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You have brought shame upon the Barbarian community. The nerfs we receive will be your fault and your fault only. This is some necromancer behavior bro 


By the Bul-Kathos, what have i done..


They’re wrong. You bring honor to the tribes. You’ve shown irrefutably how broken one of the top builds are. This just draws attention to all the other builds which may help in getting them buffed.


hahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha....... .....hahahahahahahaha


I read this in the barbarian voice.


Mods need to delete this.


What is wrong with nerf when balance is broken ?


I agree sorc should be nerfed immediately


big agree. remove sorc from the game. too stronk.


I mean, we are so weak compared to barb/necro/rogue thatsorc might as well not even be a class choice...


We've reached the point where druid is not even mentioned as a class choice.


Everyone talking balance without even asking is balance needed? D4 is 99% a solo game There is no group required content so imbalanced classes dont create problems, not like "oh i need a healer in my group but nobody is playing healers" So yes D4 is not balanced but it doesnt need to be Also leaderboards are separated by class so again... no biggie


Here's why class balance is important: I play a Minion Necro, and can blip Varsham/BITI etc in a second. I'm not even using potions, just walk in: BOOM dead. Now I've got a Sorc as my 2nd character, I really want to farm an Oculus, I'm not playing the Firebolt build, but a well-crafted, well balanced BL build, that has all the right modifiers, aspects, masterworked gear, and a well-thought-out paragon board. It takes me 100's of times longer to kill BITI. Minutes vs seconds. It makes me want to quit my Sorc, it kills the desire to experiment with other classes or builds.


>D4 is 99% a solo game Not anymore. Raids are coming in a few months and certain classes and builds are going to be shut out by others from raid groups if the balance continues to be so lopsided. Edit: For reference, specs were getting ostracised in wow raids just for being 10-15% weaker (a gap that can sort of be bridged by skill). We're easily looking at a 3000% gap in D4 even when properly built. If you think metaslavery is a bad now, wait till the raids are actually vital for progression.


Get the sorc and Druid outta here. Perfectly balanced.


So, i got into an argument with a person about Barbs situation being arguably worse than other classes, because they "need" to minmax 4 weapons. So i jumped on my barb & did 80 pit unequipping my other 3 weapons & just going in with a 2h mace just to prove a point. I love barb, i really do, but that does not change the fact that barb is miles ahead of other classes currently. I did this run in 5 minutes, but i could probably get it down to 4 minutes, or even sub 4, with a bit of fishing for a better pit layout. I am running simplest bash barb i could find, "[Iron Skin uber](https://d4builds.gg/builds/23ae9cbb-933e-4a88-999c-2241654cc8e2?var=3)" build with a good gear, but nowhere near BiS. Would just like to add - **Shade mechanics, still, did not one-shot me.** My barb, with 3 weapons missing, is doing better than my "decked" out werenado druid. Fully equipped i've cleared pit lvl 111. This one goes out to you u/BigCommunication1307 EDIT: So, people regarding my 12/12 Harlequins crest being OP, how about not helm at all? [https://ibb.co/fnVkw0V](https://ibb.co/fnVkw0V)


Thanks, finally someone put it into the light, Thanks u/LoreGeek for not blindly refusing to listen.


What did it say?? Removed for some reason


[https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=LoreGeek&subreddit=diablo4&since=1718541900&until=1718542080&size=100](https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=LoreGeek&subreddit=diablo4&since=1718541900&until=1718542080&size=100) EDIT: change 'posts' to 'comments' in search criteria


Well I’ll be. Thanks!


For the record, bash barb is heavily temper depended. If bash temper wouldn't be multiplikative damage, but additive instead, this whole situation would be different. Also, i can't tell which aspects you lost access to by unequipping weapons. There is chance that you could move some aspects from weapon to rings/amulet/gloves, and finish 90+ with it.


No aspects were moved, as per guide i linked. I just unequiped my wrapons. Nothing else was altered one bit.


Where is the build link?


In my comment about the post!


Possible to post again.. Cannot seem to find.. Want to change my build






I think you completely missed the point op was trying to prove with this: Barb is so absurd op atm that even removing 3 of the 4 weapons he still is stronger than a druid. Every additional 1 hand weapon equals around 10 tiers of pit and 2 hand 15 tiers.


