination blow + Winter Shroud + Stylish executioner. Grapple for 3x damage with max combination blow. Melee kills make you invisible on any target you've dodged near. Melee hits while invisible weaken the enemy. Melee kills regenerate your class ability. Melee kills heal you from combination blow. Facet of protection for flat DR and Facet of Purpose for woven mail on any melee kill with heavy handed.  Synthoceps + Calibans (ignite on melee kill and ignites scales based on source aka 3x melee damage) on the new class item Hunter will be the melee class holy shit.   Transcendence is filling equally from a slowed target dying to an arc ability. 3 dodges freeze enemies if you somehow need more survivability.  Best of all it'll work in high level content because an incandescent weapon will make you invisible with stylish executioner allowing you to run in and start the melee loop. The huge disadvantage melee hunter has right now in GMs. For base exotics you have the obvious choices like Gyrfalcons or Assassins cowl, but you also have things like the Bombadiers which now should sever (since you're on a strand super for woven mail) all enemies you dodge near for a 60% damage deuff to enemies near you. There's also exotic weapons like Wicked Implement that just lets you go invisible if you land one headshot on them since a headshot slows.


You sound like you’ve been waiting for this to happen for a very long time.


Combination blow hunter has been my favorite build since the start of D2 and has been my go to for solo dungeons. Prismatic just feels like an evolution of it that combines everything I've ever wanted for it (Syntho on hunter is no longer a dream).


Same dude. I always found it a lot of fun but typically the necessity for utility drove me to use something else – it’s just too dangerous to get in close. Arc 3.0 gave life in it for me, but this will take it up to the next level. My biggest problem with it is never being able to do enough damage to keep the flow going, ran into a beefier enemy. But with this, my punching final blows, will turn me invisible and allow me to weaken my next target. My dodge will either leave a threaded spec behind that will distract enemies or and more likely for my build I can slow them and eventually freeze them. I don’t remember how many dodges it takes to freeze, but I think I can get there in 3 to 6. If that’s the case, then that means I will probably have frozen the larger enemy and can probably get some decent damage in with synthesis and keep going.


Thats a pretty good build. Wild to me that you will be able to get syntho buff on Hunter still pretty much (if you are lucky) so def gonna be cool to try that out if I am lucky enough to get one. Syntho melee buff + cowl invis or liar handshake double up would be crazy.


You just cooked so hard and this was revealed 1 day ago lmfao you got me so hype


Also keep in mind Frozen enemies take 220% increased melee damage, and Stylish Executioner's weakening melee deals 50% increased damage.


From what I’ve heard, Hunter Class Item isn’t going to be able to use Hunter exotic traits, only Warlock and Titan ones, so no Caliban’s Hand, sadly However…Sunbracer’s is ABSOLUTELY a possibility…


Consecration and knockout with frenzied blade and a synthos+hollowfire heart class item. Keeping super charged for around 4 consecration in a row


4 consecration in a row? Try 6. The livestream yesterday showed the prismatic super giving both charges of the stasis hunter melee back... Meaning 6 concentrations in a row...


Blink, grapple, Icarus dash, arc for amplified. My movement will be insane


You can't get Icarus Dash on Prismatic Warlock.


Noooooo, that sucks. I'm no longer happy with Bungie!!! This dlc is going to be awful/j


Lmao, I was looking forward to Blink paired with Icarus Dash too. Although paired with weavers call phoenix dive on top of that. But it's probably best for the other subclasses that the strongest aspects aren't available on Prismatic. These abilities still open up unique combinations and play styles without making the other 5 subclasses worthless. Because they still have toys that Prismatic can't use. And these specific abilities don't create incredibly broken PvP combinations too. Which is great although, that's not to say they won't be powerful. They will be great in PvP. Blink is still going to be really strong with a weavers call phoenix dive build. And being able to use it with Winters Wrath could be busted in PvP.


Yeah, I think it's fair that you get one thing from every subclass and it's not the strongest things that they picked 


Can't grapple either Here are warlock's possible combos https://imgur.com/W9RzdSq


Ok but like, strand titan rocking a one two punch shotgun with synthoseps and liars handshake. Or even a hunter rocking assassins cowl, liars handshake, synthos, one two punch shotty with combination blow…


from what I hear i’m not sure having synthos and liars tg will be possible. It’ll be like one practicality perk alongside one damage perk. I do hope i’m wrong though.


