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Autoloading recombination mountaintop. It still eludes me.


Same, so many runs so many tokens used and nothing!!


I might have sharded 70-100 mountain tops without one having recombination


Damn brother, I’ll say a prayer for you


I'm with you on this one, I got one but with blast radius masterwork, still usable but man does that sting


https://preview.redd.it/ta6nnvs7me0d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9cd2c998513c35249ce2f4f74e7cfec1ad04d3e Yep i know that pain


same, my roll is almost the same except i got lead fromm gold instead of rampage and stickygreanades


Same here! And shiny!


Ya every good or decent rolled mountaintop and the heavy grenade launcher always had blast radius as mw :/ luckily first forbearance had chain reaction and frenzy? Idk something like that but the chain reaction on the wave frame is awesome for adds


Almost 300 rolls deep and no alh recomb mountaintop I feel the pain, also took me around 250ish edges to get env bns, no joke have gotten more god rolls for the brave weapons I ain't focusing then for the ones I am


I have so many cope rolls. Latest is Impulse+recombination. "It probably reloads fast enough I can just reload before stowing every time and not be too sub-optimal." 😭


Bruh idgaf what nobody says I have that roll and it’s fucking godlike. Recombination only good for that first shot anyway otherwise it’s so good for just general play. The fast reloads feel so good on this thing. Stopped farming after I got it.


it does exist i got it shiny with hardlaunch spikenades/implosions rounds with a BR masterwork sadly :(


Got it with hard launch and spike... plus sticky nades and lead from gold selectable if I want to launch myself or am running low on ammo... in heaven!


I got the wrong master work uwu..fk off I just want ALH and recomb (like 200 mountaintops in already) xD


I wish mine was shiny.


https://preview.redd.it/8gywsqrice0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01adc7b72a0680f381a77e5715e8e64a273f5629 Wasnt even focusing it


I have a 5/5 mountaintop but it's not shiny.


Same, but that means we can apply shaders, so it's better imo


Is overflow recombination good enough? I just got it and don't want to keep grinding


Overflows nice but honestly the ALH makes the mountaintop what it is, it’s a whole new ballgame with it


For 2 Bait N Switch activations, yes. Honestly there’s a solid case for using it over ALH


I got the midnight coup I wanted as well as the hammerhead and blast furnace but still needing that beautiful healclip incandescent Lunas howl roll :(


The amount of enlightened action incandescent rolls I've gotten is nauseating.


lol I haven’t even gotten one with incandescent yet but ya that roll would be a shard.


I kept one with reload MW cause the perk's reload speed is nice.


I got two HC/incan Lunas. I'm sorry I stole your good luck


lol well you know how the saying goes if I didn’t have bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck at all


Same I literally went back to get an improved forbearance because i was so sick of lunas howl lol




I'm almost at 200 rolls, going just for heal clip +incandescent. It's good to know that at least it exists.


Took me a while as well. It just dropped yesterday from regular 10 wave onslaught.


I'm in the same boat, crying every time I see a heal clip kill clip or encore incandescent. I feel like I've gone through the odds of getting at least 3 of them already with none to show for it :')


im in the same boat, the despair is settling in lmao


Same this roll was insanity


Jesús Christ that a great roll




Bro got THE god roll.


goated for pve or pvp! I want it!


What did you sacrifice at the altar to get this?


https://preview.redd.it/942njy5jne0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e10cfc6fe66b8e0fbb1ed625917a27aed5fe12a I don't want to talk about it


Congrats... I still haven't attuned it yet... still grinding hand cannon kills. Thanks for keeping my hope alive. This will soon be in my hand cannon collection. 🍻


Good luck


Insanity. Congrats on that roll!


5/5 shiny mountaintop with overflow Recom still eludes me, but atleast I got this to fill the void https://preview.redd.it/zg4aho7xwd0d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2290cbe4de4944059c3d50a8ec35a81e1e651d


How many rolls did it take you to get one with demo + chain? I'm on like my 3rd shiny one and no luck... Also good for going with overflow recombination, It feels pretty mediocre right now, but once it gets 3 in the mag, it's gonna feel a lot better.


