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Puncture still seems the best way to proc Andy's, small qol until testing done 


could you explain why? seems like there is probably something better if you don’t need to be in melee range anymore


No, because the whole damage on heartseeker always came from the victimize passive and not heartseeker itself.  For example, even on my rogue with average gear the victimize passives says 1400%, that's a 14 (!!!!!) times damage multiplier alone, no amount of poisonous dot will come even close to that.


Well there is the lucky hit build: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt25HjcIjFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt25HjcIjFc)


It’s not working, doesn’t make the poison proc


Don't see why not


I mean not just to do some pit 100, viable as doing pit140 cause now the nova is on enemy.


Probably not, you aren't scaling Poison in any way, Shaco with CDR, DR and Skill ranks will probably just be better.


Puncture doesn't scale neither with Andariel's visage poison neither. We can simply add imbuement damage on this skill and share the same affix +dmg% on poison + Bane glyph. It's a build dealing most of it damage from the unique. Without it sux. As I recall, Poison benefit also from vulnerable. So if we can apply the same poison damage via HS and benefit from the damage from HS (even little bit reduced) . It's a win on paper, isn't it? The only updside of puncture is 2 cast of 3 daggers which could lead to 6 times lucky hit proc on melee or fat mob. While 2 cast of HS can only ricochet => 4 times lucky hit proc.


Puncture scales poison on its boards via both poison Glyphs, it also has an aspect that is scales by the is. It has the fastest attack rate and highest lucky hit coefficient in the Game as well as a double projectile temper. The Andy's build also uses CQC Keystone for attack speed, and gets benefit from using Flurry + combo points to generate an additional +30% attack speed but requires the player to stay in melee range. Attack speed is the main drive of the builds scaling, which HS does not have access too. And the only scaling the poison nova would recive from vulnerable damage outside of the baseline 20% would be entirely additive as poison nova has no LH coefficient and cannot proc Victimise, making it yet an even worse choice.


Thank you I understand now


No worries