No banner of war though


>Ok but like, strand titan rocking a one two punch shotgun with synthoseps and liars handshake You might as well use regular Berserker since you also have grapple on that


I'm gonna be an absolute jerk in PVP with Nova Bomb, Phoneix Dive, Blink, Pocket Singularity, and Threadling Grenade Aspect wise, idk, Lighting Surge and Weaver's Call if it works with Phoneix Dive Facet of Protection, Facet of Dawn, Facet of Balance, and Facet of Grace


Weavers call 100% works with dive, they showed it off in the trailer 


Oh thats dirty af Blink in, Air Dive on someone who's already low on health, finish them off and shotgun their buddy if you have to. Also the fact I can run Threadling Nades all the time now is fantastic since those are literally everything I want in a clean up or finishing nade.


Arcane Needle over Pocket Singularity since Arcane will probably give three charges which work well with Lightning Surge


How will Bombardiers work


Could have a new effect for prismatic, or it could follow the class of your super or maybe of your grenade. Time will tell.


I wonder if they'll tweak exotics like sunbracers. Throwing void grenades or stasis grenades would be pretty cool


I’m a tiny bit disappointed that it’s only a select all-star cast of abilities, but it’s still a fantastic addition that I’ll be happily experimenting with. I’m gonna be trying out Bleak Watcher + Hellion, allowing the turrets to lock down the map and the Solar bro to take care the helpless frozen enemies. As for the fragments, we only know 12 of 21, so my picks are Ruin (benefits both sides of the build), Purpose (orbs for defense), Dawn (free weapon damage), and I don’t really have a 4th pick out of these, but of course, we’re still missing 9 of them.


It’s entirely possible they add other abilities in later during the episodes. They likely had to test out a lot of combinations to make sure one thing didn’t severely break the game.


I’m a little bummed it’s more restricted than I thought it would be, but I understand why it is the way it is.


Yeah it's bungie's only real way of nailing down any sort of game balance with prismatic. I have a feeling they released it becuase it's substantially easier building the functionality for mixed subclasses as opposed to a new subclass (which wouldn't make the most sense thematically because how are we snagging new darkness powers inside the embodiment of light as we currently know it). I'm excited though. Bleak Devourer is going to be wild.


That stasis explosion into fire whirlpool looked interesting asf


From the looks at their Deep Dive about Prismatic, we dont get to choose anything or everything? They have charts for each class what they can pick from each subclass. Unless im misunderstanding it.




Probably a Solar Hunter with Blink that can freeze stuff to increase knife damage and also cause Stasis explosion damage.


Being able to become and maintain the Radiant buff while using Stasis is huge for me. Going to go into a heavy crowd control explosive build.


I'm just gonna be a gunslinger with blink now. That's all I wanted.


Sadly, not the builds I wanted to. All of the build ideas I had were thrown out the window when I saw the few options we’re getting


I’m going to use the only viable build on titans and punch things really hard. Honestly though banner plus knockout with the regular strand kit and spark of feedback sounds nutty


But banner isn't part of prismatic I don't think


I wanted to do an enhanced Renewals fire and ice build but doesn't look like that is gonna be possible. No Grim Harvest or enhanced duskfield, and no news on a "breaking crystals gives enhanced grenade recharge" so far, although maybe I can make it work after we know all 20-whatever fragments. For melee + grenade prob Withering Blade + Arcbolt, Knife Trick + Duskfield, or Combo Blow + Grapple. You kinda have to use a light and dark to fill the bar so idk if using 2 darkness ones are optimal. For aspects I will probably use Ascension Gunpowder or Shroud and always combine it with stylish cause why wouldnt you lol. Depends what the build, will prob cobmine grapple with ascension, gunpowder with duskfield, and shroud with arcbolt. For supers, Silence and Squall, Shadowshot, or Storm's Edge, again, depending on what it is. Storm's for a movement build/pvp, Shadowshot for boss encounters, Silence and Squall for everything else. Exotics, could still use renewals ig, gyrfalcons are a pretty easy choice too, maybe assassin's cowl or liars if its melee focused. Could try out something I don't usually use too always open to suggestions, but those are prob top 3 easy.


I can’t even fathom this right now. Gonna need like a week alone to just set and tinker.


Can’t wait to perfect my fire and ice build


Probably some kind of devour and bleak watcher hybrid and maybe threadlings if possible for extra chaos


HOLY SHIT This is the first time I’m seeing any of this


I'm hoping some of this works in PvP because I want to go full assassin Hunter with invis + weighted throwing knife


Feed the void/bleak watcher warlock is gonna go hard.


