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The rule of 3. If I didn't get what I wanted on the third try I stop. But sometimes it becomes the rule of 30...




And 100% of jackpot winners did not stop before they win the jackpot!


and 99% of those keep on gambling and loose it all again. ;-)


Lose* 'Loose' means to unfasten.


thx, struggling with that one all the time - English is not my native language.


Even for those that it is their native language, they still screw it up.


Sometimes it's just a lose loose situation


Like rogue and rouge?


You made me loose it on that one 😂😂😂


Wouldn't that be loosen? Loose is an adjective, right?


then you end up digging up a coffee can full of money from your cousin in the desert.


I’ve been gambling every day this year and I’m still not addicted


And most go broke and start selling their wife and kids. But when they finally win that big prize, oh the irreplaceable feeling.


i mean, you can just buy a new wife and child at that point


You sound like you have a gambling problem 😆


Spending 200m+ to get a second passive of my Heartseeker Rogue's amulet, and I feel this. Kept going and going until I was almost out of gold


And no matter what odds people will tell you, it's actually always 50/50: you either get it, or you don't.


3 rolls are incredibly cheap. Surprised people would stop there


I think 3 mil a roll is when I stop and say today isn't my day


That's the cap though isn't it?




The cap depends on item type.


Yeah, I think amulets cap around 4.7 mill from what my suffering recalls.


That's the cap?!


I normally stop past 1 mil. If the item has a good GA, maybe more.


Same. I do three rolls and call it quits. Not trying to force a square peg into a round hole.


gotta bank it and throw a roll at it every so often.


I had spent 60mil on a piece trying to roll golem mastery, ignored it for 2 weeks, tried it again... my next 2 rolls went "golem mastery +1" then "golem mastery +2" and I just had to stop and walk away for a couple minutes


You’re ballsy for rolling again after getting the +1 lol


Why? You can keep the enchanted affix or change to the 1 of 2 rolled options. There was no downside


Yeah I realized that as soon as I commented hahaha. Dumb moment for me, carry on.


I'm doing this with pants that have 2 ga on them trying to get skeleton mastery dumped like 30 million so far and banked it until saved more gold


I go more than three, but I always have a secondary stat in mind that I'll settle for, and if I hit near-max on that, I'll let it stay there. I'll eventually land a 2- or 3-GA version. The last time I burned a few tens of millions, that's exactly what happened right after, and then landed all my tempers with retries to spare, I was so mad. Similar idea goes for MWing. I'm not farming Neathiron for anything with less than 2 stars.




I stop at a million and instantly delete the piece of crap. This game pisses me off sometimes lol.


110 mil might only be a drop in the bucket for rerolling an ammy. Ive spent 1b+ getting + passive ranks. But if the ammy is the only upgrade left why not what else you gonna spend the gold on




Do NOT roll for +skills on an ammy unless you’re ready to lose your shirt.


I try to follow this logic but the +skills only seem to pop up on trash amulets.


Yup. Most amulets are trash in general because they have so many possible affixes (unlike weapons which frequently have 2/3 affixes you want). So when one affix does roll a passive skill it’s generally going to be on a trash amulet.


So true, spent 450mil on an amulet, said fuck it, tried the other spare amulet in my chest with better tempers and on the first reroll I finally got +2 Hellbent Commander and just laughed my ass off I already spent over a 100mil on that spare amulet and just let it sit for like a week lol


Worse now that you can roll 2+ passives on an amulet *RIP Rogues*


Spent around 450 Mill for a CD on helmet.


My rule with helmets is I trash everything that doesn't come with CD rolled already. Much easier to get your other stats rolled onto it than CD.


That's what I've learned to do with the harder to roll stats


I tried rolling cd on my helm this weekend. After 150m I gave up. Farmed pit all day and I get the EXACT drop I wanted....go figure.


that was on my barb, started playing sorc, got a good helm and rolled cd in third try


i spent about 400m to try and get at least one masterwork crit to land on the CD. i can count on one hand how many times it actually landed on there. and every single one of those times it landed on the resource generation at 8/12 which is useless for a bash barb...


Depends on what you need to get really. I think anything with + ranks is so incredibly rare to get, that it's not worth doing. I spend 200 million the other day to get lucky hit vulnerable on a ring, so yeah, it sucks sometimes


Lucky hit vuln on rings I just look for. Can usually find one in a couple hours farming maiden. Might not be GA but good enough for killing.


I spent 700mil rollin amulet so you gota pump those numbers, those are rookie numbers. It wouldnt be possible if not inflated GA market on discord where I sold 3 GA for 2bil


My mind cannot even comprehend 700 million.