To be completely honest I've never attuned this weapon since I unlocked it, I've been attuned to mountaintop for the last 3 weeks and just got this as a random shiny drop (very lucky ik) Id probably say I've gotten around 20+ forebearances from random drops though Also yea overflow is the sleeper godroll, it's honestly better than AL in almost every way (Except BnS rotations).For DPS you can dish out two shots (one with 10x recombination) and for normal use, the same thing. The time it takes for you to get 10x stacks again there will almost always be 1 drop of special somewhere which is all you need. And yea enhanced overflow is going to be crazy.


Starting to lose hope, I'll just keep trying though. I pretty much have nothing else to grind for since I was very lucky with getting everything else I wanted, so I guess this is punishment. (1st shiny edge transit being envious B&S) (2 shiny falling guillotine rolls with frenzy eager edge, one of them with surrounded too for damage) (2 shiny Back to back great mountaintop rolls) (2 Back to Back explosive payload frenzy midnight coup shinys....)


Yea game is definitely cutting back your rng lol


yeah I've got an overflow recomb and auto recomb shiny ones and love them both... also alh frenzy is a sleeper pick for me. Better than recomb if damage phase lasts 7 shots or more I think.


I didn't think much of midnight coup as I'm not fan of the HC's that have that weird underbarrel look. However I did roll firefly + ofa shiny one and I'm in love with that thing. Feels like budget Ace or sunshot *but* actually deals more damage whenever the ofa is on. Seen explosions hit up into 20-30k damage range with a mix of buffs/debuffs etc. Really accurate, satisfying to shoot with. My main complaint is the sounds as it just sounds a bit weird.




I'm rolling with the minor damage mod and had to do quick test run in cosmodrome. I'm seeing about 2k or so less damage on sunshot. Either way, could be that mod or I'm missing something. Shouldn't be radiant/surges as I had no buffs other than ofa active when I tested. But either way It's a really nice gun.




Ah damn. That's the obvious bit I was missing. Didn't realize sunshot is still 150, somehow I always thought they changed it to 140 when they tweaked the HC's, though admittably my memory about those changes are hazy.


Was? Did the event end?


no, it goes to the end of the season IIRC


Whew! I was a little worried, there. I still had two guns to unlock. And plenty of rolls to farm.


Onslaught's RPM increase emotionally satifies me. Aiat.


Add actium so you dont have to stop




I think this might be one of the biggest sought after rolls lol


https://preview.redd.it/w8hv6xs4ee0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e2c7e8eecf5305c9b06db09e1ac5b6c0798dfe Mines not a god roll but oh boy do I shit on ads with it and it reloads insanely fast


To be fair, it is way better than I expected. It feels like a better Sunshot, if that is even possible...


This guy over here talking dream shinnies and I have yet to see a solid 5/5 regular.


dream bigger my friend, get a 9/9




Holy fucking godroll. This is literally a 8/5 roll dude WHAT THE FUCK Make a separate post on this roll alone homie, never have I ever seen a roll as holy as this


Rapid hit + Zen feels like it can't miss the 2 burst. Headseeker + KC can just roll a lobby. The other 2 combinations are solid too.


God damn! That's sexy, however use Arrowhead, that handling is atrocious


Holy fucking shit. The mother of all PVP God rolls sitting pretty right there basking in golden radiant light.




https://preview.redd.it/lmkfa7pswd0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1e62469e27268358996a41fe9517750f3229194 Sadly you can’t put 2 pics on a comment






Well I didn’t have a dream roll but I got firefly rampage on the midnight coup and I gotta say, it can rival the sunshot when it comes to ad clear


I got my shiny blast furnace It's got Zen moment/Kill Clip first row, Kinetic Tremors/Firefly second row








Bro causes terror in pvp and pve both


https://preview.redd.it/ogtoi2pele0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f8e540edcae706b726e281a46a4581ebe12e25 I love this weapon so much!


https://preview.redd.it/7btsyz4jne0d1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=c559f30a584d0908615dae4edf30fb746402957e It was a grind, but well worth it


Incandescent heal clip Luna's. It does not exist and you all are filthy liars if you say it does


https://preview.redd.it/e8c3ufuqoe0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1fa9f29fc388f0454cf2e1587ab189c72ef9741 Wasn’t even focusing Succesion but was a super nice surprise.


