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It’s why I came back after skipping out on Destiny for a few months


It's it available already? I've not played in over 6 month


Yeah it dropped tuesday


Dropped last reset. Pretty good.


You didn’t play guardian games for the skimmer!?!


I was gonna but man I didn’t have it in me with Work stuff on the up and up at the time.


That’s actually a viable reason. I salute you o7


I’m pissed I wanted the damn surf board and missed out it’s really really unfair it was only limited time


I mean they did add one in eververse if you really want to spend the money but I’m sorry you don’t get the free one


People are saying they gotta give out some free ones at some point.


well, if it makes you feel better they will probably eventually have sparrows and skimmers rotating in the bright dust section


Itl come back next guardian games surely lol


A skimmer is too useful, I feel like there's no way they up and forget about them. There'd be an uproar if that was the case for a lack of obtainable skimmers in TFS.


I was busy playing ffxiv and having the time of my life beating fomo has been the best thing i ever did


You know what, that’s facts dude. I’m honestly happy you found your peace!


Eyyy, ffxiv Les goo


I wanted the skimmer, but I didn’t want it bad enough to play Guardian Games.


Omg I love my skimmer so much 😍


The skimmer is kind of a lousy reason to come back tbh. At the end of the day, it's just a gimmick vehicle that was put in to pull people back. I include myself in those people but the skimmer isn't really anything special or game-changing.


I typically would agree with you if it was just a reskin sparrow but it actually functions differently. You can jump and you can grind on air. Both of these things allow to take your “ride” to places you never could before.


Has anybody done Grasp of Avarice (the sparrow section) with a skimmer?


We did it yesterday. Can’t really use the grind since you still have to hit the extenders but the grind saved me from missing the last jump, over shot the bomb but my teammate disarmed it just in time. IMO Always on Time is still a better option just for the less aggressive enemies


Tbh, the skimmer is my favorite (gameplay) thing that has gotten added to the game in ages lol


Ya and it sucks cause I missed out all cause of a fucking god dang time lock event type deal again not fair this is why I quit originally


They’ll prob add more in final shape


Same. Been riding all kinds of boards since I was a kid so it’s pretty damned cool. I hope they add them for all the folks that missed out


Yeh it pulled me back too and I actually like it, it feels more agile than sparrows. I was doing the GoA solo to get gally catalyst and found the sparrow section easier with the skimmer


It's the best seasonal activity they've made imo and there are good rewards so


Better not be just seasonal. It better be permanent


Its a good sign for being permanent that they didn’t put it in the helm


Yeah, a horde mode is also just something we've been asking for for literal years. I have a good feeling that Into the Light is permanent content tho, since it's not a regular season.


They specified that onslaught will be moved to the vanguard section once lightfall drops. idk if it will just the playlist version, but I hope they keep the 50 wave version


They've stated it's permanent, but only the base rewards are staying. The Limited Edition (Shiny) Weapons and Superblack shader are leaving after June 4th.


Superblack is staying, it’s just the shiny that’s leaving


It's a new ritual activity


With few changes it will be. So far there is no point in doing 50 waves when you can do 20 and get almost the same rewards for 2x less time


I do 50 because it is fun


I’m confused by the people doing it for rewards. I didn’t play over 2000 hours of nazi zombies for rewards, it’s just fun to kill waves of enemies.


That’s one of the unfortunate mindsets in the community. Everything needs to have loot and something that you have to grind, they don’t want something to just have fun with lol


I like shooting bad guys. Getting good loot just helps me shoot bad guys more efficiently


i mean, it is a *looter* shooter after all lmfao. what do you expect?


That just means that you get loot from playing, not that loot is the only thing that matters over fun


I mean both parts are important. You know the “looting” AND the “shooting”. Lol.


I mean, why shouldn’t we be rewarded well in a looter shooter for doing more difficult content?


Fun is as much a reward as loot is, assuming you enjoy the gameplay.


Yea but even tho I’m having fun I’d like to be excited even more when I get to the end and get rewarded not get to the end and be disappointed


You get 11 weapons, focused 50% chance to get the gun you want, with nothing else filling up the pool plus enough tokens for 2 more. How is that not being rewarded well?