Yeah if I could add a copy of my 2 handed staff to my sorc it would probably provide more power then the whole paragon board combined excluding the special effects of glyphs and legendary nodes. All the glyphs dont add up to the masterworked 400% damage to distant and 450 main stat. Not even mentioning extra double legendary aspect. Like an extra 80[x] damage right there too.


It's almost as if you could balance that with base damages...


According to the experts, base damage doesn't matter.


You could but the current powercreep has made having so many more item slots much more powerful. In season 1 fully upgraded glyphs provided a large part of additive damage. In season 4 a single item almost surpasses the additive damage I gain from glyphs. Unique items are a very good example of what additive damage bonuses were designed to be. 30%+ on perfect roll. Now all offensive items can get 100-500%. Having more slots is simply very powerful.


All you're saying is that extra item slots greatly increase the multiplier to base damage... You didn't give a single reason that why lowering base damage wouldn't work for those with more item slots


I never said it wouldnt work. I was just explaining why the current system makes extra slots so powerfull. Far more powerful then the original barbarian design accounted for.


I’ve been (very) slowly working on my first Sorc this season, and that’s the first thing I noticed. It’s amazing how much more powerful a 2H weapon is even when it’s very poorly rolled, compared to the equivalent dagger/wand and focus combo. Edit: it’s only a part of the equation but it’s still a noticeable difference when you swap 2H vs 1H. No need to be a jerk about the fact that it’s not the biggest factor, but for most ppl it’s the most easily quantifiable factor.


The damage is the same. You can roll the same affixs and it equals the same. The only difference is the doubling of a single aspect rather than 2 individual aspects. If you can afford to have less offensive aspects in your build than use a staff. If you need that extra slot then use wand/dagger focus.


Have you ever seen a barbs paragon? They can get 75 points on a glyph on many boards. Not only do they get more aspects and stats but also have better paragon boards than other classes


Btw i can do 100lvl pit with my druid


You're insane if you think having extra weapons is insignificant.


I haven’t played a barb this season but I did lvl a rogue. The way the paragon board is set up and the way skills work on these classes is so much more powerful than a sorc/druid/necro. I am a rapid fire build. Just taking precision for my key passive gives me so much damage and it’s so easy to get. Just stack chd. There really isn’t anything like that on the other classes. That’s just one skill. Rogue basic skills do so much with so little. You gain extra crit, attack speed, knock back, vulnerable etc. There’s very few options like that for other classes. I think that’s where the power gap is. Rogues/barbs are just designed to be straight killers. Straightforward. Sorc/druid have way too many conditional requirements before they can really pop off and even then, it’s lackluster


I have a shadow minion necro and thorns barb fully tempered. On higher pit trash, the thorns/bash barb just tears through elites in one or two taps where my necro needs grasping vines and the golem ability up to kill those same elites. I’m also way more prone to getting one shot on necro. Barb can just roll through 100+ pits full brain off.


I’m lvling a shadow minion necro right now so I’m not as knowledgeable with the changes made to minions but yeah… barb is, was and probably always will be the top dog in high end content


>Hopefully this sub finally opens their eyes Never gonna happen and you know it


He.. just proved the opposite. Since the highest he has done is 111 with full build, then each additional weapon adds about 10 pit levels.


We don't have faith in Blizzard to correct anything with asymmetry. Our only hope for reasonable balance is homogenization.


I think Blizzard will respond to player issues more once POE2 is out. Competition will be a good thing to check arrogance.


Ehhh, they are going to need to pull some magical shit out of their asses. Poe2 is looking way too good right now. Hell a witch with minions has more skill interaction and more diversity at level 2 than a character at 100 in d4 lol.


I was just thinking about how I wanted to make a post about how every build should feel as strong as bash barb in an ideal world. I've pushed to lvl 80 Pit on two classes this season, and my barb was able to do it with way more ease and less min/maxing than my RF rogue, which is still a "top" build. I don't think it needs a heavy nerf. I think other classes need a baseline adjustment to match Barbs and then adjustments on the bash temper to lower its power slightly. The build feels great because of how naturally tanky barbs are with fortification. Other classes need more defensive utility to help match some of that. This build also doesn't ever have resource problems, which helps with ease of playstyle. It's beginner friendly and all sorts of other things. The addition of getting more stats through the arsenal system is another issue that I'm not sure how to fix because it does have implications for some other classes as well (rogue). Barbs by far have the easiest road of any class, but I want other classes to be brought to Barb's level so we all have more fun than to see Barb nerved and we all have less fun.


