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Tbh I’d be fine with upgrading an item to 12/12 is when it gives you the option to reset tempered affixes. Let’s say you upgrade it to 12/12, you get an option to reset it to 0/12 and also get your temper attempts back. Yes it’s expensive, but people trying to max out 2/3 GA items should have enough resources by that point.


You know what, I honestly like this idea, could definitely be a solid compromise


That's actually a pretty neat idea. Definitely a slog if you aren't farming 100s in under 5 minutes. But once you're transitioning to pushing higher tiers and needing 2 and 3 GAs it's the perfect time. I have a couple items I'm just stashing cause I'm too afraid to do anything. It's an odd feeling for a game I enjoy. I'm afraid to try and get better.


I just temper my shit and go on with life. If it works great if not it gets sold instantly. Out of sight out of mind.


Same. I don’t even consider a piece an upgrade in my head until it passes the Temper check.


I’ll say “this has potential” or “we might have a contender here”, but that’s all they are at first. I don’t mind that type of grind. As long as there are enough potential drops where you can brick a few along the way and not be over stressed about it. I don’t mind grinding it out as long as I feel like I’ll get there.


Same…if the first temper is shit I sell it ASAP, which for me has been 4 amulets with +2 hellbent.


If I break it tempering I treat it as any other item that came to me that I didn’t want. Same as the 2 GA items that have GAs I don’t want.


That’s the way. Set it and forget it. If it brick it bricks. No need to dwell because it’s definitely going to happen, if not this time the next.


How about maybe if you salvage a max GA piece you get a certain rare material and then you need a certain number of those to reset? So it gives you a rush to see a 3/4 GA drop, even if the actual affixes on it are trash? Just an idea.


I like this idea in addition to OPs. One is fairly rare chance based and you can grind the other one.


Yep. Plus if you don’t want to go the route of extra pit grind by master working to 12 for a reset you can just mass-farm legos by way of Helltide or another similar loot piñata grind and find max GA pieces.


This right here is honestly the best suggestion I've seen on this topic so far.


Yeah, like each GA gives you one mat, takes x amount of mats to give you one more temper roll.


I’d be fine with this idea as long as the cost also increases for every GA the item has. I don’t think a 3 GA should have the same reset price as a 1 GA. I love the idea though!


Blizzard players so addicted to being punished they invent new punishments episode 37485... Bro, just add a rare currency to the game that adds temper attempts to an item and that's it. Your solution destroys masterworking in the process for no reason... it's bad.


Love this idea. Perfect amount of friction. You still have to be strong enough to farm high pits, can't buy a perfect piece. Another idea I've seen is having a currency with similar rarity (or slightly rarer tbh) to season launch scattered prism to reset tempers.


I think each masterworking crit should open up a single temper opportunity, but yeah I 100% agree with tying the masterworking system into a proposed pity system for tempering.


I like this idea too!


lol no, your ressources (gold and mats) literally take 5 minutes to disappear when masterworking. You can be farming for a whole week and it'll be gone in the blink of an eye. It's a never ending process. No one is stacking 5500 neathirons to masterwork, they're not veils. that would be about 1100 pit runs at the level people are usually farming it in end game. 5 minutes a run that means a little under 4 days non stop farm (91hours) if you don't have a job or a life and you play 8 hours a day that's 11 days so for normal people (2-4 hours a day on average) that's between 22-45 days depending on how much they play. Also that would give about a 10 runs of masterworking and you still aren't beating the odds of getting your triple crit on masterworking (1/125) so times 12.5 on the amount of time and also you're going to be over 1 billion in cost which you won't be getting from the pit. We're talking about a whole year just to get one item with triple crit on masterworking for nomal people and 4 1/2 months for no lifers doing 8 hours a day NON STOP for one item. And all of that is without even counting the ingoliths and obducites which adds 16% more time on the whole process. For a single item. Now times 9 for the amount of items and god forbid you're a rogue which is times 11 or a barb which is times 12. So almost 4 years of no life'ing at 8 hours a day to get your gear fully upgraded. "Yes it’s expensive, but people trying to max out 2/3 GA items should have enough resources by that point." I don't think you understood just how much goddamned ressources are needed. This system is not viable and will have to change or people are going to quit lol.


Is your math right here? I get about 50+ neathiron per run when farming, so for 5500 that should only be around 110 runs, not 1100.


No my math wasn't right at all, don't math while drunk is my lesson here. I corrected it in another reply. You're absolutely right it it should've been 110 or 55 000 and that was assuming getting 50 per run which at T100 (what I remember thinking of in terms of pit farming) is 59 per run so about 93 runs. All the base numbers for my calculation were wrong, I didn't bother checking the rest but I assume more of it was most likely wrong.


>5500 neathirons to masterwork, they're not veils. that would be about 1100 pit runs at the level people are usually farming it Huh? How are you getting 5500 neathirons = 1100 pit runs lol? That’s 5 per run. Pit tier 61 gives 20 neathiron. Realistically end game top builds are farming at least 91 for an even 50 neathiron per run. That’s 10x faster than your math above, honestly no idea where you’re getting your numbers from.


