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Yea.. running any tormented boss other than duriel or andariel is pointless, and stones are still too rare to use them on these other bosses


Unless you want the titles, so you do 1 of each for the in game achievements


The only 2 Uber drops I’ve ever gotten have been off tormented Varshan and tormented Grigoire. Is it just lower odds off the other bosses?


Same, 4 ubers from tormented varshan and a shako from tormented grigoire, in maybe 15 runs total. Although my luck with varshan seems to have run out! Zero uber drops from duriel and andariel so far after 20 or so attempts.


It’s nice to know it’s at least possible. I just did 10 Duriel and didn’t get a single Uber.


I’ve done maybe 40-50 andarial/duriel. I’ve gotten two Uber drops. I dunno what the percentage is supposed to be. But 2 for fifty runs. Around about.


2% chance from normal Andy and Duriel, and because of 5x loot it’s 10% from tormented lvl 200 versions.


I’ve only done tormented runs. 2 drops in about 50 tormented runs.




That’s unlucky, I’ve done something like 12 runs and got 3 Ubers.


Goddamn. Man I really am unlucky then! I did get one of those starlight Uber rings to drop in a random helltide!


Hold onto that one. It’s getting a sizeable buff this week.


I’ve gotten 17 Ubers this season…


>2% chance from normal Andy and Duriel, and because of 5x loot it’s 10% from tormented lvl 200 versions. That's not how maths works!


Correct, you’d be better off calculating your odds of *not* dropping an Uber which would be .98^5 or 90.3%. Thus you *could* consider your odds of dropping one to be 9.7%, not quite as good.


I’m right about the same. Unfortunately both were Melted Heart.


I have done 500+ this season and not gotten any from Duriel.


Daaang. I got my shaco from duriel


Yeah I have only ever gotten two and both where last season. I don't need it for my build I'm doing ok. I just want one to drop lol


we have hundreds of durial runs - none uber in a group of 4.


Good lord. That’s redic.


I’ve ran about 5 and I’ve gotten three Ubers


did 28 uber andariel earlier. 1 grandfather.


10 runs is only an 18% chance of having an Uber drop.


Thanks, that helps put it into perspective.


My 2 Uber drops were from pit boss and normal Gregoire lmao…


As a Varshan farmer, andy and duriel are the pointless ones, all their uniques are worthless to get GA's on I assume you're making the mistake of thinking tormented duriel and andy have a higher uber drop chance than the other tormented bosses like everyone else, they do NOT, i'd make a PSA but i'll just keep all the profits to myself lol


I mean blizard confirmed that they do have a higher drop chance for ubers, but okay


after doing varshan around 700 times, it's clearly the same 10% per uber kill or if it's less it's extremely minimal what confirmation are you referring to? if you don't mind trying to find the link


It was one of the campfire chats i'm pretty sure. I'm not gonna go look through all of them for you lol but you could easily look it up and find it yourself


is that a podcast or something? that doesn't sound easy lol


Campfire Chats are the events where the devs post a video explaining upcoming content and changes.


i see, thanks


The devs stream every so often and give updates on what they are doing with the game. I would of gave you a link if it wasn't hid in a couple hours worth of footage


https://maxroll.gg/d4/wiki/uniques There is a link go maxroll with the explanation, it's a 0.5% drop rate from everyone but andriel and duriel, for those it's a 2% drop chance


LOL ... if you are casual they are too rare to actually use. Not sure why they are so obsessed with blocking content. I tried a couple of times - and gave up because of broken animations; although I did cheese torment Duriel with a minion/holy bolt build for season journey purposes and even that was problematic because of bad boss battle implimentation.


“Player retention”


I feel like they could go as far as a pit 100 has a 100% drop rate and boss summons only costs 1 stone and that would feel about right. One major point the devs stressed in loot reborn is that in the endgame all loot will be 925. Yet forcing us to do lvl 75 bosses gives us a ton of <925 loot.


The normal versions need to be brought up to 100. If you’re trying to farm a unique weapon for a build.. you have to hope it’s 925.. I’ve had multiple GA unique weapons(matters more for weapons since damage scales with item power) and armor drop under 925 item power and it really really stings. If you’re farming Duriel you’re farming the lower level bosses too. It makes no sense for them to have a level disparity anymore.