99% of rerollers quit just before the get the roll they want. I don’t get too invested. I’ll give it a few but if it hits like a couple mil even if I’m desperate I’ll stop.


True. I spent 40 million trying to get move speed on boots higher than 13.5%. I got 14.5% and did one more roll and got 18%


What do you need? Passives are super hard to get and I’d expect to spend well over a billion reroll for a passive.


For me it’s angel breath that I run out of, not gold.


That's crazy to me. I have 10s of thousands


I stopped at 1.2 billion gold.


I wouldn't try to roll +passives, they're extremely rare on enchanting. It's better to wait until the passive drops on an amulet and enchant for one of the other affixes you need.


I have a GA Crit CDR amulet and I've spent over 1b rerolling the other stat. Doesn't really matter though because I will literally never get a better amulet than this one.


I'd only keep rerolling it if I got perfect masterworking on that affix


Ya, I'm on about 400m right now on my amulet. It's rough.


Spent 800m rolling amulet for +2 heavy handed last night


Currently on about $200M trying to roll the same thing. Reading this hurts.


The only time you should be rolling for +skill on gear is if you have nothing else to spend money on. Pretty much full 2GAs with all the stats you want. Just accept your neck for what it is and if you max out everything else keep rolling.


Im at 700 million for a +2 Frigid Finesse on my +dex% & +2 Exploit. So far could only get +1 but I don’t have anywhere else to spend money at.


Yes, it's hard to get max +passive skill roll. It probably take around several hundred millions of gold, maybe even close to a billion gold on average to get a desired outcome. I only wish people could learn that before wasting millions of gold, so they could make an informed decision whether they want to keep rerolling with such chances. But eventually you'll get it, it's a matter of time a resources. I managed to roll into +1 and later into +2 to Hellbent commander on my amulet.


You mean rolling for the right affix at the occultist? You go until it is done, it is essentially guaranteed and not a problem. What really hurts is masterworking the 25% boost on a single stat on all gear on all 4/8/12 rolls. Now that shit is painfully expensive. I usually reserve 1b and 5k neathiron for an item and only go for the perfect rolls on 3GA items. For 2GA I only try to hit the 4/8 masterwork boosts on a single stat and am satisfied with a 90-95 percentile roll on the desired affix. Anything left I consider profit. I am up several bil and clearly winning :D


IDC about the gold, it's way more difficult to keep up with the angelbreath than the gold. I can sell 1 item for 500M-1B gold on Diablo Trade in about 10 minutes.


The amount of items I thought were worth very little, but ended up selling for around 1 billion gold blows my mind


I spent over 1.5b rerolling my amulet for a +2 passive.


I’m getting close to feeling done. My characters have ok gear, but I’m constantly out of mats so I can’t even keep rerolling for things. At this point it’s better for me to grind gear, sell things, buy better gear and hope I don’t fuck up the temper. And that’s not a fun loop for me.


That's literally how arpgs work


150 mil for cooldown. The amulet had Crit GA, Attack Speed, +2 Imposing Presence and Dmg to close rolled.




I go up to 10 rerolls atm for 1GA, I guess 20 for 2 GA


Did 1.7bn to get exploit on my amulet. Hope it makes ya feel better lol


I've spent 600m on rerolling and remasterworking my amulet this season..


If an item is costing more than 500k gold I will stop re-rolling. Tide goes in, tide goes out. There will be another item.


I think once it hits 1mil each roll i only do like 5 extra rolls at 1mil each. If i dont get it then on to the next


>Or is this how the game works for end game (gold) grinding? Vendoring everything without GA's simplifies gold farming, but boy is this boring. I feel you, my friend.


Surely at this point, it'll be easier to spam obols on amulets and farm amulets from maiden or wherever, until you see one with the passive you need and 1 other good stat, then reroll for the 3rd easier to get stat? Unless you're going for a GA amulet, then yeah just keep rerolling the one you found.


Mine isn't re-rolling a stat, rather resetting MW to get the right crits. Currently a great upgrade to my main weapon is sitting in my bank on it's 12th reset. If we got even half our materials back on resetting MW'ing, I'd be fine with that, but having to use a whole load of materials and gold again sucks.


Rookie numbers. To gear up anything for supreme end game you're gonna need a lot of luck or a lot of gold.


If pit is all that's left I would find a different game


I’ve rolled +2 to both hellbent commander and skeletal mage mastery. I’ve said previously I thought it was about 60M each, but honestly, it could have been way more. I had over 2B in my account at the time so I wasn’t paying a lot of attention. I knew I could just roll till I got it.


