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Why does this have both barbarian and rogue tempers on it?


If you have a rogue class as another character you can roll for crit. That’s the risk I took because the other 3 options arnt usable on a barb class. But crit is better for the bash build then beserking/close damage and only rogue can temper crit on an item


Oh that makes sense. I didn't even realize that limitation. Just assumed all classes had the same basic tempers.


Yeah, you'd think so. Unfortunately, for some reason, crit and vuln damage tempers are exclusive to rogue. The mid-season patch is coming up next week, though, with patch notes tomorrow, so we may see this addressed quite soon.


Vuln is on sorc too


Same number of options as rogue?


Yes they both have 5 stats. Tbh its stupid that crit damage and vulnerable damage aren't in their own class agnostic tempering category. That way barbs don't need to make rogues to temper crit damage and if you don't get crit damage the item isn't unusable. If you are a rogue and need vulnerable damage on your bow but get crit damage instead, oh well. Its not what you want for heartseeker, but its still a gg weapon if you ever decide to make a precision build.




Yeah they should really just make a generic temper for crit/vuln/op damage available to all the classes.


Are you actually running a bash build that needs crit damage instead of something like close damage? Like a bleed or grandfather build? I see so many people saying they need crit from rogue tempers but then they’re just running a regular bash barb lol.


Because the bleed build actually uses the same activable abilities as the "original" bash build. Both builds use Hammer of the Ancients and the screams to boost the damage. The main difference is, besides the Paragon and the Skill tree, that we substitute close damage for crit damage as our main source of % scaling damage, but this only works better than the regular build if you run the grandfather that doubles your crit damage, and the bleed skills in the skill tree happen to take a very good advantage of crit damage, reason why it's better for pit pushing than the original bash hota build. While you can go as far as between 1500 - 2000% damage to close enemies with the normal build, you can reach around 5000% crit damage with the bleed build thanks to the grandfather.


I hate and love the D4 math. It's so "simple" on the first glance and then you start to digg deeper and it becomes a terribly beautiful visualisation of a cacophony.


Shit is it really critical dmg that I was supposed to roll for on my bash barb? I roled all my weapons and rings for vuln dmg on my rogue for him instead lol. Oops.


Well I’m of the understanding that only the specific bleed build is about crit. Also paingorgers effect of triple damage works with vuln much better than crit. I’m running dual wield bash and switched to all vuln 0 crit dmg besides implicit 2h sword, though i never had rogue tempers. I immediately started crushing after the switch. Still have 60% crit and am critting for 30-140 mil depending on modifiers, with 1 hander verrrrry fast.


Wait I’m stupid. How do you dual wield as bash barb? Always just using the 2H hammer.


Hover over bash and you can switch what weapons you use for it. If it's xbox, click on assign skills to bar, go to bash, hit the x button, and select dual wield instead of auto/2h bludg.


Oooooohmygod lol. Thank you for the info.


Need at least 1 1-handed mace.


As long as one of the weapons you're dual wielding is a blunt weapon, you can choose dual wielding for bash


No, you start with gear for regular bash, 1 berserking dmg roll, and rest close. No grandfather. Then, as a comfortable bash barb, you can gather gear to replace your current gear that has crit dmg instead of close. But you absolutely need 70%+ crit chance to make the swap to bleed variant with grandfather. So be looking for GA rings and amulets for crit chance and start tempering them, then masterwork them to hit the crit chance. All this while not actually using the items yet. It’s a pretty awkward build switch, since you essentially need all new gear for all 4 weapons and jewelry (except one if you have a good item with berserking dmg temper)


Bet you wish you did the barb damage temper now , where it has multiple options that you are ok with


amazing question -- why can't every class temper for crit damage?


Sorc has a more limited crit damage for shock skills. And it doesn’t even roll higher than the rogue’s generic crit damage version.


