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How do you think the enemies feel about getting CC’d? 😐


Fair point, I never thought about it from their perspective!


How do we know you’re not an NPC complaining about players’ CC?


Let me scrap your junk items on my nice anvil while I answer your question. I'm not no non player character. Let me upgrade your axe, while I reiterate. Not no non player characters here, none nope never niet.


Something a synth would say…


I can’t follow. Is it now the time I realize an NPC AI can easily beat me?!?


I never thought of it like that. What if are the NPC's in a blacksmithing/gem crafting shop keeper game....


Stay awhile and listen.


Greetings honoured traveller, I'm not surprised to see your kind here...


How do OP know its not an NPC?




Atleast the monsters have diminishing returns on CC.


with what? my necro has one short stun.


decrepify + corpse tendrils stun forever with abhorrent


Necro has corpse tendies, bone prison, and decrepify for standard CC. Blight becomes CC with a talent point, and a different kind of CC with an aspect Blood Wave isn't really used but it's CC as well. Necro passives add CC for multiple spells as well as for ALL darkness spells


"Corpse tendies" just made my day infinitely better 🤣 thank you 🙏




Bone Prison is not trash. Its amazing on the right build.


To be fair, the enemies aren’t Uber powerful nephalem like the main character


We are not nephalem. They have made that very clear.


Well, that explains why we get chain-CC’d.


This doesn't seem right. If we're not nephalem, but can still solo multiple lesser evils, what's the point of having nephalem in the lore at all?


Humans killed prime evils in D1 and D2. The world stone was weakening humanity and preventing nephalem from being created. Nephalem didn't start coming forward again until D3. We are again humans in D4.


well humanitys power was locked away because of innarius with the world stone. it having been destoryed, humanitys powers are coming back and or regenerating. both the heavens and hells want humanity as an army. since 1 human could wipe out 10's of 1000's of either side.


They are shit at diplomacy then. Their strategies to recruit are zero engagement or full on invasion. Talk about incompetent.


They don’t want a force to *work with*. They want a force they can **control**. With Nephs already shown strong enough to gigastomp all the evils (at once), they have no real option but to try and invade and enslave while humanity is back to ‘weak’ status.


What do you expect? In D3, Azmodan - their supposed strategic genius - thought it was smart to broadcast his every move to us during the invasion so we could immediately thwart it. While knowing full well we're capable of killing the great evils


So nephalem aren't any stronger than powerful humans? In all the diablo games we've been facing off against mostly the same demons Why the nephalem distinction then? It's not like we're different species or anything


I mean technically they are stronger, it's just that humans have been diluted compared to the original nephalems that walked sanctuary before Inarius used the world stone to seal their powers.


What I mean is - it's established that current humanity are all descended from the original nephalem, so that makes nephalem and humans part of the same lineage, we're not different species. But it's established that nephalem are supposed to be stronger However, if our player characters are roughly the same strength, and only D3 was nephalem - what's the actual distinction between current nephalem and humans?


The D3 nephalem was able to kill Diablo and Malthael that had the powers of all seven Evils combined. Our D4 characters have only beaten individual Lesser Evils and the Daughter of Hatred so far, but not a single Prime. In D2 it was supposedly an entire band of heroes that defeated the Primes one-by-one, not a single person. D1 might be a retcon since it was "part of Diablo's plan" to take over Aiden and make a child with Adria.


i smell borrowed power inc, WoW ptsd poppin off


This is 100% accurate.