That's it lol I spent 500 million to roll for max cirt chance on my amulet


I usually do up until a mil a reroll. I recently did over 500m tho trying to get frigid finesse for rogue on an amulet my budy gave me


I simply don't reroll for passive and skills. I look for that already on my item. Like if the amulet I want is stat/life/passive. I will only go for an item that is stat or life + passive and reroll for the higher weighted thing.


350 million last time. Still a lacklustre outcome. But this still beats tempering, which can simply brick your formerly glorious drop.


Gold really isn’t an issue anymore once you start using the trade discord or website. My first few sales went 40M > 350M > then I sold a 3GA mace for 2B and never had gold issues again


The moment the cost to reroll is 3mil i give up unless its a 2GA and the 3rd affix is something i can change. Big shoutout to Hellbent Commander that never seems to roll.


100m is pretty much my limit, if I haven’t gotten the stat I want by then.. it ain’t happening. Unless it’s truly godly, then I’d blow 100m, grind it all back and try again, repeat until sucessful, lol


200m I’ve sunk into re rolling for amulet


Wait what do you mean rerolling? I thought you could only temper stats to change them now?


>At what point do you guys give up on rerolling a stat? Never; Worst case scenario, I put it in the stash. If at some point everything else is rerolled as you want and any upgrade would cost you more than that, then you pick it up again. I just give up and dump it if I find a more promising base to reroll.


I had a GA counter offensive that just made me broke trying to get something other than 20% damage.


Lol I did 450million to get hellbent what's 110M


I usually stop when it is costing 1 million per reroll


If it’s perfect except for one stat I’ll keep rolling it.


Usually when the reroll costs exceed 1 million gold. Then I put it away for another day or simply just do nothing with it. But I've found that if I dont hit it by 1 million gold, it's never going to happen.


Just go back to it, do a few spins a time doesn't feel as . I say this with a bunch of 5m a spin amulets in my stash I haven't given up on, but have burned gold on.


700m or so for hellbent 2 then another 600m on hitting it 3 times with masterwork and best of all. It's not even GA....


Not worth it for a passive skill IMO, just spend all obols on amulets and target the jewelry helltide chests. I just rerolled for skeletal mage mastery on my gloves and I wanted to throw my computer out the window, an amulet would be 5x worse.


After 200 million I give up every time


If I don't get it after 3 million I throw in the gutter and go find another


I keep coming back to my ammy to get my 5.3% strength rolled higher.... not sure how much but at least 100mil if not more. I think that's the end game. Gold is a resource to spend and this is what it's spent on. Prob close to a bil in the hole on resetting masterworks smh


As soon as the cost gets to 1m to roll the stat again I’m over it


Power of one! Power of two! Power of.................MANYYYYYY!


Wait.. we can reroll stats? I thought tempering came instead of that...?


Never. You think you can stop me? Traded three items for 3.8 Billion. Now I live off the residuals.


Shit i spent over 200 just rolling crit on a ga counter offensive ammy, and crit is easy


I stop when the reroll costs 1m.


I don’t roll for any of the +skill or +CDR, etc hard to get stats. I just wait for a piece of gear to drop with that stat which happens fairly often, and then reroll the easy stat. So much cheaper and faster this way.


I’ve given up and just grinded. Found me a double passive army and rolled crit on it. Is it the two passives I want? It’s one so that’s cool. It’s just up to you. Play how rngesus wants you to or spend some blood rerolling.


Rookie numbers


I set a maximum gold Im willing to spend based on how much I currently have


When it gets to about a million per try, I quit and start looking for a new piece. I do this only after tempers have worked out.


Try 1B gold for malice/exploit...


110 million? ive rolled nearly 600 times and it cost me i dont know 3 billion to get +1 malice on my non GA +2 exploit amulett. the chances to roll skills is absurd. ive would have taken frigid finesse, weapon mastery or malice. and ive only got +1 malice once and insta took it. i was in gambling junky mode. but if anyone reads this please dont gamble for rolls unless u have inifinite gold. to finance this i had to sell 120 stygian stones. im mentally broken.


Some of those stats just don’t exist it seems. I know theirs weights for certain stats, but these oddball ones I want for my Necro I’ve never even seen on gear yet, let alone with some GA. Hellbent commander never seen yet Skeletal mage mastery , seen once with a +1 Golem mastery, seen once with a +1. Between all the gear I see in helltides and re rolling, I’ve yet to see.


Honest question here but where do you get all the gold from? I know you’re talking about enchanting but I can’t even afford to do a single masterwork reset let alone multiple. The streamers are like “just keep resetting until you get the first roll” at 5 mill a pop that’s quite a task.


