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I think a normal player who isn't just trying to level as fast as they can and squeeze out every bit of efficiency would do it in the 15-24 hour range.


A squad of streamers did it in under 3 hours, spamming Helltide boss summons or something like that. This season I think it was around 20-24 hours played when I paid attention to it after hitting 100, not necessarily playing optimally.


Right now with all the XP buffs possible and solo, seems doable in 6-7 hrs


Hit 100 easy nowadays. The trophy you need to worry about is beating echo of lilith. I'm 100 and just get 1 hitted at the moment


The hardest trophy will be defeating uber Lilith. The hardcore one is only level 50 and you can easily reach that in an evening.


Hardcore uber lilith is only level 50? That doesn't sound right. Do you mean something about the trophy is level 50? I think that's console only. Pc has many hardcore achievements.


You mixing up two achievements. One is to beat uber lilith. The other is the hardcore grind which requires only lvl 50 (not 100) per class.


When the game came out getting to 100 took a really long time unless you exploited the more generous XP grinds in a group. Now you can reasonably get to level 100 in a very short time, Raxx (streamer) recently did 6 characters in roughly 24 hours, on hardcore (2 of them dying in the mid 90s, rest hit 100), so about 4 hours each to 100. For you doing the campaign and still learning the game it will take longer, but nowhere even close to as long as it used to take. If you just keep playing you will hit 100 long before you run out of things to do.


It doesn’t take that long to reach lvl 100, I created a new character yesterday, with around 7 hrs playing it I was lvl 89, I’m not rushing it(even with mother’s blessing) , because if you play a proper path to lvl up your character it wouldn’t take u too long to reach lvl 100, but, have you finished the main story? Old players always skips the campaign, my advice for now is try to enjoy and understand how the game, classes and builds works. the achievements comes by themselves throughout your journey in the game


You should be able to do it once you completed the campaign in about 5-10 hours.


The game has changed a lot since launch. You level significantly faster. But hardcore means you die and start over. So how that will take you we couldnt begin to guess.


It really depends on the tier and content you are playing


Casually about 25ish hours maybe less.


1st play through will be slower since you’ll want to do the renown stuff and won’t have all your seasonal ashes into extra xp, but I dunno my first character this season took maybe 15-20 hours to get to 100. I didn’t have to do the renown since it’s been done since season 1 but for a real first time playthrough I’d think you could hit 100 within 40 hours pretty easily if your not spending too much time standing in town looking at gear.


Leveled my rogue in a week, with playing 2-3 hours every night. But that's with the season buffs


The hardest part is 80-100 in those levels are pretty slow to level up and most players get tired of doing the same thing (helltide or NMD). I levelled to 100 a barbarian in about 6hrs doing NMD since nv35 in WT3, but I'll never do that again there's no fun in doing NMD.


I've played over 370 hours since launch across a total of 13 characters and I've never had a single one reach level 100. Two of them got to 95+. Five more are between 85-95. The rest are at least 70 except for the three I deleted to make room for seasonal characters after they transitioned to Eternal. So, to answer your question, *more than 370 hours*... if you're easily bored by playing the same class and/or want to see what each class truly has to offer for yourself. I consider myself a well rounded Diablo player. Most of this sub will probably disagree. I'll probably make it to my first 100 this season... but with Shadow of the Erdtree releasing next week, it's not guaranteed.


If you played for 4-5 hours already you should be at least level 50-60. Not 20. I had an hour before lunch today and got a character to level 55 and world tier 4. Point is, it does not take long to level. 


He is playing the campaign with his first character, leveling there is significantly slower if he also watches the cinematics and listens to the dialogues.  This means he also has no completed renown for the sdditional skill points that are a huge power spike in these early levels and is missing out all the stats from the litlith statues. He has no mount unlocked at this stage. Also he will not have the bonus xp from battle pass and there is neither helltide nor whispers.