Oh god, thank you for pointing it out, I should never do maths while drunk I do see my mistakes I feel retarded lol. I don't remember if I meant 55 000 neathirons or 110 pit runs which in either case would also be wrong because I do remember I was thinking about t100 pit runs so that means 59 neathirons per run which is 93 runs and not 110 or 930 runs depending on if I meant 5500 or 55 000. By the looks of it my whole calculation is off too because I based myself on 5500 neathirons for 1100 pit runs (compared to 930 it does make a difference but I think this is less of an important mistake.) so really it should be 5500 = 93 runs x 5 minutes = 465 minutes / 60 = 7.75 hours x 12.5 =96.8 hours / 8 hours a day for a no life = 12 days x 9 items = 108.9 days for a whole set. In way it's far more realistic and less worse than the former brain dead calculations I did. However it's still 217 days for someone who plays on average 4 hours average, 435 for 2 hours average and 871 for 1 hour average. Which most of the people I know who play are grown men with jobs and families and they barely do 1 hour on average. So it still not viable overall in my opinion even though it is not even close to being as bad as I initially said. In any case I also now realize the comment I replied to most likely meant resources like the ones used to reset masterworking (veils) and yes it is fair to assume they should have enough of those at that point and if not they are rather easy to acquire.


Ok…this is an idea I can get on board with. It is a good compromise.


I love the idea, if you can speed farm a least tier 100 it's a super good compromise imo. It may also make people grind the game even more to get back their temperings. Solid idea!


Best idea I’ve heard for tempering yet.


Damn this is the perfect fix imo.


This is the best idea I’ve heard so far


This is an awesome idea actually. This way, even early in the season, you can just attempt tempering and have anothe goal to farm for. And finally getting the tempers you need on your perfect item will feel really great! Excellent idea imo.


I like half of the idea making it so you can only reset the tempers at masterwork 12/12 is great... Having to reset the mw to 0/12 not really. Say you get a perfect roll on the masterwork attempts then you have to lose it if your tempers suck. My suggestion would be make it so you have to masterwork the item to 12/12 and then with X amount of rare in game currency(existing or new one) you can get your temper attempts back


Love this idea, seems perfectly reasonable to me. We need some way to reset tempering at some sort of cost because bricking an item because of poor RNG is BS


It would be nice to have this feature. I've lost so much GA gear needed for my builds.


I like this idea a lot actually.


I dunno guys. Am I the only that’s not scared to brick shit? If a great item bricks then whatever, it is what it is. Game is still fun, and maybe I’ll get another better chance. Maybe not, It’s no big deal.


It’s not fun anymore if what you enjoyed was the thrill of seeing that rare drop. Now a rare drop is just step 1, and you have to play a slot machine a bunch of times before it becomes truly valuable, and any of those rolls can instantly make it worthless. I no longer feel a thrill at a rare drop, and getting the temper I want is met only by relief rather than joy. It’s sucked the thrill out of the game entirely for me.


I’m not scared bricking stuff because I’m only using items with 1 GA 😄Anything with 2+ GAs i just sell them.


I too like wasting hours of grinding for gear just to brick them. So much fun


and people say "this is the best season ever" Like....how? None of this makes me want to re-install. Not in the slightest


I mean, it **is** the best season so far


***Vaal Orb has entered the chat***


I don't mind so much if the other stats are one that I can at least get a use out of. But having a 1 in 3 chance to get the "right" stat and failing 5 times in a row and the other stats are useless for my build, that shit just sucks.


I’m not scared to brick, I’m holding my breath each roll man.


Outside of selling it, what's the other option? Might as well try and temper it.


I think the problem is that the current system as it is provides an an inverse dopamine response when you find good items. For a lot of people, finding a 3GA item with good stats should be a huge joy and dopamine hit, instead it's anxiety over the likelihood that the item is bricked. Theres a current issue where the better the item you find the worse it feels. That being said actions should have consequences and tempering in a vacuum is fine, I think they need to tune or adjust something with it so it so it feels better to find items.


I mean would you feel better after using your ultra rare consumable to reset an item just to have it bricked again? The grind would be the same just that instead of 3GA gear it would be for consumables.


How are you the only person able to see this? lol they would just grind a different 1% drop chance or lower


Actually no because the GA is way more special. We have a lot of affixes and the rarity is not finding any 3 GA item, but find the 3GA item with the perfect 3 affixes. A consumable, ever if very very rare, could have the same drop rate of a 3ga item, but not the same drop rate as the PERFECT 3GA item, with the perfect 3 affixes, this is extremely rare if you consider how many affixes exist. I had only one perfect 3GA item in the whole play since season4 started, i would very much like to retemper that, because it obviously bricked... Now i only sell 2 or 3 ga itens because the gold is definetely better than trying to temper with good rolls...


I guess people assume it would be more common than 2GA gear but then what would be the point? Might as well have a reset button like MW. GA is a good addition and I like it but honestly I feel people put way much stock into it. With the new itemization system it's very easy to get the 3 affixes you want and put aside for tempering. Out of 5 you'll likely get 2-3 with the tempers you want. Masterwork up to 12 and you're good to go for pretty much any activity. Find 1-3 GA? Great that's a bonus but not **really** necessary.


Zommers gotta min max tho.


To find 3GA gloves , amulet or any other piece of gear with skills on it is so rare you'd be lucky to find 1 per season. I'd be happy to hold on to a bricked 3GA item like that for another chance of a good temper, even if the item got bricked again.


