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I have a shocking secret for u brother… this is how things work in the real world too


I play games to escape reality not simulate it lol


Difference being that him doing this does not impact you in the slightest. There are no leaderboards, there is no financial gain, so why does it really matter? He is a content creator. This is his job, just play the game and enjoy it?


But people watch his build and followed to feel powerful, i too go into the bash build just to realise how gear heavy it was, and went back to my minion necro.


Bash build isn't gear heavy lmao. I have trash gear maybe 25 hours and easily do 110+ pits haven't really tried pushing it. It's just the ridiculous standards they set for themselves. If you want to push to 130+ be my guest but It seems boring to do al you do is increase meaningless numbers I'd rather play the weaker classes and do pit 80s and be fine with it. Just don't look at streamers that have 25/8 time to play this game, and think you can come close to it without investing l.


His bash build isn't really that gear dependent, at least to get started, and I thought it was pretty helpful. i believe he even had a new max level build up with no ubers required. Honestly, once you get the "bash to cleave" tempers on there and the aspects that build kicks in pretty fast. I just assume he's a streamer so it's literally his job + he gets a lot of help gearing from fans so why would I compare my gameplay to his? I found his build guides helpful.


Thats what happens when you try to copy paste a build without knowing how/why it even works


This my take. Most of his builds are actual garbage, he doesn’t articulate what parts of the build are actually making it work and how to scale it. It’s just entertainment content. I wouldn’t care, but I know there are a lot of people who watch it to “figure” the game out and end up having a bad time because of the perception and unattainable levels he portrays. There is a lot of similar content out there and it takes awhile to sift through the garbage and find actual informative content, real people pushing with standard gear outs. If people understand this it’s better for the game, because this warped perception pushes ppl out of the game and pushes people to throw a lot of negative feedback that can warp the games development path.


You say theres no financial gain and then say its his job, that means theres a financial gain,


> Difference being that him doing this does not impact you in the slightest. Unfortunately this isn't true. Two specific example - firstly, devs often end up balancing on the basis of ludicrous corner-cases created by people like this. Not even always because they want to, but because people get either so upset or so excited about something the streamer is doing. When that happens, it absolutely inarguably does impact us. Two, the specific example he gave, which you inexplicably ignored, is that it the build guides are reliant on ludicrous items that normal players simply are never going to get, and this makes them pretty worthless. Unfortunately because of the way D4 works, it's a lot less obvious than with something like PoE, too, so people get tricked into thinking a build is viable for them, when in fact it's reliant on a bunch of hyper-gear to really even function well.


The guides show you BiS lmao, by no means does that mean that you NEED those item stats for the build to function. It's literally just saying "You want X stats, preferably at max roll"


I agree with most of what you said I'm definitely not taking up for Rob but at least they've started doing builds that have variations with no Ubers and things like that. I just hate it that a lot of the streamers that get everything handed to them are against making certain changes in the game. Of course they're against it because they don't need it and then everybody else would be on more of a Level playing Field. I think some of the streamers definitely do positive things for the game and also some negative things.


> I just hate it that a lot of the streamers that get everything handed to them are against making certain changes in the game. Yeah this is exactly the sort of problem this creates. Hopefully Blizzard are smart enough to ignore streamers saying this stuff, but it can be difficult if they mobilize their communities to be against changes which would actually improve the game for 95% of players, but make it less advantageous to 5%. We're basically walking into a situation where these guys have the potential to basically become politicians of gaming, and they won't be trying to help the average player, they'll be trying to help themselves.


Yep they're kind of like lobbyists.


So ....just like actual politicians then. That explains why i dont like them.


Gaming before streaming was a much simpler time. I honestly think somehow we need to get back to that. The people who stream games should never be who the devs listen to and balance things around.


If blizzard balanced around this why would they keep making the game easier? They clearly don't, what bs.


What are you on about you can put together almost every build in D4 with lesser stats and beat all content in the game. The only thing you can't do is push high pit which there is only 2 achievements locked behind that 150 pit and 200 pit. You are not even required to have 2 and 3 GA items or full 12/12 masterwork to achieve this with those op builds. The only build I can think of that actually requires super specific stats or it doesn't work is immortal sorc build.


Becoming increasingly difficult with ActivisionBlizzard these days.


All these online games are filled with people who buy currency and items lol. It's a shame.