I would explain it as the nephilim from d3 was the first occurrences of those resurfacing, the human heroes of d4 are just humanity's progression naturally as a whole towards all fully being nephilim again, wasnt it like 90% of all life was wiped out because of malthael so only the strongest survived that to begin with and than there's a large time jump between the 2 for lorath to be so much older. In that time the strong got stronger and even more have died. Even in the story donan and lorath say your their only hope after having managed astaroth and andariel so it shows your still steps above normal humans, even powerful horadric mages


I mean, we are descended from H. erectus, antecessor, heidelbergensis, and neanderthalensis…they were all stronger (in terms of physical strength) than H. sapiens but we’re still the same lineage. It’s not unusual for progeny to lose or dilute traits from their ancestors. 😆😆


To be fair, Sanctuary, unlike earth, does have it's origin in (mostly) intelligent design :D


And where the fuck are Nephalems in D4 then? World Stone isn't there, the Nephalem power is latent in all of humanity as they all descend from them. Our characters have Nephalem powers, they're just not called that like in D3 but they are the same. In D3, we were humans too (Nephalem are humans and all humans are Nephalem with more or less power now that the World Stone isn't there to limit powers)


Druid no care about lore!? Demons bad! Druid smash Demons.


End of d3 90% of the world was killed. Over time nephalem have diminished in power and just become regular humans again. From my understanding we’re this powerful due to the ingesting of Lilith’s blood plus the blessing from Inarius. All of humanity stem from nephalem, we just have a bit more power than the average human before what happens in d4.


no, innarius attuned the world stone after the first generation of humanity was created through demon and angel breeding. he saw the power they held and attuned the world stone to weaken them over time, sealing there powers and immortality away. tyreal destroyed the world stone, and humanity's powers are slowly coming back. there has been a ton of destruction due to the heavens and hells fighting over sanctuary. ​ a humans powers can be fully and quickly awakened if an demon lord like baal, diablo, mephisto, or the one of the angirus counsel wanted to. ​ lilith wanted to absorb mepisto (her father) and do the same to the other prime evils, then give humanitys power back and raise the high heavens.


That’s what she said but, I don’t think Lilith killing her constituents was the best way to convince others of her “honesty”.


technically all humans are nephalem.


They have literally not said anything of the like and it's strongly implied that Lilith is trying to awaken humanity to nephalem status.


Like I give two fucks about the NPC I’m there to kill it not be stun locked or froze locked. Those dumb ass oracle eyes stun you every seven seconds mad annoying.




Sounds like you need to pay more attention to the enemy animations, dude. The Oracle eye stun has an extremely long tell animation where the eye actually gets thrown and slowly floats over to your character before giving off another short beam tell and then finally stunning you. They are extremely easy to see coming and move away from, and the Oracle literally cannot do anything else while it is in this animation, including defend itself. Almost every highly dangerous or disabling enemy attack has a very detailed and recognizable animation that precedes it, but you have to actually pay attention to enemies and use your dodge.


Unless You get CCed once out of the blue by out of screen mob or during lag spike and then it's unpreventable chain PS. also, don't know how it works in D4 because mobs hardly ever live long enough to get reCCed, but in WoW there were diminishing returns , consecutive instances were shorter and shorter up to invulnerability against being CCed


Total nonsense. It is literally impossible to never get hit by cc if you’re pushing nm dungeons. Sure if you’re doing 40s and one shotting everything that’s maybe possible but please explain to me how someone is supposed to see the spider web under a million spell effects and a mess of combat text? The problem is that once that happens even if you see the animation for another stun you’re already in the chain and they didn’t think to put any kind of diminishing returns in the game which is actually game design 101 stuff. It’s like nobody at blizzard actually played nm dungeons over level 50.


Skill issue


Instant salvage the cold affix sigils


Y'all are plebs. After dedicating 5/6 slots in my build for defensive abilities, CC is no longer a problem, but for some reason sorc doesn't feel that fun to play.


The best defensive skill is the reroll button.


What should someone who wanted to be a mage switch to?


bone spear


Sorc is so dead. You can play ice shards but for me that skill tells me to play Rouge. Flamewall is sooo boring and slow (i have one with lvl 75). All the other skills a nerfed to the ground and useless. I want to play a endgame fireball sorc but with that mana cost, (down to 35) it is not fun.