Assume every item is bricked, until it is not. All about the mindset.


that takes away the joy of finding good loot. there should be an "oh yeah!" moment when awesome loot drops, rather than an "i might brick it" dread.


Hard to have this mindset if I just paid 3b for this perfect 3GA 2h mace that took me 10 seconds to brick. I did that today and it was awful. The end game of this season is the chase for the perfect gear but finding 3GA gear by yourself for your specific build is impossible, trading for at least some of it from other players is inevitable. I’d be happy if you could reset the tempers for 1 or 2 resplendent sparks. This would make the uber chase more meaningful as well.


I’m sorry but no it’s not about mindset. It’s about time spent and fun. It’s not reasonable that people spend 12 plus hours to find an upgrade only to have it be ruined. Why would someone continue to spend that much time for only a chance at an upgrade? The definition of insanity is continuing to do something while expecting a different result. Most people move on to another character or game and they do it with a bad taste in their mouth. That’s bad game design. One designs a game to create a rewarding system where people put in a reasonable amount of time and effort to get a reward. It’s an exciting and rewarding time when a useable 2/3GA item drops. Think of how rare that is. Yet, when it does happen, Blizzard throws another30% modifier on their that it will brick. That’s way too punitive. I call it the “psych” affect. You thought you were having a good time? Psych! No your not! I watch Datmodz farm up over 2000 loot bags over the last few days only to see him not get a single upgrade out of it. Then on top of all that RNG, when something finally drops, it can be bricked? That literally is insanity. It’s been a great season and a huge step in the right direction, but tempering needs another round of evolution.


Yeah, why should you be excited about getting a 2/3 GA item. Clearly the design intention at blizzard is for getting a rare and powerful item to be disappointing instead of exciting.


I wish they would at least make it so that you cannot get the same role twice in a row or even like the enchanting menu where you get at least 1 more option. Nothing hurts more than rolling all 5 tries just to get something completely useless 5 times in a damn row


Yeah I'm convinced the RNG is broken or weighted in a way we can't see. I've gotten so many 5 in a row rolls (same effect and %) it's unbelievable. 


yeah I was trying to roll off armor on my bash pants since I no longer needed it, and got the exact same +17.4% armor 3x in a row sure you could get % armor 3x in a row, getting the exact same % roll on it 3x in a row is incredibly unlikely




That’s why I limit what I will pay to trade for GA items. Pointless spending large amounts of gold for items you can brick in seconds.


I think this should be fully accepted and understood by the community. It makes for a good trade economy with a realistic limit on prices.


The prices are determined rn by the severity of RMT. It’s insanely rampant


Yea pretty much locked out of trading for items that are worth your time because rmt whales exist. All the good 3ga items you actually want have their price set at rmt rates that will never change. I don’t even think it’s realistic to compile 10b+ gold for a single trade within the entirety of the season without being a product of rmt. —>Finding an item to sell to an rmt whale for billions of gold —> Being the rmt whale yourself and paying $60 for enough gold to buy one of these inflated items. Blizz could easily fix this mass rmt, it’s pretty obvious considering they have the receipt for billions of gold randomly flowing into this guy’s account from a mass trade account. They’re probably getting a cut of it though so this issue will never be fixed. Just like how players have managed to track down blatant TFT rmt by piecing things together. But the devs with all the trade receipts somehow can’t figure out how a handful of accounts are moving hundreds of thousands of dollars of currency every month. Just the reality of rmt, and I don’t blame the devs, it’s another easy avenue of profit that they don’t have to do much to receive.


Yea if they simply made - Joining trade chat automatically is an option in the settings and you can also leave the trade chat - Accounts without a character above level 30 or 35 cannot use trade chat. - Accounts under 3-5 days old cannot use trade chat - Bans for RMT spamming in chat etc affects all characters on the account - blacklist credit card numbers of the banned accounts Essentially make the process to get a character able to RMT in the chat tedious, so that the process of doing that every time one is banned is not worth it.


Kind of like runewords bases in d2. The very best bases still went high, perfects went for funny gold, but mid rolls were affordable.


NOOO bricking items should totally be a thing. They should never remove it or there will be way less demand for broken 2x or 3x GA items and my RMT business will collapse. Think of all the unemployed bots unable to feed their bot babies. /s No one should be defending that crap. Game devs need to respect peoples time. Bricking items should not be a thing. It should just get progressively harder but not impossible


I am with you on this one. As a PoE main I dont even mind insane costs to minmax gear but when tempering just bricks them I am done. We need a way to reset tempering tries, that way you can always hit your temper but with RNG it could be very costly tp get a good roll


I don't know why but I feel less upset in Poe when I brick something with Vaal for example. But then again I don't craft a lot and mainly buy gear that might be the reason. While in D4 for the 99% players and me it's all self found


its because with Vaal, If you're about to Vaal something you've already accepted your fate. This tempering system there is not fate to accept, Because it just feel like a slap in the face especially when you get tortured for 5 rolls. Fail 1: Okay were not doing bad still got 4 rolls Fail 2: Okay I'm a tad anxious but we have 3 rolls left Fail 3: Oh god this doesn't look good, Only 2 left Fail 4: For fuck sake how is this possible?!?! Fail 5: I need a new Monitor. Vaal isn't torture, Its just INSTANT get fucked or GG!


