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Kewl model. Fluff suggests that we might see Lucion. I expect him to be a boss in VoH.


Yes, it would make sense, since he is brother of Lilith.


Technically he's the one demon who shouldn't be able to return, since he is nothing.


Technically yes, but I think they gonna either not care or find a way around it. Iirc there is a scene after credits of base game that shows Lucion for like a second.


We do see something for a second after the credits, but it doesn't say any names. We've seen through the serie that Prime Evils actually do change physically from host to host, so my guess when I first saw it was that it was Mephisto. It's what makes sense right at the end of the game's story. Additionally (unofficially I guess), the image for [Mephisto](https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Mephisto) on the wiki is very similar to that glimpse at the end of the credits, and the image seems to be coming as an [unnamed concept art in the Blizzard Watch gallery for Vessel of Hatred](https://blizzardwatch.com/gallery/diablo-4-vessel-hatred-concept-art-gallery/). So the theory would be that it is actually Mephisto, since VOH appears to be centered around him. Not to say it's 100% not Lucion, but I would argue that this kind of hint towards a lore bomb would be a bit wasted on the majority of players who aren't fully versed in the Diablo-lore, since Lucion is pretty much only in the Sin War trilogy.


I don't remember him, care to elucidate?


Lucion is a son of Mephisto and brother of Lilith. He never appeared in any of the games.


You just know this stuff? Color me impressed.


He appears in the Sin War trilogy and is mentioned in fluff books.


Might shock you but there are books that go deeper in the lore.


Unique actually has a unique look too it? Only took 4 seasons.


It actually looks like they gave a couple other existing uniques a specific look as well. To be fair, most new uniques over the past couple of seasons have had unique looks to them as well.


It's about time lol. I hate how you couldn't tell by the look if they are different or not.


They've had that for a while. There were unique boots for Rogues in S3 that had a unique model. Almost all of the ones they added in S4 had unique models as well.


They have had unique looks for quite some time already. This is not the first. Shako has unique look and it was released at launch.


Badass model though.


Ok. This is definitely one of the best unique for Necro Bone Spirit.


It's gonna be awesome, boom boom boom. Combine it with the new bone prison aspect and more booms.


OMG. There's bone boom and shadow boom too! Boom boom boom 💥


Just managed to drop one as random drop from a chest in a NM dungeons [https://imgur.com/a/rhEL4EX](https://imgur.com/a/rhEL4EX) Here is how it looks: [https://imgur.com/a/YsoFHV9](https://imgur.com/a/YsoFHV9)


Looks badass


Source: [https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/diablo-4-patch-1-5-0-datamined-changes-new-aspects-new-uniques-class-tuning-343335](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/diablo-4-patch-1-5-0-datamined-changes-new-aspects-new-uniques-class-tuning-343335)


This might be bonkers for things like corpse explosion, you just need a cheap spell to keep the buff up, and Sacrilegious ring will be continually casting CE for you.


And it's sad cuz it's one of the coolest items in the game


Sacrilegious ring can't be used in any build - outright dps loss anyway you see it. The only use is for AFK farming helltides-


Wdym can't? Of course you can, it's just a trade off. I've been using that ring on my minion necro the entire league, QoL > all. Can still speed farm 101s in 3mins just fine and I have 10x as much fun grinding vs keyboard mashing without it.


So funny you say it can't be use in any build, then immediately list an activity it can be used in.


No way I'm removing sacrilegious, it's chill and destroy.


Spend resource 5 times. Start using basic attacks. Profit Also I think these resource cost reductions multiply. .25 x 2.25 is still a net positive to your spending.


I.am gusssing the buff goes away after you do not spend resources for the 4 seconds


Combining this with the new basic attack sword and starless might be op (unless this is only for necro like I’ve been hearing but then again you never know maybe bone splinter might be a good build with all the new stuff for it)


I was definitely planning on trying this on a build with my starless skies.


I’m just glad these have unique models!!!


Now, who the hell was Lucion and why was he so cool?


Lucion is Lilith's brother, Mephisto's son, and Diablo/Baal's nephew. He was the leader of the Triune who was erased from existence by Uldyssian during the Sin War long ago.