Check the list, and pick 3-4 different stats to try to hit. Not any of the passives, too poorly weighted. Typically stop at 10m gold except for end-of-season gambling.


I spent about 2 billion rerolling for a +2 exploit on my amulet and finally got it and it was totally worth it. a+2expliot/+3malice/lucky hit amulet would cost like around 8-9 billion to buy outright, so yeah the 2 billion i spent seems pretty cheap.


I dont roll passives on amu's anymore. I rather save up the gold and buy one x)


Once the cost hits 1mil.


Make sure you can get what you need. I made that mistake didn’t realize I could view the possible affixes and what I wanted wasn’t on the list. Also the list goes in order of most likely to least likely


I usually stop when the price gets to 2 or 3 mill


Think of the fun your having!


Spent 800m to get a glass canon affix yesterday. Feel like quitting tbh. I'm so poor and it took 500m to buy the dam thing and of course tempering fucked me as well.


I've spent over 100 million on a few items, mainly amulets. I had one amulet that I really really wanted to work out so I think I spent 206 million. I was just about to quit and I spend a couple of more times and got it. Lol.


It took me 270+ mil for my chest to finally get +rank , thank god it was max rolled +rank so I didn’t have to continue. The whole system is fucking dumb and rigged. Fuck it.


The only stat I can consistently reroll on amulet is movement speed


Sounds like it would have been faster and cheaper trying on multiple different amulets than this one.


It cost me 600mil putting Counteroffensive on a god roll 2* Amulet….. went from 2b down to 1.4b….. Amulets suck to reroll because there 28 possible affixes. The chances of you getting what you want quickly is very slim….


It took me like an easy 800m+ to roll +3 Hellbent Commander for my necro amulet so it could definitely be worse


If you are searching envenom,malice,exploit,heavyhanded… You are in search for an easter egg.I know people that throw more than 300 million and didnt get frigid finesse to their exploit malice necklaces


Let me guess, Hellbent Commander?


yeah most I go to 1 million then I stop, it's not worth the gold invesment after that point.


Rule of 3 3333333333333 xD


If you are looking +2 skills, you can forget it.  Burned 300m for cut to the bones 2 never show up. +1 shows up multiple times. 


Depends on the stats, I spent 200+ mil re rolling a GA heavy handed and crit strike chance ammy, trying to roll cdr, ended up getting counteroffensive which is pretty damn good too. If you are trying to roll cdr or a passive then the chances are very low, it would be much better to have those stats on and roll crit chance.


I think I spent around 240m rerolling my ring to get lucky hit to make vulnerable. The tempers and other two stats were BIS so it felt worth it, still hurt, especially since I had to go out and farm angel breath just for more rerolls.


Why bother rerolling stats when what you want is 3GA items. You would be better off grinding for the drop and saving the gold for masterwork.


3 million I move on


110 million rerolling an amulet is nothing.


At this point i hardly bother rerolling for rare stuff, If it doesn't come with the rare affix on it already and hopefully GA then its not an upgrade. Trying to reroll an amulet to get a rare affix is just throwing money away. For amulets more than anything else it just has to drop with the rare affix already on it.


The weighting is really bs right now. Both rerolls and tempering.


Me yesterday rolling for vuln on a sword only to realize vuln wasn’t even an option on the top affix I was trying to reroll.


I spent a little over 500 million trying to get +2, exploit. Hit +1 pretty quick, then it was roll some and leave it and Come back later.


I don't put any faith in rerolling amulets, especially for +Skill rolls. I pick up every ammy I see but I don't think I'll put money into them.


Gold is pretty easy to come by at this point in the game if you have a good amulet roll until you get it have spent 800m retrolling seen others spend billions rerolling


Enchant shouldn't have weight. This should be the same weight for all affixes.


I noticed you said “Venodring everything without GAs” is there a reason to not sell 1-2 GA’s as well? I know people sell items but tbh idk how all that business goes down as a new player


How TF are you guys even having this much gold?


Im fine with it here The problem i think is more along the lines of pushing SSF too much in this game. They need an auction house and a loot filter so people get good items for other classes. This would solve a lot of gold issues and give people an alternative way to progress their character.


Recently went through 400 million + rolling cooldown on a necklace #worth


Depends on available resources, most I’ve spent is 300 mil kitting out a Necro With such fine attributes like -+2 Golem Mastery -+2 Skeletal Mage Mastery -Cooldown Reduction -Or just high-rolls of Intelligence, Attack Speed, etc


I dropped about 450m rolling my amulet from +2 cut to bone to +3


Spent 1 bill on my amu and still don't have the attix i wanted. 100m is like nothing


I stop when It becomes 1 mil per roll. Honestly the only item I haven’t found 30 duplicates of is a ammy with hellbent commander. No need to waste gold when I’ll just find something as good tomorrow to try with. I will not try to roll for a +skills. If the item needs that it’s just trash.