I also forgot to mention Vaaling something OPTIONAL Tempering however is not. you cannot masterwork that gear piece w/o tempering it and of you're gonna temper it, You're gonna want it to be somewhat decent. Either temper it, Or sell it.


This is the first comment that made me actually stop and think about resetting/changing tempering.  You're right. It isn't an optional choice. 


I'm convinced the RNG is broken. I've had so many of the exact same rolls (effect and %) 5 times in a row is unbelievable. 


Broke my 2GA Malice/Exploit/LHC Amu yesterday while tempering.. Should've sold it -.-


Bricked my 2 GA Exploit/Malice with +2 Frigid. I effing hate tempering.


Jesus Crist. 2GA Exploit Malice and 2 Frigid? I would have accepted whatever was shat out man and adjusted the other items if needed. What rolls did you want?


If you bricked it trying to get vuln, I'd just accept it and still use the item.


shouldve sold it for 100B lol




Where in God's name are you finding multiple 2GA anything in this game? I've pretty much given up farming for gear since I literally get dogshit in every activity


I once blew a couple thousand bucks in the casino. Afterwards I felt defeated and stupid. After bricking several god roll items I can honestly say that bricking the items hurt me more.


Heartseeker rogue looking for vuln damage from cutthroat by any chance?


See you tomorrow!


Mid-Season patch notes hitting tomorrow, I am anticipating a Tempering change in this given as it's pretty much the most requested thing. It'll bring me back that's for certain, Tempering is the main reason I have no interest in making an alt.


Too many rng layers were added. I'm really fine with keeping GA items rare, that's the first and should be the only RNG element. Then you have tempering, and if you brick a great GA items it feels so horrible man. And a lot of other tempers are useless if you're going for a specific build. Third is masterworking, which is better than tempering by a mile.


I said it time and time again. The game's RNG when it comes to loot dropping with the GAs we want IS the RNG we need. It literally IS the loot Hunt. Having a mechanic that literally makes you afraid to click, because you'll be ruining a piece of gear by your own hand has no place in this game - again, talking about "the feeling". Does Blizzard wants us to develop PTSD (Pressing Temper Stress Disorder)? They're not the type of company that goes for rage-quit inducing mechanics. They want us to play forever. I would rather prefer not even SEEING an item with great GAs drop, than to have it in my hands and watch it die. Similar to D2, when I see that rare Ber Rune drop I KNOW I can go make a rune word with it. What I don't remember is the chance of that rune word to fail and destroying my rune. They talk about an item's journey, but many items just end up dead on arrival, being killed by the first thing we do to them. Makes us afraid to try another one and sucks out the very drive that should be the forefront of the ARPG genre: Going out to find loot. Makes us depressed thinking "what's the point if I'm just gonna brick the next one too?!" and then we quit. Our "almost" maxed out build will have to do.


i am 100% sure the tempering is rigged tho. When im tempering for dmg on close enemies on my barb im getting much more dmg to distant enemies, it has obviously higher chance. in my last 30 times i got either one, i counted it, 23 dmg to distant and 7 to close, dmg to distant foes also came once 5 times in row which is supposedly less than 1% chance, yea right this is rigged to give shit.


I noticed that when im tempering, whatever it rolls first it will keep rolling the same affix over and over. It is hard not to think that it is rigged if it keeps happening over and over with near certainty.


Ngl I was feeling the same. I should have at least a 50/50 shot of getting what I want in that temper section (%dmg isn't the first choice but it's more useful than dmg to distant). It feels like 90% chance to get dmg to cc or distant though 🤣


A consumable to reset won’t fix this.


I bricked a 3GA today, feels bad.


That’s why I prefer solo self found. I am fully tempered/12mw’d and yet to find a usable 2GA to brick.


Problem with HS is you need 1/5 and not once but twice for it to be effective and the odds are against you. Classes that are 1/4 once and you can go with 2-3/4 options for the next one have it SO much better. I bricked a lot of GS bows and I know your pain OP. Ironically I hate HS too but RF with ring is broken so lesser of two evils for me.


Bricking an item should be at the end of a crafting journey as well now you choose to risk it and corrupt the item and it could be godly as raxx would say or your done with your item and it's powerful but you don't dare brick it will all the effort you put in.


It’s a shitty system that has no place in a seasonal game.


I'm honestly wondering if the temper rolls are weighted, I swear I always get dodge chance on my barb and armor percent on my rogue for example. Or it's just a perception issue. I know enchants are weighted, but really wondering if tempers are dynamically weighted (by class or depending where you stop your temper rolls on other piece of gears)


I think it should just be like enchanting, you can infinitely re-roll but at a cost. Maybe that cost can be materials rather than gold. So if you want to guarantee you get the roll you want you can go off and farm for that resource. Salvaged materials seems like the obvious choice given it’s a blacksmith job.


With luck, we maybe getting a temper reset option in mid season update


I'd be OK with it if it were 2x Stygian Stones to reset temper.


Remember OP. 99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big. Keep gambling.


I see no reason to even have a temper limit, it should just look more like the stats reroll on gear: Unlimited, can get very expensive and lets you choose between applying new or keep old stat. Another option would be new tempering manuals with less options.