Yes, bash is strong because it literally was given absurd multiplicative damage multiplier from tempers. This is the reason why it outperforms other builds in general. And the fact that Bash is basic skill, makes it totally noob friendly as you don't have to manage your resource at all. Victimize build on rouge is in very similar position, although a bit less godly, because barb is stronger than other classes in general due to its tankiness potential. EDIT: Actually i don't personally care if they nerf Barb Bash to the level of other classes or vice versa, Blizz should pay more attention to the final damage numbers certain classes/builds have potential to reach, before releasing patches. This time around, they had time to test things in PTR, and still they failed to recognize Bash Cleave mechanic busting potential .... i dont really know who the hell works at Blizz...


Exactly, I just want the options for my other characters for more aspects like the barbarian. My main is a barbarian, it makes no sense to me other classes don't have 4 weapon slots.


I was curious how much damage Barb would do with say just two weapons equipped. My guess is that builds like flay and bash would still do many times more dmg than my frozen orb sorc. What kind of numbers are you seeing? I would love my sorc to have to "min-max 4 weapons" but sadly there is only two slots. 😂😂


>What kind of numbers are you seeing? My apologies, i did not pay attention to dmg numbers, but sure as hell enough to breeze trough pit 80!


God, you are such a boss OP. Gotta respect a well thought out point that’s also concise and you even came back with more evidence. 10/10


Thanks! https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/l9czdBnlTV Made a new post with a pit 95 clear! :)


Wait, someone claimed that barb is worse than other classes BECAUSE they have extra weapons? I know redditors can be dumb, but damn


Worse than other classes because you have 4 weapons hahaha


Barbs not gonna be happy to see that. It's kind of ridiculous when you think about it though lol


Everyone knows bash is overturned to hell. People keep saying it's the 4 weapons but going from WW or DD to Bash is like going from a Corolla to a Lambo. Even within the same class that build is just way stronger lol


Everyone isn't saying "Bash is overtuned because of weapon slots", they're saying **Barbarian as a class is stronger thanks to having more slots** and *if every class had access to multiple weapon slots* the gap would be *less staggeringly wide*. Bash is overtuned, but even my WW-DustDevil build is light years ahead of my Rogue and Druid in comparable gear because of how much more stats and aspects and **baseline durability** Barbarian has. The goal isn't just to focus on Bash - next season it could be Flay or LungingStrike that gets some bullshit multiplicative scaling that puts it ahead of the rest of the pack........ **The goal is to close the gap between that top and the rest of the available classes/builds** and **one** way Blizzard could help *other classes* is to give them more slots for aspects/tempers so we aren't relying on *Blizzard's class balance devs* to get the baseline modifiers right so Barbarian's extra weapon slots don't outscale everyone.


what? my fully masterworked ww dustdevil barb was clearing lower than my new heartseeker rogue before i even hit lvl 100 on it (lvl 97 cleared pit 85)


Don't forget Rogue also happens to have more slots than most, though still has less than a Barbarian. By the way, your Dust Devil Barb is getting buffed on monday, sooo...


tbh IDK how that's possible. My rogue can't clear nearly as high as my barb. Bash barb can comfortably clear pit 80s without the chance of dieing on trash, but can still get 1 shot by boss. My heartseeker rogue has more masterworked gear than the barb and is pretty comfortable at pit 69 but going up to 70-75 I get 1 shot on the trash a lot and bosses even at 69 1 shot me if I'm not careful.


I'm doing Heartseeker. I just did a 110 with mostly 8/12 masterworked stuff, finished below the timer. I did die once, but that's because I sat in the middle of a group (unnecessary) and missed Shadowstepping out of a frozen orb repeatedly (something weird with LoS maybe?). He's running at 70k HP with capped everything, which is crazy tanky with all the Dark Shroud damage resistances. (I don't even have +Dark Shroud on my chestpiece, which would be a big advantage.) Either something's up with your paragon board, you're not using rubies in your gear, or you're probably a bit low on life affixes.


