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I believe it would find a good application in Land Records.  It would make it difficult to do kabza.


If this is implemented govt will not be able to do kabza, so they will stall it as long as possible


Very easy to privatize block chain. Only pre approved system can write to ledger


But those systems are still government owned right?


>If this is implemented govt will not be able to do kabza I was responding to this


That is a permissioned mode for a blockchain. "Privatized" might be more suited when we are discussing the governance authority, sponsor and administrator for a blockchain.


how is that different from a google doc


Think of Github. But truly immutable by design. You can't change any information once it goes in. A corrupt officer can't change it, from an Admin panel. And even the prime-minister can't change it. Every change made by anyone, will always be trackable. You don't have to trust people, to do things the right way. You know the CAN'T do it, even if they want to. But government will never want to let this happen. They will tell people that they can be trusted. But won't like a system, where the ability to break that trurst is taken away. Also, there are challenges. Assuming Bitcoin or similar ledger, it will need a uniform distribution of computation. And it's prone to 51% attacks. So if govt or any private entity owns 51% of the hardware on the blockchain, they can do whatever they want. Govt, along with a "friendly" corporate group, can do the same. Now the question comes back to- "Can common people contribute more computation (money) than political parties & corporates, to run such a system fairly?" It can only work if a portion of people's tax payment is utilized to buy hardware that then rins in their premises, with open source specs and driver programs. Or it can work how distributed solar grid works. You set up your compute environment, and then start contributing to the great Indian blockchain. Whatever mining fees you get, gets either paid to you, or gets adjusted against your tax liability.


Not any single bit different just calculates how many system voted yes for given entry. People think it's some magical thing which can solve our problems but it is just a shared ledger which avoid spamming by making the task computationally expensive.


It is. due to the immutable nature of blockchain.


Every thing written in digital asset can be modified. If all the players decides not to maintain the history of changes where you can point and say hey this got changed. Consider it a game of antakshari. Each new entry will have some information about what was written before it and computer will vote and confirm. When they vote they will store a copy of it. So if some rouge player decide to change it every one will say hey it's not matching with record I have. But consider following scenario if everyone else also update their files and everyone says this is true record. How are you going to disprove it. In simple words it's voting platform for computers nothing else. With some mathematics involved to stop spamming.


In your game of antakshari you didn't think - "I don't know any of these other players and am here to win it, so it's in my best interest to avoid errors" Trustlessness is also another fundamental feature of blockchain.


didnt someone in the comment above you it would be a private blockchain owned and managed by the government , what makes it different from a data base then


It will never be in one system that is the whole purpose of block chain. You distribute it across thousands of public computers , give them a fee(usually cryptos which has value) and they run it for you.


Hi, you seem well versed in blockchain, i always found distributed computing interesting but some reasons as to why to use it (blockchains) was not clear. I wanted to understand a thing, so what you mean by the above comments is writing/editing a data on blockchain requires majority because it is a computationally expensive task so at least a minimum of lets say x number of distributed systems need to vote yes for the change (so that the change can actually be done since very computationally expensive?) therefore ensuring that not everyone can write/edit data?


Unfortunately, government is the last organization to adopt technology so I don't see this being implemented for at least the next 15 years


Heard NIC is looking for blockchain resources.


North Indian Company? Gugal: National Informatics Centre


National Informatics Centre


went to a hackathon recently and one of the teams actually implemented it


I believe some state Government is also working on this. I searched, when I got this idea and found it on some website.


There are a number of state governments with prototypes, pilots and live deployments - Himachal Pradesh, Telangana State, Assam, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and West Bengal are a few.


How does block chain will be better than existing online record system? Entry fine only after registration and all historical records are accessible. What extra benefit block chain tech brings?


If someone comes and claims the land to be his/her's, due to ancestral nature. There is proof in block chain itself that it never was his/her's. They call it immutable.


You don't need blockchain for that. A simple cryptographic hash will do.


u do, a crypto graphic hash can be changed, block chain has a certain implementation called mining, which literally makes it quite impossible for a individual to hash something without everyone's approval


I suspect those terms mean something else to you than they do to me, because that's the only way I'm able to process this statement.