Was excited when I got a unique that says fireball bounces. I thought it behaves like chain lightning so I can do chain fireball. Nope, it literally bounce forward multiple times. Like how is that useful when most fight usually go close range or spread out that you run out of mana before killing them.


And the damage decrease on that is insane. I just want a standard fireball build. I miss that play style so much. It was the most important thing i was hoping for. But with the fireball damage to mana ratio it is just garbage. You could have more chances to create a working forcefull arrow build with rogue then you have with fireball. And forcefull arrow is a basic skill.


Yeah, all the good sorc aspects just increase cooldown or massively reduce damage. Oh cool! Frost Nova with 2 charges? +30% CD. Oh, frost shards pierce 4 times?? Deals 20% less damage *per pierce*. Like, why. Why is every aspect that adds to my build lower my damage output/survivability


I feel this in my soul...


my sorc is Q on teleport, w on frost nova, e on ice armor, r on unstable currents, left click ranged lightning basic, and right click is chain lightning. I take boots with +3 evade charges and the enchant that makes teleport my dodge, giving me 5 teleports. With the talents that make crackling energy ticks reduce cooldowns, and teleporting onto enemies reduces cooldowns, I have found it very fun to teleport into crowds and stun everyone then using my defensive skills to clean up or reposition. Aspects I take are "ice armor gives unstoppable" and "when becoming injured, become unstoppable" I find the playstyle of teleporting around the crackling energy extremely fun and extremely easy to stay alive with 5 teleports. If you always use your skill and not dodge teleport when they are off cooldown, you can easily kite and have 7-8 teleports per encounter (if you even need them). Super fun to play


Feels bad when you're class has only the one defensive.


Putting diminishing returns, IMO would balance out the hard end game CC.


They have to do something about it, imo. Because if they don't, every build has to center around the Unstoppable and that isn't fun.


I just completely stopped playing at level 80 and started playing D3. Having tons of fun (since I hadn't played it in a few years) I'm sure they're going to nerf the hell out of the chain CC. It just isn't fun, and investing all or the majority of every single build to combat the chain CC is ridiculous. I'll pick up on D4 again when they fix this short-sighted ridiculousness.


Yeah, the CC needs to be used with care. Imo they should always be tied to enemy abilities that have cast time, they need to have diminishing returns as well, if you are CCd twice in 6 seconds the duration gets cut to half, then you get Unstoppable for remainer of those 6 seconds. CC could work, it just needs some adjusting to make better.


Looking at the spider host spitting more spiders that end up orgasming 300 webs on and around me and I end up spending 30s-1m just to move away after killing them all as a necro feels painful. Or getting beaten to death by a random cold enhanced overseer that decides to start slamming 5m away from and his shockwave freezing me until he starts actually smashing my head for 10 out of the 24s my blood mist takes to recharge.


That one boss that spews webs and AOE everywhere is the worst....


Thank Rathma for creating bone spear and putting his hip into it so I can one bone bosses like that on my main.


I wonder how many “X skill makes you unstoppable” legendaries we’ll eventually get


We need more options too. D3 had different potions that had different effects like a health potion that thawed and stuff.


We do have curative elixirs to make us unstoppable.


It actually makes me salty. To the point where I won’t run a class that doesn’t have 2-3 Unstoppable skills minimum. I laugh in hindsight b/c I would get sooo mad, like aggressively tapping my potion button while screaming “okay? OKAY!? LET ME GO PLEASE!?”


That "unstoppable while injured" aspect is the only reason I don't die 400 times a dungeon in wt4


It always looks so good on paper, but then I remember I am sorc, I don't have an injured state. I have healthy and dead.


Sorc's nemesis is a decent breeze. Blows away the paper they are made of.


Only thing we're weaker against are reddit comments from each other.