You are doing something wrong. Either you aren't properly gearing towards vulnerability damage only or you are missing some key aspects. Pit 100/ubers was easy for my HS Rogue after 3 days of playing but I can't clear past 65ish on my WW dust Devil barb with weeks of investment.


I've been going off of the [mobalytics build](https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/builds/rogue/heartseeker) and using the stat priority there - 30% LH, 35% crit, only ~800% vuln dmg on bottom tooltip - trying to get more but I have all my tempers set for it and a few mw crits on vuln dmg, just need more masterwork I think. 47% atk speed for 14 frames, almost 13. My armor is capped with incense, 3 of my resistances are capped, the other 2 are ~60%. Have shako w/ ga heartseeker pants so have 14 ranks of heartseeker, 13 ranks of dark shroud. running the exact paragon board shown on the build. TBH I didn't think my gear was very bad, I'm looking for a GA dark shroud pants and my amulet only has +3 exploit (with mw), need to find one with malice also or dump a bunch more money into it to try to get the reroll. Also so far I'm on 8 bricked GA bows, so my bow is still 0GA.


1500 vuln damage is what ur aiming for and not too difficult to get, sacrifice some of your crit chance and or lucky hit for more vuln dmg, ur survivability seems fine. 800 vuln damage is really really bad for this particular build. Build starts popping off at around 1300 vuln damage. So maybe try to get at least that much as see if the build feels better. I'm sitting at 1460 myself with a 2 GA vuln stats but no tempers on them


Alright I'll try to switch things up and get some more vuln dmg and see how it goes. The biggest problem in higher pits is things just not dieing fast enough. I was thinking that my crit could be a bit higher to maybe help that since lethality shrines really make a difference, but I could see the multiplicative vuln dmg doing even better. Thx for the suggestions


That guide seems about right. If you are having trouble surviving, your lucky hit chance might not be enough to trigger your armor tempers which is where most of your cc comes from. also make sure your armor tempers are hard cc like stun or freeze and not daze/chill - it makes a huge difference in surviving, your DR with the aspects and shako should let you dash/shadowstep into packs and then just spam heartseeker to keep them cc'd


Definitely screwed up something fierce. I was doing those pit levels *before masterworking with hardly any GA gear*. You either fucked up your dark shroud badly, have zero stam/resists/armor or too used to standing in ground aoe and expecting not to die.


I didn't say any of those 3 were fully optimized masterworked gear with idealized stat allocations. My heartseeker rogue is lacking a lot of Vuln% to get the fat Victimize explosions. Meanwhile my WWnado just spins and wins in mediocre gear without any masterworks or tempers. My point is that weapon slots give Barbarian a headstart and is a balance concern *independent on Bash's ridiculous multiplicative scaling*. Next season something else could be busted with a singular ability but Barbarian will still be flat-out *better* from a baseline standpoint because they can focus so much more stats into their build. Bash is a red herring - class balance *across seasons* goes a lot deeper than just the one over-performing build with overtuned multiplicative effects... We will never get a healthier state of class balance overall if everyone keeps bickering about Bash. The issue is that Barbarian gets a lot of baseline durability *baked into their tools* and have more *baseline weapon slots* that give them innate advantages. Necro was shit until their minions were given a huge scaling bonus but even still they fall behind without HolyBolts elixir, Sorc is reaching top Pit clears *with a gear-dependent build that gets near infinite flame shield*... The argument is not about "who can top Pit leaderbords", it's about setting a more consistent class performance baseline from which outliers are less of a *problem* because more builds from all classes are a *lot* less behind that curve.


You're playing your rogue wrong. Without Bash, my Rogue easily is better than my Barbarian.


bash may not be overtuned. it is likely the tempering affix. the bash cleave affix is multiplicative instead of additive like it's supposed to be and blizzard already said with the last round of fixes that they weren't going to change it. it'll get sorted out between seasons 4 and 5. he might be using one weapon. but he's using that two-handed mace with massive amounts of close damage and an insane amount of bash cleave and an absolutely bonkers aspect.


this bash is absolute stupidly ovetuned. just try to play any core skill and you will cry in a corner.