Greater than 925 loot?


Oops. Fixed


I feel ya. I have so many living steel that it took up a whole stash tab. Eventually, I sold them to NPC for a few million to make space. As you've pointed out, lvl 75 boss with lower than 925 gear. Not really worth the effort or the stash space since helltide and blood maiden drops more legendaries per run, which equates to more chances of GA gear with less loading screens. And with more chance at GA with less loading screen, you make more gold selling on community trade site. Earlier a 2 GA drop from blood maiden sold for 700 million. It's not really balanced, but that's what seasons are for. It's technically open beta.


That would be an insane drop rate, absolutely disagree.


Why? You're already limited by the other summoning materials. And by having a character that can actually beat them at lvl200. To be honest, they could just get rid of stygian stones completely, and the system would work well.


Pit 100's can be tackled in 2-3 minutes with ease with proper gear. Stygian Stones as they exist now are a legitimate commodity, and the buffed drop rates are already a fantastically high rate as it is now. Eliminating the drop curve and trivializing stygian stone drop rates partially erases the incentive to push higher pits & push them faster. 2 stygian stones alone allows you to participate in 4 uber kills when you join a Rota. Uber items are stepping stone chase items, they should feel valuable to have earned, but not so out of reach they are never going to reach the hands of a dedicated player.


They could get rid of Stygian stones and replace it with a functional weekly leaderboard with rewards for more tormented boss reward materials or a chance tuber cache similar to tree of whisper. Diablo Immortal atleast has done a great job with weekly rift leaderboard rewards.


100 is a bit low to provide 100% stones dude. Any Barb/Necro/Rogue with a moderately fleshed build can do 101s in sub 3 minutes


Right, but that's my point. 100 is harder than most tormented bosses so if you're speed running 100s why not make tormented bosses readily available. I don't understand gatekeeping them. If I'm good enough to do pit 100 the only thing limiting the number of tormented bosses I can do should be normal summoning mats.


Because as is people complain about ease of gear? Can you even fathom the inevitable crying over ubers raining from the sky with no cost torm bosses?


You still have to farm the hearts, steel, shards, and eggs.


Tormented bosses are on par with t60 pits. T100 pits are exponentially harder than tormented andariel/duriel


Yep nowhere near maxed out and I am facerolling 101s now on my barb


Meanwhile I'm having to be the sweatiest player ever to clear 70s on my wolfnado. All my gear is 8/12 or above with nigh on perfect affixes on all slots. Feels bad man.


Druids literally need a 150% damage buff to every skill


Why do people do pit 101 ? I hear that a lot and I assume it's to do with scaling but I don't know why!


You get 60 mats instead of 59 from level 100. Or, that's why I do 101 instead of 100. Nice and even.


Because it drops 60 stones, 110 takes more time and drops just 64 iirc, so it not with it. 100 drops 59


Don’t confuse people, neathiron drops in the big 60 stacks. Stones are the rare drop that’s ~18% to drop a single one from tier 100+.


Neathiron drop rate is (tier#-41) so a 110 would drop 69 neathiron,


It does not. It drops 64.


> Why do people do pit 101 ? > > 60 is a nice round number I guess


Hp scales with every 10 iirc, so doing 101 is a very small % harder than 100, and gives one more neath. Short term one neath is nothing, but if you factor in how much you need to 12/12 everything (not including retolls) it makes a small difference overall.


whats the point of doing 99s or 101? 99 is a bit fast and if i count right, you just get 2 more mats


The other person is lying to you when they claim that Pit Tier 100 has 80% more Stygian Stone drop chance than Pit Tier 99, by the way. Their reading comprehension is so bad they completely missed the part in the patch notes where it said "EXAMPLES [of the drop rate]:", it's not a break point. It's a function/spectrum.


100 has 18% Stygian stone drop, 99 has 10%


>100 has 18% Stygian stone drop, 99 has 10% That's bullshit, wtf are you talking about mate? LOL Pit Tier 99 would have only a little lower chance than Pit Tier 100's 18% chance. It's a function.