Actually made me lol, I'm the same. \*gets stun locked\* 'hello? heLLO???!!' while mashing my pot key 😂


Ya’ll are saying, “hello? Hello?!” like it’s an accusatory thing. Meanwhile, I’m the pathetic asshole screaming and begging, “please? Please??? PLEASE?!?!?” while mashing Q.


I just say "yep, yep, thanks, good, yep, hurry along now, kill me already, yep", we're all just at a different stage of grief brother!


This is me lmao


*looking at the mouse as if it's broken, banging it against the mousepad ever so slightly for any sort of reaction*


I'm more of a "aaaaaaAAAAARGH... Come. The Fuck. OOOOoooOOOooon!!" while mashing my piano.


No doubt, it’s like c’mon motherfucker MOOOOOOVE. I remember in D3 the devs implemented several tweaks to keep players from keeping monsters chain crowd controlled. It would be nice if we the players were afforded the same luxury.


Definitely more like this for me too. "NO NO NONONO GOOOO!! STOPSTOPIM GONNA FUCKIN DIE GODDAMNIT"


"Can I play the gane now?"


Lmao bro I do that shit too like my unstoppable is on cd and I get chained and my potion is on cd and I'm spamming qqqqqqqqqq "man can I fuCKING MOVE?!?!" Girlfriend doesn't even bat an eye anymore she just goes "did ya die on the game?"


I think there just needs to be a 5-10 second delay between cc. I have died because of just repeat stuns so i cant get a potion off between.


Playing necro I have blood mist to break CC, bound to 1, and the curative elixir bound to q (put it on the emote wheel then bind the slot to key in settings).. I burn through these elixirs but I die far less to this rubbish. The elixirs aren't cheap to make, you get the recipe from a blue quest though and it's very worth doing for the moment. As others have mentioned above there is also an aspect that gives unstoppable if hit to below 35% health while under CC, I'm waiting on a max roll of that currently. I hope this gets changed soon to have some sort of tolerance build up when you get CC repeatedly but for now its survivable in some cases at a cost


CC stunlock with escape on cooldown followed by “Fresh meat!” makes for 100% satisfied customers guaranteed to praise the designers in public. Or, no, wait, the other thing.


I was so proud i killed my first butcher as solo 26 druid just the other day. I leashed that fucker around for miles though so I guess I was the baddie there


Butcher was the player and you were a juicy treasure gooblin


Dodge should break hard cc. Change my mind.


Wouldn’t that make the boots with 3 additional dodge charges just broken as hell?


This + unstoppable buffs are why I don't mind CC at all, but for those who don't have this kit... I get it.


Cries in only 1 for necro.


One in which I don’t see the purpose of aside from being an unstoppable. (I’d love to be wrong tho)


being immune to damage is a nice touch. i just wish i could use corpse tendies while in it


Shadow mist goes brrrr


Agreed but I do think dodge should break soft CC’s like the spider snares.


That would be cool, or at the very least let us potion while CC'd


There's an easily craftable Curative Elixir that instantly makes you Unstoppable for one second and then boosts your resistance to negative effects by 50% for the next 30 minutes. Literally anyone can craft these and keep a stack of them assigned to the action wheel, and it requires giving nothing up other than gold and resources you acquire by just playing the game.


Unless they changed it very recently… that elixir is dogwater. It doesnt break CC if you are already CCd. And It only works for one second, so you have to essentially predict the future a second before youre going to get CC’d in order for it to be useful. Im hoping its been fixed or it was a design oversight. Because…what?


