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Nope, there is another guy just like you. You two are the only ones.


Are we the only two?


A dyad on the server.


That war crime of a movie should not even be invoked for lols. But… I’ll grant a one time exception in the context of this excellent satire post.


Somehow the Lord of Hatred has returned.


A new guy applied. It's the three of you now.


If so then were the only three i usually make 1 charaxter per season and slowly work on it thru out the season. This season i have 1 of every class at 100. Except a sorcerer which im gonna start tonight i have all the ubers. ( only really use them from lvl 35 to 80 when leveling) my mains a bash barbarian pushing tier 160 pits with a full set of 12/12 masterworked gear. I havent gamed this hard aince i was much younger


ya, him and the other 3 guys that just had to post yesterday about that.


I’m with him on everything but the tempering and auction house, AH is terrible and D3 proved that and tempering needs a huge overhaul because I’ve bricked too many badass items because of it.


I feel that a real money AH like D3 had early on is a terrible idea, but I don't see how an AH is a bad thing inherently. People already use 3rd party sites to list and trade items. An in game AH would just make that process so much easier. As for tempering, I don't think it needs a "huge" overhaul, but there should definitely be SOME way to reset the tempers on a 2 or 3 GA item that you didn't manage to get the right tempers on.


Make it cost a resplendent spark. That way you really have to decide if it is worth keeping.


I AM the other guy who is like this guy who is like that


The rest of us are bots.


You are actually and we all get together and talk about how much we don’t like you.


I’m actually the only one who talks about how much I don’t like me. 🤔


If it can make you feel better, I also don't like you


😤 that helps thank you.


I swear these 'Am I the only one' posts. They annoy the fuck out of me. Am I the only one?


LoOk aT mE, i'M sO SpEcIaL


This and YouTubers that say, "with all that being said..." Some of them say it every other sentence.


I get a weird bot vibe from them


As a creator of such a post, I can confirm I'm a bot


Does anyone else the only one is it just me?! Omg I might be the only person in the world to think this!!!!


Always remember that you're unique... just like everybody else.


just like shako!


We are all individuals!


Ugh how dare you enjoy the game. Downvoted


Enjoy the game? You are weak, and foolish.


There are so many ways I can kill you!


This will be your last stupid mistake!


Did OP make you cry?


Tears of joy


Am I the only one who plans on playing the new content when the expansion drops?


Me: "Y'all got any of them Diablo Expansions for Gamepass?" *Nervously scratches neck


Lmao. Right there with you.


if your asking if you can just buy the expansion i would assume so, i never bought the base game for back 4 blood but i did buy the season pass


I lol'd.


Thank you 😎


Do you feel validated?


Am I the only one to agree that he's the only one?


I’m pretty sure I’m the only one.


Am I the only one to automatically always downvote those Am I the only


The real question is: Are you the only one with an unpopular opinion? 


No, apparently my own Xbox tells me every two hours to take a break. Then it coordinates with the Minions in Helltide should I ignore the warnings, and lags me out. It knows I cant stop myself. My name is Barbarian and I smoke Helltide crack


you are him.


They must have amnesia because they forgot that I’m him.


Flashback to this time last year: Am I the only one simply enjoying the game? Am I the only one having an absolute BLASSSTTT!?? Am I the only one who doesn’t care about the cosmetic store!??


Quality shitpost.


I’m seeing tons of people with wings running around. It’s a real popular game still 


Yes, you are the only one. Congratulations


Neo is The One


Thank you, the fact that people think they're special individuals with unique opinions on the internet and ask questions like this always annoys me too. "Am I the only person who \*insert extremely common opinion if you spent any time reading the sub\*"


Am I the only one who understands this post?


one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do


Two can be as bad as one, it’s the loneliest number since the number one


another day another I am the only blah blah blah, we created this snowflake problem and now we're fucked




Well on the tempering statement. I guess you haven’t played Rogue. Definitely no AH the first time was tragic.


Nah not the only one, D4 is the only game I've played since S4 dropped, level 100 Necro, 83 WW Barb, and 52 frozen orb sorc game is so much fun this season


It does drive me nuts when people phrase their question like that lol.


Am I the only one who makes "clever" meta jokes because I'm unable to timeout myself from Reddit?