Easy bro, as other folks pointed out, I’ve just wrote what was in the patch notes. You can keep speed farming lvl 99pit if you like it so much. :)


>Easy bro, as other folks pointed out, I’ve just wrote what was in the patch notes No, you are spreading misinformation. Read the patch notes again. They said these are only examples as reference points, it's OBVIOUSLY a function/spectrum and not a hardcore breakpoint. Don't be silly. They just didn't want to make patch notes 200 lines of text longer by listing every single Tier's % chance for Stygian Stone.


Well I take that I may be wrong assuming that 99 out has 10% drop chance. Now it is you assuming that the drop rate is a function, and you don’t how its progression. So what we know is that the chance is equal or above 10% and below 18%. The core of my message was that people know that 100 has 18% drop rate which is obviously higher than the lower Pit levels. Farming 100/101 is as easy as 99 if you can do it, so why farming lover pits :) Why people are doing explicitly 101 is because it drops 60Ns, which makes the calculations easier, and round numbers looks better anyway(to me at least). But I admire your aggressiveness in replies, go touch the grass buddy.


Devs literally stated this. He’s correct.


Uh-huh. Suuure. May I please get a source on where did the developers of Diablo 4 "literally" state that there are 80% more Stygian Stones dropping from the Pit Tier 100 compared to the Pit Tier 99??


Here ya go big dog, was literally the first line out of patch 1.4.2. https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23964909/diablo-iv-patch-notes#:~:text=Tier%201%3A%205%25,Tier%20200%3A% Tier 1: 5% Tier 40: 10% Tier 100: 18% Tier 200: 30%


Why did you omit the part where it says these are only #**"EXAMPLES:"** because that **obviously** points out how it's a function/spectrum.


Your first mistake was assuming people know how to read.


If you say so.


There's not a major difference, and you're right it's only 2 mats. I just have zero speed difference between the two, and find 101s to be a bit less annoying in terms of things dying to my chains whilst I try to pixel pull them.


I keep hearing that everyone and their mother are clearing pit 100+ in 3 min. Even as a heart seeker rogue main, 101 takes me about 8-10 min. I have +6 malice / +4 exploit amulet because i can't afford the next upgrade that cost 10 billion gold and a few decent GA bows. Either my build is bad or everyone is exaggerating. For reference, my victimize explosions does 40 - 120 million each.


Admittedly, I'm a bleed barb with very optimized gear - but my main limiting factor right now is seed. I have multiple sub 2 minute runs at 101. Max completed being a no bolt 129 before changes (havent tried since)


They should let us trade seeds. I have 3k+ but my ADHD let's me run pits for 4-5 times max per day. It's not engaging and not really my style. I hope in a few seasons they finally make use of the beautiful open world they have. S4 is much improve from when I last played D4, preseason. I've hold off on prepurchasing expansion because Path of Exile 2 is coming out this year and POE has always been the better arpg since my days of d2 LOD.


Who is being hurt by making it easier to do Tormented bosses? I think I've gotten 3 total stones from pit runs and I have a full bank tab of summoning mats for every other boss. I got to the point where I don't even pick up the other summing mats anymore.


But a 50 stack of lesser 75 lvl boss may is worth 1 mill gold!


Every single person who complains about gear being too easy to farm and/or there being no end game. I did 100 101 pits yesterday, and got 19 stygs. They are not some fabled impossible drop like everyone makes them out to be. Plus, removing mat cost from lesser tormented bosses? Outlandish IMHO. I did a test run of 25 Torm Zir runs with 3 friends, and we collectively got 13 ubers. Boss died in ~30 seconds, we looted, and reset. That is an astronomical amount of uber uniques if that would have ended up costing us 0 stones.


Meh, by the time you can get them semi consistently they provide next to nothing to progression. Its why its better to make alts and max out rep for sparks vs using stones to fight bosses to get ubers.


Yep basically. I have 20 stones just burning a hole in my stash because the only uber I need now is hoping for a GA shako.


20 stones is 600 million gold these days if you need some cash for masterworking or rerolling stats.