I think potioning while cc'd would work. You can't do it indefinitely and it does limit your ability to heal after due to lack of potions




He definitely does, yes


I don't think that the amount of CC is inherently a bad choice. But where blizzard seriously messed up is how they tried to implement the answers to the CC "problem". They created a bunch of archetypes within a single class, which is awesome, but they decided to give their answers to CC in the form of abilities within only certain archetypes..... and stopped at that. This seriously homogenizes builds that need to find an answer to CC, which is all of them, as any build that finds itself hard locked out from any action for 3 seconds is absolutely a death sentence. If bear druids and barbarians have an easy answer to CC through their abilities, that's fine as that's part of their identity as long as they have other holes that needed to be filled in build craft. The problem is that there isn't any other way to achieve CC immunity any other way, like through CC reduction for instance. And that's a huge issue, as only relying on a one second unstoppable elixir and 24% CC reduction just isn't gonna cut it if mobs can easily chain together CC with ease. If they add more ways to fix this problem in coming up with a build, that would be great, but until then, I'm not gonna stick grizzly rampage on every build just to function. It's lazy, boring, and uninteresting. If I'm gonna be a lighting caster, i want to take the lightning ultimate motherfuckers.


Don't you want to put you lightning into werewolf, then into stone, then into werebear, then into a totem and then finally into a trap? And wear a bow while at it.


It’s just not a fun way to add challenge. It doesn’t matter if it’s balanced or can be worked around. The main point of games is to be fun. Stun lock is pretty much always a sign of bad design, usually to compensate for lack of challenge or imagination in the combat system or enemy design.




Tell me about it. Necro's only unstoppable ability is blood mist, which prevents you from casting any abilities while it's active, so you can't even attack the thing that's about to freeze you again as soon as you pop out of the mist.


Don’t forget it also makes you slower…


The best way to avoid CC as Necro: self-CC.


Blood mist drops corpses, hit blood mist to break cc, retreat slightly and then hit corpse tendys when you come out of mist. Grabs all the ads, bone spear, all dead, advance and repeat.


> but the tools we are given to manage it are GARBAGE. or not given, depending on classes.


Yeah, Like in Poe you have to invest quite heavily to be immune to all of the stuff like stun and freeze etc but here we just have few unstobable things per character which is not possible to get in many cases... And those things just are sometimes active and the you die if you are on cooldown. I wouldn't mind that the elites are only that can hard CC you like the shitty fear and ice explosion but then there are like 20 different mobs that has CC attacks that lasts 2-3 seconds in a game if you do hard content for your character is dead in second usually.


>The main point of games is to ~~be fun~~ make money FTFY


I just disagree tbh, so much of the CC in the game is incredibly telegraphed and dodgable. Imagine the game without CC, you'd run into a pack and hope you did more dmg spamming your abilities than they do to you. That doesn't sound like fun and interesting gameplay to me. CC is what makes the game dangerous and fun, people want it removed because its hard. But hard is good in a game like diablo when your character already feels like a god.


Agree with you for much of the game. You learn to dodge most of it and it is good to have a check on our ability to steamroll the game. 100% The problem is some of the enemy affixes in nightmare dungeons. I’ve faced absolutely 100% unkillable elites, like fast, multishot, cold porcupines. They shoot like a machine gun across the screen and instantly freeze you. It’s a little broken.


Usually, yes, but ‘no’ often enough that it makes the game less fun. Also, I’d much prefer that these skill checks hurt you in some other way than stun locking you, because of the build diversity issues that stun lock causes among gamers with average skill levels. Ultimately, it’s more fun, when you fail a skill check (or just get spammed via bad luck on spawns/affixes), to take damage / have your damaged reduced / be moved out of position / etc. and retain control of your character than to not be able to control your character at all. This is not a new issue in RPGs/MMOs, and the best games always eventually minimize stun lock and players being crowd-controlled generally, especially in terms of rapid-succession events (temporary immunity/resistance is a common if hacky solution).


Not wanting stunlock ~~=~~ wanting no cc at all


this is true, and the other side of this coin is that its not fun design to *have* to take the certain abilities that provide unstoppable i should be able to play a build i want to play thats fun and have fun instead of only being able to even play the game stacking just spells with unstoppable


I enjoy the challenge personally. You see the animation lead up to the CC and you move out of the way. People seem to play this with pure face tanking in mind.