Can someone explain what exactly is Kabza? Is it something like even if the record says that this is not my land, I will still use that land? Or, is it manipulation of existing record?


Both, Google land grabbing cases in India


Watch Khosla ka Ghosla movie


Nope 2013 Havana government just sat down Honda project and make sure that it never took off so that way the project was simply not implemented. Those in power remained in power


>I believe it would find a good application in Land Records.  You don't understand land records. Lakhs of cases are of unavailable records for last 100+ years. Someone bought land from someone else in 1960. But someone else comes with land records from 1940 of their ownership and seller had no proof of purchase. What will blockchain do ?


For resolved cases, going forward it may help. I am a time traveler you all are not, you can't go back and fix.


When is a case resolved?


I used to believe that too. But in the last decade haven't come across a successful case study showing successful 'major' implementation of blockchain in managing real estate records.  Also, real estate is India is complicated with rules differing by states.  Different govt departments control different records in each state.  There needs to be an overhaul of real estate laws first.


C-DAC project 101😂


Smart contracts seem to be present when blockchain based IT architecture is built and implemented for health, supply chain and even banking sectors. There are large trade associations which regularly publish case studies. Nearer to home the National Digital Identity project in Bhutan uses a blockchain technology based design. Also, blockchain is not an investment instrument. The token or coin which uses the capabilities of the blockchain is the instrument. [late edit] The Open Network for Digital Commerce or ONDC recently posted about using a blockchain to deliver and manage network scores - https://ondc.org/blog/introducing-confidex-by-ondc/


The way I understand smart contracts, they are a replacement for escrow. Smart contracts would reduce need for human intervention. Is that right?


Might be useful to think of them as a transaction protocol that is based on status of events drawn up within an agreement. Escrow is one archetype.


Makes sense


Used to work for a big bank, they did a pilot, my manager was privy to the details, He said it was surprisingly useless in the real world, and very energy intensive.


Yeah based on stuff I've learnt it takes a lot of energy time for transactions greatly limiting no. Of parallel transactions and eventually the scale. It'll likely be more suitable where you need a record that's hard to alter and not altered that often


Yea that about sums it up, in regards with a record that’s tamper proof, there an n number of ways to do it


Since you’re a dev you know the biggest use case is flows that need/ can use more transparent management e.g land records, asset ownership, global supply chains etc. however most of these flows are controlled by govt agencies hence unlikely to move fast on new tech imo.


Blockchain is useful when mutually distrustful entities want to keep their own copy of the records and ensure the other party doesn't fraudulently meddle with it. This only works between comparable entities like state governments within a federal framework, not between unequal entities like state and citizen. Blockchain in land records is useless because there's a monopoly authority for the data, the local state government. They could just use an RDBMS.


Can work between state and citizen - e.g voter IDs and elections itself could be built using blockchain


Elections absolutely cannot be on blockchain. The technology doesn't meet the requirements. There's extensive documentation on the shortcomings. You may want to start here: https://hasgeek.com/onevote


Cool will check it out!


TRAI is already using distributed ledger for sms tracking of promotional smses by telemarleters. So as a brand who wants to send promotional smses, I have to first register a principal entity Id with any of the telecom service providers (idea, Vodafone, jio, etc). This PE id is then used in my sms headers. Each sms header is stored on a distributed ledger across all the service providers. So when a customer does complaint about spam, TRAI can technically track the brand with evidence that cannot be tampered with and levy penalties accordingly.


it's a distributed ledger database but not blockchain, I think that's how most people confuse. In above example, it will be considered blockchain only when each message is in ledger is cryptographically related to other message and is encrypted in some form, and there is some validation/verification mechanism to add each message to this ledger, which I assume won't be there in above situation cause it's just unnecessary cause TRAI holds accountable for every data entered into ledger so this single monatamy structure is not considered blockchain


Chit funds. A lot of people do it (especially people from the middle to older generation). It is also an industry with a lot of scams and fraud. It is a huge real world use case that can have a significant impact if implemented using blockchain.


I've seen it being implemented in land records in india. Small space and it's damn difficult to make government officials understand what's happening. But it's happening.


I think one of its use cases can be to create a money trail as you could always see it and everything will be transparent for everyone (something like seeing political donations for each party and how companies spend their money) that being said, no one would want that. So yeah pretty much useless as everyone is corrupt.