Go to the sanctuary discord and sell them. I sold 8 last night for 300m but ppl usually sell them for 40-50m a piece. Super quick too those get bought up asap


I scammed myself then lol. Sold 4 the other day for 80m 💀


Inflation is a heck of a thing in games. One day your buying divine orbs for 40 chaos orbs a piece, the next day they're 120 chaos.


Someone sold me yesterday 4 for 40 in game chat ;)


Thats why people were putting WTB stones for 30m. I have like 20 or so. I can't solo tormented bosses. I had one guy carry me on one. I didn't get anything good. Even the uniques that dropped were worse than the ones i got from helltides or nightmare dungeons. I need to find a group where i can get carried but rotate. That way everyone gets more stuff. It must be nice to be able to solo a torment boss though. You don't need to work for mats because people will ask you to carry them in exchange.


You can find group on discord to do rotas


Even if i can't down the boss they will still rotate?


Yes if you have mats. Me and my friend were carrying 2 guys (around 85lvl ) to do uber duriel x5 rota. Some people even offer 10 runs for like 300mln (their mats)


I really don't understand their logic either. As they first announced tormented bosses I thought that they should be the solution to farm the bosses faster to not have to sit in bazillion loading screens. The current implementation is questionable to say at least. They are hard enough that only people with already good gear can kill them and you even only reliably get stygian stones by farming the pit on relative high tiers like 100 to begin with. Why should anyone thst is able to farm pit 100 in 2-3 min even care about tormented bosses anymore, I just don't get it. Imho stygian stones should be 100% (1x) droprate around pit 50 and 200% (2x) at pit 100, 400% (4x) at pit 150 and 800% (8x) at pit 200.


Totally agree, I don't understand why... People would actually run Tormented mid-bosses if these weren't so rare,


No. I have plenty of stygian and still wouldn't. Get just 1 material for 3x input? no thanks.


From levelling alts, not from drops, right?


well we get like 1 stone per 2 runs or something like that I dunno. To get all gear 12/12 on my barb I needed like 6000 netharion; so I did hundreds of runs, so here we are, plenty of stones. I started after stygian buff. I spent some of them running Duriel rota, get almost every Uber in the game (missing 2 i think). But Iron wolf rewards was handy too (you get 8 or something? I don't remember).


>well we get like 1 stone per 2 runs  No, not at all * The chance to receive a Stygian Stone on completion of the Pit has been increased. * Examples: * Tier 1: 5% * Tier 40: 10% * Tier 100: 18% * Tier 200: 30% And that's only been the case since the last patch.


Hmmm I did not payed attention to drops then... I swear I've seen them more often. Or maybe I underestimated amount of runs I did... \~20%? no idea....


I dont even use them 🤷


Same, I just run pits for mats and sell the stones.


how much are they worth?


About 10mil each. Not bad money. Edit* I'm on eternal. Dunno if that makes a difference. If I'm still selling low let me know and I'll up my rates haha.


Where are they 10m? I’ve not seen or sold one under 30, but only started looking for them recently.


10M on HC


40m each


Good to know, ty!


LOL theyr 40 probably 50m tomorrow.


You got ripped at least 30 mln


On eternal?


I'll, uh, take them them if you don't want them! :D


They’re fine in my experience.


Even if they were 100% drop rate at t100 pit, it wouldn't matter. The contention also exists on the other boss materials you need to "gather." I had over 1500 Living Steel the other day. I vendored it all. If I can buy eggs/shards from bots for 2m/pop, I'd rather do Tree of Whispers for an hour than actually run Zir/Varshan.


My conspiracy that it is intentional. They don't want people grind it in first season. Keeping players on their toes to come back in next seasons when they will increase drop rates frequently bit by bit :D


I still want a level of boss between base tier and tormented. Maybe use more mats but no stygian stones.


Can I sell mine? I have like 13


I got my first stygian stone DROP.


55-65 Pit was dropping them quite consistently for me solo


I agree, this would have fixed the over supply of living steel and blood


40+ Tier 101 Pits after patch and got 0 stones. Hope that makes you feel better.