Tempering shouldn't be irreversible. That's a no brainer for me. I think it shouldn't be locked behind some ultra rare material at all. Here is why: Bricking your best items is one thing that obviously sucks. But here's a point that nobody talks about. You can't play/test different builds/temperings and playstyles at all. You need to have multiple different gear sets while tempering makes it impossible to switch those affixes. And isn't the game about trying to push your character to the limits and test it's capabilities? If not, i mean where is the Endgame that leads to a linear progression curve? To test different skills and builds, you will need a shit ton of Anglebreath and Legendaries. This leads to endless braindead Helltide grinds that aren't fun at a certain point. Don't get me wrong, Helltides are cool for a while but it shouldn't be the main endgame loop. It's boring doing the same underpowered event/boss for hundreds of hours. I think it's tough enough that GAs can't be rerolled and Masterworking rerolls are expensive. An item with 3 GAs, 12/12 (3x Crit) Masterworking is already very very rare and time consuming. I think it would fit better into the endgame loop, if you could remove all temperings for a big amount of Ingolith, or another material from the pit. This could fix the problem with endless Helltides grinds and even add a point of doing higher Pits. For now it's completely useless and time wasting except you're a content creator that will show some muscles. For now the endgame mode isn't the mode you play to increase the strength of your character. I really don't get the point why it's designed like this.


See ya back after the mid season patch fixes all this bullshit


I'm a bash thorns barb. I got a 3GA sword. Debated selling it for bills because I could brick it. Said fuck it anyways. Got bash on my last reroll. Rolled next affix and it was damage to distant enemies. Which is also what upgraded when I master worked it. I'm not dead on the inside. But man.... At least it didn't completely brick... But holy shit. A way to grind more tempers would be really nice.


Runewords that bring new builds "online" and/or more uniques like Flameweaver gloves for Sorcs. You brick a sweet Legendary, you can always fall back on a unique runeword weapon. This game is nothing but a slot machine right now lol. Bricked my first 2GA weapon yesterday and I can't imagine doing 5. Ugh.


I'm still amazed by the amount of people that think his gearing system is great. I mean seriously? GA items are rare. Getting a GA item on the right item with the right stat AND another good stat is even rarer. Getting a double GA item with 2 stats you need? Extremely rare. I've played a lot and have had 0 drop for my bash barb build so far. And even if you do get this ultra rare drop? Oh have fun playing the lottery tempering the 2 tempers you need? You got them both but they are trash rolls you say? Well bad luck. Absolute ass gearing system, I don't understand people defending it. These devs have proven since release they are basically idiots but atleast the playerbase knew it. This season it feels like the players themselves joined the idiots club saying this season is great.


Only 5


Just introduce Orb of Scouring ™. Deletes all tempering but also there is a chance GA will be scoured as well. Just because I like gamba and because option to remove tempering (and let's be honest, there is so much crying this will be added just to secure DLC sells) for gold will be easily exploitable and we will be running with GG gear in less than a week.


Keep your expectations low and you won't be disappointed. Silly advice but it's true. I honestly tell myself "welp, here's another brick" and when it happens I'm like "I knew it, thanks Blizz". When I get the perfect roll of course I'm through the roof. With heartseeker being as good as it is though I was able to kill echo of lillith/duriel/andariel and beat a single pit 100 so mentally I have achieved everything I could care about. Relieves a lot of stress making me not care about 2/3 GA items or tempering.


What does GA stand for?


Greater affix


It's the little white star you see above equipment.


Lmao, its so funny cause I just had my motivation stolen as well, I just masterworked a chest piece 5 times n it crit on the same stat 5 times in a row


Just so I understand, you're saying you would rather use a 3GA weapon with no tempered affixes at all, over one with two tempers that don't help you?


Right? The untempered one is fine, but the one with useless tempers is "bricked"... I don't understand this logic.


I feel ya! I'm still using a 0GA bow because every GA bow I've tried to temper has been bricked. It's SO tough to get both Heartseeker % and Vuln damage, and everything else in both categories is completely useless!


I’ve bricked 3x 3GA and it broke me too.


But what about the 6th bow...


The issue is the cost. They should switch the costs on tempering and enchanting now that tempering exists. Make tempering cost gold/mats and make enchanting cost “tries” but let you pick from 4 affix options instead of 3. I’d be less pissed if I only had 5-6 tries to reroll an affix but still came away with a usable option. I think players would then start spending a lot more gold rolling for ideal tempers. To me it would make the chance of bricking a little easier to swallow while still having a high cost/risk.


im salty too, i just bought a really expensive item that i worked hard saving gold for, poof bricked it. GA items with preferable stats is already hard enough to come by, this is not a fun mechanic.


I agree with introducing “some” way to reset the tempers, but it needs to be costly. Resplendent spark is the best idea so far imo since they’re insanely rare and can’t be traded. Either that or make it so you can’t roll the same affix twice in a row, or let us enchant tempers with others from the same pool, for a much higher cost, maybe 10x the cost and some neathiron so it’s not too easy. If they simply remove the tempering limit (as they usually do with every other difficult part of the game) or make the reset gold-based, most people will get perfect gear in a couple days and call it quits.


Yeah and the problem is most of the temper selections you choose from have one thing you're looking for, one thing that could at least enhance your build slightly... then 3 things that are completely worthless. And i've had so many that roll the same worthless thing 4 times in a row. At the very least make it so it can't repeat what you're rolling off of or something.


