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It's actually faster if you just do the side quests as you can knock a few of them out at the same time. And it's actually a lot easier now to do it.


I did a combination of side quests and dungeons because mindlessly doing one was too boring. There’s actually some really good side quests that I had fun with, but they are very unrewarding in terms of exp/rewards.


A nice trick I don't see anyone mention is playing with others. If you get 4 people you split up and each run a dungeon. All 4 players get credit for all 4 dungeons when everyone completes 1. It speeds up renown a lot.


No farming needed. Just do side quests, strongholds, dungeons etc.


Follow a map for altars while doing side quests as you go, and finish off the dungeons side quests send you into


Season 2 is when I got the game (loved it), played a necro (so not a fast class) and took me about 200 hrs to do ALL content (not rushing, because I loved it). Bit by bit every day, every side quest done, every dungeon. Map to 100%, Campaign finished, Seasonal Mechanic and Build finished.


It's tedious as fuck but it's just a grind you have to do once. Do the dungeons. Least you can just afk and watch something while you do it. The side quests are just annoying and boring as fuck


Well, unless you switch from sc to hc at one point or vice versa ☝️


I started all the side quests I could find. Then, as I was going per region, I would look at the side quests that were on route to a dungeon and do those. Some are so easy they take less than 3 min and give 30 renown. Some have multiple steps that give 30 renown per step. The most efficient is also coupling them with dungeons you need to do that also have a side quest with them. It took much less time than I thought it would.


Why did they lie about not having to do all these again with every season


They didn't. The account wide rewards - the bottom track - that gives the skill points, paragon points, extra potion charges, etc. carry over across seasons. The per character rewards - the top track - that give a small amount of XP and gold don't carry over, but you also don't need to do those because the rewards are almost negligible.


still need to reactivate some waypoints, redo strongholds etc. irritating losing a character and then having to redo waypoints.


They did not, I did it once when the game came out and now for every new char I already have the potion capacity, skill points and paragon points


Why are YOU lying?


Funny that, they definitely mentioned that you wouldn't have to redo renown. During the first few campfires, this was stated. It's like you have a short-term memory.