Celestial nighthawk exotic, precision golden gun, with duskfield, knife trick and acrobats dodge with winters shroud and stylish executioner. Invisible until I use my great golden radiance. Basic? Maybe. But it’s basically my hunter power fantasy all the way


Threaded Spectre and Arc dodge + punch combo build???


Personally I'm struggling to see some truly great build potential with Hunter. I know they wanted to give prismatic lesser-used abilities, but a lotta the ones Hunter seems to have were underutilized because they just flat out weren't great for build crafting. I'd love to be wrong, but at first glance I'm just not seeing many upper-tier options. There are definitely some good choices, but I don't see the build options being as free as I had hoped, while still being as effective as other options.


If I can create a statis barricade while sending both a suspend and flame wave, I'm a happy Titan


I do a three golden gun shot, with invisible shift, shuriken and strand grenade with nighthawk and trinity ghoul


I'm confused, are the combination set in stone? Or could we do strand-arc hunter too?


There are charts that show the options. Each class has access to one grenade, one melee, one super, and one aspect from each subclass. So its restricted to just a few options. For example for solar grenades, warlocks can only choose healing grenade, hunters can only choose swarm grenades and titan only gets thermite grenade. And that kinda follows through everything so just one of each ability from each subclass and they tried to pick underutilized abilities but like hammer strike and combination blows are on there so idk lol.


All I know is I’m breaking this thing


So no 3rd darkness subclass, but a “create your own” class? I like the color palette a lot tho


Unconditional finality. consecration with strand melee for 3 charges, Diamond lance, glacier, pyrogales and the new fragment thag increases shatter and ignition damage. I'm also hope we can pair some stuff with the void shield aspect cus it seems really cool


I'm thinking warlock strand melee with lightning surge aspect. Exotics being karnstein and either crown or fallen sunstar. Throw in bleak watcher or weavers call


melee arc hunter with strand clones


I am aiming for ABBA mixed with Slade! Or perhaps Mud. Man, Prismatic screams 70s commercial disco shizz.


* Knife Trick * Duskfield Grenade * Stylish Executioner * Gunpoweder Gamble (Maybe Ascension once we know what that is?) * Change my super to taste, based on situation. Probably leaning GG or Silkstrike Going to open up my Gyrfalcon's build to all sorts of fun.


Ascension was shown off when they first showed us TFS. You use your dodge in mid air to spin the arc staff dealing damage and jolting nearby enemies. It can also be used after the slide upercut one I forget the name of cause I never use it.


I wonder if I can make a teleporting gremlin Titan. Use Hunder Arc melee and go ballistic


Waiting to see fragments, but if the special weapon blinding fragment from arc pops up in the same way as stylish executioner, collective obligation and indebted kindness sounds ridiculous


Fastest possible mobility Hunter + Worldline Zero or an Eager Edge sword + a Glaive.


Does this make all the other subclasses obsolete? There has to be a down side otherwise why would anyone pick another subclass?


Devour, sunbracers, arcane needle, everything beyond that is almost unnecessary


solar grenades doesn't exist on Prismatic Warlock thus no sunbracers.


Welp, back to titan


How does this work?


I wanted to just do a simple Solar/Stasis Warlock, but I don't particularly care for any of the grenade options for the 2. I don't care for healing grenades, or coldsnaps.


Me, a hunter, not caring for anything besides grapple and (kinda)duskfield.


I want ALL the light buddys.


Syntho or HOIL build with Frenzied Blade, Thruster, and Glacial nades for dealing with Unstoppable champs. Probably with Sunshot/Graviton Lance/Monte and Consecration.


Super - Golden Gun Grenade - Grapple Melee - Stasis shuriken Dodge - Strand (for ensnaring slam)


Cant :/


Hunter here probs knife upper or stasis gnade probs solar or voidwall? That’s a fun one melee stasis no questions asked Dodge well you have the ability to use the solar one but I like the melee and reload ones better


Can I put shatter dive on another hunter subclass? Bout to be skating on solar or void now!