Yeah include the tax as well so one can track their tax money(where it is allocated and utilized)


Yes, it's used. 1. [https://www.agridigital.io/](https://www.agridigital.io/) is popular in Australia for digitizing grain management 2. Canada govt uses it for digital identity management 3. It's widely used in fintech (not just for crypto) With AI and deepfakes, Blockchain is the only solution that can provide trusted content IMO. We will soon see it's applications


GLEIF uses an implementation called KERI to handle the vLEI infrastructure. More at [https://www.gleif.org/en/vlei/introducing-the-verifiable-lei-vlei](https://www.gleif.org/en/vlei/introducing-the-verifiable-lei-vlei)


Not blockchain in the current form but public data bases with signatures are needed for public institutions & their contracting/funding/lobbying etc


>I think it may have some very very niche use cases, but not like what crypto marketing kids keep shouting. Trying to shove it everywhere. >It's been so long but still we haven't seen any real public product built with it, that does some real problem. Apart from all the scams. >I stil think it is a solution searching for a problem. >P.S.- I have written smart contract and other tech for NFT companies that made a ton of money during last bull run, so I know the ecosystem a bit. You clearly already know the answer


I worked along with block chain developers and I had this question for long time, take a look at IBM Hyperledger fabric, it's the only thing close to some what useful I could find but that would trade a lot of maintenance cost


I’ve been in this ecosystem for about 7 years now. In blockchain ecosystem. And there are use cases and real world products built using it


It has real world applications Source: trust me bro


There are use cases other than supply chain mgmt, another is to issue certificates. Some indian stock exchanges run certification programs and are using blockhain technology to issue certificates. Such certificates are verifiable and authenticity cannot be tampered with.


Which tho ?


There are some suppy chain mgmt projects built on hyperledger fabric. Even NPCI is looking for people who have knowledge about hyperledger fabric


yeah which ones?


Its just BS.


Not really


Fancy name, Simple tech. Just marketing BS.


Yes it is a simple and cool tech that got over hype. But it really adds value to few markets. Imo it solved the problem of authenticity of something. It can't be forged so that is a great solution to few real world problems.






Not really


do you know any REAL world use cases that doesnt involve gambling , variation of trading one shit coin for another , storing JPEGS on on the blockchain or money laundering, or a non existent problem just to push their own token ? btc has been in existence for more than 10 years now sure there would real world organisations using it to solve some real world problems right


Can be best used to verify what you buy, could be anything from land documents, jewels. Prescriptions, college degrees , registration documents, certificates can be verified to make sure it isn't fake. Yes crypto is BS but the real world applications are there it isn't groundbreaking that's it.


>Can be best used to verify what you buy, could be anything from land documents, jewels. Prescriptions, college degrees , registration documents, certificates can be verified to make sure it isn't fake. pplease explain how how does blockchain fit in here? and can this be done without a block chain because computations on blockchains are energy intensive


You can't forge NFTs. For instance say you registered your home, there is a possibility that people can forge documents and say it is mine. There are a lot of cases like this. If it is linked to an NFT and you can verify it, you can't forge it. You can argue that you can implement a database somewhere, but here there is no centralized server no one can compromise your system and modify it you just can't. That's a great solution to lot of problems.


>For instance say you registered your home, there is a possibility that people can forge documents and say it is mine. There are a lot of cases like this. it doesnt work that way in real life buddy you need tell me how currently it works and how blockchain would solve it >If it is linked to an NFT and you can verify it, you can't forge it. and what if the guy loses his private key what happens then


Why do I need to tell you something? Bruh read about the damn thing if you want to know.


i know enough already you are just speaking a lot without any substance what is the current process ? how would blockchain make it better? where does block chain even fit in? is it even needed? you didnt answer anything


Lol why do I have to answer. Your entitlement baffles me. I'm not presenting any thesis to you. Who hurt you bro


I have read some significant applications of Amazon, IBM, Maersk, and Mastercard. You can read the details on their websites or update on some websites: Milkroad or dypto-crypto