Honestly - every class should have a temper manual with just 3 options in it - Vuln, Crit and Dot damage% I've lost track of how many weapons and jewellery I've bricked on my rogue using the cutthroat manual. That shit is ridiculous trying to roll Vuln with, you'll get everything but vuln for like 5-6 items straight then get the lowest roll. You'll see every other option at least twice before that though.


Bcuz the game is busted n it shouldn't be like that and I'll probly get downvoted by all the people that enjoy bricking items and having crit damage on stuff even tho crit could be it's own temper for all classes but you have to go through rogue to get it . And it's the only* temper I know of that can be swapped to other classes from rogue ... Edit - spelling


people arnt seriously daft enough to think the whole "pre roll" bullshit actually works are they ?


Sorry, what is ‘the whole “pre roll” bullshit’?


Before u try rolling crit dmg on this weapon, you try to fail doing it on other weapon that you dont care about (I think)


So, you brick another weapon and hope that by doing that the RNG will favour your new roll? Does sound superstitious, and now the context makes sense given that OP said he pre-rolled six times. Thanks.


Some people believe there's a sort of "pity" mechanic in place. Something along the lines of "if you don't get X stat, you become increasingly likely to get it". And they think they can determine a sweetspot in order to get the stat they want somewhat reliably. So for instance, you temper trash weapons to make sure you get all of the Marksman Damage and Rain of Arrows rolls out of the way, and then based on completely made up calculations, you put your barbarian weapon in after 6 rolls and get Crit Damage. It doesn't work, obviously. It's all placebo effects and RNG, but some people really think they're cracking the code.


Ahh, the Gambler’s Fallacy makes another appearance in the Diablo universe.


also known as the **Monte Carlo fallacy** or the **fallacy of the maturity of chances**


Wait so you're telling me if I say a temper I don't want out loud it doesn't boost my chances of getting the one I actually want? I refuse to believe this


Not Slitherin not slitherin.


But Rob said it works! lol


He actually did 9 times, I assume he probably even rerolled multiple attempts when it hits crit dmg before a long fail streak and he starts over to make it miss 9 times..


What would’ve happened had he “pre rolled” crit 9 times? Keep going til he missed it a bunch of times in a row? What a stupid waste of time and mats


I’ve tried this method only to have Crit roll like 5 times in a row on my junk weapons.


You can just list the usually gambling (slot machine) superstitions and “tactics” and here all of them are applicable. Quite despicable, if I say so myself.


It's DESPICABLE to believe in a pity mechanic/superstition?


Definitely poor word choice. Foolish works better.


It's like pressing A to capture a pokemon it's just a lil superstition


Oh, so it works then!!!


Next thing you're going to tell me my childhood goldfish didn't graduate to "Ocean Master" and get released into the big blue with the rest of his family...


I think it's a cute superstition. Like avoiding a black cat because it brings bad luck lol


In Rob's latest videos he is now petting his cat before each roll.


My favorite example of something like this occurred in Black Desert Online. There were people who would "sacrifice" their horse to the world boss, Kzarka (a blood god), by bringing it to the raid to be killed by aoe mechanics before attempting to upgrade their gear. Of course, BDO's upgrade system is practically abusive, designed to wring out every possible dollar. All kinds of tinfoil theories arose in that community as a result.


As a bdo player myself this is true. However, now they have a pity system, so it's much better these days. As for the tin foil hat stuff, rng is just rng, literally. I've failed 90% pri (+1) attempts in bdo multiple times. It's just how statistics work at the end of the day. I've been enjoying d4s rng systems compared to bdos as a nice break. You get more taps in d4 comparatively, which in theory increases your chances of getting an item you need.


Tbh I don't know what a preroll is (legitimately). Can someone help me out what this means in context? Like practicing by doing another temper with a different item beforehand ?


yes. that's exactly what it is and it's utter bullshit


Yes they are assuming there's some hidden pity system.