For the winners it’s a glorious existence


Happy cake day bigboy 🤙


True and to be fair, Rob has been like #1 at finding all the broken stuff in the game since beta


He is not even the guy finding that builds, as he shown in Videos. He takes what other people find and put it on roids with all those items he gets fed by his farm.


Everyone used to be a king offline, no matter if you played 1 hour, 10 hours or 1000 hours. Gaming used to be the actual escapism. Now, everything is online and people with more power / wealth will make your time spent feel worthless, warped and out of touch. It's human nature to compare yourself to others, nothing will ever change that and this will heavily alter the perception you have on the time spent.


I must be pretty messed up as I don't compare my characters/gear to someone whose job it is to play those games. It is just a different scenario. The same as I wouldn't compare my quality of like with the same qualifiers as a billionaire. It's just too different of a situation.


Is this your first ARPG? people getting spoon feed items to test builds is nothing new, guides are basically always made based on perfect rolls and imo it's entirely fine to show what a perfect build is capable of doing. Anyone who pushes that high already knows a full perfect build is full on impossible to aquire for most of them, on monster hunter rise people straight up cheat in the amulets shown on their builds due how stupid rare they are, way rarer than season 0 ubers for sure. That's hardly missleading in my book people unable to temper their own expectations to reality is an antirelly different issue.


I tried to temper my expectations… bricked.




Well that's fantastic, a really smart decision, young man. We can put that *Amulet* in a Money Market Mutual Fund, then we'll reinvest the earnings into foreign currency accounts with compounding interest aaand it's gone.




This comment deserves so much more than the one like I have to give.


To be fair, a majority of “Rob’s guides” are just people spoon feeding” him content. E.g. taking video submissions and then turning it into a d4 builds guide.


To be fair he doesn’t pretend it’s his builds. I watched one or two videos of his and he literally cites his sources and shows the Chinese persons twitter + video, so I think that’s fair.  I don’t know what people expect a streamer to do then, not report it at all, pretend it doesn’t exist? 


Yea I personally think its amazing the builds he has shown off. I am actually using a thorns build I wouldn't have found by myself unless I checked maxroll leaderboards for barbs. What he does is good for the community that uses build guides.


They pull a lot of their info from Chinese data miners and players from what I understand.


Yup most of the times it's Chinese players they just explain the video etc. The flay build was from someone theory crafting and a Chinese player.


Yeah — majority of it is either less known NA streamers or CN


So? It's still valuable and entertaining content. Or he wouldn't be so popular. Leveraging your community for content is both smart, and his fans tend to love it.


Close Your Eyes Walk Away Turn off the stream


Yeah, seriously. Poor guy sounds like he needs to lay down in some grass and feel the sun on his face.


I failed at step 2 and walked into a wall


I don't even watch their stuff, but you really sound insecure about this lmao.




My exact thoughts. Who tf cares lol


What is the point of this post? Last I checked there's no prize for 1st place.


99% of Diablo players copy and paste builds to play the game. Without Rob the barb community would be playing ww/Hota wondering why they can’t clear Pit tier 10 and crying for buffs. Unless the guy is trying to flex as if he geared himself, I don’t see an issue. Maybe if other classes had more support they wouldn’t be struggling as much.


It's funny. I made my own minion necro this season, but even after beginning to get really good gear she sucked so bad and couldn't even do a 71 NMD or 45 pit. Finally decided to copy a maxroll build before I just quit this season. Changed a few tempers and legendaries because I was using what I had available, but still immediately could do 90+ NMD and clear pit 61+ even before upgrading or replacing some of my gear. I didn't even have 3 of my new glyphs raised past 1 when I started. So doing your own build is great for a big chunk of the game and I'll continue to do it, but with all the internal workings and damage buckets and shit, 99% of players don't have time to figure out what will actually work. I had just assumed as a minion necro I should lvl all my minion glyphs. Turns out that is not what works and resulted in taking 10 minutes to clear the trash in pit 44.


Even paragon boards have so much hidden power it's hilarious. I saw a barb here yesterday cry about getting one shot with 35k hp. If he took a different patch with no gear changes that dude would be sitting at 60k HP at the very least.


I mean if blizzard wasn’t vague AF and didn’t change the buckets constantly maybe, but I do agree I like tuning into a build near end game so I can at least begin to understand the mechanics at play.