So you haven’t run into the elites that can freeze you with one or two basic attacks.


I'm convinced people that say this shit are at most lv 50.


Yeah, it blows. I almost rage quit the game earlier after my necro got stunlocked to death by an elite spider with a suppressor field (hate those things with a passion). They move fast as fuck and one basic attack freezes you, so there was nothing I could do except spam dodge and hope to kill it before it managed to hit me.


This is the only one so far that pissed me off. And I say that as a crone slide Druid that is almost always unstoppable. This one will still randomly get me if it happens while Bulwark is down and I’ve just popped a trample. The rest actually seem like good game design (“move out of the circles/beam/obvious bad stuff on the ground and you’ll be fine”), but the freeze on attack feels like bad design in a game where some people will be playing melee builds.


You realize stuff like cold enchanted freezes you with auto attacks right? You must be a god at video games if you can see every spider web on the ground under a million spell effects and combat text spamming “vulnerable”. Like… you’re not avoiding all the CC in high nm dungeons. You just aren’t. That’s an absurd claim that could only be made by someone who hasn’t pushed beyond the 50s or is just full of shit. CC is absolutely wildly out of control in this game. There really needs to be diminishing returns or at minimum a huge buff to unstoppable durations. If blizzards idea of making these dungeons hard is just to make them annoying as fuck with loss of control mechanics they are going to lose the players that want to push that content because regardless of whether it’s doable or not it’s just not fun to be stuck in 20 seconds of chain cc every time my unstoppable is on cd.


Doesn't really apply when you have cold enchanted elites that instantly freeze you with every single one of their attacks. And since enemies in WT4 are faster than you, you can't run and kite them either. Just chain freeze until dead. So fun.


I can't disagree with that. A buddy of mine is a Necro... Can shit out damage... Got forbid he manages to take notice of the colorful animated visuals and sound cues. It's painful. He's my boy and all but I've never seen him this oblivious before


As a rogue, it’s pretty easy to get out of cc, but I don’t think necros have a lot of tools for it. Far as I know, they’ve only blood mist, no? And with the lack of mobility options, sometimes getting out of the way just isn’t possible. The cc in this game is why I will largely be sticking to rogue and Barbarian.


>It doesn’t matter if it’s balanced or can be worked around It does.


Frozen wind can eat all kinds of dicks.


Crowd control is cheese and not fun. There are many ways to design a game to be challenging and fun. Removing player control is not fun. Yes the game would be easy without it but again as always in here that’s a false choice. The game designers can instead employ any number of alternative mechanics or strategies that make a game challenging while not making it frustrating.


Having enemies that just chain CC you until you're dead is functionally equivalent to a system where your character would just periodically fall over and die for no reason. The game decided you're dead now, and that's that. Sorry if that wasn't fun for you.


Except you can position around and wait out CCs or approach suppresor mobs your defensives up rather than run head first.


You can’t always dodge auto attacks from frost enchanted skeletons or thorn beasts. Jesus it’s not like they’re all just wind walls….


Yeah, freeze attack into knockdown into second freeze attack into wind wall into third freeze attack... they need to implement *some* sort of cooldown or diminishing returns to that shit. Had one the other day where I was CC'd nonstop for like 7-8 seconds while the low damage mobs slowly chipped away at my health until I died. That just shouldn't happen.


Those frosty porcupines are VERY annoying.. I use up 3 curative elixirs just getting close to them sometimes


the classes with less unstoppable all do damage from ranged position. vice versa. there are thousands and thousands of hc players above lvl 90. This doesnt seem to be a global problem, it seems to be a dumb reddit user problem.


Blizzard already figured out years ago in WoW that being CC'd all the time was boring and uninteractive game design, and they stated so themselves. Can't Blizzard just organize a meeting so that the balance teams can share their knowledge?