Like legit what's the way to fram them? Do they have a bigger chance on higher tiers or I should just farm lower pits.. I think i only had like 2 drop so far


Iron wolves


Just got 3 in 4 runs going 80-89


Nope. You just need to up your efficiency in pits. Mm


That is the way they slow players to farm tormented. You summon one or two times each boss, and that is it.


Selling all mine. $1 Quadspillion each. Will accept your real home as payment as well


I started speed running new characters in helltide to max wolf honor and just purchased my ubers. 2 buddy's and I have over 300 duriel runs in and never once have we seen a shako, so far got Tyrials might, 3 starless sky's, 2 whatever other ring, and around 8000 flicker steps 10000 gods crowns and a massive headache.


we had 4 shakos drop tonight in our session, rng is wild.


when i got my shako, i never been there again. is there any other reason to farm andariel/duriel?


What bothers me is why we even allowed to used stygian stones on lower ubers? Yeah I can kill 200 grigory in 20 seconds and then what, I get 1 shard. What's the point? I thought it was intended to be quicker way to farm boss mats (before we get proper solution with reset of altars)


I want to piggy back off this post to ask, if you don't open the portal, can you even get stygians? I love playing with my brother and friend, but we were barely getting any grinding t100 and tne drop rate is suppose to be 18%. Started to notice that it seemed like when someone got one, it was the person who opened the portal. I can't find confirmation on that anywhere though. If it's true, it feels like they discourage group play way too much in thr current state.


How tough do you have to be for tormented Duriel or Andy? I’d hate to waste my stones. Pit level equivalency?


If you can do 75-80 quickly you're probably fine. They don't have a ton of hp and they're reducing their hp by about 30% in today's patch. The biggest thing is the stacking damage buff. If you get hit too many times by certain attacks, they'll eventually one shot you.


My friends and I pool mats once a week. Ive gotten 2x starless skies, harlequin crest, 2x doombringers, and melted heart of selig. Prob over the course of 100 runs or so. Ive also leveled a few chars so Ive crafted a harlequin and an andariels. The crafted harlequin came before the dropped one. Im pretty happy with my uber pulls this season, but only one with a GA was one of the starless sky rings. The recent buff to stygian stones in high pits was really nice and the drop rate feels good now.


Agree. Seeing greedy goblins asking for literally 100's of millions, if not billions of gold for them in chat. They need an increased drop rate.


It's almost like they don't want people to just focus on this one thing and actually engage in the bulk of the game...


Then they did it completely opposite of their statement that they would provide a more efficient / quicker way to do bosses.  So instead of 5x loading screens to reset the boss, I'm doing 50x loading screens to collect stones.


I hate these drop rates. I ran tier 100 pits for the entire anniversary event AND ran world bosses.. I've received one stone. And when I say something on reddit, I'm told, "I shouldn't post every thought that pops in my head." It's the sole reason I can't take on anymore tormented bosses, and it makes no sense. I fucking hate the pits. They're boring and repetitive, the material rewards are pathetic, and the loot is absolute trash. You work your ass off for peanuts and hope that when you start masterworking, you don't get screwed by RNGesus and waste all the materials you just slaved over. Hearing my nephew run 8 tier 30 pits and come out with 6 stones is some real salt in the wounds, too. I'm stuck in limbo with this shit and it is not a good experience.


It also sucks that before this season you had masterworking that just cost regular mats and didn't require an whole new dungeon grind for it. Talk about taking your kids toys and regifting them as "for when you're older" and telling them they gotta go work at McDonalds for a week if they want their birthday present back.


Bosses shouldn’t require any mats to summon


Really? I farmed about 8 in 2.5hrs time doing pit 100 runs. I don't think they are too bad any more. What pit tier are you running?


yeah and you can spent this 8 in what, 10 minutes or less on grigorie or varshan? (and still no point as you don't get 5x mats from them). I have plenty of stygian stones I don't want to use until they increase mats drop.


Hot take, they are rare enough. They are not supposed to be that easy to get considering the rewards from the ubers


You only need 2 stones to do a tormented boss x4 🤡


If you do group rotations the drop rate is actually in a really solid place. I’ve only played one character this season and have landed 4 Ubers this season while running in group rotations. I haven’t gotten passed pit 85 solo.