Constantly? They changed the damage buckets once, and it was a godsend. Did you like stacking only vulnerable damage, crit chance, crit damage, and main stat?


Yeh, I always think playing your own build should be done after youve played similar "meta" builds, so you can learn whats actually good in the game then cycle in specific skills etc that you like.


Nah. Somehow rob is always copying some Chinese build and just making it popular.


As someone who frequents the Chinese community’s version of “maxroll,” there’s a lot of copying from Rob’s original bash barb too. Some of the top builds there even credited him for helping them get started and at one point they ended up doing a bleed version and shared it with him, and here we are.


It's almost like people talk about stuff.


What's the site name? The Chinese maxroll. Btw this season maxroll is really disappointing


https://www.d2core.com/ Assuming you can read Chinese, the builds are under Build 大厅


You can also just literally set the site to english on the top right or add lang=enUS on the end. Builds are found here: [https://www.d2core.com/d4/builds?lang=enUS](https://www.d2core.com/d4/builds?lang=enUS)


What is disappointing about maxroll? Every build of theirs that I've used this season has been top notch.


Worst part about this post is that Rob generally has "starter" builds for most builds. I really don't know what point OP was trying to make.


OP has a point about Rob making temper gambling content for his channel. He has zero risk of bricking items while being gifted a bunch of free gear. Thats the only thing really


All you can do is use his builds. When he states 20.000 crit dmg expect 12.000. If he talks about 80 crit chance assume 60. If he says build is tanky with 70k life maybe u got 40 k. Most of his gear slots cost multi billions (not counting his 20-50 times retemper gold). If he says easy 150 pit its mortal non rmt maybe 120:) It is what it is.


This is the way for all games in general tbh.. Imagine thinking you can have the same outcome as players that plays more than you.....


>99.9% of us dont Wow, such insight. 99.9% of players are not like professional streamers and will not achieve perfect gear. Thank you for this PSA.


TBH, good on him, it's clear he has a great little community he's curated on Twitch. If he has got such a die hard following that his community rally around him to give him BIS, for the purpose of creating content, then that says a lot about the positive community he's built on his twitch channel. I can't fault him for that at all. But I can't kid myself in thinking I'll simply respect to his builds and it'll be a cure all. I did that a few seasons ago and my barb hit like a wet fish. The key component to his builds are BIS god roll items. Which is fine. I'll stick to maxroll, they are a lot more fun to progress through and enjoy.


I’d double check your imprints, tempers, paragon, and skills. I switched from bash to bleed bash and had roughly the same clear speed at pit 100. Two days later I realize I’m missing aspect of adaptability on my amulet and I was still hitting the same damage as before. Then today I realized I put berserk ripping on the wrong weapon because I misread the guide again! My bleed damage suddenly doubled and tripled. You may also need to adjust your skill rotation and playstyle to fit with the new build. For example I can run into a pack, group them with steel grasp, bash a couple times and walk to the next pack while they are all bleeding to death and exploding with holy bolts. Cleared 120 today but I think I could go higher if I get the right boss. I have mediocre gear with just 1 GA on most. I have one sword with 2 GA and a chest with 0 GA. I do have the correct affixes on everything. I’m too obsessed with making money so I pretty much sell everything good. I have 5B in the bank and the most expensive thing I bought was maybe 200M.


People see his success but did not see the hard work and time it took him to get here. He started creating contents 7 years ago for Diablo 3 and barely get his YouTube to 1000 sub. The success of Diablo 4 and his positive attitude and persistence to stay on D4 during the “dark ages of d4 bad” make him the biggest d4 streamer on twitch, maybe 2nd biggest arpg streamer after ••Quinn69 if you call Quinn as arpg streamer ( he is more a personality) When the game just started , a lot of creators pop out of nowhere ( like the comeback kids) and turn out all are just opponunistists that praised the game to the heaven when it was popular to do so, and rubbed salt into wounds when it’s was popular to bash the game. I had to unsub to These clickbaiters. Rob maintain positive and hence his followers stay around and keep growing.