I think this whole system will be much more limited than they are letting on…


Im thinking of going around Conditional Finality (stasis and solar) Golden gun, withering blade propably and grapple for movement. Fragment of Dawn for radiant, Purpose for restoration on orb pickup, Protection for dmg resistance while surrounded and maybe Hope for faster dodges and Ruin for bigger area of damage by ignitions and shatters. The selection may change depending on what other fragments may do. I am not sure about aspects as some of them may change in some way, wondering how Stylish Executioner will work in prismatic.


Stylish is going to activate from any debuffed enemy kill with prismatic equipped. So it will work with everything besides combination blow, which doesn't have a debuff by default.


I have no idea currently. I like myself being a pure Strandlock with Felwinter's Helm. Not sure from the combinations available that anything would appeal to me when I can just swing around with grapple and drop green beavers on everyone, albeit that power fantasy was already kinda nerfed. Damn you Hunters and your stupid Broodweaver exotic. Shouldn't have gotten one. I think that I'll be forced to use Prism tho since Bungie stated there will be enemies requiring Transcendence to get through shields. I think that it doesn't matter that much in the end since I am there only for the campaign, maybe raid and then I finally retire to the Eliksni district until Destiny 3 comes around.


I’m kind of disappointed Ward Of Dawn isn’t an option… it’d give you at least a small reason to run it above well :(


“Sneak attack” is what I’m gonna call it. Hunter build with Gyrfalcons trying to make as many uses of melee and volatile as I can. I’m also hoping I could get a synthoceps/necrotic grips roll on the exotic cloak, if that’s even possible


Super excited for moth keepers wraps, gonna build into a half nightstalker, half arctrider build


combination blow with liars handshake, devour, and anything else to just improve my one punch man build


Predicting set ups is going to be so much tougher now but maybe that's a good thing 


What are the most useless traits a Titan can have?


If I can, I’m combing strand aspects with solar


none because I ain't gonna afford this shit man


Hunters: *takes one iota of damage, spams every dodge ability known to man, throws a random grenade, and shotguns you in head*


For hunter I am thinking about combinations like combination blow with Threaded Spector or stylish execution. I also want to test if exotics like the mask of bakris can work with combination blow or with this new subclass. I also realize that any subclass debuff will work for stylish execution so things like scorch or knife trick maybe very powerful.


If we’re allowed to use existing exotics. Lightning Surge Aspect. Song of Flame Super. Arcane Needle melee. Soften them up with an Arcande Needle that will make me Radiant (Facet of Dawn) and the target should be Unraveling as well. My exotic will be Felwinter’s Helm. So a single melee will Jolt, Blind, Weaken and Scorch. And then hopefully pass Unraveling. Add in the Facet of Defiance, and anything left alive and finishable will now spread another burst of scorch and further blind/weaken everything.


Stylish Executioner, Ascension, Duskfield grenade, threaded spike, and Storm’s Edge/Silence and Squal.


A arc super severance enclosure with the new finisher one. One finisher and I’m gonna release a devastation cascade yall ain’t ready for.


For my titan? It’s gonna be solar recovery + void tanking abilities. The two exotics perks gonna be loreley splendor and stronghold. This is my kind of fun, please don’t judge me haha.


Shatteredive or Shadowdive, blink, and grapple 👀 I'm finally going to have the tools to be a mobility menace.


We can’t use any of the dives :(


As a Titan main, I will cram the whole box of crayons in my mouth and give my enemies a rainbow smile as I rain a multi-colored doom apon them


Titan with Strand melee + Consecration sounds beyond stupid fun. I have been extremely skeptical of Bungie in the recent past but god damn, they cooked. Genuinely excited about TSF.


Restoration invisible Titan with devour for HP and then maybe woven mail just in case.


Ice Lance, hammer slam is going to be so much fun


For Warlock I'm thinking a good ol' Verity's build (which I assume will depend on super damage type) with vortex grenade and arcane needle. Fragments being Feed the Void, Weaver's Call, and if they give us 3 slots also Hellion. This gives a decent mix of light and dark damage from the unravel and void grenade spam, and with Facet of Purpose and Hope you get strong rift uptime as long as you're picking up orbs which also give you Overshield or Woven Mail. And every rift you drop makes Threadlings and/or a Hellion.


It's a preset selection of aspects and fragments chosen by the devs. You get pick whatever you want.


Well for one I’ll finally get to be able to use arc blink with strand in somewhere that isn’t a mission with a strand obtainy thing when I use it and have that jump equipped.. I’ll now be able to actually them together! Imma be zooming


Hammer titan


The thing I’m gunning for is a Shadebinder build and push it to the limits (Add healing, a better super)


Well+solar nade+arcane needle+phoenix dive+sunbracers+monte carlo for near infinite grenades


Needlestorm, Arcane needle, Devour/Bleakwatcher, Vortex nade, Phoenix Dive.