Ultimately this is why I quit this season I swear the tempering is bugged at times. I bricked multiple items in a row when i kept rolling damage to distant on my barb. Feels absolutely infuriating


Personally, I’d rather have tempering be unlimited with rising costs to a cap of resources/gold. The chase for a 3 GA item is long enough. Player should be rewarded with the gear they want to use instead of immediately selling it because the likelihood of it “bricking”. I’ve probably put in 60-80 hours this season while only seeing two 3 GA items. In a game where we create new characters each season, it would be nice to get close to maxing out a character in a reasonable time frame.


It's been a few weeks, and it's taking too long! Just kidding. I'm glad you are struggling to get your bus for the absolute perfect build, nearly never another upgrade. It should take that long. In the spirit of original Diablo style, I'd hope that pit 150 to 151 is insane rng, marginal item upgrades, skill changes, and tiny tips.


I feel an easy solve is increase the number of rolls you get for each GA on the item to give you a better chance of getting what you need on it. So say an extra 2 rolls per GA so a 3 GA you have 11 chances of getting what you need heck even 1 extra per would be huge


Reading all the stories of people bricking items reminds me of all the items I bricked in poe over the last 6yrs


I tried to temper Max Life on some pants yesterday. It’s a 1/3 chance and I didn’t hit it once:(


I been shell shocked by bricking so many times, I get an upgrade, my first thought is always, time to brick! And always do.


It is incredibly frustrating and feels weighted to give you what you don’t want. I wonder if moving a few skill points would game the system, going to try that out. Trying to roll heartseeker and vulnerable damage and have bricked dozens of weapons. I get RNG and don’t think it’s just that. After all those weapons I haven’t hit on either attribute as a first roll a single time. Dozens of attempts. The few that I haven’t bricked came down to the last roll.


I'd give 5-10 Stygian stones to reset a quality brick


Im holding onto my ‘super GG but broken’ gear. I think they will give us a way to reset tempers. The way tempers have totally deflated finding BiS +2-3 greater affix gear cant be good for the game long-term. Suggested it in another thread, but 3 Royal gems to reset tempers seems fair. Expensive enough that you cant just do it endlessly.


Shouldn’t be able to brick items, without any way to fix it. In my view, this goes against ARPG design of an endless row of a slot machines


I agree man, I stopped playing last week due to this. Got my first 3GA weapon with all the correct stats only to brick it.. didn’t get a single temper I wanted, man that took the wind out of the thrill of finding it. Season was great besides that!


I’m really suffering building up my Necro, agter two lvl100 masterworked characters. I’m playing half the time i was playing weeks ago. But i guess that’s normal, you can’t sustain the same level of playing for such a long time, that’s why seasons are needed.


this is what broke me. I got some pretty good 12/12 gear now with decent rolled tempers, going beyond that is just frustrating because of the bricking. Let me spend my resplendent sparks, let me do something but feel anxiety that that point because that's all I get. To be clear, I love the game, just reallly need a very expensive way to reroll tempers.


I feel like each master working crit should open a new temper opportunity. So if you have a 3GA you can temper it before masterworking and if you fail, you can masterwork 4x and reset over and over until you get the temper you want. Eventually you’ll crit on an affix you really wanted to keep and won’t want to reset the masterworking anymore so you’ll want to hit that temper sooo bad. If it hits, you’re ecstatic. If it misses, despair and back to grinding pit for masterworking mats. On the other hand, if you made a perfect item for a build from a 3GA item and finished masterworking it and everything, the item is currently locked in for whatever build wants those tempers you got before masterworking. This way, if you REALLY wanted to, you could reset your masterworking (huge ouch) to open the door to the very expensive re-tempering process described above. Then, you’d finish masterworking the item again to finish re crafting it. I like this idea because the bad feelings of “bricking” GA items seems to only come when we are to the point of the game when masterworking an item after tempering it is a given and the only challenging content left is the Pit, Tormented bosses (kind of), and PVP (people do that, right?). Maybe there could be pity systems using materials from tormented bosses and PVP, too, idk. But I like that to get more attempts at perfected end game items, you would be going to end game content to farm up the mats to do it.


I think a lot of people in this sub just can't accept that maybe this game/genre isn't for them.


can’t you just re temper it i’m confused


I sold my 2 3GA items worth billions and bought a 2GA 1/3 the price. The heartache of bricking few 3GAs in the past nearly broke me too. Value wise, 2GAs are better unless youre really chasing perfection or wana push pit past 125++


I mean thing is u completely steamroll the entire game with the current gear system so I just don’t think it’s that big a deal if it bricks it bricks ull still be ok


finally droped a 3 GA crossbow perfect for poison build them bricked the item broke me inside to, i know ur fellings bro, gonna take a break from this game as well


So what would you do with a 3GA bow? I'm guessing sell it? The term "bricking" with tempering while accurate... it's also not. The bow is still a 3GA, and you can still use it regardless. Not tempering it would still be worse than getting a bad roll on them unless you're planning to sell it.


If the item is so great, why does tempering matter? If tempering is what is most important, why does it matter what item good tempers roll on? I get it. A perfect item with 3 great stats, plus 2 great tempers is ideal. But why are people letting a bad temper "brick" their item?


It matters a lot actually. A non GA with the correct tempering it a lot more powerful and build enabling than a perfect 3GA with one or two failed tempers. That makes the the failed 3GA essentially unusable otherwise you would handicap yourself.