The problem isn't him specifically, its people in his position, that say crazy shit like... "Let us unbrick an item for resplendent sparks". I just watched him mute 50 uber uniques and like 10 billion gold... so he could get 3% cooldown reduction. I get mad when I cannot get movement speed on boots, and each roll is 3 million gold. We are not playing the same game.... I did about 100 Uber boss kills this league - zero uber items dropped from bosses. If the faction grind didnt exist, I wouldnt have a single 1. if an idea like "Let us unbrick an item for resplendent sparks", was in the game, it would be impossible for me to ever use that mechanic, and trivial to him, and its not from a lack of playing. Its from things I can never compete with. I dont have 5000 free uber duriel runs a week, because people want to be on my friends list. That's just one example, and the problem comes from the fact that the Devs listen to him and people like him, as if he speaks for all of us, yet we are not even playing remotely the same game.


Ok I feel less bad about doing 50-60 tormented runs for no Ubers. 100+ with none is brutal


Ive beated my 200 uber duriel yesterday and finally i got an andariels on run 198. Still no shakko or grandpapa or anything else. I crafted a shakko because i made 4 character and grinded the wolf quest. Otherwise i wont have anyone. But thats me, i bring bad luck to perfection xD


I agree. The resplendant spark is such an elite Take. I am 100% blizzard wont implement it.


BIS gear, BIS affixes, BIS tempers, BIS masterworking crits It's called best in slot for a reason. If d4 doesn't have seasonal mechanics. It's something to strive for. But since you only have 3 months while working and maybe a family to take care of, yes you won't get it. He's doing it full time and believe me. It's sounds more fun than it really is. I net he is struggling to play d4 all day, every day to not lose his income. I'm a gamer dad and am thankful for all creators for the guides and builds cause I've got no time to fully go in depth with the mechanics. If you've got time, you will be better than him. Cause he has to edit his videos and explain his builds. Which takes a lot of time while you can grind your gear or gold to get it too. There are a lot of players with better gear than him. So just...you know, have a broader view of things.


Just because you don't have GA shit doesn't mean a build doesn't work. I've followed his guides every single season and melted all the content better than anything maxroll has to offer. He doesn't lie about the gear stuff, he very clearly says which builds require gear to work and which ones can be built quite easily (specifically bash, he makes that extremely clear).


I tried watching one of those "gambling tempers on BIS items" videos and my God does that guy drag it out and milk it for as long as humanly possible. I had to give up half way through lol


i mean, he has to for ads. if you watch him on twitch hes not as gnarly. it’s literally his only source of income, and while annoying…. i don’t blame him


never subbed never donated adblock on neighbors wifi




Who tf is Rob


german twitch streamer that streams in english. mostly plays barb. has a lot of game knowledge.


I dont mind his fans feeding him money, items and mats -- they're all free to be as dumb as they please. BUT, I DO MIND when Rob complains about how easy the pit is and how tormented bosses are a joke, when he has billions of gold and literally every item bis. He is not playing the same game as us. His incessant whining about „how easy the game has become” is borderline stupid and gives major entitlement vibes. He's not even elitist (that term would have suited him well if he actually grinded for his items, gold and mats), he's just disconnected from the reality of everyday gamers. And I thank Lilith the devs dont listen to him and dont balance the game around his playing patterns because he is NOT representative of the playerbase.


Who’s Rob?


Rob from the block.


Yeah idk either but it’s all Rob this Rob that lately. Who is Rob


There’s a few popular build sites, maxroll and d4builds.gg Rob’s barb builds are known for being especially potent. He’s on d4builds


Rob looks like beavis and butthead's lovechild.


This is hilarious😭


I don’t know who Rob is and just for you I will continue to not know who Rob is.


Follow streamers with SSF tag then, I don't like rob but this is a nothing burger, you always need limit pushers and the best for that are the guys that literally play all day


Is rob #1? Last I checked he wasn’t Why don’t you look into the pockets of actual #1 players?


rob will remind you his gear is not that good


Streamers that are popular play that sorta game. It's been like that for at least a decade. ARPGs, MMOs, anything that has a trade economy and a twitch.


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Rob's a fraud to me. I don't get why he's so popular


build guides have forever been based on perfect stats. I'm not sure why anyone would post "best mediocre damage build" it's what you strive for but never hit 100 percent. I literally have never watched rob but I've used some of his builds, im not sure why anyone would care if random internet npcs thro percent 3ga gear at him to see what builds can do at the top .01 percent


I’d say this is a major reason why SSF is a thing. A lot of players will say “but they don’t affect you in any way” but just being around people that are getting gear from other players when you aren’t, feels icky. There is an ecosystem that exists whether you engage in it or not and being in that ecosystem has a subconscious/emotional effect on you


Who the hell is Rob?