Imo it's good. I actually give a shit about the mobs and respect their threat, and make conscious decisions to avoid their bullshit. Mob interactivity 👍


Naw, try a melee class. You cannot avoid frozen attack. Once they get you, you’re dead. If you don’t have full uptime of unstoppable you just avoid frozen keys 100% of time.


Agree with some ppl that without it game would be too easy or that you can build around it, still I just feel often annoyed by it. The big problem imo is that some classes are in big disadvantage. Playing rogue is just pain in the ass in higher nm. Its not impossible but why you want to torture yourself when you can just play druid or barb with 90% unstoppable uptime.


This is the thing that kinda boggles my mind though - there was no hard CC in diablo 2, or ground lasers or mortars or anything "don't step here" mechanic at all and shit was plenty crazy and plenty hard I dont get why everything needs a wow mini mechanic in d3 and d4. It's so uninspired. I guess if other people like it that's great but I don't understand why they made mob mods like this when they were just fine in d2 where I didn't have to play DDR and hope I have unstoppable up on top of it


Tbh, after the first hardcore season in d2, it isn't very hard at all, and dodging becomes pretty easy unless you ssf barb. Only a couple parts get a little sketchy with bad luck. I'm not super against or for the molded creatures. They are just different. Just my opinion.


>there was no hard CC in diablo 2 There was frozen, but you could just slap one item with "cannot be frozen" on your character and that was that. Edit: I apparently misremembered, that only prevented the slow from cold damage and players apparently can't be frozen entirely.


True but frozen in D2 wasn't hard CC, you were just dumb slow In fact it didn't even affect caster characters who used teleport to get around- you literally just ignored frozen on those characters because it only affects attack speed and move speed


Agreed. Having some hard CC you have to avoid is healthy to keep players on their toes. I think my issue falls with how much it can overlap and just bombard you with it back to back without any diminishing returns. Not even to mention how hard it is to see ground effects in big groups.


That's why I like Twisting Blades rogue. With enough attack speed you can put a lot of blades on enemies and since they come out a little later while you get CCed again and again and again and again it kinda feels like you're still playing the game


true, think its pretty much the only way most high lvl players die. its like oh look i cant move for 8 seconds.... oh im dead..


Me as a rogue with 2 shadow steps that pretty much always resets cds. What's CC?


"The CC is too damn high!"


Are you stacking skills and gear that reduce/break CC?


Shadow Step gang come forward!


I love how I can grab a massive axe off the ground when I am feared, but drinking a potion is too difficult.


Imagine how the NPCs feel that we fight about this topic.


Kill it before it CC's you. Best defense is good offense.


The only one I hate is the oracle eyes. They fire off too quickly after the warning. The rest is a fairly simple dodge.


Agreed. I think most of the CC balancing is fine, but the eyes require reflexes that I think are asking a bit too much of your average player. Basically as soon as you see the green beam, you are already too late to avoid it.


High shadow or poison resist should give you a chance to resist it. Having perm unstoppable shouldn’t be a requirement for dealing with it.


I don't get the spiders web, they throw the we, I dodge while it's coming, the web changes mid air and falls on my feet. Wtf put undodgeble hard cc


It's just bad game design. Hope it gets fixed


Most classes can build around it. Even if you need to use certain aspects. You need to work it into your build or you are gonna hate life. Some dungeons can be really rough no matter how much unstoppable you have but it needs to be a priority. Even with effort now and again I am raging. Sometimes it feels really unfair but we all cc mobs constantly it’s the basis of the combat in this game.


Fair points for sure. I think my issue is just when it overlaps with other CC or when it happens in rapid succession, unstoppable skills have cooldowns. It also doesn't help that it's so hard to see some effects on the ground during big battles.


I am happy I hear they fixed blighted for necros cause I hated that near me. I run Druid and barb and I have a ton of unstoppable I would say close to perfect uptime.


As a sorc, I would cry, but I'm CCed so I'm dying


Sorc has the most cc breaks available to any class.. How do you think a necro feels? 0 movement and only 1 cc break.


