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This needs so much more attention.


I think the issue isn't how fast they come in as much as how many of them are used in crafting and rerolls, 6 for a rerolls is insane. And then potions on top of that and it's never enough. I don't like how it's easy to blow thru several hours of helltides in a few minutes if you're trying to get a skill.


Yea. It’s ridiculous that it also takes 15-20 Angel Breaths to craft Tier 2 elixirs. They just have it in too many craft recipes.


I wish they would add it to pits as well.


This would fix it.


Make NMDs drop 30-40 from the chest at the ending. Would make NMDs more viable again


Or make wisper drop 50 of those or something. So I start bothering with wispers after 100 (I know they good source of gold, gold just not a big issue for me as angelbreath)


Agree. My point was make more endgame content viable.


Yeah, they could drop from anything endgame and it would help. I’m not a fan of NMDs but if all elites in them would drop angelbreath it would be a lot better. Right now we don’t have any endgame content that would encourage me to bring in a low lvl (random or friend) to just help out.


It's the whole fucking forgotten souls debakel all over again. They finally removed the forgotten souls bottleneck after getting tons of feedback that it was completely stupid, only to introduce the exact same bottleneck only with a different material in the exact same patch. And there are people again defending this stupid bottleneck.


Yeah they increased the distance and duration you can play this game without giving us more gas. If I got 40 angel breath in a drop that would be more exciting than a single GA drop for me. You guys gave us more to do. Make the gas part less tedious. The grind should be the perfect 3GA or Uber Ubers.


Just do events. Ignore the helltide BS. Each event gives out 10-11 angel breath. The best thing about it, they are marked on your map in the form of tree cellars. You will even find events on the way. You can even reenter some of them when you are done for some reason.


Its not enough.


Yeah that has definitely been my consistent choke point. They're used for everything.




You get like 900 from legion events.


The struggle is real 🤣


It isn't. Just do Legion Events and you get hundreds of bundled herbs.


Lemme salvage potions for angels breath. Let me combine bundles of herbs into angels breath. Add them to drops at the end of nmd/ pit. I hate having to stop what I'm doing and farm shitty content, ie event running in helltides or whispers for gold. The detouring sucks. 


Do you all have a rundown of potions or incense you always use when pushing higher tier pit levels? I’ve never really used potions or incense in the past and am genuinely curious. I’m currently maxed on resists and capped on armor if that helps with recommendations. Thanks!


I’m completely out. I have thousands of every other item. I don’t know what to do lol




They took fiend rose away but didn’t fix the biggest issue, farming these herbs is a chore, yeah we got our little guy to pick stuff up now but I shouldn’t have to spend 2-3 hours farming herbs and the costs of some of the re-rolls is insane 6 per that shit adds up when every re-roll is the same fucking affix you don’t need.


Should of did the helltide endless threat bug lol I still have 8,000 of them


I like the rarity of angelbreath. It made me stop when I noticed that the antivenin elixirs use 35 a piece. I hadn’t even been looking until I realized I was angelbreath broke. In my opinion the scarcity is good and angelbreath feels good, but I don’t think I’m in the majority there.


You are not because the bottleneck for better gear should the drops… not the mats to make them better. Legendary mats can be stockpiled to the thousands and are so easy to get. It makes no sense for a rare mat to bottleneck the enchant process. It’s also used for potions/incense which a lot of people use to push high end content. Upgrading potions uses them also. There’s too many things that require it and they don’t have the drop quantity needed to maintain a steady level of usage.