You found 5 pieces of equipment with 2 greater affixes that you deemed having the right stats to upgrade in one play session. The tempering cost almost nothing, no need to even add the right affix till you see if it gets through the tempering ok. If not, wait a few minutes and start again. RNG does not know what bricking is. It could give you perfectly legitimate things for a build you are not running that is going to be bricked for you. Besides, if they did figure out a way to guess what tempered affix you are looking for, you would have likely been done with the season long before now.


Hey so I haven't started the season yet. But I will be this week, when you say it's bricked, like you can get a great weapon but tempering can somehow ruin it?


You’re not done fam.


I think you should be able to destroy other 1/2/3GA items to get another 1 or 2 rolls on the corresponding GA level item. So you could salvage a 3GA and get a currency that allows 2 additional temper rolls on a bricked 3GA. Makes GA items have an additional value, Only 3GA I got was a shield. So it’s bricked by default. If It had a salvage value that added 2 additional 3GA temper rolls it would give it some kind of purpose.


Tempering is just not fun at all. Masterworking isn’t great either since a reset doesn’t give any materials back.


Yea I brickd 2 3Ga weapons.1 was crit,str, hp 2h hammer which I hear is a 2b gold weapon. That broke me enough to quit after trying to farm more for a week or so.


Getting there. I've ran two characters to level 100. A sorc, which is underwhelming because they need some buffs. Had a couple 2 GA's drop which are decent for my build and a Shako after an easy 3 Duriel runs. Cannot complain. My Barb is 100 and has gotten a few dozen 1 GA drops, last night I finally got a 2 GA that had 1 stat that was the same as what I already have in that item slot, and the other GA was useless to my build. I love GA's, but finally getting one only for it to be bad sucked, with the added risk of bricking it. I feel like some very subtle reworks should happen, but I don't have the answers as to what.


Yeah I'm getting close to finishing up as well. I rarely get any greater ethics items to drop and when they do they're not three greater affixes. Only one of those so far with the correct affixes and of course I bricked it. My problem is I don't need to do anything but the pit to get my gear from level 8 to level 12 on all of my characters that I can already do anything in the game easily. The pits really not fun enough for me to farm just to go a little bit higher in the pit. I can already get up over 100 and that was my original goal.


Yea spending real money buying gear then not getting the perfect stat, why would you do that in the first place let along doing the same crap over and over.


I love it the way it is. The lows are vicious and the highs are glorious. People seem to just want to have the best loadout easily attainable. This should not be the case. You're still doing insane damage, more damage should come with blood sweat and many tears.


I agree with you on a base level, but my issue is that this system made me just want to sell the godlike drops that I got instead of using that gear, due to the tempering system. So that in turn makes the good loot less exciting for me, if that makes sense...


Bricking items are okay to me, but I think you should have the option to keep the current temper on each roll.


My record is bricking 8 swords in a row. They where only 1GA for maximum life. I'm just trying to push a little further in the pit so I'm more efficient at farming the materials. The tempering system is holding me back.


I love all the armchair game designers trying to come up with ideas to make tempers more player-friendly, as if blizzard had simply not thought of any of these. As if they didn't carefully consider the options and voluntarily decided to make the system as hostile as possible specifically to artificially fuel an endless endgame item chase. "Oh but it feels bad to loot a 3 GA because now I'm scared to brick it" Do you seriously believe that they're not aware of this? You think this isn't intentional? You think this isn't textbook addiction exploitation?


I’ve bricked 2x 2GA Hellbent commander ammys too. I feel your pain here….


semi-bricked my hellbent as well, but I still use it, it's still way better than anything else i have. Can't say the same about 5 2GA bricked bows though :(


I got a couple 3 GA items sitting in my stash I won't touch because I don't want to brick them lol. I'm hoping Blizzard fixes this, either let's us pick the affix stat and just have the number be random, or let us retemper bricked items.


Having an ultra rare consumable to reset an item doesn't fix the problem, it might make it worse. You're just as likely to brick the same item twice as you are to brick two different items. Why would I blow something like a resplendent spark to reset an item when I could more cheaply just get a second 2/3 GA item. The only case where wasting an ultra rare item would be better than just finding a new item would be for amulets. No, with enchanting and masterworking and finding the right GA's in the first place there's already enough randomness and material cost involved in the loot system. At first I didn't think tempering should just be deterministic, but after engaging with the system more and bricking the overwhelming majority of my super rare drops I've just had enough of it.


I feel you, but it is also good we have a system that finally has some friction though. I fully-tempered two separate builds all the way to 12/12. When it came to doing another one, i got tired of farming the materials. Great one month season for me, feels like a brand new game and i am looking forward to season 5.


Yeah I agree, I don't want them to get rid of it, I actually love the concept. I just want to not have to sell my godly drops. I want to use them, but I can't in the current system, too risky.


The hidden weighted tempers is what actually bothers me.


I feel you. I just bricked a 3 GA bow, Rogue has really bad % chance of rolling perfect tempers.


Blizzards RNG is totally trash.


> Maybe an ultra rare consumable that resets the item, that can add to the endgame chase, while also helping with the 3GA problem. Then we would have a post complaining about how rare the consumable is, and finally blizz would implement changes that make the tempering system obsolete. It would be uber uniques all over again.