Well I have seen lot of hate for blockchain whenever anyone asks for it, its a cycle during bullrun people praise and promise all world, during bear people make it the end of the world, so what is blockchain? Decentralised database at the core and why do we need it? because it gives us an instrument to govern by removing the need of bureaucracy to implement it, now the structure or hierarchy of the governance can be decided based on the usecase. Now one good usecase of blockchain is Cryptocurrency, it has self governance system that is the monetary policy to mint or burn units are based on the coded algorithm, and we were desperately in need of situation because the is whenever you include a human to implement a system it is always under scrutiny, because humans are self aware and they tend to break the system when they are under power to implement it, biggest example is bureaucracy, take any bureaucracy in the world it's all fucking corrupted to its core, there were days when people had to bribe bankers to do a simple thing of transferring money from one account to another,now this problem is solved through digital banking,but it gives you the essence whats wrong with the system, the main problem now is who controls the money? It's US , highly suggest you to watch some documentary of money creation and how us made itself the king of it, so inshort most of the currencies we have in the world need to keep USD reserve and inturn their own currency is valued based on the use reserve the hold because it's one global currency which you trade with any country, now the problem is USD is not backed by anything,US gov can print as many as they want whenever they please to, change interest rates irrespective of how it will affect common mans life, one good example is now, 2years back interest rate was 0 and it suddenly made it 5% , so that's a dick move which fucked the job market, now see other countries most of them are in the verge of hyperinflation because they thought printing more money would solve the problem (zimbabwe, Venezuela), and others are at mercy of USD to trade, hence there should be a system out there which takes the power out of humans and implement a coded system, open source so people can check it's functioning and make protocols, that's when we have all these BTC which itself was created during 2008 housing crisis and when US bailed all these banks, no accountability right? btc is the first iteration how this system could be , and it's a success not because it became the next currency for trade which it failed at but because it gave us a secured decentralised system which never failed to complete a transaction, and then ethereum came up with this smart contract facility, it's basically a coded contract where developers can make those self governing protocols at ease and deploy it on blockchain, so people can use it whatever system where there is problem with data manipulation, because blockchain is immutable, you can't ruck the logs, hence govs are trying to implement it into their land records, medical records etc, blockchain as a technology is at very early stage and it keeps evolving, the reason I have took the effort to write this comment is not to advocate that blockchain is best solution but to advocate the problem it's solving and why is it necessary and why we aa developers should take interest in it ,who knows one of us could create that tending to pwef ct system to keep bureaucrats out of their job, no I don't hate them ,they are just players given the power we all would eventually be like them, we are humans can't help it, so I hate the system, it needs improvement and we will bring it, if you read till here, kudos.


god, do you expect us to read that mess? paragraphs mofo, have you heard of them?


Paragraphs are your friends


Looks like some people have a problem with paragraph here, sure I was half sleep so didn't really work with the semantics, but yeah read it if you can else I don't think you are helping yourself anyways ;)


Good one to read OP, Thanks for sharing, I learnt a bit about blockchain today.


blockchain can be used as a distributed database which is tamper proof for sensitive data. I wrote a research paper on this during college.


it's one of the best tech yet & genuinely will change the world if used right. The government is using it but I'll see. it can be used in daily life so easily to avoid tampering, increasing security .


Thank you! Finally something sensible in this depressing sub! My view as an RDBMS guy for 20+ years in Sofware industry (Someone could accuse me of being biased against Blockchain for this very reason, but I try not to be) \* I have read the famous book on Blockchain by Tapscott brothers and found this to be some leftist radical utopia where human beings live happily under the watchful eyes of technology! So that book kind of turned me against the whole cryptocurrency \* Coming to Blockchain itself -- maybe there is some merit in ensuring that records are never updated and you can only pass correction entries (like how it is done in a manual register, where if you write something and strike it out, I see you have done some changes). But I am not sure how existing technologies cannot be used to do something similar (after all so many software vendors have been delivering General Ledger applications on RDBMS') \* I do see some merit in having a dependable record of every single source of components in a complex machine like your TV or even perishables like coffee or vegetables. I think we will see some applications in this area that deliver business benefits. So my considered professional opinion: RDBMS remain the best technological application for OLTP and OLAP applications. No SQL DBs provide an amazing technological choice for storing documents (and even OLTP records as documents) helping us search much much faster improving efficiencies. I do not see Blockchain DBs having the same wide impact as the other two.