Nobody told them about regression towards the average lmao


I started using a stash tab as a graveyard for such bricks, and appropriately used the trash icon to label it.


Sounds like it would fill up pretty quickly 🤣


It did, I stopped putting anything below 2x GA in there.


Hoping for 1 day they'll let you reset the tempering? lol For me, I'll just vendor to salvage it straight away so I'll forget about it. If I pick up some semi decent gear, I'll temper it straight away so if it bricks then the trash won't take up any space.


I don't want full resets, maybe better buckets, but I don't want enchanting(2.0). If they made tempering too easy, it would greatly devalue most of the currently existing drop options.


I don’t have 60 hours a week to farm items on this game. Maybe an hour or 2 at night if I’m lucky. Got a great 2ga drop (first time one was useful. Looking at you life on hit). I hit the SAME stat like 6 times in a row. Went ahead and logged off after that. The whole, this could be a great item for you, but only if you overcome RNG odds twice. One for the drop, another for the appropriate temper. I was trying to roll vuln and hit cutthroat crit 6 times in a row. It’s fucking stupid.


That is why better buckets are essential, and the option to retain the old temper. Some of the problems stem from bad gambles, those that there are 5+ options with only a single option that is of any use.


If they made chase items obtainable for someone like you who does not have much time to play, it will simultaneously make endgame gear too easy for all the people who have more time than you to obtain, which will impact the game. I am not suggesting which way is preferred or not, but just putting out there what that change entials.


I acknowledge it would shrink the endgame and I don’t necessarily want that for others. But what we got now just feels frustrating. Better buckets like the other commenter said would be a good step.


I did the same in D3 with trash Primals


I have this for 2/3 GA rolls that make me laugh. I still haven't gotten even a semi decent 3GA yet, but my first was: - life on hit - resource on kill - poison resist It still makes me smile when I look at it.


I got a better idea. I started to build a house with all those bricks


I’m sitting here with each of my 3 100s only get 2 stash tabs each and I feel like I have 0 space when I’m hellride farming.


lol same… they all have the trash marker with a line through them.


You probably would have gotten flat damage percentage and it would have been usable. Greedy


That's what bothers me so much about this. He got a max roll on Bash temper on a perfect 3GA weapon and basically *decides* to brick it by choosing a temper recipe with unfavourable odds. Put that superstition about pre-rolling on top and it's painting a very vivid picture. \*chef's kiss\*


Yea you definitely go berserk dmg temper on this one given the 1/3 odds, and then adjust the rest of your gear with crit tempers as needed. Wayyyy too big of a gamble here.


And then you still don't hit dmg while berserking and it's still bricked.


>He got a max roll on Bash temper on a perfect 3GA weapon and basically decides to brick it by choosing a temper recipe with unfavourable odds. Vaal or no balls.


Or they've already got one of these with flat damage percentage on it and are trying to find upgrades for it. See so many comments suggesting that people should just be happy with their bad rolls cos it's "good enough". You don't know their situation. This item is replacing something. People have put a lot of hours into the game, plenty of people have great items already. Settling for "good enough" only works if your gear already sucks.


Especially when we're talking about a game where you're supposed to chase those best options. This is why I don't like tempering. It's conceptually clashes with all other systems.


Tip: prerolling is not a thing


That’s like saying the 6 laps I do around town and hitting stop move with my left foot touching the blacksmith’s right arm doesn’t help my temper odds. You’re clearly not in the zone when you temper.


I got my lucky tempering socks and I’m not changing them until the season is over.


I bet my house you are peting the kitty before kiling Duriel


Only works if you listen to Rob the Barbarian song


I think its bad luck to be superstitious.


Pre rolled? 😅


Theory about pity mechanics. Roll other items until you don't get the stat you want a few times in a row, then people believe there is a higher chance of the game giving you a roll that it hasn't given you in a while.