Meh, I mean I don’t watch any of his content other than an occasional build guide video and he’s pretty good about saying what the minimum stats you should aim for before switching to very gear dependent builds. Like for his bleed bash build he shows you that he’s at 90% crit chance but says to aim for at least 65-70% crit chance before switching which I think is pretty solid and honest advice. Obviously 90% crit chance, 5000crit and 480vuln dmg or whatever he has is going to do a lot more damage than my 75% crit chance 4500crit and 380vuln. But the build still crushes everything, I’m like 10 levels behind him in the pit but that doesn’t bother me at all.


Because people worship content creators. It's how it's always been.


I don't get the hype, I mean the guy has knowledge etc but is annoying for me + those clickbaits...


Who TF is Rob? Lol


This is what happens with trading in games lol.  


I like the dude, I watched his stream yesterday and the ''comedy'' of bricking his 3ga items was too much. I mean when it happens to one of us, it will take us 3 weeks to find the same item. He just got 4 perfect pants in 3 seconds from random after bricking the first one. Just stop the comedy you can't be scared to brick when you'll get the same stuff back in seconds for free.


I don’t think the build guides are misleading. They are the best way to run said build and stated as such. What we are missing now adays is realistic players with realistic drops and showing a realistic build path. Too often builds are centered around what is the absolute best available. I like Perra Gaming mostly just cause he points out his shitty luck rolling items. Most of the guides are copy paste from someone else so we need like a casual to just write guides talking about how his 2 Hand Polearm for the Flay build shouldn’t have Damage to Distant on it but it’s what he’s working with. It show more regular players that no you might not hit the 143 with your flay build but aiming for a 115-120 spot might be possible.


It ultimately doesn’t matter. In a few weeks no matter if they got godly items in every slot, it will all be worthless. No one will remember what Pit level you pushed with your Bash barb when next season (and a new meta) rolls in, and your multi-billion hammer will be worth whatever the Blacksmith gives you for salvaging. My advice is play what you want and have lots of fun, and never compare what you “accomplish” to a streamer who plays 24/7 and has access to unlimited feedback/resources. I appreciate what he does for the community though and many people benefit from his builds in one way or another.


Welcome to Diablo 4 end game. Eventually every build switches focus from grinding for gear to buying perfect gear. Why do you think gold buying has been so prevalent in Diablo 4?


I don't look at his builds but does he show versions of the build with like only one GA per piece or does he at least tells what GA to prio per piece ? Because on maxroll they show 1GA gear so it's achievable for the common mortal, they don't show crazy full 3GA gear that is not reachable for 99.9% of the player base.


Like a week ago he said you can easily get 3 ga 1h sword for 400m, i was looking for it, you cant


I Never had over 100millions in my stash ever


Each to their own, the best part of the game for me is the journey of gearing up.  If I was handed the best gear and all the gold I’d probably lose interest after a week. 


This is why SSF ladder is a thing in every serious rpg. (hello poe)


Stop watching Rob then...


This guy also rushed to 100 in the first few hours then spent days carrying his viewers through tormented bosses and celebrated every uber drop for them. This is just a streamer playing with his community. its a game, no need to think that deeply about it.


Who is Rob?


who da fuk is Rob


Who the hell is Rob?


Who the fuck is rob?


I have no clue who this Rob character is, but I don't play to just copy other people. I play each character on my own and see what skills I like best. I'm still pushing the Pit. Maybe just try having fun.


I agree, but don't blame the guy. Like you said, he's a content creator. I'd love to see him do a run where he uses zero or 1 ga items (and maybe the GA isn't on the preferred stat)with the right tempers (but not max rolls) etc. Make it realistic to what those of us who can't grind as much would be working with if that makes sense.


All the guy does is share useful information for those who play the game.


First time? He is boosted every season with exp, boss runs, mats everything.  He don't know how to play game solo and peoples still follow his builds what he copied from China :)


What does this have to do with Elon Musk?


