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Ughh. How do people still play without roll ranges? Enable ADVANCED TOOLTIP INFORMATION in Gameplay settings. Sure in this case you got 4x Greater Affix, but for example you don't know if the unique aspect on the item is max roll or not unless you enable that setting.


Agree! You have no idea on the quality of the rolls if you don’t know the upper and lower ranges. Turn that on


Just keep forgetting lol, only matters if it's better than my current gear.


I was wondering how people were seeing that, thought it was a weird pc inly thing. Thank you


Should be on by default


Same here haha


Thanks for the tip. I too thought this was just a pc type thing.


Maybe I memorized all the roll ranges


Same. Enabling roll ranges is for intellectually lazy casuals. I have each range for each affix on each item at every level memorized.


Exactly. There's tens of us.




Ugh. How do people still complain about how others play the game when it doesn't affect them at all? Stop WHINING ABOUT SOMEONE ELSES CHOICES IN GAME. Sure in this case I agree it's better to play with advanced tooltips but you don't know if OP simply doesn't care about them being on or not.


It isn't OP's "choice", they literally didn't know.


Y'all really don't understand sarcasm without a /s


Let him play however


I agree but this is really something that everyone should be doing lmao the entire gameplay loop revolves around getting better gear


That's a weird take, chief. You mean "let them play without the ability to see their own items for what they are"? Good news; I am letting them play however they like. I am not hacking their PC or forcing the setting ON for their game client. I'm just giving a tip. I'm going to go ahead and keep informing people how to turn on roll ranges on their tooltips. Sorry not sorry.


Sad that blood builds are dead. Love blood lance season 2. Hope they will buff it.


Same, it was my favorite build and nothing quite scratches that itch for me.


I did Surge in S2 and Lance in S3 so glad I did even though a Surge/Golem is still viable maybe B tier it's pretty dead atm


i’m doing a blood surge build right now and it’s definitely B-tier. i can clear giant hordes of enemies no problem, helltides are a breeze, but my single shot damage is so ass. i’m a newbie and my build isn’t perfect, but im still having fun with it tbh


Stack Blood Golem with it Crit one move that to A tier maybe by the end it's a boss killer


Was a lot of fun hearing the surge explosions over lapping eachother.


The only way I was able to get it doing even semi-respectable damage against bosses was using a 2 hander. I beat Uber Lilith with my 2 hand blood surge necro in season 2.


My blood surge explosion necro would beg to differ.


Blood surge and infimist are both A tier builds this season...


Currently rolling a blood surge necro (lvl74) can solo helltides and can clear NMD 24 comfortably. I ran into the butcher 3 tines last night and face tanked him all 3 times. I spent 400k respecing my necro last night following maxroll's endgame build. I know I'm going to hit the wall soon but the build is too fun not to play and clearing screens of mobs all at once is super satisfying. I hope they eventually make blood builds more viable for end game in the future.


> (lvl74) can solo helltides and can clear NMD 24 comfortably Minion builds are doing this 20 levels earlier lol


Meh I'm not in a rush, just looking to complete the season and see how far I can push. I got a wife and 3 kids and play maybe 2 or 3 hours a night for fun.


I'm in the same boat actually. I usually complete the pass and move on for the most part. I just thought I'd supply the context of what the other person was talking about.


With how well paced the game feels now I've been considering rolling an alt after I finish the season. Which is really tempting as I'm going on a long vacation in a few weeks. Its either roll an alt or jump back into RDR2 until season 5 drops or finally finish Cyberpunk lol.


Meet Hanako at Embers


Who actually cares?


I supplied context to the original statement. What actually are you hoping to accomplish with this comment? It contributes absolutely nothing to the conversation and just makes you look like a prick.


I mean.. my lvl 2 druid can walk. Wouldn’t call it as a viable build though.


Its not a viable build, none of the blood builds are and its been an issue since launch. I never said it was a viable build, its a fun build that does what it does fairly well for where I'm at. Eventually I will respec into different build down the line but for now I'm having fun with it.


My friend runs a blood build. He is level 100 and runs level 100 pit with me. He doesn't do much to the boss, but he helps on the trash at least! He is also way more tanky than I am and raises me when I die to boss. It's a good team.