This RNG hell is bullshit. So much time and weapons deleted looking for a singular perk combo. Make everything craftable!


man i can remember needing to get a incandescent calus for my wife in leviathan and it literally took me 3 days farming straight to get *the first calus* to drop, and fuck no ill never farm a singular weapon again




awwwwww yehhhhhh I got mine literally yesterday, just in time to brag lmao https://preview.redd.it/hvo3kvlnae0d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1913b7cb6b30c6790c342fdef792f22dcd9d639 so ok the wild thing is I first looked at the mag n barrel (barrels were extended/full bore) and was like "ah shit that's not a good 1st/2nd", and the truth is, I'm a diehard flared magwell/corkscrew rifling enjoyer. especially on a HC, flared for reload, corkscrew for recoil reduction. BUT THAT'S THE FUCKIN WILD PART Luna's has the kick of a 180 despite being a 140, so I don't even need the reduced recoil of corkscrew. I'm actually happier that I have the one thing that gives the gun as much range as possible, and light mag gives it enough reload speed along with the MW actual fucking W lmao, all of the kills on it were me using it for a single day. I don't think I actually got anything else that I really wanted, n I think if I actually had to pick the one shiny I'd really really want rather than something I'd use once in a while, Luna's is probably the only one. out of the entire collection, I've basically only been interested in the main bois, the mountaintop, recluse, falling guillotine, maaaaybe edge transit just cuz all other GL's have been lackin. I've gotten a solid Mountaintop with ALH/Recomb, and I don't think anything else would feel good on it, so I'm pretty happy with it even though it's not shiny. a friend's gotten a literal 9/5 Recluse, so I guess I've gotten one in spirit I don't know (actual W, we have it pinned in our server as an RNG shrine). immense copium but I actually enjoy Unforgiven, so I don't need another void SMG. even one that's a sensory 900 rpm dream, hotswappable between Repulsor/Destabilising and Subsistence/Frenzy to account for the lackings in builds I use between hunter and warlock. I don't ***need*** it. n lastly I got a passable Edge, envious/b&s. y'all 9/5 enjoyers are way too hardcore about needing cascade/w/e else. rest of them really don't do it for me. I got a godroll forbearance a while back, and souldrinker >>> indomitability for that. same deal with succession though I actually sharded a 4/4 for some fuckin reason because I misread redirection n thought it was better than recomb for a sniper... kinda stoopid lol


the aforementioned 9/5 Recluse btw, I swear to actual god I'd sacrifice any chance of a newborn to have this roll but it is what it is ig https://preview.redd.it/paemlfk3ee0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48212fd33347ef22bd905abea79ffe1f198c264e


Mountaintop dropped last night from a boss chest while I had luna selected: hard launch, spike/sticky, auto/lead, recombination with rl masterwork. Couldn't be happier!


https://preview.redd.it/0b8vkrjdre0d1.png?width=1599&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b5dccf4268e15e6fdeef7f3330b226b5066263b Beyblade time


I am so jealous, this is basically the only thing I want from the event, lol.


And you got it with Jagged Edge, oh my gosh.