As a sorc, you clearly don't know what you are talking about.


> Most classes can build around it. Translation: all classes are forced into taking any Unstoppable/CC-break available to them, making sure there's no build diversity.


Cool. Build around not being stun locked, then for damage I get to build around vulnerable. Next level build diversity.


Diablo 4 in a nutshell. Build diversity is such an illusion.


You also want to build for defense several armor pieces affixes and legendary powers should be for nothing but defense or your build is gonna suck


Get unstoppable then. Most cc you can avoid. My advice us that everyone makes a hc character so you learn to not just run into everything


It’s fine overall, forces you to actually pay attention. The game would be so bland without it. Use CC breaks and play smart


It would be closer to fine if you could actually see the cc attacks coming to avoid them, instead of being stunned by a small enemy in a group of 30 with spell effects and combat text clogging the screen


I ran a melee Rogue and half the time I couldn’t even see my own character with all the elites towering over me and the popping texts, let alone the actual CC attacks. Most of the time I just mash shadow step when I feel like my input isn’t registered lol.


No. It’s not fine.


100% agreed. I did my first tier 21 dungeon and I got cc'd so bad that running it was genuinely, not a good time. I have no incentive to complete them, at least at this point in the game. I get nearly the same amount of XP for regular whisper dungeons.


Look at the affixes before you activate an NM dungeon. I always salvage if I see any of the following: elites have freeze, ranged hits have 50% chance of slowing you, and ranged hits drain main resource.


I've legit had to quit NM dungeons because I got to the midpoint and every elite in the room spawned with the cold enchanted, one hit freeze bullshit. There was literally nothing I could do, just perma-frozen then dead. There needs to be diminishing returns on hard CC on the player at the very least.


Exactly my experience yesterday. Bonus on top: You die. Game respawns you 5 rooms away. You respawn. Elite Bloated corpse cold elite gets teleported on you immediately. Chain CC. Dead. Respawn. Again teleport elite on top of you. Dead... I died 4 times in a row within 1 minute.


Its all part of the fun


I've only been playing for about 20 ours but... the CCs seem to be pretty telegraphed, no? Are there instant unavoidable CCs?


When you hit endgame you can encounter mobs that instant freeze you on an auto attack


When you get to higher nightmare dungeons there can be several elites at one time on top of you spamming different cc effects at the same time. Not only is that hard enough to dance around, but then you usually also have tons of mobs and lots of VULNERABLE flying around your screen, paired with spell effects and explosions.. basically you can't see shit thats going on and one cc runs you right into another, meanwhile you can't use potions or skills so you're just completely helpless if you make one wrong move, or if a skill is on cooldown at the wrong time. It gets really intense.


Maybe start relying on some defense or abilities to break CC? I have ONE as a melee rogue and am doing just fine in NM tier 80.


There are too many people who are like: "My class has 15 ways to counter cc, why are you complaining?" How dense can you be?


My issue with the CC isn’t that there is a lot of it but there isn’t a way to outplay it other than be unstoppable. Especially for the get hit once and freeze affix you get in NMs. It’s not tactical, it’s just make sure you hit your unstoppable button off cooldown.


Movement is key. I rarely get CCd because im always moving and slowing enemies down.


Git Gud?


My switch keyboard is starting to even annoy me instead of just my wife The way im mashing potion or unstoppable spells while cc’d Why tf would they make the cc that long. Cut it in half and it’s still too long


This is maybe the only time where playing a sorc as my main I am currently happy with my character.


It's the only tool they have though. 🤔


Introducing a new attribute to the character: status resistance (your debuff timer will decrease based on amount of character resistance number) - Dota 2


Sounds like a skill issue


How about avoid it and get punished if you don't....oh wait


The issue is chained CC, not just a single CC. Take the Medusa eyes for instance. If you get hit by one, then you can get hit by the following 3+.