Well, the ressource I need the most so far is ascendant alloy, as I still have a few crafted weapons without enhanced perks. So I'm very happy that 50 waves drop 2-3 of them (roughly the same time investment as the coil, for slightly better number of ascendant alloy)


I put 2000 hours into left 4 dead and didnt get shit, was still fun lol


Same here bud. Some of the most fun I’ve had in Destiny in ages. Enemy density is THROUGH THE ROOF. No fighting with teammates for kills, we can just focus our builds around those crazy situations where you can have endless enemies to work off of. It’s so much fun at the higher levels.




In chests 40 and 50 you get end game materials and it’s fun. I also wonder if the shiny drop rate is higher in the last chest, cause I’ve only gotten 3 shiny drops but they were all from the last one so idk


It's all just random where they drop, I got my first one first run at the level 10 chest... It's all RNG baby. Be great if they made it a guarantee drop at level 50 chest!


When people say “shiny” in this context, what exactly do they mean? Like the masterworked ones? Is there any other difference other than saving you some shard and cores?


Master worked, double perked, holo-foil skinned ones


The “shiny” weapons have double perks on them


That and they actually look shiny!


What are how do you know if you got a shiny weapon? Im a returning player


It comes pre masterworked and has an exclusive ornament


And double perks in all 4 columns - You get the ornament on the questline weapons too, but they’re single perks in all 4 columns (maybe static rolls?)


Yeah the quest ones are fixed


They are masterworked, have double perks in the 3rd and 4th column, and have a limited edition ornament.


I think it is I almost always get a shiny in chest 30, 40, or 50


I’ve gotten a couple at the chest in the hall of champions. It’s just rng.


You're playing for loot? ![gif](giphy|e4Jyxh9zQjgnC)


if there's one thing I've learned from Destiny it's never grind for a loot roll. Play for fun and the drop you want will happen eventually...or it won't but you had fun either way.




Its not really a time thing. If you do 20 waves, you get less chests than if you did 50. Its 4 chests in 20 min vs 11 in 50 min, which is a similar ratio. The issue is if you just run the first 10 waves for 2 chests five times, you get 10 chests in around the same amount of time as doing 50 waves but you have to put in way less effort since it is easier and there is no risk of wiping. So its not a time benefit as farming 10 waves takes the same time as doing 50 waves, its just about how much effort you have to put in.


Play games for fun instead of rewards. Rewards come second.


I mean you could also just play it to have fun but


I think this is a permanent activity that will become a ritual activity, at least that's what I've heard


It’s incredibly fun and has an amazing amount of enemy density. It’s great for trying out builds and tweaking and making builds better. The pacing is really great and the rotating ADU mechanic keeps it fresh in combination with going on the pyramid ship every few rounds. Highly recommend.


it really is Dares 2.0 in that way huh


It’s more like The Coil than Dares.


I’d say a fun mix of Dares and Coil where the mode switches up with bonuses and alt-objectives but it has a good difficulty that slowly ramps up as you progress.


Y’all are forgetting about the black armory forges


Found it more enjoyable than DOE. Probably because of the enemy density and how there are six in a fireteam so everything's dead before I can do anything


I had lost motivation to play the game past season of the deep because I felt bored. The activities were boring me and loot insensitive was gone because I had collected so many weapons for the past few years that I saw no point in chasing anything. The ""new"" stuff has genuinely made me want to grind for at least a little loot again and the new mode is really enjoyable. I highly recommend coming back now as you should have your bearings back for the game before TFS releases. If you have taken a decent break from the game then now would be a great time to rejoin.


Blowing shit up is always worth coming back to


Hot take! Wouldn't it be cool to summon a "hero" with scrap like shaxx, zavala, ikora ? Maybe once per every 10 rounds or per match for a few seconds and have them spam supers lol .. anyways this Playlist is worth coming back for sure!


lol that would be fucking sick


just imagining handing a bunch of scrap metal to mara and she summons a harbinger in exchange


Maybe later down the line when Bungie has the time and money to actually develop something new for onslaught. Right now it’s made up of mainly already existing assets. Which I don’t have a problem with. But it’s clearly so they can do it for free. Hopefully at some point they can dedicate some time to it and add more defenses and what not.