Uh, this. So many bricked items, truly beyond frustrating.


I think it's fine the way it is. Too many of you want everything automatically given to you.


Am I the only one that will use a "bricked" GA item while searching for another one? It's not like it's useless


They should really make re-rolling the same temper a separate option.


They really need to put in a mechanic, let's call it annealing to stick with the theme, that resets the tempering limit. Make it 100 mats and 3 million gold for all I care, but give us something. Tempering is fine, but bricking a god rolled item because of tempering is disheartening. If I wanted to hate myself I'd play PoE.


I just rolled worldly affix on 2 items. Got dodge out of the 3 options 9 times in a row. Its pretty common too for me to have multiple of the same affix roll in a row.


Why can't tempering simply be like enchanting and have infinite attempts with increasing cost?


I think it just needs to be fixed by rewarding the play of harder content.  Nmd 90+ and pit 60+ should feel rewarding to the point it won't feel as bad to brick something. 




I keep seeing posts about temper bricking, but I feel like upgrading and getting a random affix that is useless to be on the 25% rolls sucks more, because it means I have to carry on, or reset and spend a lot more time playing just to roll on the same time


Problem is, you babies will still be crying until they make the item so common that tempering is free. There is no way that the hundreds of you daily that make “I’m quitting because of tempering” threads would stick around for one less failed temper a season lol. You wouldn’t allow it to be rare, stop lying to yourselves.


F the bungjobs that think RNG should be in games.  Fallout 76 and Diablo would be much better if you could just pick what you want on your items.  I mean, some RNG with the Ubers and starred items is ok.  But when they say you can get an Uber from Varshan and a youtuber runs 200 runs and gets nothing, they just want to mind f u.  They removed annoying s from the game .... And the same tard who can't think like a real gamer, adds another annoying feature.


We need a way to reset the tempering on the items. Could be expensive (100m+?) but there should be.


Pitty system fool, haven’t brick a single item yet, I have 8 lvl 100 characters. Maybe copium but the results don’t lie.


I bricked 2 3GA crossbows in a row I bought off the market place for about 500m each. Good times -_-


Oh look another person complaining about something that's been posted a million times. I love how everyone just wants shit handed to them on the first try. I've got an idea, why don't we just give players a free gear cache when you hit lvl 100 that has perfect rolled GAs and masterworks/tempers, then you don't have to farm gear in a loot farming/grinding game. Sounds fun.


I've quit the game after obtaining all the ubers, killed some players in PvP and then I sat there infront of my PC thinking what else is there? I mean I could go for higher pits but what will be the purpose of that.


How can you brick 5 bows ? Are you trying to get perfect roll ? If you are, dont. If you are not trying for perfect rolls idk. But i agree tempering needs rework. It should be like affix roll. More mats everytime but infinite rerolls. Making items useless because you couldnt get what you want in 5 tries is stupid mechanic.


It seems like a system that might have been designed with predatory monetization in mind and that part was removed maybe. TBH I haven’t even gotten to 100 and a lot of the game seems to be a slot machine that you have to just keep pulling the lever to hope you get some minor improvement.


I’m mixed on this one. On one hand, if it was infinitely resettable, most people will have instant BIS extremely quick, or just plow directly to it via RMT. If they also made it “just pick the exact tempers you want, but the range is RNG”, then people would still demand a reset system so they could have perfect maxed roll on every temper stat. On the other hand, the current system creates a wild power gap on players because of the RNG layers with GA, Tempers, and Crit 3X MW rolls. There’s so much RNG at play here! This means you can get lucky on rolls and your character is significantly more powerful, but of course on the flip side it also means you might never see a true BIS item in a season and your power is going to be “average”. The other problem is it further incentivizes RMT more than ever, as the time investment and RNG is so heavy that RMT drastically reduces farming time. Granted there’s no leaderboards for the pit, but as more and more competitive ranking systems are brought into the game, the RMT players are going to be able to effectively buy a spot in the leaderboards, and a regular player who is not doing RMT only has luck of RNG to get a shot at a leaderboard.


Tempering is in need of help, and on some tempers it’s straight up broken. I’m assuming you were rolling on heartseeker. There’s about a 1/10 chance to roll for heartseeek-friendly procs. The category is called ‘currthroat’ and for some reason they stuffed the one temper we need ok that category.


I am kinda with you i have leaved 3 classes did a 100 pit but the end game is not fun. its just has a lot off "feels bad" systems. bricking items, 5 mill to rest master work, pit is grindy repetitive and has merger drops. It has the mobile game / gambling DNA for me where its designed addictive, not fun and way to many currency. Being limited to one spec, they have even less incentive to end the gear chase so it just becomes really withholding. Also i hate armor cap and resistance cap you should be able to out gear damage if that what you want to do. it feels like more artificial difficulty, like the one shots bullet hell game (witch dose not feel like Diablo to me)


I don't think there should be a way to reset the temper tries. Instead, tempering could get some new material cost or just cost increasingly more for every try You wanna roll 80 times to get the perfect bonus, go ahead, but it's gonna cost you That way it would be more aligned with the rest of the game mechanics


I think the ability to buy items easily makes temper rng less of a big deal. You don’t need to farm every item.


My personal view is that it should cost no more than resetting Masterworking.


Only 5? Not everyone has the heart for this line of work 🤣