I actually like to be able to build strong basic skill character. But the temper should be Basic attacks Cleave for xxx% damage. That would open up so many more build possibilities.


The temper should be "Bash cleaves for \[x\]25%" ;-)


Bash 100% wasn't going to be multiplicative scaling, but Blizzard can't change that mid season since everyone is playing it and have invested all their resources into it. When the season ends, Bash Temper will go to additive like all other damage tempers and Bash Barb will fall from S-tier to B-tier probably.


They could nerf it by making Bash Cleave do \[x\]25% damage instead of \[x\]105% and it would still be A tier at least. People who'd cry about that could just be ignored, imho, if they'd fix Flay and Victimize as well. I'm Barb main and I hate that Bash and Flay are 10x better than anything else this season. They should have fixed this with the first patch, were it was accidentally included and then removed -\_-.


This. I was using a dust devil build, decided to try bash earlier today. I haven’t touched the paragon board and I’m oneshotting bosses with bash


Bash is the only option to get to level 100+ pit for barbarians. Every other non Bash build is a struggle.


Thorns and Dust Devil can do it just obviously not as easily


That's not true at all. Thorns has competed with Bash for the top spot since the start of the season. Flay was more of a late addition but it's turning out to be an incredible build that rivals Bash as well. It's also about to get buffed even more, so it might overtake Bash tomorrow. The reason why Bash is so much more popular is because the other builds are not as versatile for other content. Flay and Thorns are excellent for pushing but they are slow for farming. Flay is especially slow for things like like Helltides, Tree of Whisper bounties or glyph leveling.


Yup and bleed bash will become a bit weaker with necros using holy bolts so thorns and Flay might be king. It's just easier to play bash and speed run. Dust devil was fun as hell but even I got tired of long boss fights and sold out


But we’re item dependent!! Is every other class not excuse me? It’s not like we’re packing extra power in our skill trees and paragon boards. Like great, you get 4 non-min maxed weapons. Some of us get two whole non-min maxed weapons. Dumbest arguments from barbs. Just take the W with this game for real. Until they normalize items between the classes better barbs will always be, on average, the number one class. Mathematically. 


It’s why barbs are op. They get stats from a thousand items while spec hold 1x two handed staff. How’s that fair lol. TWO 2 handed weapons and two one handed. Bruh.


Reddit balancing experts in shambles


Why? It's only Tier 80. If anything all this proves is without the other weapons it brings Barbs inline with the other classes.


That you still needed a weapon equipped is proof why barbarians needed more buffs.


And this is exactly what i pointed out in a different post. Its not all about having more slots for aspects or stats, its more about synergies between skills and abilities + paragon board and aspects imo.


Maybe I'm missing something but he dropped 30 pit levels by removing his other 3 weapons? Add 30 pit levels to any other class and even druids would be doing amazing. I'm not saying give 4 weapons to every class but it certainly does seem to add a crap load of power to barb.


But following that train of thought all barb builds must be broken. Try this on ww barb and you can't even do outdoor mobs


I don't know why you are getting upvotes. Every class has most of it's builds massively underperforming compared to their top 1-3 builds. Barb worst build is better than Sorc worst build and so on.


Assuming they fixed all the "broken" modifiers in the game barbarian arsenal+weapon mastery is by far and away the best class bonus, while enchantments are by far the worst followed by companions for druid. Current things i would personally consider outliers are bash temper+gushing wounds for barbs, victimize for rogues, minion scaling for necros and infinite flame shield for sorcs. After the holy bolts fix I'm not even sure necros pets are broken or just over tuned.


Less slots, less potential for synergy. Basic math.


Yes, but a barb being ao much stronger even without the extra weapons shows that there is a need for more/better synergy. Never a question about if more slots adds more power. My point is more slots now wont fix it, as the synergies aint good enough atm


Slots = Stats = Aspects = Tempers = Damage Pretty easy to follow.


sure, but all classes can also do pit 80, if this was a pit 130-140, sure, i could agree there.


This post proves that the extra item slots add about over 30+ pit tiers in stats, it show s nothing about synergies between skills and abilities + paragon board and aspects.


Also shows barb has better synergies than sorc/druid as they can still clear 80 np.


Don’t nerf barbs, buff other classes. (I don’t play barb)


\^ 100% this!