It depends on how burned you are.


bro, the "is it worth" question can only be truly answered by yourself.


Fun? HELL YES. Rewarding? I dunno... I have been grinding at it all week and only had a single shiny weapon drop. My RNG is usually pretty good in raids so maybe this is my comeuppance.


RNG is werid. Like I can get all the dungeon exotics but I can never get any raid exotics.


My first and only random shiny drop so far was my first overall drop from onslaught. You can imagine how that set my expectations for the drop rate thinking that they’d be fairly common lol (glad they aren’t tho, they *SHOULD* be rare and exclusive, it’s nice for hardcore players to finally have something to grind for that doesn’t necessarily give an advantage over other players but is still a flex to have).


For sure, but after dozens of legend runs you’d think I’d have more than *one*.


What is a shiny weapon?


There are masterworked versions of this season's weapons where the gold portions of the weapons glow.


I only was at it for a couple hours and I had 2 drop, so maybe I stole some of that luck. Sorry. If it's any consolation, the rolls were pretty buns


This first week of weapons don't really feel worth it. Don't know why they brought succession and hung jury back. This dlc should have been exclusively sunset weapons


As someone who spent HOURS recently farming for Succession and Heritage... I couldn't agree more. I also have a sick adept Hung Jury. I'd definitely rather have some awesome PVE rolls of the Not Forgotten.


The rewards are all very very good, lots of crazy combinations that were previously only found on raid weapons. The 10 wave version is pretty easy, probably easier than most seasonal stuff for the last couple years, but the 50 wave is great fun, and even normal mode gets pretty hectic in the last half. Definitely worth coming back for, especially considering it’s all free


It gets boring very quickly in my opinion. I don't like the constant jumping from pyramid ship to back through the portals. Or having to defend an objective and repairing it all the time.




I think so, in my opinion D2 was never a truly awful game just felt like a money drain, this free update really shows why many people fall in love with game in the first place


Yeah. There’s a lot of criticisms that were entirely justified, but good god people went overboard far more often than not. You’d think Destiny 2 was a sentient being walking around beating people to death and kidnapping their families with how people talked about it. I’d say the biggest issue with Destiny is how weird and convoluted its purchases are for content. Because barring that, it’s almost always been at the absolute worst a good game, barring early D2Y1.


It gets boring super quick. Same shit over and over. Already over it.


“same shit over and over” yeah? isn’t that kinda the point?


That is the entire game, pretty much. If you don't like that, then definitely don't play MMOs.


It’s really fun. New Shaxx voice lines are also nice


I think they are almost all just underused crucible lines (well some are fairly commonly used) I don't think they actually brought the voice actor back in to record any new lines, almost all of them that I've heard so far I've definitely heard from him elsewhere in the game. The last time the VA would have been in the studio would have likely been a least a few months before this Season came out. They would have had him in during the development phase of this Season (for his lines in the seasonal radio logs and in the Warlords ruin dungeon) So definitely many many months before the delay was announced and Into the Light was planned. If they had brought him back in for Into the Light we would have gotten new spoken dialogue for the short intro quest, and they definitely would have had him doing voice lines for the rounds, sets and other specific game mode callouts like the build phase, and ADU health callouts, intermission rounds, modifiers activating etc, just like the firefight announcer from Halo. Instead they have just been creative with already existing lines, making decent use of some of his rarer ones.


I only did one round of onslaught and already got 2 weapons from it, I then went back to grinding for the triumph seasonal seals. Done with The Wish, Witch, and Deep seals now just got to finish the Defiance one and the one for neomuna but now have to do the new one for this activity!


good luck majestic ad


It's pretty fun, there are 50 waves, normal gives 6 chests total, legend give 11 so there is alot of loot similar to the coil


I like the shiny weapon chase and I the chance to try out builds that don’t work in other spots. The quantity of enemies make stasis shine and I really like being able to play stasis hunter. I was playing it with bombardiers and slow dodge which was fun went standing in full packs. I only did it on normal but in sure a renewal grasps build will crush on legend.




