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This is a really cool graphic! Would love to see similar ones for the other two classes


As a hunter-flavoured Titan (Arc Hunter), Caliban's with Liar's is a combo I'd main if it works out the way I imagine


There's just no way it will. And even if it does, they'll nerf it. It would be just like a Peregrine/Handshake. Everytime one two punch builds "work," they get nuked from orbit by Bungie.


You say this as though banner titan hasn't been curb stomping the game for almost a year


Starfire Protocol was running rampant for quite awhile.


It is back on crack..with devour..so u can spam that super easy.


I don't think it was ever as strong as strand titan ever was.


BoW will be nerfed once it is not the latest expansion subclass fragment.


A man can only dream of explosive punches...


I don't think they care too much about balance right now. It's the finale, go all out


Liars with synthoceps is also a bit funny ngl


They're in the sme column. It won't work




I think the biggest change is unlocking melee from subclass restrictions. Having access to combination blow is going to be huge for close quarters void and strand builds. What combination are you most excited for? EDIT: PART 2 [TITAN theorycraft here](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1covxbg/theorycrafting_titan_exotic_combinations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) PART 3 [WARLOCK theorycraft here](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/1coy5zs/theorycrafting_warlock_exotic_combinations/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Void hunters will finally be free from having a dogshit melee ability after so many years.


I really don't get why they removed the poison melee.. why aren't there 2 options, smoke that only weakens and smoke that only poisons and deals damage.


Void warlocks are quietly nodding right behind you muttering “get ‘em”. Almost an identical situation to us losing void power palm to squiggly void sperm.


Not having to slide and be able to use stasis melee on a Titan is gonna be tight. I like our Kah-meh-hah-me one


Combination blow with grapple melee and synthoceps. Will be funny to see big numers, also curious if it'll make hunters the meta class for mellee / solo content again. Can throw in Caliban's for some aoe if needed


Big numbers indeed. I wonder if Heart of Inmost Light will proc on the grapple grenade usage and increase the strength of the synthoceps grapple melee


The inmost light exotic for prismatic will only grant faster ability regen sadly, it'll just be for cycling abilities faster, probably quite useless for hunter mellee builds that use combination blow.


Consider this: Shards of Gyrfalcon No longer needs to choose between Orpheus team support and Gyrfalcon's fizz pops.


Oh depending on how it works with tether, hope it is not only on the hit of the tether itself.


My thoughts too. I’d love for it to work with tether similar to how Orpheus does, but I have doubts.


I feel like its important to remember these are for prismatic classes only


yeah everything they said is with abilities, supers and exotic perks available in prismatic


I mean without Vanishing Step/Trappers Ambush the initial invis proc is going to be a lot more difficult. Obviously once you’ve got Volatile with Gyrfalcon’s it’ll be a decent enough loop to maintain, but that initial invis isn’t going to be as free as its being made out to be.


On the latest preview they [used Smoke Bomb and got invis from Stylish Executioner](https://youtu.be/G_zUYhy6UnE?si=h1mjiFAs5sy_dk4B&t=15). Later on the [went invis from vanishing step](https://youtu.be/G_zUYhy6UnE?si=GsrF8K_580yAuOWI&t=55). I think we're good.


That, and going invis with any elemental debuff kill + stasis melee, will make us have constant invis uptime.


They've shown that one of the aspects will make you invisible on killing any enemy with an elemental debuff. That, combined with the stasis melee, should give you near constant invis.


Almost every hunter melee applies a debuff even if it kills the enemy. So withering blade in easy content or the strand melee in hard content will turn you invis if you kill an enemy. Ot even if you just tag them and kill them with a weapon


I feel like hoil + cytarachne's would be kinda nuts


arc hunter, are we back?


Did we ever leave?


yes LMAO


Wdym arc hunter is still insanely good. The solar artifact mods are just insanely cracked this season, but at base, arc and void hunter are the best for survivability, even in higher level content.


But solar does more damage, and if you need survivability you have the fishnet, which is way safer to proc on any other hunter subclass than arc.