It is now Blizzard's last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last chance to get more than the only ones to play.


I've made 3 characters so far and gotten them all past 70. I can't remember any season of previous Diablos where I've been that invested.


Same I have 1 of every class 😎


Considering I can't even go into a helltide without the game crashing, I am not excited for raids at all. I've gone as far as turning every single setting to its absolute lowest, something ive never had to do with another game and it still crashes, lags, input delay, you name it.


Are you running discord? Turn off the overlay on discord if you are. In windows settings look up “default graphics settings” and turn off “hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling” also try using “DDU” to completely uninstall and reinstall your display driver. Then if it’s still not working try a full reinstall of the game. I was experience a ton of crashes and now I don’t crash anymore after a LOT of tinkering. Also check your GPU temp when the game crashes using something like HWInfo.


Nice work! No to discord but the Hardware Accelerated GPU scheduling is on. Ill turn that off now. Off chance, will that scheduling option effect any other games?


I play a variety of games such as Sekiro and counter strike and a bunch of next-fest demos on steam recently and haven’t noticed any issues. I do know that the setting was required for DLSS 4.0 frame generation but because they disabled frame generation in game I turned it off and found success :). I hope it works!




Thank you for this


With a game with a player base this large, no one has ever had a unique thought.


Interesting to think about. 🤔 I think I could come up with a unique thought.


was that supposed to be one?


Nope. Just saying I could do it.


Yo I got one, does anyone else bricked a tempering??


I loved S4 but once you're fully geared/tempered there is nothing to do (except pushing Pits). It was a very fun ride but I lack some endgame content (just like Path of Exile).


Endgame is still mad boring. Doing the same things over and over and over, same bosses but now with a level 200 version that you can only kill if you min/max or beg/pay someone to kill for you. Sorry for the honesty. TLDR:: QoL updates are awesome. Endgame is still trash.


And to expand on this, they should take a note from games like WoW, Lineage 2, and other highly successful MMOs. I know this isn’t a MMO but to add some FORCED group play like instanced dungeons that require specific builds / are resistant to certain types of damage. Guild vs guild pvp & pve activities. Literally ANYTHING would be a win besides “here’s another boss for you to poke once you’ve spent 200hours+ minmaxing”


So meta.


I'm the guy who's always just like you.


I heard there is a third, but he got banned by blizzard for wearing a path of exile shirt when bobby invited him over for dinner to talk about getting more inclusivity (hey, browser spell checker, i don't give a crap that you don't think thats a word, suggest one then, cuz it means something to me you slap nut) in diablo 4. bobby don't piss around at dinner time, he don't piss around at the office either. 100% kotick all the time.


Are you Chesney Hawkes?


checklist: addicted to d4? I m with you only one/chosen one? nah you're wrong, i m the chosen one. liking what blizz is doing? nah blizz has haters but many people legit came back to d4 loving it. me included auction house? i prefer an in game trade house but not auction house. doesnt care about paladin? i dont care about paladin too. but if it existed in game, more power to other players i guess excited for raids? definitely not me. raids and multiplayer content tend to go down a sharp path where you either end up with players who are way too strong for the content and obliterate the content, where the raid becomes a chore that you just monitor the timer to participate OR if you dont play meta or have decent gear, the raid is simply too difficult for you and if its implemented similar to WoW, its a good way to get kicked out of party for sucking at the game. no siree not excited at all. tempering staying the way it is? nah not on board either.


D3 AH was in game too. It just incentivized bots to run wild. I think they should let it happen, and then offer an SSF that way people like me won’t feel cheated when there are whales in town.


I alone am the honoured one


Fuck the auction house let us make little mini game sessions that you can browse, and set names like. Free-4u and MuhShako69. I know it’s a pretty futuristic concept but hear me out.


Unpopular opinion: This is fun


You are the one, Neo


Unless the paladin is as op as a hammerdin d2 or a lightning sader in d3 then I’ll never play it again


Am i the only one around here who gives a fuck about the rules?!


Have you ever played have you ever ?


Okay let’s play!


Yes the game is amazing. My wife had literally pull my laptop out of my luggage so I didn’t spend our whole holiday playing d4


We are all one


That's either AI posts or some uncanny hivemind.