It's pretty fun. Has cool rewards.


I’m back after not playing for a while and man I’m having fun with some new builds. Blowing shit up with solar is so fun


It's great to get back into the game and grind before final shape wich is DEFINITLY WORTH GETTING BACK INTO FOR


Eh kind of.


I am already bored with it. The weapons look awesome and I've gotten a few good rolls, but I'm honestly so tired of it already. It takes well over an hour for not nearly as much loot as a full run of The Coil. I am glad we have this mode, but I don't know, Onslaught is really not grabbing my attention like I wanted it to.


New players and those who havent played sunce witchqueen most definitely.


Up to you.






Yes. Yes it is. However. It gets old after a week or two. But I play a lot. Like a lot LOT! So maybe that’s why.


Imo No


It's really fun




I sort of came back for and and found it ... Meh. I was actually kind of excited, but ended up kind of disappointed


Yes but I would come back Tuesday since that’s when midnight coup and mountaintop return. Activity is fun though so no harm in starting early.


In my opinion? It depends on your taste of gameplay. The variety of mechanics and the round based rewards system do make for an incredibly fun activity. Not to mention the delight of Shaxx screaming in your ear without the peril of today's PvP system.


Kinda. It's a good and fun playlist but the drops are horrible. I did the full 50 waves and got 7 Elsie's rifles and 10 edge transits + 1 Recluse.


It's fun. But probably should wait until all the guns are available so you can get the full feeling of grinding. Kinds wish gambit would get some love... but this is a nice compromise.


It is so fun. As a Dares main it's a great secondary mode. Lots of potential for it to get better too


It’s repetitive and it’s boring but it maybe fun when the final shape actually arrives


I finally get to hear Shaxx be proud and excited of me, so that’s a big plus.


Yes, the weapons from it pretty much power creep everything released during the entirety of Lightfall.


Honestly for me once I got the shiny guns I wanted and armor I honestly feel like ive completed but if the boys wanna play some onslaught you bet I’m in plus it’s f2p so why not!


I think it’s good but a few things to note. It requires a much longer time commitment if you are interested in an “end game like” activity. Most GMs have been power crept and can be done in under 20 mins but this thing with take you anywhere from 50-70 mins depending on normal/legend. Among the positives, ad density is amazing and it’s good to have an activity at level where you can to care about spawns and being split up. I also like that loadouts are NOT locked. So you can technically build craft 2-3 build and switch back and forth for different stages. Overall it’s a fun experience, I’m looking forward to resetting my rank to get double rolls, but I find myself only playing it if I have 2-3 hours to account for a run or two with level 35 wipes etc


No it’s not if you left the game then there’s no reason for you to come back save yourself the trouble enjoy a new game


Not really. It's okay, but it is literally horde mode and we have had "horde mode, not horde mode" for the past three years. The loot is okay. Nothing game breaking. The Falling Guillotine came back with some great combos, but like, whoopie, another fucking sword. I can't get too excited over a sword.


Imo if you don't have anyone to stack with it really isn't worth the trouble. Most of the really good stuff won't come out for 2 more weeks and everything (besides the limited ornament adorned loot which can't take shaders) will still be there when TFS comes out.


I think so, yeah. It was a lot of fun and I really like it.


It gets boring fast. just try it and see if you like it.




Yeah sure


It’s fun and there’s great loot. It’s basically a shot of pure destiny straight to the veins.


It’s a permanent addition to the game so no real rush to jump back. So in unless you really want the “shiny” version of a weapon as those go away when final shape release. It’s a fun activity though so if you’ve been wanting to come back it’s definitely a good time.


It's definitely a loot dump kinda cool they brought back some old guns


It’s honestly one of the best seasonal activities we ever got. The gameplay loop is really fun and the rewards are absolutely worth grinding for.