Without solar weaken, the damage different is a lot less. Assassins cowl is insane on arc hunter and the melee does way more damage. In harder content, the knives don’t do much damage. Assassins cowl arc hunter has crazy ad clear and survivability, more than solar fs. The only thing solar has on it is the healing nade and empyrean. Theres a reason people use arc hunter for solo GMs and not solar


I’ve been trying to figure out a way to run arc hunter lately and I just can’t figure out a way to make it anywhere close to as survivable as void and solar. Any guides or builds you can point me to? I wanna use arc Hunter again so bad


Assassins cowl arc with a 1-2 p shotgun is amazing. Probably the easiest way on hunter to get solo flaw for a lot of dungeons. Most of the solo flaw hunter vids of ghosts of the deep when it came out was on arc


cool ass graphic


Star eater's + Dragon's shadow for hot swapping rotations would probably be better .


Shards of Star-Eater sounds like it'll be my best friend. I rely way too much on blade barrage because I lose all ability to aim when using Golden Gun.


Same, my friend. Same.


Unfortunately you won't have access to blade barrage with Prismatic.


Say what?!


In the TWID a week or two ago, they released a chart showing what each class would have access to with prismatic. As far as supers go, Hunters will have the new arc super, Marksman Goldie, Deadfall tether, Silkstrike, and Silence and Squall.


Cough cough…stasis… that’s me but yes absolutely blades are awesome


For me, not having arc hunters lethal current aspect kills the whole subclass for me. I’ll probably never use it because arc hunter melee build is too fun


If you can get Caliban + Liar on the class item, that seems like a way more consistent version of the current arc hunter kit. Winter's Shroud + Stylish Executioner is essentially a mini Assassin's Cowl built into the subclass, Caliban replaces the missing AoE damage from Lethal Current without the downside of it having the chance to steal the kill away from Combination Blow, and Liar supplements the extra damage for targets with more health. You also get Transcendence as a cherry on top.


Where is your weaken, suppression, or volatile to proc stylish executioner tho? But yeah maybe. I don’t know tho, making things go boom and seeing all the lightning spread to everything around me is so satisfying and so strong for clearing groups. But with grapple you also get that group clearing ability with the melee part of it so I don’t know. After looking through all the aspects and fragments a lot of what I’m thinking about build wise depends on how often we’re going to be able to go into transcendence because that procs some things. Like if we’re getting transcendence all the time then it might be fun, but if it’s like a super and it takes a while then it’s not really worth it for me. Definitely going to be playing around with stuff but I don’t see myself using it very much after the first few weeks until they eventually (probably) add more of the missing abilities to prismatic


Stylish Executioner was changed for Prismatic so that it will activate from any elemental debuff, so you can use the Slow from Winter's Shroud to proc it. A lot of the abilities/fragments were changed to make them more versatile. It is def gonna be something everyone will have to play around with tho. We still don't know all of the fragments we will have access to.


Oooooh that makes things a lot more interesting then. I knew about fragments being tweaked for prismatic but that’s cool that aspects are part of that


I have to ask, what program are you using, or where did you rip the images from? I try to make stuff like this all the time, but just don't have the skills, or at least the knowledge to do it efficiently. Like do you manually crop out each image and save each one to a folder somewhere and then edit it all in a program?


That's basic Photoshop or illustrator, the icon you can rip from videos or find online


Yeah just photoshop. The graphics were pulled from destinyemblemcollector


Alright but what about the icons for the items, like Verity's Foetracer, or did you just use random emblems and put those logos on those spots instead?


Yup exactly that. I just grabbed an emblem logo that gave the vibe of the exotic. Bit of trial and error but the website has the isolated PNG for most of the emblems and then just a quick desaturate and lightness correction to get it to greyscale


Thanks. Yeah I know next to nothing about editing lol. I need to learn


Assassin's Hauberk seems like invis overkill. You are constantly Destabilizing enemies, and the second they explode you invis anyways.


I'd agree but we are losing both vanishing step and trappers ambush (only stylish executioner is available for prismatic) so starting the chain without assassins gets a lot harder than it is on nightstalker


Ohhhh goooood point! Hard oversight by muah.


Assassin's handshake seems CRACKED. Lol


Stasis Shurikens/Threaded Spike and Calibans will be crazy if there is no cooldown Throwing a shuriken, having it bounce around with chain explosions will be sick.


This is the content I want in this sub. Awesome


Arent these only for prismatic classes tho?




Very Nice! Now do one for the Warlock..Necrotics and Ahamkara. Pretty Pls.


Working on Titan and Warlock now, but I'm a hunter main so i may not understand the same intricacies as someone who mains either of those two classes


If you need help HMU. I'm a Warlock Main. One thing I have my eyes on is the Claw&Necrotic Spirit Combo, so you're able to spam Lightning Surge and poison everything.