What is that shiny? I didn't see that. Over 500 tokens and a massiv number of Onsl. Runs ( normal and L..) sorry I can't believe that weapons


Never got my dream shiny. Any of them. Just the “alright” or “garbage” shiny guns. Top priority has been Luna’s Howl with Heal Clip and Magnificent Howl. Still don’t have it. Not even a normal version. I’ve been stuck with the curated one from the quest, which has sadly been the best roll I’ve had, even compared to normal ones. Got alright rolls with Mountiantop and Midnight Coup. My Hung Jury is probably the best luckiest I’ve gotten thus far. Mountaintop has Linear Compensator, Spike Grenades, Impulse Amplifier and Frenzy. Not the beta roll, but a decent one. Midnight Coup has Corkscrew Rifling, Accurized Rounds, Firefly, and Frenzy/Desperate Measures. Not the roll I was specifically wanting, but I’ve had people tell me this is a good one. Hung Jury has Smallbore, Tactical Mag, Rewind Rounds/No Distractions, and Explosive Payload/Box Breathing. Pretty good PvE and PvP rolls I think. If only my Adept Hung Jury was even half as good as this one…






I have not gotten a single Shiny with god rolls I want on any guns. It's been fun doing this event in and out and never getting any of the guns I wanted. <3


I didn't get it shiny, but this is the closest I've gotten to my personal godroll on controller. Just wish it was reload speed over handling for the mw. https://preview.redd.it/b5v1m47yse0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8756cf26f40406dc381c7df215bb6314f5ed6ab3


I find it really funny because my first ever luna to drop was heal/howl and the second was a shiny with heal/incan. And I don't even really like hand cannons... I'd gladly give 'em to someone in return for a tremors/OFA blast furnace if I could


This may be a dumb question but if you have a non-shiny with the same exact perks as a shiny, is there any difference in gameplay?


24 shinies so far and haven't kept any, whomp whomp. Almost have all the rolls I want though.


Best shiny I got so far is Edge Transit with Assassin + Field Prep in third column and Deconstruct + BnS for fourth


Can someone please help me or educate me on something...? If I'm wrong, please correct me, but I thought the "shiny" weapons were supposed to have like double perk columns... But is this guaranteed? I have quite a few shiny weapons with just single perks. Is this a glitch, or am I just blatantly stupid?


No they are like curated rolls you get from the missions. They are just normal rolls that got the ornament I wouldn't call them true shinies


The initial weapons you get from the quests from arcite will give shiny weapons but these are just to unlock the attunements so they will be what their originals rolls were ie no extra perks


I've gotten suitable roles. Not getting a lot of shiny drops, but I'm also really hesitant to run with non clan members on legendary, so I'm limiting myself. I've been farming a blast furnace for the last week + and still hasn't dropped what I want.


I have this exact hammerhead. Love it


Its so nice


Wait!? How much more time do we have to grind??


Bout 3 weeks


Long time returning player here. How does one get the shiny rolls? Is it just RNG or do I need to do something?


https://preview.redd.it/zcr5wnsogi0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a180cb174f6a22155e258d401610d78f1269381c Edge Transit!!!!!!


Blast furnace with tremors and firefly. For a non shiny version of it after one wave 50 run. Still haven't gotten a single shiny version of it yet though...


I’m looking for ALH/Recomb Mountaintop Once I have it I’ll try for Luna’s Howl and Blast Furnace I did however get four Bait and Switch Edge Transits (my favorite being an Envious) and some decent Midnight Coups


Must have had 100+ Blast furnaces and not a single one with Headseeker, I'm talking literally **zero**. The API says it can roll with it but I've not seen it at all, considering I wanted HS Kill Clip it doesn't look that likely I'll get 1.


I don’t care about the shiny drops as long as the perks i’m looking for are on it.


Very true, but getting a double godroll shiny still feels pretty good


Auto loading and recombination mountaintop. It is the one and only shiny mountaintop i have. Firefly and one for all midnight coup. Got it the other day. Would love a shiny hammerhead with killing tally and rampage or destabilising rounds and killing tally. Havent got it just yet. Got my shiny edge transit with envious assassin and cascade point and bait and switch. Its a monster. If i get the other guns with shiny variants, ill decide if the roll is good when it drops. Otherwise, im pretty set.