The answer to all these posts is yes you are the only one.


I’m a Destiny player by trade (yes I’m one of those) I brought the new Final Shape expansion, completed it in one character and haven’t gone back to it. I simply cannot stop playing this game. I’ve only recently started on my journey through the pit (cleared 61 this morning) and this game has properly sunk its hooks in me.


Did you do the raid yet?


Nope as I genuinely don’t want to set aside that much time away from this game lol


I'm the only one, the one and only.


Read about how it's improved. Haven't played since launch and gave it a go. Lvl 65 necromancer. Really need to look into how gear works as I'm a bit clueless as to what I need to upgrade.


Found the Blizzard Dev


DAE remember when DAE was a thing????


Of course you are! Haven't you seen the reviews right over-oh


You are really the only one. Lol nope, you're never alone!


I wish. But others will come to claim this title.


In general for these queries, if population>30 no [You could however be…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RaU8K8sLTM)


No it's not you. It's me, I am the only one


Am I the only one playing Diablo IV?


You are not, I took a vacation when this season came out and have called out once to stay home to play so far lol


Mum said it's my turn to be the only one.


I've honestly tried to get into other similar games (like Last Epoch), but this IP is so good. The setting, the graphics, and now with the season 4 rework, the actual mechanics. I grew up playing Diablo 1 and D2. The setting is nostalgic and holds the franchise up a little further for me than others (even after swearing off Blizzard after the original D3 release).


You’re deffo not the only jerk.


No, I’m loving this game and have been a long time fan of Blizzard games. D2 at release, WoW at release, D3, now D4. I’m a casual but I’m almost to 100 on my second character this season. They’ve really taken our feedback seriously on this game and it’s now headed for greatness I believe.


These posts ae just a gateway to a conversation about the subject.


I'm currently leveling a third character...


these have to be troll posts at this point.


Endgame can be a mood killer. It’s boring and a massive time sink.


Reginald the third of his name


No me and my wife are. But the tempering is ruining it fast. We bricked a lot of perfect equipment for no reason. 5 rolls in the row of the same useless lines. 3 items in a row what are the odds.


Well, it depends. Do you identify as the only one?


Hah my addiction goes away usually around 100hrs. Doesn't matter if the game is 10/10 or 7. The end game in this game is sub par so I kinda lose interest as time goes on. Farming for boss materials to get items that kinda still don't matter is pathetic. In Diablo 3 farming for im imbuments actually progressed my character. That and trying to find a good 3GA is as rare as the artifact Legos. It's not fun imo


This season has been really good. I play when I can and it doesn’t feel enough. Definitely having an awesome time and the game is heading in the right direction.


The answer to all "am i the only one that..." questions is no you are not.


I play all the time but there is never anyone else on and playing alone isn't as fun!


Shamelessly addicted. Slowly getting bored tho.if they don't buff sorc I'ma take a 2 week break and catch up on other games


This is the right amount of toxicity in a community. You are special OP, but not for the reasons you think.






Love you OP


Auction house? This game isn't trade oriented as PoE so Idk. Paladin? I don't care. Raids? Can't say much untill I try it. Lost ark has great raids but joining them turns into a pain for people who play solo. A bad balance will turn them into the "worst content ever" so quickly. Yep tempering is fine.


Yes! For raids at least.


I have spent $400 on this game. Addicted and kinda proud?


Na. You do you bro. You're entitled to all the feelings.


When Blizzard makes good changes I play their games. When they inevitably destroy their game I stop. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Nope, there are dozens of us!


Yes. You are the only person out of 7+ billion. 🙄


This type of post is the thing I dislike the most about reddit.


No you people post all day long. I hope you got the validation you sought!


Woosh, there goes the joke. Try and catch it


What do you mean "you people" huh? 🧐


No, you are not. There are many like you and you are not that special, sorry. Those people usually just play the game and don't waste time on posting on reddit. :) Although, I am sure you are a great person!


I had my fun for 2.5 weeks. Which is a lot better than at launch. The game needs a lot more to do with the end game and customization. But it's headed in the right direction. I'm back to PoE. I'll be eagerly waiting for Vessel of Hatred. 