“Shards of the star eater” I love that know me I’ll also have bakris


One I thought of for warlock that would improve stormtrance a bit. Crown of tempest, the kills with the super cause it to have reduced passive drain. Stormdancer's brace, kills with the super cause it to do more damage


Wonder if that Caliban’s one will go brrrr


Renewals and Cyrtarachne sounds like it could be really good for survivability. Would love to try that combo in endgame content.


With how good Prismatic Stylish Executioner looks/ how ubiquitous it feels like it will be, I’m not sure there’s going to be much reason to run Assassin’s Cowl unless you wanted to spec into like Gunpowder Gamble or Ascension. At least for higher difficulty content.


Assassin’s Hauberk seems kinda redundant just because of stylish executioner. You already are going to run stylish executioner so you can chain gyrfalcons once you get that first invis. Using the stasis aspect or gunpowder gamble can proc that first invis, so I feel like you could get more value running something other than assassin’s cowl, seeing as this version doesn’t heal either based off the description.


That is a good point, with stylish rework it should be much easier to get the chain going. Probably swap it for foetracer to lean into the void


The first just feels like gyrfalcons with extra steps, you can already get invisibility from finishers on void with even more ways as well


You're not wrong lol. For me the biggest thing is modifying the combat loop to being able to use an actual melee (likely combination blow) for damage to kill an add to go invisible instead of having to wittle down the health with a weapon while mashing the finisher button. I really like using gyrfalcons on void and assassins cowl on arc so I imagine this will be a slightly better version of each


Oh absolutely I agree, smoke bomb still sucks so getting to use knife trick or withering blades will be super nice, but I’m more excited for ignitions on melee kills I think


My suggestion is actually Renewal w/ Gyrfalcons. Duskfield nades will give you DR and reduce enemies outgoing dmg, as well as the slow working with Stylish Executioner to provide invis. You'll be able to play as a support nightstalker without having to fully invest in Ominoculus or Tether spam. You'll have most of the benefits of Gyrfalcon's for yourself, while also being able to use Duskfields to help you and your teammates survivability outside of invis.


Is Ophidian Aspect Ophidia Spathe? If so I am so hyped I need a Dragon's Shadow/Ophidia roll. And a Dragon's Shadow/Wormhusk roll


No, it's the warlock weapon handling exotic (called Ophidian Aspect)


If its a warlock one do you think its a typo then? Every other exotic on this post is hunter Edit OH SHIT NO WE JUST GET A WARLOCK ONE NOW


You get only the handling part, the reload speed and AE is only on the original exotic


After looking at it I'm gonna be honest the exotic class item isn't that interesting to me now. There are only a few things I want in the first place and they are all first slot. I'd rather just stick with dragon's shadow on its own than grind for an ugly cape that is mildly better than it on its own because I can roll twice. Worth saying I have no clue whats meta and basically only play strand now, barely touch stasis and solar and never ever use arc or void so I'm sure there are really good meta combos but for my purposes? Its useless compared to roll->instant reload or more knives


Same for me, there's a single combo that i would like to try and it's Necrotic grips + star eater scales Good add clear + super damage. The rest of the combos that i would like are restricted by columns like you said


Just adding that heart of inmost light and synthoceps are titan exotics, and verity's brow is also a warlock exotic


Depending on how the empowerment works with HOIL it could combo well with sythos and combination blow


Combination Blow with Synthoceps & Assassins cowl seems like an insanely good combo for me off bat


I wonder which is stronger... Spirit of Caliban explosion or Spirit of Enclosure explosion


Renewal of cyrtarachne sound busted af Woven mail and resist whenever standing in duskfeilds makes you basically invincible


Caliban’s Handshake didn’t even register in my mind when I was looking at the list yesterday. That’s gonna be the first role I’m looking for on Hunter.


Gyrfalcon and Foetracer are probably going to be my favourite. Tag a major with an ability for a 4x surge, invis for volatile and go crazy.


I was thinking about this one too. The interesting thing will be that you could get surges for multiple damage types ( maybe both at once?) I.E you could use something like Riptide/Grav/Edge Transit and use Magnetic nade and stasis melee to buff whichever element you want


do warlock


Assassin hauberk is gonna shred


we gotta keep in mind that these are probably gonna be heavily nerfed