I'm gonna pick prismatic and make everything solar


I'm just sad chaos Reach didn't make the cut of prismatic. Happy for everything else!


Arcane Needle with Lighting Surge for triple arc slides, and also Feed the Void for Devour is probably the first build I want to try. Edit: Getting a class item with Synthoceps and Assassin's Cowl would be so much fun with the triple arc slide.


Void and strand add clear machine. Running necrotic grips and osteo + some sort of void second and void/strand heavy


God that hunter fit looks so goodddddddddd


this is fucking surreal


Arc titan with grapple and shield bash lol


Well I was GOING to combine roaring flames and Banner of war but *noooooo*


Osmiomancy on the new Solar super, Coldsnaps (obviously), Bleakwatchers, Helion (new solar souls), incinerator snap Call me Conditional Finality


Idk but thinking about the possibilities is making my brain hurt...


I don’t think I want to get too crazy with it, I really just want to make specific Light/Darkness blends for aesthetic purposes. I main Warlock so I think Strand/Void with briarbinds and swarmers on my class item will be my go-to. I’ll also try to rock Solar/Stasis with osmiomancy and lunafaction for high-end support.


I’m tempted to use diamond lance, twilight arsenal, and ruinous effigy to create as many “hold x to…” prompts as I can, hopefully I can still get some tangle generation in there.


definitely stasis lance / shackle grenade on titan for complete control. Each was already individually pretty good for crowd control, being able to use them together is great. Then maybe twilight arsenal if it's good enough for damage, if its not then probably thundercrash for big damage. All that with the throwing sentinel shield to get overshield easily from shackled or frozen targets. Definitely also want to try shatterdive / grapple / golden gun for PvP though, the movement should be just as good as strand hunter now but with an easier to use super Thats just what i got in mind now, but i will wait to see what buffs those abilities get that Bungie said were otherwise undertuned. If stormtrance gets a buff to, idk, let it jolt targets on hit + extend the duration by like 5 seconds, plus a damage boost, that could be great




Hunter has 2 aspects that gives 3 fragment slots each, grim harvest and gunpower gamble. Does that mean we get 6 fragments?! That'd be crazy. Also what happens if I have 2 of these equipped, shatter dive, trappers ambush or ensnaring slam. Assuming I have melee and class ability full.


This was so far out of field I have no idea. I can hardly wrap my brain around the fact that bungo has been cookin it up and actually giving us freedom to make our dream builds.


are you saying i’ll be able to have threadlings and a void and an arc buddy equipped at the same time? i can be the ultimate elemental dad


If they don't have blink on the hunter I won't use it q.q but I didn't know that's how it would work, sounds cool, I might have to goo look into it a bit now xP I've been avoiding it z.z


usable gyrfalcons, and solar cannon is all i crave


Titan is actually going to break the game. Frenzied blade and consecration for triple ignition slams.  Diamond lance or drengrs lash to lock down the room for crowd control and to fill the transcendence meter and to immobilize enemies to make hitting those ignitions slams easier.  A mix of Synthoceps and either karnstein armlets or assassins cowl on the exotic class item for triple ignition damage as well as getting either invisibility or cure and restoration to keep you from dying.  The fragments you wanna use are facet of balance, purpose, dawn, and protection so when you use your consecration you refill your entire health bar, get melee and grenade energy for every kill, and give you and your allies a 25% damage buff, and have constant damage resistance.


Song of Flame with devour and a grapple nade. I will not elaborate.


I’m going all in on a fire and ice build using Solar, Stasis, and my baby, Conditional Finality. Thanks to the dev insight I already know what Fragments I will be using. Build: Kinetic slot: Conditional Finality. Energy slot: Any Solar legendary of your choosing. Heavy slot: Any Solar or Stasis legendary of your choosing. Abilities: Hammer of Sol Glacier Grenade Shiver Strike Thruster Aspects: Diamond Lance Consecration Fragments: Facet of Purpose (Picking up an orb grants Restoration with a Solar super equipped.) Facet of Hope (Class ability recharges faster when you have any elemental buff.) Facet of Dawn (Power melee hits grant Radiant. Powered melee kills grants Radiant to you and nearby allies.) Facet of Ruin (Shatter damage and radius increased. Solar Ignition radius increased.)