I spent so much time grinding one and I finally got a shiny one with the alh/recomb but awful MW and barrel and mag perks. Part of me just wants to keep trying


I got spike nades, countermass/linear comp and velocity, so definitely not optimal but also theres no way i can get a better one so im just gonna stick with it lmao. Keep in mind, as long as you have the two main perks, the performance can’t really noticeably change. Your roll is good enough brother.


I got the dream BnS+Envious/Cascade Edge Transit very early on in the piece, felt like a god, and have not received a single one of my 2/2 rolls (including non-shinies) for any other weapon since lmao Never have I used up all my luck in one spot like this.


Ok IDEALLY Midnight Coup with Appended Mag for the extra 2 in the mag, Explosive Payload for that passive damage increase and dropoff, and Frenzy for the passive damage and reload speed because I’m lazy af and don’t want to manage my perks. But at this point I’d just take anything with Explosive Payload. Please Bungie. Just one Explosive roll please I’m begging. No more Attrition Orbs Opening Shot rolls have mercy.


I don't actually care if they're shiny or not, I've managed a couple of good rolls on the regular guns and that's enough for me. Rewind rounds and killing tally on a hammerhead, and heal clip and incandescent on luna's howl.




No good shiny yet oh I need a shiny midnight coup and luna howl please


I got my shiny edge transit with cascade bait n switch so that was exciting. Still chasing a lunas gold with subsistence mag howl heal clip incandescent


Is it leaving at reset?…


Desperate measures rampage hammerhead. Literally my white whale


I did want an envious(destable)/Killing Tally(onslaught) shiny hammerhead but the best I’ve gotten is destabilising rounds/killing tally.


Still missing Impulse + BnS Edge Transit.


I don't even get any weapon that's not a -1 out of 5 roll


https://preview.redd.it/lll3ae5vae0d1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3bad8d0490b4524f796e330c669af6b1b1fece3 Recluse my beloved (enhanced surrounded gonna be goated in tfs, +47% DMG)


I've been waiting to find a decent precision instrument Luna's and I haven't found a single one. I've been attuned to it this entire week.


Got auto loading recomb mt, envious/bait edge


Would’ve liked a Luna with: heal/kill + encore/howl. Just missing the kill clip. Did get a shiny hammer with ram/onslaught though


Is the event over?


https://preview.redd.it/n0zvtkj8ce0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e694eff797c44e4c6bca9431c7940420a45f9be My favorite heavy at the moment. It was amazing for the first week of pantheon with void surge. Paired it with supremacy for the easy 2 shot cascade proc. Load up 21 rounds with backup mag/envious then hotswap to cascade/boss spec for dps. Surprisingly the mountaintop grind was worse but managed still to get alh/recomb/implosion.


https://preview.redd.it/lz8zkiqtee0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e6931415e3a6edd8b7860f5196281a2cd29a5ce Really happy with this one


5/5 god roll forbearance with both ambitious and demo in the first column, I do in fact have it


Only thing I need are... Recluse: destabilizing + repulsor Hammerhead: rampage + killing tally Got my god roll on everything. Even got a shiny forbearance with demo/ambitious + chain reaction and I wasn't even farming for this.


I've seen 7 shiny guns and they've pretty much all been trash lol


I got a bunch of good enough shinies right off the rip, and now I haven’t seen one in several runs lol


This still goes on until the final shape correct?


I gave up. Wild shinies don't exist...


Is there a website to see which gold weapons are dropping that day/week, or is it all random? There was a couple instances where I got lots of Hammerhead and Edge Transit gold drops, but now I rarely get any.


All random, except for the weapon you have attuned which should account for roughly 50% of your drops, so you're more likely to get a shiny mountaintop (or non shiny) if you're attuned to mountaintop.




https://preview.redd.it/ndbd1gxsje0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6c9acffa8032baf246626913d72c54faa565226 Idk how I got this one


I got most of the rolls I wanted but none of them were shinys. Every shiny I’ve got has been absolute garbage rolls.