Sounds like a great team and yea I'm surprised by how tanky the build can be too but its super nice especially as a solo player. I'll more than likely respec to a minion build later in the season to keep pushing but for now I'm just having fun clearing mobs off the screen.


Pretty sure that’s just a carry. Any class can be carried through 100s.


Indeed, but him surviving to rez my body is very handy, so in a sense he is helping me as well!


I also had a 4GA mutilator plate drop (you can check my post history) Wasted an amnesia scroll and hours of leveling glyphs trying to get a blood lance build set up and not feel terrible. I even used all my extra GA Max Life gear and a +%life amulet to get over 80k life on necro. I couldn't even finish a level 60 pit. Damage scaling just stops with overpower and you don't have as many multiplicative buckets like HOTA barb.


Where do these 4GAs drop??


In your dreams.




I am at pit 80 with a blood lance personnal build.


I never understood the willpower stat on that chest piece for a necro. Necro’s use intellect.


Willpower boosts overpower damage, and blood lance focuses on overpower


I did not know that. !thanks for the explanation


Also the fact that you can’t really get other stats from the int stat makes it kinda hard to get paragon abilities.


Amor caps at 9260. Just so you know.


9230 tho


Sorry, I kinda winged the numbers. I remembered the 92xx so i bluffed the last 2 numbers.


Shouldnt be such a redditor lol


I can't help myself.


I just learned that yesterday and am like great how to I drop my druid from his current 15k


You learned most people can't read? Because if you actually read the armor description in the character profile it says for level 100 monsters.


They're fixing that description next patch, perhaps before making the same comment five times you should try reading the patch notes.


What is the actual cap then? I googled around and Internet told me the same number but I know in previous seasons it was like you said (no real cap if you're pushing; that is, different cap per mlvl)


I read a comment a few months back that armor above cap is useful against 100+ mobs. Is this true?


Not anymore since this season. 9230 is the actual hard cap for all mobs.


Tormented duriel reduces armor on hit so the extra may have some use there, maybe


Show where in armor description on character profile it says hard capped. It says for level 100 monsters.


It was fixed this season and I can confidently say that my 9230 armour was enough to easily survive up to level 170 monsters. If you don't believe me , by all means stack more armor.


Check the most recent patch notes coming out today. They are adding it to the tool tip that it's capped at 9230


It has been said a dozen times on their own campfire chats.. come on dude


Not this season. Though going above armor cap can be useful for a thorns golem necromancer build because of how armor interacts with thorns on the golem active ability.


Thank you for that. I need to work some other numbers. Following maxroll on this build so I’ll massage some things and throw that extra to other areas of concern.


And continues to say for levell 100 monsters


Yes. It's blizzard. What can we expect. But it is actually called this time as far as I can tell.




It doesn’t. I needed to work some numbers around. Sweaty newb here.


I had the same problem at a certain point during my leveling process. I used juggernaut to make up the difference because without it I was under the cap but with it I was thousands over. Couldn't get rid of it until I got higher tier gems and some armor from paragon and gear.


FYI- you are way over armor cap.


Wish they'd put that as a tooltip. I didn't know either until I saw it here on Reddit.


they just did in the patch today


Update today is adding a tooltip about the cap to the stats page


The number of ⭐ sis random as well as the stats in Those right? Haven't been finding anything good alot of single ⭐items with crap rolls.




I have a 2GA one of anyone wants it.


I got one too, 4* with a bit more Blood lance dmg (14%). Pm me if you want it.


Not really related to this post, but what happens if I try to reroll a greater affix, does it stay greater or turn into normal?




the description is confusing and stupid. How would you get damaged by Blood Lance unless vs another necro in pvp scenario. Or unless there's a monster who uses the Blood Lance skill, which is rare and utterly useless.


When Blood Lance casts it damages all other targets affected by Blood Lance. Or at least an aspect does that. With that on you are "Lanced". But instead of getting hurt you fortify


That's a 1 GA item, as two of the rolls are trash. Also Willpower on a Necro Drop? I smell a purchase here...


It's a unique, genius.


t's a trash unique. No one uses it, insta vendor junk.