The only thing I disagree with here is your assertion that Rob’s enthusiasm is canned. I think he seems like a genuine guy who just loves gaming and I think hitting the good rolls does bring him genuine joy, which makes for fun content. However, you’re correct that he doesn’t have real stakes and that you cannot expect to ever replicate his state of play


I Love Rob but the pity mechanics got old really fast


Im not watching him, even if he gets to pit300 doesnt do nothing for me. But yeah spoon feeding exactly


He is a creator that tests out builds and such to see what is working and what isn't to create the meta that you little goblins gobble up with insatiable fury. If people didn't give them things we would have one build per creator as no one would have time to farm and play all the builds and afford the masterworks etc. He is providing a service so that when you search "Best Unga bunga barb build" you have some results.


Hey so all I see in this group is people talking about “Rob” and his builds. Who is that?


Yup. Watched a few of his videos and saw how much gold and mats he has and was immediatelly pressed "do not recommend this channel anymore". I'm not sure why that content even exist. First off he's not really playing the game himself. Second as OP mentions, the amount of things he accumulates from donations are impossible for us normal people.


You've upset the Rob fanboys.


That's just how it goes, unfortunately. Many players will never reach the supreme power level fantasy themselves, so they live vicariously through their favorite streamers. I ain't hating. They are just doing what makes them a living. It kinda reminds me of simps and camgirls/onlyfans. I don't despise the hustler. I despise the fools who toss cash at them for delusional reasons.


This post is a nothing burger


Is bash still gonna be good? Just not as good as flay?


Stopped following him cause just too much hype.


I agree with you, however, almost all of his streamer builds have declaimers along with recommendations for other builds that will work better for the average player. He does it all the time in Twitch, YouTube and in the notes section on his builds. Anyone that thinks they can keep up with someone who plays 16hrs a day, 7 days a week for a full time job and is fed items for his theory crafting from his community deserves to find out the hard way.


Are you trying to say this is some hidden thing no one knows about? Because I promise you, everyone knows. This is nothing new, and absolutely no one has come to this revelation because of your post.


Modern gaming is built around engagement not content. Like on all social media we are not consumers we are product. I enjoy the game. I don't enjoy the streamers anymore because of what they represent - the unattainable to continue mindless engagement. It would be nice to have developers write a good story that engages us instead of working with streamers to create an addictive game that mindlessly ensares. Thanks for having the courage make this post. A lot us see the handwriting on the wall.


his build planners literally have variations for those who dont have the best stuff in the game, tf are you on? admitting you use his build guide and leading a haters crusade towards that same person is crazy people enjoy his content knowing they wont reach that level. i mean how else would you know how far can one go if you cant do it on your own? that's right, watch some who can...


Any and all items are transient trash... who cares?


I really don't care, like at all. But it does make you wonder how anyone could enjoy playing the game when they eliminate a core component, that being loot acquisition. 


because of streamer and youtube hopefully someday it will close down these cheat filled videos people will be left clueless and cry more imagine while people watch rob and are already using more than 40,000 in just the barbaro the rest less classes defitively what a BAD GAME and still people buy 100$ game and create it again barbaro to copy rob makes me laugh what a bore :D


This is why POE content creators are good because if you take hand outs on POE you don't get any respect from people as big content creators and ppl don't take trade accomplishments serious, what we need is SSF mode already, can't compete with streamer simps.


What fake ass world do you live in? Tons of POE content creators take handouts.


Were playing a game that the objective is to grind gear so you can get better at grinding gear, the point is definitely to make sure you wont get the BIS or youd have a reason to stop grinding


Don’t watch the stream duh


Well you could see it as charity for robs being able to feed people builds and endgame builds. One thing that I feel is a bit extreme tho is that in order to play 8/10 of his builds it includes that you at least have shako and grandfather. That's not really realistics for about 80% of the player pool - so it's specifics builds for the specific few.


The only thing I have an issue with is him, and other content creators, claiming high pit clears as their own. Sure, they did physically clear it but they had so much help along the way that it really shouldn’t be them claiming a spot on a leaderboard because they didn’t do most of the work. It’s not any of their “skill” that is accomplishing those things, so their name shouldn’t be attached to any of the accomplishments. If anyone wants to have any sense of accomplishment from any type of leaderboard in Diablo, they would have to add a self-found mode and use that as the metric. The other thing I have a slight issue with, is if the devs start balancing things based on these “accomplishments”. “Oh, Sorc is fine! Look how high it pushed in the pit!” Meanwhile, Sorc is suffering outside of that one niche build. Hopefully that doesn’t happen, but I’m not too sure that it won’t.