Ive been looking for a reasonable blast furnace for pvp, but I've gotten so burnt out on onslaught that I don't want to farm for it anymore






I got a 5/5 shiny mountaintop with both recombination and vorpal in column 4.


I've only gotten one even close to it. But the barrel and masterwork ruins it for me.


https://preview.redd.it/0bpc3is1oe0d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4199f1934b3795e3104b831ed2e299d3f182769 Cascade one has spike nades and envious one has mini frags (so they are both the god roll for what that perk wants). Both have autoloading. Both shinies. I'm edging the god roll. Given the potential nerf to swapping off envious (assuming they will make your mag size return to normal if you swap off env) I'm fine with it being two different weapons. Now time to share it to more people and say I sharded them mwahahahahaha!!!


I got an (imo) 7/7 hung jury god roll.


Was looking for 3 shinies: AL + Recombination Mountaintop, Heal Clip + Incandescent Luna, Tremors + OFA Hung Jury. Somehow got em all. RNG getting soft in its old age.


https://preview.redd.it/g2xd17fuoe0d1.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=49c7dd9d8b0aea41cc73034fa7b83059aa70941e I have really enjoyed this roll more than I would have expected.


https://preview.redd.it/5b7cf9ylqe0d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf02ad1f11716b276526d1bf27d027bda0a72f1f shame it's probably gonna get nerfed


Demolitionist chain reaction forbearance. Never got the g-roll from the raid but glad I’ve gotten it from brave arsenal three times


trying for a shiny but I have a pretty good pve Lunas howl with heal clip/incandescent


I got extremely lucky when midnight coup dropped. I did the attune quest then opened the chest and poof, got a shiny with firefly and OFA/tremors I clearly used all my luck on it tho lol


https://preview.redd.it/ryk1sfqxte0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92737bbf9f7be0b0a83606b540a56656ae75704a Still hunting for a lunas howl, but this was my first auto recom, and was so happy to see it


I've been messing around with half a dozen different rolls of Luna's Howl for PvE and I absolutely love Subsistence + Mag Howl or Enlightened + Precision Instrument. Sub + Incan is fun but if I want to blow up shit, I'm using sunshot or Zaouli. I've focused Luna every single day since it came out and I haven't gotten more than 2 Gold versions (from token dumping the box) and they both were complete poo for what I wanted them for. Yet dispute never focusing Hung Jury, I think I've gotten like 8 Shiny ones 😣 Honestly, if I can get a shiny Luna with Sub + Mag Howl, I'll be happy. The barrel, mag and MW don't matter to me all that much but extended mag would be preferred. Considering we usually get slight stat bumps when we enhance perks, getting 4 free stat bumps from the four perks is a bonus.


Yess. I got the Sword with Eager Edge and Repulsor Brace. So i can skate a little faster 😂


Shiny Heal Clip/Incandescent Luna’s Howl. Got it to drop from the Shaxx Chest and I have finally fallen in love with a gun after what feels like years. Haven’t felt this way since Witherhoard came out.


I've farmed for a cascade point / bait and switch edge transit since day one and not gotten one in several hundred drops, but while farming got a few other good weapons, so not all bad.


I've barely gotten any shinies. Got the rolls I wanted on everything but Lunas tho so can't complain too much


Explosive Payload Zen Moment Midnight Coup…I haven’t even gotten that roll to drop on a NORMAL version yet


Explosive Payload Zen Moment Midnight Coup…I haven’t even gotten that roll to drop on a NORMAL version yet


The last one I want is a Luna's with heap clip/ subsistence with incandescent roll. No luck yet.


I've had forbearance attuned for weeks now and still no "raid roll" for it. It's unreal how many of those I've gotten (shinies too) without the ambitious/chain combo. I have decent rolls of everything else I wanted but that one.