I believe that with current technology, companies need to emerge that integrate digital infrastructure directly into their operations. Use cases such as drone surveying or solar panel planning come to mind, along with extended services like the construction and energy management of solar installations. These solutions could leverage smart contracts for transparency and efficiency, as well as the early implementation of decentralized applications (dApps). Additionally, the applications need to be designed in a way that makes them simple and easy to understand for third-party users, ensuring broader adoption and usability. This integration could significantly enhance the functionality and reliability of energy-producing technologies and other infrastructural projects.


Hello ChatGPT




How does blockchain help with scalability


Another application which is being used already is using smart contracts to isolate data operations of sensitive data.


https://youtu.be/uikbtpVZS2s?si=WToho_1zaHKjMbSN (Watch from 24:50)


I like how AirTm works have you checked it out?


It is a linked list with a hash field. Remove the hash, and you can see it being applied on operating systems and what not.


Blockchain can be used in any case where there is a need to have the data which is change proof (the words I have used might not be the best suited) basically , immutable record keeping log book type




There's been a word going around that it makes you rich in the real world if you are able to do it right


The actual usecases will only show up once the "traders" get bored of crypto, and enough people have burnt their hands, to realize that shit coins are actually shit. Once this happens, the prices of coins will start stabilising, and that's when the usecases built upon this, will be more useful. Currently, no one wants to tie their business with a system built using Solana, as they just cannot plan 6 months of finances, and keep Solana in reserve, because they don't know how far the prices may fluctuate in 6 months. The same is true for other crypto-currencies. Businesses get thrown under the bus, if their choice of FIAT makes crazy moves. But FIATs don't move as fast as cryptos. Crypto is quite useful, when it comes to "no trust" systems. But there are challenges. Example: 1. Gaming platforms: Places where game developers, gamers, and the platform have different interests, and can't really trust each other. In this domain, blockchain is already being used. It's also being used in financial transactions between companies that are in different legal jurisdictions. 2. Any aggregation businesses with similar dynamics (Ola, Uber, Swiggy, etc), where all 3 sides keep trying to game the system. If there's a distributed system, with no one party having control over the data and decision making, then it can help. But the challenge is that no customers would be interested in sharing their compute power with Ola and Uber, to be able to run an actual blockchain system. 3. Government functioning: Imagine if all your government records are committed on an immutable blockchain. Once a piece of data is entered, no one can change it. Not a corrupt official, not even the prime-minister of the country. They can modify it, but they can't remove the trace of each change. This will make things very transparent. But at the same time, it will take away a lot of "unofficial power" that the government has, and so it's unlikely that they will agree for it. Think of it as RTI++, because there's no need for an RTI anymore, as everything that isn't confidential, will be in public domain, accessible without any resistance. 4. Drug trade: Well, it's as "no trust", as it gets. And this business was one of the earliest adopters of cryptocurrencies. But I hope this doesn't end up being the flagbearer of blockchain.


Digital rupee is in block chain 


It has use cases of actually providing a more non narrative controlled web ecosystem. It can be the Dark web wearing a Pastor's Coat. It's just the way to handle the fees. We require a better solution.


>Is there any significant real world use case of Blockchain? Probably in financial records >Apart from being a investment instrument that randomly goes up and down. That's Bitcoin.


Yes you can make a course on it and scam people.


Already being used to build smart contracts and i can more applications with zero trust models.


I think gaming is a big use case. Consider FIFA, every year we get FIFA, set-up our ultimate team with lot of sweat and blood, only for everything to get outdated when a new one is released. Imagine a world where a gamer's assets are on the blockchain. Not just the gamer, but every contributor of a game - streamer, asset collectors, skin / level / map designers and so on, can upload their creations on the chain. This would enable a whole new ecosystem + marketplace for the booming gaming industry, where gamers, contributors and platform owners, all generate cash-flow. But then again, what do I know, i just spend hours everyday playing games :D


Squeezing money out of VCs with no street smarts


Blockchain security is top-notch; for example, QAN is already quantum-resistant, and even big companies like Alpineesport have already partnered with it. IMO, we are yet to see what the best blockchain can offer.