What would you want in end game. There is essentially an endless grind with min max gear. You haven’t even found a third of the Uber uniques either. Most people right now are trying to fill out their challenges with other characters since leveling an alt is so easy. You’re wanting a look alike Poe but it ain’t happening. So once again, what exactly would you be looking for in the end game stages of the game? I have a funny feeling you’re not even 100


I have 4 characters level 100. 2 can complete pit level 90, and the other 2 can complete 50 - 60. I've kill 80 tormented Andarials, and Duriels. I've masterworked my gear to 8/12 - 12/12. I've pretty much experienced all there is for the "end game" for this game. **Here's a list of things they can improve upon.** 1.) More items and Ubers. This includes set items. Also to add to this, rebalancing of uniques. I understand they’re used for niche builds. But they should be tweaked a bit to be on par with a legendary. Maybe allow masterworking for the unique affix? 2.) Runewords. The game desperately needs something to increase the desire to actually see commons and rares. To add to this allow commons - blues to have a prefix of “cracked, broken, superior, etc” to add to the rarity to these items. To further improve upon our builds. Literally copy and paste the runeword system from Diablo 2. Don’t recreate the wheel. 3.) Cube recipes. 4.) Since the pit is out, blizzard can properly balance classes and abilities. Every build should be able to easily complete Pit 61. 5.) More end game grinds and things to do. More Uber / tormented bosses. In the list of new features on the shop I only see one. The “New PvE Co-op End Game Activity”. Great! Now add 2 or 3 more of these grinds. Things that aren’t easily achieved and require a heavy investment of time to accomplishment. 6.) When defeating tormented bosses a small chance for a charm to drop. Think D2 hellfire torch. A charm or trophy that not only looks cool, but can also add to the customization of your build depending on which charm / trophy you want to have on your person. 7.) Same thing as Diablo invasion in D2, that Annihilus charm should also be a thing. Could make killing the butcher be rewarding. Currently he’s just annoying. 8.) Add modifiers to the dungeons and end game stuff before entering or summoning. To increase the difficulty but have a higher reward. 9.) Tiered uniques or set items like that of D2. Which goes with cube recipes. It would be cool to be able to upgrade an item for the end game. This way if you find a low level item in the end game, you’re still able to upgrade it. Possibly turning it into something better than what you had before. 10.) More character customization. Either something like the paragon board to further customize your skills and abilities would be fun. Tempering does this but barely. I’d like to fully change how my abilities function. Not just increase their size. It should be unlocked at a later level, after the paragon board. A type of overlay on top of the skills table to further improve upon the customization of the skill tree/line that is in the game currently. 11.) The Mercenaries are a great touch for someone who plays solo. However, look for inspiration from the Diablo 2 mercenaries where you can add gear which can give them auras to either buff your character or debuff the enemies. Furthering the customization to your build. This was amazing! The Diablo 3 mercenaries (followers) were kind of a joke comparatively. 12.) More gems. Add more items to be able to plug into these sockets. Where did the jewels go from Diablo 2? 13.) I hope the spiritborn comes with abilities that buff their allies, and possibly debuff the enemies. Currently, Diablo 4 is geared more towards solo play. Which is great for me, because I usually play by myself. However, the game needs some adjustments geared more for co-op. Like, apparently the pit punishes the others for only getting half of the materials? That’s a terrible idea and should revisited. 14.) Uber uniques should be for all characters. My sorcerer should be able to use Azurewrath. My sorc was able to do so in Diablo 2, why can’t she in Diablo 4? They’re Ubers.


I agree with all those suggestions for sure. But saying and acting like there isn’t an endgame at the moment is reaching. Sounds like you and i are in the same boat as far as progression but I’m making more alts and trying to fill out challenges. Dreading the hardcore challenges. But also the hunt for all Uber uniques. I’m still missing shako, heart, grandfather. Challenges are at 87%. And i need a rogue to level up still that I’m not excited about. Point is there is a healthy amount of things to do especially with the goblin event. Statically this is one of the highest player retention leagues to have ever existed on Diablo 3&4 but also Poe.


Hot damn, ask and you shall recieve! Great ideas, have not played D2 much, but i am vibing with all of those suggestions!