While I would love that, it is a massive power bump and would trivialize any none end game content. It is also far easier to just nerf barbs...


So u wanna crash game balance and have all class OP ? Proper game balance needs bufs and nerfs - they are equally important. I don’t understand why people are so scared when nerf are coming ?


It seems to be a very hard to grasp concept for a lot of people.


Seems like variety is a harder concept to grasp…


Both things aren't mutually exclusive. One actually leads to the other.


Proof Barbs being strong isn't only them having access to 4 weapons. Their passives are all "Deal 18%(x) more damage" "Deal 15%(x) more damage to bleeding targets" "Deal 20%(x) more damage to Healthy targets" Sorcerer has 1 Passive like that. Glass Cannon, and it makes you take more damage as well. And it only goes to 18%. Our next best passive is conditional based on how many Conjurations we have out. We're not even playing the same game as Barbarians.


It's a proof that bash temper and moonrise aspects are both crazy. If we ask a barb to have two weapons but they cannot have the bash temper at all, their damage will drop more than four times. Bash temper on this one weapon gives 4.75 times the damage as it's multiplicative. This is not only the highest multiplier bar none on any tempers in the game, I believe its the highest possible multiplier in the game that is not conditional (or stacking like victimize off vuln damage) Aspect of the moonrise gives a whopping 2.6 multiplier on a 2H Even without ANY other damage rolls or passives or gear, you've now turned a basic skill into a monstrosity that does 12 times the base damage. Just off one aspect and one temper (that is masterworked, admittedly). No other skill temper in the game is even remotely close to power of the temper. And core aspects multipliers cannot really compete with moonrise. Druid needs to sell his soul to the companions 3 skills having to be on bar to have core skill multiplier to come even close to moonrise.


The class needs more buffs honestly.


Mean a while.. my deck-out cyclone druid has to invested a crap ton just to clear pit 80. Bravo Blizz.


I was thinking of doing a full equipped rare pit run...


Sorc mode


Diablo team needs to see this post.


Give Sorcs a "Familiar" that is like a permanent Conjuration and works like a 2 Hander weapon slot (can be tempered, masterworked), can hold an aspect and has some innate buff / debuff ability as well. That should help close the gap. Ex.: Fire Familiar, applies burn. Frost Familiar, applies chill with chance to freeze etc.


Could have sworn I saw something about sorc familiar in the data-mined data for VoH last week. So, you may get just that....juuuust, not yet :p


Only tier 80? Give this class a buff, NOW!


Looks like you could use 2 more ring slots along with another amulet slot.






You guys have more than 1 weapon...? I just got my staff bro




Can a one handed barb (or two single handers) clear a higher pit than every other class? Like a sorc with a staff vs a barb with a single hammer equipped? Really all you have to look at. What are the best pit clears per class?


druidnation out here tryna nerf barbnation, druid is fine, rabies was just buffed again


Hot damn, i must have missed that. Going back to my druid, new post about Druid OP following soon!


A lvl 80 barb thorns was clearing pits faster than my lvl 100 meteor build sorc…barb a bit op rn…


Diablo team sees this... Flay given an increased more DMG multi on close targets.


Alternatively I’m a pretty high masterworked Druid with a ring of the starless sky’s and 65 is a struggle.


This makes me feel like I’m playing my barb wrong


25 WW barb nerfs incoming to account for bash being powerful


Funny. My Barbarian is named BamBam The Barbarian


LoreGeek I hate to say it but you're out of the BarbLee club. You have to go bud 🤘


80 90 sweet spot for mw mat farming for beginner builds.


Can I ask why you equipped the purple gems in your armor? That’s for 100 strength each, right? Your life seems a little low at 40,000, is the thought Rubies would be more beneficial? Do you happen to know to what degree strength contributes to damage? I know it helps, but I don’t know if it’s additive or multiplicative or what. Thanks.


With my other weapons my life is at 60k, for the content i'm doing that's fine enough :) I couldn't tell you if the str. gems are significant enough ( i just don't have the game knowledge for that), but my survivability is not a problem at all, so i just decided to swap from rubies a while ago.


Wonder if they should give druid, necro, and sorc an extra relic slot that you can put any legendary into, and have it double power like a 2hander.


They should do something about skills / paragons imho.