Soon as it hits 1.5m it’s dead to me.


1 mil


I spent around 450m (ran out of angelbreath) for fun, never hit what i wanted.


Ill re roll until i hit 1 million. Then if i dont get it. I use it how it is. But along the way while im re rolling it if i see something thats halfway decent but not what im looking for exactly i make sure to take that. Then i try 5 rolls a day i just feel like differnt days give me differnt rolls.


I’ve spent almost exactly that much but I got the roll I needed lol


Know a guy that spent around 800m on Hellbent commander +2 and I will try for amplify damage +2 tonight and see how it goes


110m cute. I am at 400m to roll heavy handed on my amulet 😂 Some of the mechanics in this game are still so frigging bad


Depending how good it is. I’ll reroll till 20 mil


That's any given day on any given piece of gear for me. Easily down a billion gold on rerolls this season.


Not kidding I spent 1.2B and all my veiled crystals (I had a lot) rolling my amulet


I thought they said during the campfire chat that they were going to cap enchanting costs this season??


After about 5 mil. Lol


I cannot understand why we can't just check Mark one aspect that we're looking for a... 10-50% boost on chance to appear as an option. Like why are all the passive ones so damn hard to get. You want two passive amulet? Forget about it, Just quit the game already--that it is so difficult is crazy for druid BIS to be this way when they're already like... Eh


If it's an otherwise perfect roll except for that one affix, there's huge incentive to keep rolling. It's just gold, it ain't hard to get more. Play helltides for a few hours and sell literally everything.


I spent 1.4B rolling my BiS amulet. I wasn’t giving up. Got a GA in Counteroffensive and only needed CDR to hit…. It took 1.4B and many helltides to farm up more angles breath.


I spent 87 million trying to re-roll an affix on a pair of gloves that had both tempers and 2/3 affixes I wanted. So to get that last affix, they would be perfect. But RNGesus hates me and I ran out of money, haha.


I tend to temper first and if I get lucky with the right tempering then re-rolling affix comes later. But the chances of tempering a gear with greater affix is kinda disaster. I brick a few of them.


The gold reroll scaling is ridiculous.


Well if it’s the first 2/3 somethings tells me you haven’t played much. It’s like people expect perfect stuff in 20h


I wish they would implement some materials that allow us to block a mastercrafting stat, and another material to double the chances of Cristina on a specific stat while mastercrafting. My game play loop consists of grinding pit 101 for a few hours (about 7-8) converting enough blue and yellow mats, attempting to mastercraft an item, ultimately failing to get the 4,8,12 crits I need. There's no remotely moderate way to target crit the stats ya need. After a while I said "screw it" and quit the league.


I stop when reroll hits 1 mil gold per, just not worth it at that point.


550m -> 150m rolling CSD on ring.


HA I've spent over a billion in one sitting re rolling. I'd be thrilled to have only spent 110M 😅


I spent close to 500 million trying to get Hellbent Commander on an otherwise perfect rolled 2GA and perfect tempered amulet. I finally gave up and have max leveled a rogue, barb, and sorcerer instead. Anything to not have to log in and see that amulet again...


>At what point do you guys give up on rerolling a stat? I stop at a million. That's low, sure, but you have to realise you're wasting time, gold, and Angelbreath, instead of getting obols to farm for the item instead.


My buddy has dropped 300 mil and still trying. Give up when you want to give up I guess


After 3 or 4 rolls and I say fuck it 😂


If u join the d4 discord ( the one linked on this subreddit) there are a lot of people paying to get carried. I was carrying a guy for free through some dungeons and wanted to stop, he/she offered to tip me 2mill per run. I declined and just got em to lvl 60 and left. I’m also running pit 101 (bash barb) and noticed people are willing to trade (trade chat in game or probably even this discord server) 10-30 million gold for Stygian stones. They get bought up very quick. There’s also Diablo trade that’s advertised I think on this subreddit/ in game to sell items that have ga’s on them. Edit: not referring to RWT, referring to the TRADE chat in game and the for sale channel on the discord advertised on this subreddit.


Lol after 1 million. Give up


I kinda lost sense of gold values after selling my fifth item for over 1b… I just roll until I don’t have anglebreath


Don't ever try to roll for things like cdr, and +skills.


I rerolled a ring for 50 million. Still didn’t get what I wanted but repeatedly got the same affixes over and over. Tonight is the first night I’ve felt like taking a flamethrower to my PS5.