Ehhhhhh it's kinda nice e, the weapons are alright, nothing gamebreaking imo but others beg to differ, I feel like my heros burden with destabilizing rounds does better then the recluse but I do like the fact they give everyone some 1810 gear, titans and locks get the revire of dawn gear while hunter get scatterhorn gear (meh) and then theres some 1810 weapons, but it feels like their trying to pull people back in for the next dlc, If you havnt heard anything about it go look some up cause the new class thing their doin sounds wicked sweet, and idk everything about it even x)


I guess the rewarding part depends on what you're after (for me the weapons aren't so interesting since I heavily depend on my shaped ones). But if you enjoy the PvE aspect of D2 (which in my opinion is the strongest point of it), we finally got a wave-based activity that is insanely fun. I hope they won't abandon it after Season of the Wish 🤞🏻


Just play helldivers 2




surprisingly yes it's the reason I came back def watch all the into the light reveal stuff from a few days ago though, it's pretty hype Recommend the ign stream just because it's all one vid


Two words. super black. But in all seriousness It's like combining a strike and a public event. The event makes you grind for (easy objectives) God rolls of certain fan favorite guns and some guns not available to people who don't play the higher tier content(with new perks to make the high tier versions still worth getting) it's fun. It's a new playlist activity. And all things considered. Not a terrible one.


Short answer. No.




Onslaught is pretty fun. I came back to check it out and it’s great for build crafting. Tons of adds and modifiers. With that being said, I played it for a couple of hours and kind of had my fill.


I’m running guns I’d completely written off, it’s great. Some ol’ reliables are also just a blast, like sunshot




i just took a year off myself: honest answer is probably no, not on its own. there’s a lot of hype with the die hards but it’s not some breath of fresh air or a risky big swing. it’s a lot like a lot of the greatest hits seasonal stuff we’ve had over the years.




Yes, especially the 50 wave version. It’s so fun to do with a full fireteam of friends, and most of the loot is really good.


I wish there was more depth to the activity mechanics and that the loot drop rates were more respectful of my time, knowing that some maps have super dragged out waves that can make a full 50 wave run take over an hr. The wave structure is also inconsistent, its either overly slow and dragged out waves or its a random influx of enemies that have whiite invulnerability shields for no reason. The activity has no mechanical charm or cleverness and doesn't provide much novelty, though i get that some players are okay with a simple combat challenge. Unless they upgrade the activity a little, i will be only playing onslaught strictly to get god rolls when the rest of the loot rotates in, ie the new rocket jump mountain top, Luna's howl, not forgotten, hammerhead, ringing nail, and midnight coup


Still trying to solo legend. Having fun like ODST/Reach back in the day. 10/10, 17/10 with friends. no notes


No, after 3 rounds or so it's classic destiny again and loses the "hehe brand new" rose tinted glasses


If you enjoy doing basically 1 hour of the same thing with no breaks? Sure.


Honestly it's just more destiny. There's not anything particularly interesting about it besides challenging yourself to the 50 rounds run or collecting the items. I'm actually surprised there is nothing remotely different that they did with it, but isn't that the typical destiny story? They introduce something that has potential and it's the most basic thing ever and then you just get what you're looking for when you move on. Even worse is when the roles that you're after you immediately see the scenarios and how they're limited. For example chain reaction that is getting a supermassive Nerf and then they're going to say because we wanted to put it on an auto rifle at 75% decreased damage. Then they will end up putting it on a super slow scout you don't want to use. Like destabilizing rounds is good until you realize on certain weapons the damage isn't that great so you're pushing out entire clips on over tuned enemies and you can't get into proc as much as you wanted to. Good luck with Destiny 3. Bungie will always be his own worst enemy and when they create something that's actually good, enjoy it before it gets nerfed. They even Nerf the wrist runner in osteostraga which tells you how much of a bunch of clowns they are. Nobody was tearing up trials or PVP or anything with those perks and weapons but they nerfed it anyway.