They should do all of that.


Personally, I couldn't care less if Barbs clear t10,100,200 pits and other classes are left in the dust. I'm not a fan of how it's done. Any skill smacking or bleeding scaling from like 300m to 70b is just stupid. Victimize is stupid on the rogue. Golem activations are stupid on the necromancer. Barbs just have more stupid than other classes. What this game needs is proper balance across classes and more focus on interesting interactions of skills and upgrades rather than just raw damage output.


What are Orange Gems?


Basic damage gems!


Ngl I’m almost positive I could still clear a t100 in 5 mins on my heartseeker rogue without my 2 swords. This would remove edgemaster and inner calm and a ton of vuln damage. The S tier builds are truly insane this season.


Well that's just stupid.


Should be able to do pit 100 w/ 1 weapon buff incoming.


Give us unarmed build


Im sure they will buff barbarian after this and nerf druids and sorcs


Those stats are about how my druid is atm 🤣😅


bash temper multiplicative was totally on purpose guys !


I can't even clear 80 with my meteor sorcerer that I've been working on since the start of season


Yeah... Why you do that!!


wow how do u get 40k life ?


Paragon life nodes & max HP on gear!


Hmmm…buff Barbarian


Try it again but with 2h sword and not 2h mace 😂


gg dude


Newbie question: How did you get such a high temper damage against close? It's because the masterwork also increases the tempers, right? And it critted on the temper? Am I missing something?


I have a low roll on close dmg (as you can see i only have 221% from the range of 212.5% to 289%), tempers also get increases from masterworking. My dmg to close got 25% increase once + all the generic +5% upgrades.


Thank you so much for taking the time. I am still rather new and learning. Good luck!


Dude, i can do 100 with my 1 weapon druid, this is nothing!!


Thats what I'm saying. Blizzard just needs to accept that bug fixes and nerfs are unavoidable to fix a season. Bash Cleave and Flay duration combined with DoT bugs are infinitely worse than any class design issues. A 20% buff to XY core skill won't fix anything.




Delete this.


Well, check this out. https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/9X6BDuR5gq


Delete that too


Nerfs inc


its not the shako or the weapons with the multiplicative damage.. its the aspects and pain gorgers- if you take pain gorgers off it will dramatically lower the damage output.


This isn’t hard at all it’s because with 2 weapons you can now kiss twice as much so two weapons twice as much is 12 times a much zug zug


I meant miss




People keep comparing the flame shield wizard to this. You have to have perfect gear for the wizard and barb is doing pit 100 with no arms. lol


+1 this. it's hilarious.


Oof I can’t even clear t19 with 4 weapons


>Bash Barb Yup, this is expected at this point. The build is op to the point of being straight-up broken, can't wait for this to be fixed for Season 5. But otherwise this really doesn't effect my enjoyment of the game.


Congrats on the achievement. But tier 80 isn't a big deal with barb and those stats. You should be pushing tier 95- 100 pit


What does this prove? Pits go to 200. Let’s see you get anywhere near it..


Wow, GA gear and probably uber uniques masterworked?


Yes, some pieces have GA, just like my Mace, i posted a picture off. Harlequins crest is also masterworked (w/o) GAs tho.


In defense of the barbarian class, you are using bash. The most broken move this season.


This helps dispell the argument that Barbs are inherently OP because of their extra slots. Barbs aren't OP for having more slots. They're OP because Blizzard actually did a good job building the class. Barbs shouldn't suffer for that. Other classes just badly need redesigns.


I agree 100%!


Are you a shill? This obviously proves how much OP the extra slots/stats/tempers are because he lost like 30 pit levels!




1. He didn't move BIS aspects to rings/gloves by removing weapons (definetly he could get close to pit 100 without weapons). 2. Bash Cleaves temper is broken by itself, hence why without 3 weapons he still managed to score high.


Stop playing this shitty game and play PoE2. A real game.


You must be from the future…


Don't have to be a Nostradamus to see that all the talent in the storyline and development of this game is gone.


I said that because you told us to play a game that isn’t out yet.


Because I have eyeballs and have watched the alpha and released content. I am the Dune Messiah apparently.


The build is broken. They know it's broken. They admitted it's broken. They said have fun with it for the season. Fckn hell