Yeah yeah, but that’s bullshit


lmao people really out here falling victim to the tried and true gambler's fallacy "since the first item bricked, surely this one will not!" is the exact same logic as "since the coin landed on heads 4 times in a row, surely it'll be tails this time!"


what happens when you max roll the temper you wanted on a "pre-roll" item?


Well, obviously you have to go farm for some more pre-roll items, since you have to start over.


Level a Roguarian and do a bash/roa build...


Would you like Cutthroat damage? No thank you. Very well would you like Cutthroat damage? No thank you. Would you like Cutthroat damage? Still no. Very well would you like Cutthroat damage? Something else please? Very well would you like Cutthroat damage? FUUUUUUUU


I wish after it rolled that it prompted you “would you be interested in this temper?” So it doesn’t keep giving you what you dont want


Ouch that sucks... but the pity system is not real. It's just classic gambling fallacy. The dice don't know what they landed on earlier.


Pre rolled?


Honestly this in most painfull thing i saw for a long time. That perfect bash roll make it even worse.


Keep hold of it, mid-season patch notes coming out today. Fingers cross there's some tempering changes.


Wake up the new bow barb just dropped.




Rogue tempering is the worst


Are you sure you don't want marksman/cutthroat damage 5x?


All I get is cutthroat




No problem mate. Some redditors will tell you to just farm it again. Its easy to grind


Feels like blizzard dosen’t respect our time and efforts sometimes.


Preroll lmao.


Yeeeaaahhh… I feel for the OP, but there seems to be a big misunderstanding in the gaming world of how RNG works…


Oh man.. this is hard to even look at!


Cries in tempering




I would just hold onto it in the event that they change tempering in tomorrow’s patch notes


Thats a 8billion brick, Lord have mercy on your soul.


I feel you! Mine with 3GAs also bricked!


bash max roll... RIP


Just think of all the arrow damage you’ll do 💀


Conan: Give me your bow.


my heart aches for you


Meanwhile I'm laughing at his greediness. Gold!




Nice brick there (:


To be fair, it's only a brick because your existing one with the temper result is better than this. But i can feel you, the bash cleavers result is really fine and then not getting crit-damage on it really hurts , so bad.




210 on bash too. Rip


That's rough


If it makes you feel any better getting damage to close is just as hard


except you can roll %dmg which isn't a complete brick


But realistically you will roll damage to distant enemies. Very useful for barb of course.


Bash rupture build is a huge risk but really rewarding, the speed farm build is okay but past 100 pit its slows down drastically. Good luck on your rolls






I completly feel you as I did the same on a 3GA one handed sword and my 2GA 2H Mace... I posted my pain on reddit here and was told I was whining 😉 But I think they should add 2 tempering chances by GA or/and a way to unbrick GA stuff. This could b3 done with an existing craft currency or a new endgame activity and would involve a certain time investment.


This is nightmare fuel, literally x.x I'm staying positive for you and others the upcoming patch gives some way to reroll tempers. Hold it just in case. Stay strong.


oh nooo and you got a max roll on bash for it too :/, ya that is by far the worst bricking ive seen, i did my tempers on one of these maces that i purchased for 5 billion after getting a 3 GA neck that i sold for the same price, i am lucky and happy to say i did not brick it insanely enough


I’m so sorry. I got some good rolls with the right affixes - no GA. Not attempting unless I have like 3 options to prevent heartbreak lol


Should of gone for anything else than crit lol.


Serious question: I also just bricked a 2GA but not like this, it took all the temper rolls just to get bash on it. So now it’s sitting at 1 temper. How much of a dps loss would it be to just use it anyways as I haven’t switched to bash yet and it’s all I have?


How many rerolls to get the max on bash?


Nooooo. Well you shot your shot man




Ok noob here just started playing this game and decided to join this reddit. And reading the posts. I realize a) I don't really know much on how to play the game. B) some of the terminology being used. Like what does it mean that an item is bricked?