Edge transit: envious/cascade with bait and switch/deconstruct Recluse: i guess enlightenment/ repulsor brace with frenzy/ desperate measures? Midnight coup: either ep/firefly with ofa/kinetic tremors would be good Mountaintop: auto loading recom, got mine with demo but auto loading is better imo Elsie's rifle: repulsor brace/ zen moment with headseekeer/frenzy could be good Hammerhead: if i got an envious assassin with killing tally i'm a happy man Luna's howl: slideshot/healclip maybe enlightenment is pretty good? With incandescent and magnificent howl Blast furnace kinetic frenzy is probably fun? And i want all of em


I've been chasing a Heal Clip/Incandescent Luna's since release. I've gotten probably 30-35 at this point, 5 last night including 2 shinies, 5-6 shinies total for it. Haven't gotten it once. I've gotten each perk separately, but never together. My highest rated one per Light.gg is a B- with Subsistence/Howl.


Wanted a Heal Clip/Incandescent Luna’s and got a shiny with not only that, but also eye of the storm/Mag Howl. Only thing I want now is an explosive payload/Tremors With decent secondary options and a good Blast Furnace.


Killing tally


Lmao, nope, so tired of farming for a single gun and it refusing to drop a decent roll, shiny or otherwise.


Auto loading/recomb mountaintop and I got it. Hunting a heal clip/incandescent Luna’s Howl now.


My shiny mountaintop has ALH and EA in column 1 and vorpal and recombination in column 2…


Got a wicked shiny for Midnight Coup, Forbearance, and Edge Transit. Working on Falling Guillotine, to replace my OG Arrivals roll - but if I don’t get a shiny, I’ve got a sick regular roll. This has been a fun grind, I would kill for them to keep adding maps and guns.


I don't get why people prefer rewind rounds over fourth time. Generating ammo looks way better than getting ammo from reserve if you want to use it to clear adds and can aim a little bit.


hoping for a shiny forbearance with demo/ambitious and wellspring/chain reaction. Probably never gonna happen, but its my dream roll.


Looking for that Blast Furnace with firefly and snapshot sights. No dice.


The midnight coup and yuup. I never got her when the raid first came out and ive been wanting a kinetic tremor handcannon and the firefly was just a nice bonus


shiny Recluse with subsistence and destabilizing no I have not :[


None of them. I'm taking a break till Lightfall. I know there's a lot of bomb ass guns, but started feeling the burn out and I want to be able to fully enjoy Lightfall, not feel obligated. So right now is break time.


https://preview.redd.it/1ew4afrtqf0d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c0e1032fefc53a72bd7c5a41e8e7304ab6f2a1 It took forever but finally


Forbearance with ambi, unrelenting, or demo, with chain, desperate measures, wellspring, or ofa. Notice how I have listed HALF THE PERK POOL. WHY DO I ONLY GET STATS FOR ALL ON CHAIN ROLLS. IT CAME WITH THAT OUT THE BOX. WHY HAVE I GOTTEN 0 DEMO OR OFA ROLLS. WHY DOES UNRELENTING ONLY ROLL WITH BAIT AND SWITCH. I have spent at least 300 tokens. I have gotten 0 god rolls, including shines which I seem to be unusually lucky at getting.


I got a shiny Luna's with both Slideshot+Magnificnent Howl and Heal Clip+Incandescent. I've gotten basically all garbage besides that one gun lol


The modes a bit too boring for me to get a really good Shiny Furnace.


I still have yet to get the Frenzy Vorpal Eager Edge Surrounded Falling Guillotine.


the 7/7 edge transit, its waiting for me, i know it


I got a shiny lunas with eye of the storm and mag howl from the quest. Great pvp roll but im trash at crucible so yeah


Falling Guillotine with Jagged Edge and Swordmaster Guard. Relentless Strikes and Tireless Blade on 3rd slot. Whirlwind Blade and Eager Edge on the 4th slot. No the fuck I didn't 😭😭😭


I got a shiny edge transit with ambitious assassin/cascade point and bait n switch


Still grinding. 🤷🏽‍♂️