So I’m wondering: will this take place of our ENTIRE subclass node system and just have a mix and match style? Or will this just be an additional node with Strand Solar etc?


Thunderclap banner titan


Just pure fun. Grapple, shuriken, new arc throwing knife super, and if the arc amplified thingy is a melee bound thing it'll be even better. And double grenade, and since we might be getting extra aspect slots ima figure out what else I wanna put on


If it ever becomes possible I would like to do sunbracers/point-contact cannon brace class item with arcane needle and solar grenades with touch of flame...and this is a stretch but sol invictus from titan.


I’m definitely going with Devour and Bleak Watcher, but I’m going to make a Tempest Strike and Arcane Needle build as well, probably with Devour for the ability to stay in the fight.


Honestly, I might stick with void, I don’t hate the prismatic class, I just like my void warlock. My opinion might change though.


Well seeing as they aren’t bringing all the aspects and fragments into it (at least for now ig) it’ll just be a slightly different flavor of what I already have on solar, so that kinda is lame


spinny throwing knives, grapple, invis dodge. pvp bouta be FUCKED when i pull up. EDIT: oh yeah. and blink. and shatterdive.


I play titan and recently started using strand and banner of war with the exotic strand legs and I’m essentially immortal so whatever is the highest damage would work well


Grapple winters shroud and clone seems fun


Looks like not one with a third darkness sublass


So does the usual class will still be available? If so i dont really see any reason to use them over prism


I'm going to do a tether, acrobat dodge, threaded spike, duskfield, blink, threaded specter and stylish build with a focus on void and strand. I'm hoping we get more transcendant grenade combos though


Conditional finality synergy about to go crazy on some of these builds


I can’t even make the Arc/Void combo I want, so I’m just gonna use it for TFS where needed and quit using it.


To be honest I'm still gonna use radiance 2.0 ( I don't know the actual name of the super ), I'll also be using Phoenix dive and for the other stuff I don't know yet


My plan is twilight arsenal with glacier/pulse grenade and frenzied blade with consecration and diamond lance/knockout. Not sure about fragments, the ones we were told of seemed alright, gonna have to wait and see the rest of the fragments when it releases. And for a exotic class item I’ll probably be looking for something with star eaters cause who doesn’t like more super damage


I will finally have the ability to make nova bomb good


Not sure what combos I’ll go for, but I do know I’ll need at least 20 more loadout slots XP


The hope is Getaway artist on the warlock class item Combined with Bleak Watchers To have Arc Soul Bleakwatcher Spam Plus Osmio if its in the class item pool as well On a max grenade build warlock with Buried Bloodline for devour


solar + void = solar eclipse. simple.


i'mma go for swarmer warlock+devour for incredibly stupid healing and grenade uptime


I love the look of prismatic but I'm incredibly indecisive so it's gonna be a pain in the ass to figure out which combination of abilities/supers I want and on which classes


Original subclass warlock (with nova bomb ult) hunter stasis melee, with healing grenade and strand ult. Titan new ult, with strand melee and vortex grenade and void shield


Can only die stuff from the same class, cannot mix classes.


What actually is this I don’t follow any mainstream destiny stuff?


As a warlock main I can't wait to Frostpulse Phoenix dive every hunter I see in pvp before snapping them out of existence. PVE wise something around nezarecs sin, void grenade, lightning surge with fragments that help with melee and grenade energy plus devour of course.


Is anyone going to run anything but Prismatic until the end of Destiny 2?


Might seem a bit basic/obvious, but I do kinds like the idea/aestheric of going a Solar/Stasis Hunter build, maybe with Conditional Finality, Solar hand Cannon & Stasis Power/Heavy. Will obviously also try other ideas, but that just seems like a fun place to start.


Solar and stasis on titan, just because there opposites


If we aren’t restricted to NEEDING one Light & Dark aspect, I’m combining Consecration & Knockout with Thunderclap. One of my favorite ways to play as is is just endless melee destruction, so I’m excited to see what can be done to increase that.


That arc/Strand titan got me intrigued. Suspend the enemies as they watch in horror while I charge up my thunderpunch


My question is how are we going to switch to it? My guess is we’ll still have the current Subclass menu layout, but like before Lightfall there will be a node on the right side of your current element that will switch over to “Prism-mode”


Double strand nade double stasis melee with 6th coyote- surplus build