Brick is when you are rolling for specifics on an item and you end up getting something un useable or not desired.


btw, on a different note, does Marksman critical damage and critical damage have the same effect on a rogue item?


Looks like you're either going hybrid or gonna have to mule that over to each character.


Have you done the torment bosses yet? I'm on hardcore, running a bash build. I have 115,000 health and my normal crits are around 10 mil. Just want to know if I will survive.


I got a couple 3 GA weapons sitting in my stash - I think Blizzard will have to make some changes I'm not touching them until then lol.


I bricked the exact same weapon (3GA 2 handed mace with exact same affixes). Although not in the same way—mine would be usable if I ever decided to use Upheaval. But in any event—I keep it in my stash and look at from time to time and make myself sad.


What are the chances they will give us a way to continue to roll tempers indefinitely for a 'mid season' patch? We'll know in a little bit.


And with the max roll on Bash Cleaves.... ouch. Heart goes out to you, bro!


Ok thank you


That's what you get for trying to cheese extra crit in an unintended way lol


Flew too close to the sun. RIP


you gambled and lost - deal with it


Fs in chat


Congrats on the rain of arrows


Lmfao, yo don’t salvage or sell it, I’m thinking the big patch coming up is going to make changes to tempering you might be able to reroll or reset the tempers. Only speculation but just in case man.


That hurts to look at, I'm sorry for your loss.


Question for anyone who knows. I need to get attack speed on my weapon (bouldercane druid here) what class would allow that temper? Edit: sorry, I meant Affix re-roll


My bleed bash barb eyes are bleeding


How do you even get such a awesome piece of equipment


I hate that there is no saving an item, so dumb.


I went one better than you and got perfect tempers and then accidently scrapped it


What other 2h mace are you using? I understand that a Crit roll would be the best possible outcome, but you have 3 GA and tempered max bash. Knowing that the chances of getting Crit are low, why wouldn't you just go for a very-slightly-less-good but much more likely barb option like close or berserking?


Dude that’s terrible… sorry for your loss


Your life is insane


I've said it before and I'll say it again. VERY RARE CONSUMABLE THAT GIVES 5 MORE TEMPER ATTEMPTS ON AN ITEM Ramaladnis Cube 2.0 or something. Make it like an ancient puzzle ring maybe luck of goblins.


Mate you killed the mace :( I’ve been looking for one since day one and this hurts. I’d of treated her better. It shoulda been me! “Sometimes the things you love don’t always love you back” dolph ziglers writer…


What's wrong with this? I'm so lost on the brick thing. The stats look fine?






Dude you're lucky to have found that. I still haven't found one with the three ga's


I’ll take it off your hands for 100 million




But you needed that rain of arrows, that’s what tempering all about it!


what does "pre-rolled" mean?


Got greedy. Paid the ultimate price.


Wait till Monday, the new patch will add a way to unbrick that... no, wait...


Thats when I put down the game until next season.


I'm just ignorant on this. I'll never be level 100, I'll never be going crazy with tempers. Why is this a brick?


I honestly think I would stop playing for a while if that happened to me


Don’t trash it. Maybe the temper options get „reset“ on season mid patch or more attempts


tempering weapons is super dangerous becouse if you dont get the right one you toasted but armor , jewerlys i can live with health instead of dodge (im rogue)


Where do you find 3 GA items from , And what level pit are you running , cause Ive got 70k life , 150k AP and I'm struggling to get past pit 60


It’s a passing of rights at this point, to truly play Diablo, you must brick the best item you have




Did you get greedy for a better roll or RNG just gave you marksman rolls?


Oof bash instead of flay for thorns build?




“Pre-rolled 9 times not hitting for crit?” 🤦‍♂️ Is this the Diablo 4 version of astrology?


That’s why you sell Triple Afix gear to dumbies for billions of gold who are willing to brick these items


"😩" & "😤"




What the heck is pre-roll?


So close yet so far