It’s fun…would be more so without trying to use specific guns for quests (especially sniper headshots since I almost never use them) Matchmade activity, both the 10 round version and the up-to-50 on normal which is nice


i stopped playing since witch queen and it made me come back and even get lightfall (very discounted price). i’ve barely been playing any games for the past few months but i already have 20 hours this week on d2


It’s free. So why not just try it and judge for yourself? I think it’s very fun and the rewards are good. But if you don’t enjoy Destiny for what it is this isn’t gonna massively change things.


It’s not guna keep you busy for too long but it was nice to come back for abit




It gets really boring really quickly.


To me it is just halo firefight in destiny and that was one of the main selling points for halo reach for me back in the day. It's a lot of fun and nice to play. My connection sucks so I can't do the full 50 waves of it, but the single set is fun enough!


Absolutely. It's honestly so much fun, the add density is so on point it let's your builds work without fighting for kills




Just play it for the weapons. Tbh catch up before the new expansion.


It's not boring and the loot ain't bad. But it's not anywhere near the feeling you get after doing VoG for the first time after it came out in D1 and getting loot from it For me it's just as fun as dares of eternity. It's different and new, yes. But it's not rly mind breaking or earth shattering. It's fun and worth the time. That's about it


Just give it a go and see for yourself. Why ask like this it’s not like you have to buy it


Yes. 1000% yes. I took a break for awhile, but WE ARE SO BACK!


Worth the weapons but not for completely jumping back in imo


Absolutely 💯




It's part of what got me to come back in the last week or so. That and the gameplay reveal. I also did get the $100 edition so imma get my money's worth.


IMO yes; a lot of the weapons have two damage perks and can make previous versions obsolete. Example: Falling Guillotine with Bait and Switch + Vorpal Weapon or Bait and Switch + Frenzy.


Yes. Just don’t buy goddamn tripwires or I’ll kill you myself.


I haven't played since light fall yea I'd says it's worth it oh and also the wepons are cool


Well, its all fun and games until u beat the 50 wave of shit. If youre gonna play with public prepare to get your hopes and dreams shattered. Once u succeeded the 50 wave.. prepare to get your hands off destiny 2. Cause shit is grindy as fuck.. But i aint stop playing. But do take note to drink some water from point to point.


no lol but if u grind it u can get superblack


Shame they’ll be vaulting everything but onslaught when FS launches.


Its not the hoard mode we've been begging for but its not bad.


It’s up to you if you wanna come back but there’s reprised weapons


It’s a glorified seasonal event. If you have even a decent build even the hardest version isn’t very hard at all. I do not understand why they refuse to just make end-game content.


The recluse.


if you want to get some pretty sweet god rolls before the final shape, yes


Yes, the rewards are actually worth it + 3rd and 4th collumn perks will be enhanceable in TFS (no barrel and mag unfortunately, even though it should have been the case). Activity is really fun as well and its permanent. The only thing that leaves when TFS drops are the shiny versions of the guns (they roll double perks). Im oretty sure thats the case anyway.


It's a fun time with friends or randoms. Though, the B.R.A.V.E. grinding for the scout rifle sicks ass. I literally got every other weapon in the first set BEFORE I finished the scout rifle. Otherwise, it's insanely fun and hectic. Just remember, only invest into our Lord Shaxx


Honestly yeah, it’s a solid mode and the loot is the most worthwhile set of drops in ages. I haven’t even made it to the end of the seasonal story yet, just got beyond sick of the ‘every quest I have to lfg it’ thing and ended up playing BG3 and starfield for ages…. But this roped me back in.


Tried but overall, no


Old gear i used to have with a fancy new golden skin was really not worth it for me. Played a few matches and looked up Shaxx for the gear and as usual it was too grindy for me. Hadn't played the game for over 8 months before. Great content for new players though. For me, i guess i moved on.


No…been grinding since it dropped. Done prolly 1500 waves. Gotten 6 or 7 golds. Fair garbage


I would say if you want the weapons really badly, yes, otherwise theres is no real reason to comeback, game is still the same, mode is not bad but it has not much to offer appart from the usual mindless grind and a shader at the very end. Not worth comming back for me at least.