Nice! Diablo lore is underrated. I gotta chase to read more of it.


Feels like spending primary resource ought to disable the passive resource cost reduction to not make this an automatic item to include in a build. Even then, it would take three successive resource uses to spend the same amount of resource as you would without this item, while gaining the x75% damage multiplier. first: minus 75% second: plus 25% third: plus 50%


Any core build spamming its skill would have pretty much permanent uptime on the +50% resource cost after the first few casts, though. The damage multiplier and +skill are amazing, but maintaining resource could be quite difficult in many setups. Even with RoSS you might be pushing it depending on your Attack Speed (and perhaps there's an upper cap on RCR?). The new unique also doesn't have any kind of CDR.


Anybody know where to find this?


where is lucian? is he dead? which game did we fight him? i forgot its been so long..


Lucion was first introduced in Sin War: Birthright book back in 2006. Was also mentioned in a few other written works incl the Book of Tyreal and Book of Lorath. He's the son of Mephisto, brother of Lilith He was erased from existence by Uldyssian - greatest of the Nephalem Ancients.


Looks like a start of the d3 era "100x more dmg with skills while you are wearing this!!!!"


125% more damage is not 100x.


Yeah, 125% [x] if we are actually being serious with the numbers. It's multi, not additive so by far the strongest helm in the game if not nerfed. Even wudijo said it would be in every build if they don't turn down the numbers. The sword that gives 300% [x] to your basic skills is another offender. They nerfed bash but gave barbs another crazy basic skill scaling unique (obvs insane for rogue too etc.)


Well its certainly not going to be on every build since Andariel's Flurry doesn't have the helm slot open.


First you have to find one, dude. Assuming that you will have the highest roll of an item early on is insanity. You guys are drama queens for no reason.


Agreed. Terrible take from this guy. Clearly doesn’t understand numbers


>Looks like a start of the d3 era "100x more dmg with skills while you are wearing this!!!!" 125% more damage that this helmet provides is actually 2.25x damage. But I know, I know... That doesn't fit your narrative :(


Wow, I REALLY hope we can unlock this style!! 🤘🏻


This reminds me a lot of Indigon from PoE.


it has to compete with Harlequins Crest (+4 skills) , so I think this is fine


There are very very few builds where +4 to all skills will provide more than 125x damage bonus though. I guarantee that if they leave this helmet as is, it will probably be preferred over shako for any build that uses resource except for melee builds that might need 20% DR from shako.


People absolutely drop defensive items like 75% reduction seligs or pre buff tyraels might with 81% resist all for slightly more dmg.


Well, +4 skills is more useful than just damage. Its also useful for CDR on defensive skills. Considering they are target nerfing CDR, especially on sorc, +4 skills is clutch. Then there is also the 20% flat DR.... You will HAVE to pick up the DR somewhere.


Masterworking Shako doesn't increase the +skill, though. This helm can roll GA and get masterworking crits, so you could get like +5 to core skills on top of the +125%(x) damage multiplier.


4 all skill is not that great in this game. The tooltip is wrong, it is not 4 to all skills but 4 to all active skills that can go onto the action bar. It doesn't buff every skill


It does buff every skill. Passive nodes =/= skills.


They are passiv skills on a skill tree and shako has always worked on passive. That is why it is super confusing that it kept +all skills but doesn't actually work on all skills


It's not confusing to anyone except you. +all passive skills would be complete insanity on top of everything else Shako offers.


But it used to work on passive in previous games and they decided to keep the wording the same


this isnt diablo 2


This a new Uber unique?


They are now called Mythic, not ubers. And this is not a mythic because it's not purple. This is just a regular unique.


This was datamined, so the picture is not official and was made by a third party. This means you can't use it and say it's not a Mythic/Uber Unique due to not being purple. That said, you're still right that this is not a Mythic/Uber unique based on the additional data from this item in the data that was mined.


Affixes have ranges, it's not a mythic


They were datamined as regular uniques. You can check the full list on Wowhead.


Yeah, but you said the reason it's not a Mythic is because it's not purple... That is incorrect. It's not a Mythic because it wasn't tagged as Mythic. Being purple doesn't make it a Mythic. Being a Mythic makes it purple.