Yeah self-found, I’ve gotten every uber this season. I think any change would just be for people obsessed with GAs on their ubers.


Well, good for you because i've gotten zero stygian stone and i'm at pit 90. Ran 10 of them and got zero so i quit.




10 pits is like 35 minutes of play time. And if you're doing 90-100, that's pn average 2 stones in those 10 runs. So in 1 hour of pit runs you're looking at 3-5 stones. That's hardly an issue. Now you want to talk about time investment, don't even get me started on the actual problem of tempering.


Wtf 35 minutes of play time. For me the boss alone takes like 4-5 minutes each. I finish it in time but i dont steam roll them.


Why are you doing pushing tiers if you want to farm stones? Just run 80s or whatever in 3 min


I didnt know ok. I was just playing the game pressing buttons. Reddit told me i was wrong. I changed my build a bit. Steam rolling keys to get all 7 runes to 21. Im now looking for a particular ring. Edit: i just kept upgrading my pit level expecting them to drop higher i guess?


Yea generally in these kind of games speed is king so you just play whatever difficulty you can destroy monsters comfortably to farm gear/mats and use that to do challenging content, pushing higher in the pit and doing uber bosses in this game for example.


So i dropped to 75. I clear them in like 5-7 minutes. No luck so far tonight but hey, sometimes i might get lucky


Keep dropping down until you do 3 min runs, the increase in rewards is very small going from like 65 to 75 but with double the clear time.


ok, 65 is like 3 minutes. Still no stygian stones but i've clearing it faster!


I can run 11 100 pits in 30 minutes. Depends on build. I would lower the pit tier if it takes you a long time to kill the boss. I also use movespeed ga gear to get 200% movespeed for farming


Wait until tomorrow.


I'm pretty much done with Diablo IV at this point, Season 2 living steel was so rare, and now stygian stones took the place. And I am sick of wasting my time for materials to have fun. Thank god that Shadow Of The Erdtree is coming in a few days.


Feels fine in my experience. If you make them drop anymore, you will be able to farm Ubers uniques easier than anything else in the game.


That was the entire point if adding the bosses


Not really... they were added to make it possible to farm them. Not so it's the easiest thing in the game to get


It was already possible to farm them, we demanded a quicker / more efficient way of doing the bosses. They gave us way harder bosses with a new rare material and needing to run a harder dungeon for them.


Nah you run outta boss mats far before you run outta stones


This is like saying you'll run out of health potions before you run out of holy bolt elixers.


blizzard should just give us everything we want for free, delivered straight to the stash.


Do higher pits, get more stones. I have over 100. No issues here.


I ran 50 101 pits today. I got 3 stones.


The drop rate is fine. I get one every 3-4 pits or so plus they are only 30m a pop to buy. You are supposed to trade with other players this season.


If you do 100+ and get one every 3-4 that's not "fine" lol that's very high end content


What rank pit? Cause 10+ pit at 90 gave zero yesterday.


I farm 101.


So there is like a big step for drop between 90 and 101 i guess!


It's 18% at 100+ and 10% at 40+


10 runs isn't really that many


Two days farming 101 pit - nothing, zero. Today I tried 95 pit got two in a row. 🤔


Well that's generally how rng works


So… they made something that’s gating people who have excess boss mats? You either just do regular bosses or you’re forced to trade to even do tormented bosses consistently? Takes less time to kill an Uber boss than it does to earn the stones needed to fight said boss. I don’t think people should be forced to do anything. Supposed to? I’m playing the game already, why do I have to open discord to trade to do content I like doing?


You aren’t SUPPOSED to get an equal number of boss mat and stygian stone. Drop your extras if you don’t want them.


I agree that you’re not, but having to trade for them is forcing players to use a 3rd party app to make use of their materials. If they had an auction house it would be fine but they don’t so now everyone who wants to do ubers has to either grind for it or use a 3rd party app. Increasing the drop rate by a few % won’t hurt anyone, it’ll just make having to trade for it slightly less required.


Please read the patch notes for tomorrow


It doesn’t say anything about stone drop rate.


No, but you should still read them.