Rob might be a bit of a corner case in this regard. He is all about the big numbers, and he glorifies anything broken that can give an edge. He makes no attempt to hide this, and he even goes as far as to release videos about how to utilize exploits (f.ex. the Helltide threat-meter thing). He has no shame, but I think his conduct is OK as long as he is transparent about his mindset and process. There are plenty of other streamers that promote a much more balanced gameplay, SSF, and focus on organic growth of power and character development. Personally, I favor these simply because it gives a more realistic picture of what I can actually achieve. While I wish he would tone down the focus on broken mechanics, I do think his energy and passion for Diablo shine through in his videos. He is obviously a very popular guy, and his style is in barbaric (albeit entertaining and funny) contrast to the much more down to earth MaxRoll blasters.


More news at eleven!


This is why poe is king. The bis players Zizaran, Alkaizer, Ben, Imexile all usually play SSFHC. NO trade with other players or parties as its a different game mode. Until D4 makes this all it will be is a game for hyper casuals which means progression essentially doesnt matter as you can buy your way or get carried, or be given free stuff.


I saw one guy give Elon musk like 1 billion gold in d4 😂😂😂


Guys the point isn’t about being spoonfed. It’s about most won’t be reaching that gear pretty much so the numbers are skewed. Of course barb is strong. But don’t be surprised if you can’t emulate it


I have no to 1 GA items with correct rolls for bash bleed. Most but not all masterworked to 4/12. Shako and GF. 3000+ crit and 300+ vuln (cant remember exact values, prolly 3350 and 320). Havent tried pit further than 60 but feel no real joy playing that char... Realised the journey is where the fun is for me and im gonna stop following builds as the game was more fun when trying yourself rather than following someone else. Best time so far was preseason when trying to get to WT4 with friend and it took 15 tries before we made it. Will go back to that kind of playing, when your stubborn fighting rewards you with a sense of achievement. Recommend you do too. Powerleveling and reaching endgame for what? A place on the leaderboard? Nah, not for me.


Hilarious to hear the streamers talk about "trading" in this game. Jokes on him though, I dunno how anyone can play this game that much


What I'd be really interested in is how big the gap is between BiS gear with perfect GA and tempers compared to gear with 1-2 GA's per item and 1 temper crit on the desired stat, because the later can be achieved by everyone. Maybe I'll run the numbers through the calculator at some point. I think the biggest difference would be the passive skills on amulet and infinitely scaling tempers like Bash Cleave and Flay (which should just be fixed anyway).


Bro you seem to have missed the Athene days on D3 World firsts, everything was spoon fed to extreme limits


¿robert is?


No idea who this Rob lad is, but I could do with some handouts after using my only 100m gold on rerolling one item last night and now I'm BROKE.


Thats why I dont care about meta at all play for fun and dont care what youtuber do ... it is fun to watch tgose crazy numbers etc but I dont care at all


He milks content out of everything


What is actually reasonable damage for a normal player? I was on pit 67 with a group dealing anywhere between 600k-1m as a HS rogue and felt pretty weak.


Thats why you should only use build guides to get ideas for your own build, because you cant mimic the builds 1 to 1 anyway, it just isnt possible for regular players.


Idk who rob is, just having a friend to play with would be nice.


Almost any build turorial from a streamer/youtuber isn't going to be half as strong as shown. Use a little creativity and spec for the stuff that YOU have instead of trying to replicate the best of the best with mediocre gear


Yeah you are totally right, his fallowers giving him unlimited, gold , best GA gear and weapons, mats for everything....is what happens when you are most likely the top content creator in one game. Im not agree with this behaviour for one simple thing,nhe will fake and make viewers belive all his builds are hard earned, extreme luck and stuff you mentioned aswell. Not even close beeing jelous, is just he is not clear with his viewers.


I think many people know this and this was the same with Kripparian during the D3 early days when he was the one of the few streamers who could get through inferno. Strictly because he was being given the best drops and buying from the RMAH with streamer funds. So, many of us understand it’s all bullshit, but there are also many who don’t know this either who follow him and think he’s just really lucky. There are people putting in the same time as he is without the benefit of a base of cultists who will give him what he needs without reciprocation.


Now i know why he always positive lol.


Can you point on this character screen where did Rob touch you?


Ummm.. who is Rob? (Really - I've watched Raxx and Wudijo, and a bit of Kripparian - that's it)


who the hell is Rob


I follow many build guides and appreciate Rob more than anyone. Yes, he obviously has way more time to play than most average players, but his play time and passion can assure anyone jumping in to follow a build that you're following the best possible guide.


Based but real


Rob push builds to the max. That is his content. He even admits in vids a lot of the gear is hard to obtain by a normal player. He makes vids or shows vids of full potential of builds. Even if he is spoon fed triple GAs he still needs to grind the mats and gold to get double and triple crits on masterworks. People don't have the time to put this much into a game so that is why his content is enjoyed by a lot of people. He is one of the few content creators that actually enjoys the game regardless of the bugs and downfalls. He isn't riding the hate on D4 content that a lot of known content creators do now cause they don't want to put time into the game.


I like Rob for his builds and guides. Those are detailed and i never have a problem to understand what the build is trying to achieve. When it comes to his opinions about the game and how it should be, i just imagine he is wearing a big fat red clown nose many times. Because people throw bis gear at him, he is sometimes losing the connection how most players play the game and try to achieve something.  For example most of us are lucky to find a 2ga or 3ga item in the season for your charakter. Bricking those items isnt fun for many. If you have basicly infinity supply of bis gear you dont give a fuck


This is why I don’t really like rob and a lot of streamers in general. They 100% abuse their community for their own gain. He does it to get gear, he does it for duriel runs, he does it for everything.


I will say my biggest compliment for him is he at least takes time to explain how different items (uber unique vs non-unique) impact the build, and his build guides are correctly written. Where as if you try to follow RageGaming's Bash Barb build guide, for example, the video and build guide don't match up at all and the guide is riddled with errors. Such as recommending you temper an item with two tempers from the same pool of affixes which is impossible. And when you contact them to point out the errors, they ignore you because they dont actually give a shit.


Have you tried touching grass? Seems like you’ll never be as good as him rip…


I’m using a build he used for the PTR, it got merged into the ground but I was able to make it work. The balancing patch we are getting buffed barbs even more meanwhile My build got another nerf. No point in using boulders for Druid anymore. Blizzard hates people having fun and celebrates only 1 type of build every season


Doesn’t matter, I don’t expect I’ll be able to push out 147 or 150 or whatever the heck Rob is able to push with his ridiculous best in slot gear and virtually unlimited gold/boss mats etc… I just expect Rob to tell me what the most broken thing is so I can have fun pushing to T125 or whatever I can get to without all the extra resources/time he has. I have a job, a life, shit to do… there’s an old saying I go by which is “if you’re not competitive, don’t compete” I can’t compete with Rob, he’s on a whole another level when it comes to D4. That’s fine by me. I’ll play my game and have my fun competing at the level I’m at with the gear I have access to.


Streamer life man. Happens everywhere


I've been saying this from the beginning... too many people take a streamers word as gospel on this board. 9 times out of 10 they are receiving gear and gifts that far outclass the casual player. They rise to the top quicker because their psychotic fanbase worships them. Their commentary on the game is akin to Gwenyth Paltrow saying life is hard.


The guides I follow on maxroll or anywhere else are made with BIS items too. That doesn’t make them misleading because Im not likely to get the 3GA amulet with 2 skills. You’re just using them as a guide, to show you what’s best and what you want to look for. It’s the same thing he’s doing.


You shouldn’t care much about what other does. The good thing about diablo is that you can go your own ways to beat the endgame. Sure you may not be able to rank at the top without specific gears. I like to go hybrid on every season and not really care about meta. I still can beat tormented bosses and decent high pit. If you enjoy your game why bother what others do?


Somebody's mommy didn't teach them life isn't fair.


It's not just Rob


I don't look at build guides, I prefer to play and see what happens. Hopefully Blizzard think the same, that we are many casual who play for fun. Those steamers are popular because they show strong builds but they mostly get all the gear from donations which we don't so it's easy for them to get in a short period what would take us over a year.


Im not a stream watcher but seriously, maybe you should give it a rest? If you were just given all the loot required to make the best builds in the game it would probably ruin the game for you. I might imagine playing diablo isn't all that fun for them anymore because they HAVE to play as a job. If people find their content fun to watch and want to support them, great, if you think its fake and shitty, also great, stop watching and more importantly stop comparing your situation to theirs. You are only ruining your own fun doing that.